Chapter 1921: Lion Camel Ceremony-Drilling Wind Festival

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"" Impression. Lion Camel "grand opening ceremony, now ...
When Li Mo, with a white elephant and Dapeng, hurried from the background. The Lion Camel Ceremony has officially started for a little while. As the chief director, Branchi is holding the magic weapon for nine days and overlooks 800 miles of Lion Camel Ridge. To organize the event.
The mountains and clouds near the main peak of Shituoling are also filled with tourists who come to observe the ceremony. Those prime locations with the best perspectives are occupied by the bigwigs in Tianting and Lingshan. In addition, heavyweight guests such as Yuanzi in the ancestral town of Dixian, the magistrate in the Difu, Yan Luo, etc. were also sent to avatar to join in the fun.
However, these big-names arrogantly identified themselves, and although they watched the scene, they concealed their form. Therefore, mortals raised their eyes to see the sky. But if you open your eyes and look at it, it is immortal light and Buddha light, but it is a pity that you still can't see who is behind the light.
In addition to the big locals, many of Hittarheim ’s tourists also heard the wind. Some disciples of the 'inheritance camp' with background are purely new. Watching the fun is the commonality of intelligent creatures in the entire universe. However, there are a number of goblins similar to those from Lijiao, as well as individual tourists who came to the world to seize the idea of ​​stealing teachers and malicious plagiarism.
Your ‘Journey to the Universe ’s first super-large reality show’ stage is so beautiful, but it ’s nowhere to be awarded the ‘Lion Camel Ridge’. Acting in such a high-profile manner, and teaching people to fish later today, you will lose all the areas of the world except `` Lion Camel Ridge ''.

When Li Mo came to the home court and drove Xiangyun to the sky, the grand opening of the 140,000 little demon in red and green holding colorful flags, waving flags and shouting gongs and drums was over.
He hides his body, enters the melon-eating mode, and then connects to the 'God of Knowledge Exchange Platform' temporarily established by the 'Shimo Ridge Official'.
At this moment, many local gods and Buddhas have learned to be
and master the skills of speaking and communicating on the platform. Through the use of word-making and grammatical habits, the difference between the two universes can be clearly distinguished.
Because of anonymity, there is no pressure on both sides, and communication is active. It can be seen from the previous message that the opening ceremony of the chipmunk was good. It is said that the gongs and drums are flying with colorful flags, 140,000 little demon cheering, and the atmosphere is festive and lively, which shocked the Three Realms.
And the current performance is ... The theme song of the lion camel ceremonies of the Little Diamond Style Chorus: "Lion Camel Welcomes You".
Because of the use of Hitaheim ’s unique ‘Soul BGM Boulevard’, the effect is very sensational. Not to mention that the aborigines of the Journey to the West have never experienced it. Even the tourists from Hitaheim are unheard of.
Nowadays, 'Boul Soul BGM Avenue' is only popular in the abyss area, and it will take some time to brew if you want to burn the crystal wall system. Blanche used the "soul BGM technology" in the opening theme song, and the other purpose was to take this opportunity to vigorously promote and promote this "law".
Li Mo received a message from Blanche at this time, and the next few performances were all of the "Little Electronic Music BGM Zen Singing" series that has been promoted on the main world side. She is going to use this big stage to promote ‘Buddha ’s electronic music culture’ to the viewers of the two universes.
'Shituoling' has something to do with Buddhism, and Xiaodian has already acquired the copyright of 'Xiaoleiyin', and took this opportunity to open the 'Electronic Concert', it is just a matter of doing it for the future 'Shengdian 'Put your foreshadowing ahead of time.
After the performance of the ‘Little Dian BGM Series’, a song of a different-degree cosmic buddhist music sounded a new look to the gods of this universe.
This show is very unpopular, but unexpectedly catered to the spirit of the Lingshan camp. A lot of Lingshan first-line gangsters, including Guanyin, had a slight interest in ‘Soul BGM’.
And this is also one of the goals of the chipmunk, product promotion conference! What is "Impression. Lion Camel"? A most professional advertising feast!
The rule of Hitaheim ’s avenue is just a product of Hitaheim. Putting it in other universes is also a foreign product without copyright. Blanche believes that the interaction between different universes should promote the development and perfection of heaven.
For example, if the "Journey to the West Journey" travels to the new universe, if you only take away the "traditional fairy system" that you have long mastered, then after the new universe borrows the corpse to return to the soul, it is only the "Jianbi fairy road plus upgraded version" of the Journey to the West.
The reason why Hittarheim is advanced and powerful is because it is inclusive, absorbing the essence of advanced laws from different universes, enriching the law library of the crystal wall heaven, and constantly refreshing and eliminating the 3000 sequence.
‘Soul BGM Avenue’ is a special product of small electronic music, which is unique to Hittarheim. However, any universe of different degrees can be seamlessly connected, which is of great benefit to any practitioner, and can also promote the B grid.
So, why can't it be sold to other universes?
This time "Impression. Lion Camel Ridge", in addition to condensing concepts, is also a product launch event. It intends to sell ‘Soul BGM Avenue’ to ‘Journey to the West’ and even sell it to the ‘Alien Universe’ that the squadron is about to travel to.
The ‘Soul BGM Boulevard’ outside of Hitaheim is not Li Mo ’s ‘Soul BGM Boulevard’, so do n’t sell it at this time, waiting to be copied?
At least after the show ended, including Maitreya, a lot of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have started to privately @ 李 墨 私聊, asking for the quote of 'Little Dianyin Zenyin'. Although they have their own "Zen Sing", the BGM rule of small electronic sound is better than perfect, which can greatly enrich and optimize their own technology.

In a subsequent hour, Blanche arranged the Lion Camel Choir, the Lion Camel Orchestra, the Lion Camel Acrobatic Troupe, and the Lion Camel joke ... The finale is the classic ghost of the 'Little Diamond Team' Famous music performance.
Blanche arranged such a bells and whistles, but also helpless. Because the ghost knows how "Shituoling" will be born in the future?
The book "Journey to the West" is not written in detail. It is conservatively estimated that a group of demons eat, drink, and drink, and then several kings declare that Zhanshan is king, so "Shituoling" will be there. But is it really disgusting and disgusting to present this kind of content to many viewers?
Therefore, we must make up our own brains, add singing and dancing performances full of artistic sense, and make a grand meeting to cater to the big brothers. It's impossible to go straight in. It's 'Shituoling Sanjieyi', and then go home. It is necessary to make some tricks and delay the time before it appears to be grand in scale and sincere.
It is the same as the "Spring Festival Gala". What is the core of the New Year?
It is not the time span from 11:59 to 0:01. Theoretically, it only takes two minutes for the Chinese New Year, and by the way a firecracker is enough. In the past few years, the investigation of the environment has been strict, and even the artillery has been saved, and the second battalion chief has been killed to sacrifice heaven.
but! Is this year interesting?
Therefore, we have to rehearse a lot of empty and boring things N months in advance, and then perform all the way from 8:30 to 0:30 in order to show sincerity, as if everyone is living in the news broadcast, the whole universe is full Merry air.
In addition, the major awards evenings, even the sacrifice of gods, are the same routine. The ‘core’ is short and needs to be played together. Even the "Peach Peach Festival" is no exception, as there must be awkward dances, hot pots and girls.
Therefore, the lion camel concert is not excessive, but also very unique, but unfortunately the big brothers of this world have poor appreciation ability, and they ca n’t get the point of the
Drilling Wind Festival
, but the tourists of Hittarheim watch it. With relish, it is said that the circle fan 'little diamond style' will definitely pay attention after Hittaheim.
At this time, more than ten Tianting musicians, code-named "Little Diamond Style", went on stage to perform singles.
These tracks are all "ghost and animal memories" excavated in depth in the insignificant memory area of ​​the earth before Li Mo traveled from his previous life. After re-arranging with the "Soul BGM Tuning Law", the six-law electronic sound of Gongyujiao Zhengyu was presented, and then instilled into the souls of these musicians by electrotherapy, and let them re-sing.
And the ultimate goal of this session is to repeatedly emphasize and strengthen the name "Little Diamond Style"! To condense it into a 'concept'.
Xiao Zuanfeng is not a person or a person, but a noun, a title, a spirit of lion camel ridge, the spiritual symbol of thousands of lion camels and the pursuit of demon life.
Therefore, every Tianting musician who joined Lion Camel Ridge has already claimed to be "Little Diamond Style" and wrote and sang in the name of "Little Diamond Style" to jointly create this heavyweight IP!
Li Mo and Blanche attach so much importance to the "small diamond wind", of course, a gift for their own "slag storm".
After an hour-long special performance bombing on the scene with 'Little Diamond Wind' as the core, the two of them harvested the 'Little Diamond Wind IP Concept' as expected. And a series of concepts such as more artifacts and musical instruments were condensed successfully.
She is ready to go home and send it to Slag Storm. Even if she wastes, she also has her own "root of heaven". Lie down and do not practice, the owner will prove the way for her. (This is the correct interpretation of the idiom ‘Chicken and Dog Ascension’, and focus on it.)
Li Mo even suspected that after the Lion Camel Ridge event, the concept of "Little Diamond Wind" would prevail, and be above the three brothers of Lion Camel, becoming a symbol of the soul of Lion Camel Ridge.
But it doesn't matter anymore. They are all members of their own family. The meat is rotten in the pot. Everyone eats the same ... he doesn't care, and Blanche doesn't care. Little Earth and Scum Storm are all her pets.
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