Chapter 1969: The first step of Taiyin's sermon: sharing Lingbao projection

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After Pandora's "Unlucky (Fate) Mecha" was formed, Li Mo also officially opened his "Taiyin Proof".
He and Blanche left the "Chess and Cards Room" together, arrived at Ziweixing with twelve spirit treasures, and began to perfect the core link.
Prior to this, he had completed his "Tainyin Design". On the bright side, he made a low-key debut as a "mechanical juzi", and strived to extend his "Taiyin Rule" to the mechanical field. It not only laid the groundwork for the launch of Ling Bao Niang, but also was very low-key and secret. 'S gaze and hostility.
Afterwards, he packed the "Guanghan Palace Package" in the Journey to the West and robbed many "Taiyin Spokespersons" on the spot, thoroughly gaining fame in the industry and enemies. Whether the queen of the elven system, or the head of the immortal demon palace, or the big eye maid who has lost a "little eye demon" at home, is investigating this suddenly unknown person.
An old Yin B, suspected of diving for many years, was detonated under the detonation of this deep-water bomb in Tiandao.
Killing him, swallowing him, digesting him ... Your own ranking on "Taiyin Avenue" can increase a lot, and even consolidate the identity of "Taoist".
Therefore, it was only after he returned that he did not show the signboard (Morning Moon), digested the proceeds of the Journey to the West, and officially became the highest position on Taiyin Avenue. Even the old site of the 'Machinery Juzi' was completely destroyed by the Chou family. After the causal tracking was blocked, it no longer actively recruited new apprentices.
Coupled with the recent period of major events, the internal disputes in Taiyin have gradually been overwhelmed and forgotten.
After returning to the main world, he immediately reached a deal with Sisi Gufo and got the most important one, the ‘main moon’. So far, he has put together all the conditions of the "Taiyin Proof Dao".
However, he still chose ‘Go on for another wave’ and waited for the ‘Twelve Spiritual Babes’ to go online collectively for a whole wave of excitement.

Facing the current situation, Li Mo is still as stable as an old dog.
His ‘Taiyin Proof Dao’ had already started very early, and he took the ‘Taiyin Demon Path’. The ultimate goal covers the entire crystal wall system, and there are no holes, no entry, no use of its poles, and the ultimate goal is to master the crystal wall system's `` heart demons rule '' and become the supremely free devil.
At present, this ‘avenue’ is steadily advancing, and it has been split into several parts by him. (Except for the two scrap firewood of "Momo" and "Fear Sword Master")
Now, as long as he reveals his cards, the accumulation of these years is enough for him to enter the 3000 series. Proper operation can be entered into Top1000. Li Mo set a small goal for himself and rushed to Top360 before the end of the internal test. If he can, he reluctantly accepts half-step 49.
However, the ‘Heart Demon Card’ was left over until the end. In the first step, he only had to play the ‘Taiyin Card’. Not only is the testimony of the justice upright during the internal test, but also can hide the eyes and ears of Chen Cang.
Therefore, the ‘Tain’ after hiding the ‘Heart Demon’ wants to be on the list, and he must find a ‘core’ strong enough to support his ‘Private Taiyin Rule’ to defeat other opponents and complete the summit.
In the end, he chose this set of "Twelve Spirits".

On Ziweixing, Li Mo looked up at the sky and saw a spectacle.
Under the redeployment of Blanche, a huge ‘steel lunar fortress’ with a total volume of about 1/4 of Ziweixing, orbiting Ziweixing in a satellite attitude.
If only that is the case, this scene can also be regarded as ‘different sizes’ of spindle twin stars. After all, the ghost thing called the "moon" is already approaching a planet.
And around this huge steel moon, there are also twelve close in volume, but no matter the color, climate, and shape are completely different, magnificent and gorgeous small celestial bodies.
Blanche named it, 'Moon'.
Although he had seen it several times before, Li Mo was unable to equate these magnificent ‘little bodies’ with the ‘moon’ in his impression of gray, barren, desolate, and full of craters.
"Did you choose these 12 lunar moons at all, were they all looking pretty at them?" Li Mo asked his wife.
"The face value is only a part, they have more hidden advantages, you will slowly tap into the future."
Looking at the starry sky from Ziwei, the huge steel moon continuously revolves around. At the same time, twelve smaller singular moons orbit around the large 'steel moon', forming a complex structure.
Because of the value of the face, its own characteristics, and the complex movement between the celestial bodies. The twelve small moons that come with the big moon, Liang will revolve around the big moon at every moment, rotate, and when the big moon rotates around Ziwei, it will produce a complex gravitational relationship change with purple MSI, thereby exciting its own characteristics Created a variety of indescribable and strange "supernatural" phenomena.
No matter where you are in Ziweixing, it is not limited to day or night. As long as you look up at the sky, you can see the change of spectacle. 24 hours without stopping, the gradient changes about once every hour. Come to Ziweixing for a vacation and watch the wonders of the sky. Only about one month apart, you can complete a major cycle.

The purple MSI at this time can just see the huge 'steel moon', with twelve colorful small moons, doing complex multiplayer movements.
Lingbao ladies raised their heads one after another and were puzzled by this spectacle. After all, it was Blanche who traveled all over the twisted astral realm and carefully selected the top ‘moon’ in his pocket. Each one is equivalent to the most beautiful and beautiful rain stone among the countless pebbles on the earth. There is also a gas that changes constantly in bright colors? ? Moon.
At this time, Blanche said to eleven Lingbao Niang + a box elf around her: "Now, you go to choose your favorite residence first!"
Li Mo thought about it and said, "Before choosing the moon, it is best to determine your official serial number, and let Kiki readjust the position of twelve small months according to the sequence."
"In fact, the current arrangement is my favorite. I spent a full three weeks to calculate the best celestial distribution and operation rules. But it does not matter, I have stored enough data, you can order them randomly Disrupt, I can readjust it within a week. "
During the conversation between the two, in addition to the locked 'Chaos Clock' and the 'Unlucky Box' responsible for the ending, the other ten Lingbao Reserves, unwilling to show their weakness in an internal fierce battle for tearing the B, determined the final order.
Then, according to their strength, they chose their own 'little moon', and Blanche was not idle there, and gave the twelve yuan's 'star position' to their refining.
Immediately afterwards, the 'Zodiac Sign' that was transported back across the crystal wall was split up and sent to the twelve small moons as a welfare gift to the moon, and the twelve moons were given the constellation. The concept of ', officially became the' Taiyin Zodiac ', guarding the operation of the main moon (Taiyin Star).

After these two steps are completed, before the twelve artifacts are sent into the ‘crystal wall heaven’ and upgraded to become the ‘innate spirit treasure’, their worth starts a new round of upgrades, and the concepts of ‘star king’ and ‘constellation’ are acquired.
In terms of strength, it is difficult to obtain a significant improvement in a short period of time; but in terms of identity and status, the rocket-style improvement is far beyond the original "three-level ordinary artifact."
"Unfortunately, there is not enough time. They hurriedly determined the natal stars, refined the position of the star king, and only improved their status. If they can accumulate a hundred years in advance, these twelve artifacts can receive the nourishment of" Taiyin Star "for a long time, and further improve the quality and spirituality. Not only that, if they can extol their names in the crystal wall system, they can further enhance their strength. "
Li Mo thought for a while: "It sounds a bit like" faith "."
"Fame and eulogy are in itself substantial power. Especially in the" Star Avenue ", stars do not need to be believed, as long as they are known and eulogized, they can accumulate an extra power. Therefore, the strongest stars often have both A planet with a lot of legends, wide uses, and many functions. The more unknown stars, the weaker they will become with time. "
Li Mo nodded: "So it is necessary to prepare the concepts of" Twelve Yuanchen "," Twelve Constellations "... to strengthen them. The more extensive the functions of the stars, the faster the strength growth."
After today, the "Twelve Spirit Treasures" will officially debut as twelve moons and become a "private rule" displayed by "Taiyin Real People", including "stars, authoritative timekeeping, four seasons, solar terms, constellations, zodiac signs ... … Machinery, Lingbao, etc.
Specific to each little moon, there are corresponding ‘artifact rules’.
The higher the popularity of these stars in Hitaheim, the more planes that can be covered by projection. The deeper they are involved with intelligent creatures, the greater their influence. In turn, it can use its vast number of users to improve its status and strength, while feeding Li Mo and Blanche.
Speaking of this, Li Mo said: "I have put together the concepts of" four-valued meritorious service, twelve constellations, twelve yuan ... ", although it is not ruled out that other people master the same law. But I have the most, The most complete, there is an absolute advantage to seize the right to release the official time of the crystal wall system. This achievement is enough to force all forces of the universe to proofread time with me. "
"This authority is nothing in itself, even in the middle and lower reaches of" Outer Dao. "But the particularity of" Time Proofreading "will allow my" Taiyin Star "to exert its influence in the crystal wall system to the greatest extent."
Blanche shook his head: "Simple" time release "is not enough, you have the right to" time report ". But the forces of all parties can jointly block you. After reading your time, secondary processing will isolate you from the crystal wall system. Connection. So we need one step to fully expand our influence. "
"For this reason, I have mastered the rules of life such as" calendar, yellow pages, fortune telling, divination ... "in advance, and formally applied for the right to formulate future" holidays ". Simply reporting the time is absolutely not enough. The constellation is integrated into all aspects of life and becomes an indispensable part of all beings. Just like a goblin! "
"And the pure 'life department, auxiliary department' is illusory, and it also needs substantial strength to hold the basic plate. For this reason, I designed the 'twelve spirit treasure shared projection'. The 'zodiac' that I carried back this time, every In addition to the concept of "constellation", a palace also has its own "law of the small universe." Once integrated with your "moon," they will automatically master this law of energy. "
In order to complete the agreement with Kratos and his son, Blanche spent a small period of six months in that universe, constantly debugging the compatibility of ‘Little Universe’ and ‘Mecha’, and his understanding of this force has advanced by leaps and bounds.
In the original hometown of ‘Little Universe’, Saint Seiya put on the Saint Cloth and can use the ‘Saint Cloth’ as a launcher to pay the ‘Little Universe’ to communicate with the corresponding constellation, thereby leveraging the power of the stars.
Strictly speaking, it is the stars who project a force into the Saint Cloth by means of projection, and then they can run away and hang out. This kind of god-like way of giving divine magic is only suitable for the low-end battle of the bottom humans.
Blanche got inspiration from it. As the future 'Zodiac + constellation' of Titaheim, Twelve Spirits can walk the 'small universe system', and call its own 'zodiac or constellation' by burning the small universe, and summon the corresponding Lingbao projection comes to fight, which is 'shared Lingbao projection service'.
Hittarheim is a world of weak meat and strong food. The rules of the life system of zero and zero are more interesting. After all, it is more attractive than "power".
But there are so many systems in the main world, and each one is highly competitive. It takes extraordinary effort to reap the rewards. The biggest advantage of "Sharing Lingbao Projection" is the low threshold and high return.
There is no need to practice hard, as long as you believe in the "Zodiac" or "zodiac", and pay the "small universe", you can communicate with the corresponding "Lingbao" and purchase the right to use Lingbao's projection within a limited time. The more krypton gold, the stronger the fighting power. Ignore the balance, and leapfrog.
The strongest point of this system is the uniqueness and high order of Blanche's "Twelve Yuanchen". She can radiate her 'stars' to most of the crystal wall system. Anyone who can see the plane of the stars can receive the signals of the twelve small moons, and then reach a deal.
The entire universe, even if 1/10 users know the December ball, one in ten thousand of these people use the ‘shared projection’ function. The power behind the feedback is enough to push the ‘twelve innate crystal wall spirit treasures’ up several levels.
He is using the power of sentient beings to temper and strengthen these twelve spiritual treasures, constantly breaking through the shackles and promoting to a higher level.
It is difficult for other people to do like him. The person who has the ‘crystal wall spirit treasure’ in Hittheim may not be able to project the entire universe like Avenue of Stars. And those who have one two stars, may not have so many crystal wall spirit treasures.
A star monarch with independent star ownership, even if he has a spirit treasure and is willing to share it, is far less attractive than Blanche's 12 pieces. Those who have several sets of stars in their homes do not have matching numbers of Lingbao. If it is replaced with a common ‘shared artifact’, the style and taste will be completely lost to the ‘shared spirit treasure’.
The elf girl yearned: "In the future, all intelligent creatures that recognize your" Taiyin Rule "or my" Ziwei Mingge ", and the realm exceeds the Daotai, are eligible to comprehend the practice of the" small universe "from the 12 moons Famen. Then, by virtue of its resonance with the moon, come to fight for krypton gold, and project the rules of the spirit treasure to crush the enemy. And support the krypton service, should n’t the saints burn life and sacrifice souls to renew the battle? "
Li Mo praised: "You are the devil."
Blanche shook his head modestly: "No, you are. Inside these twelve small moons, the" Moon Spirit Crystal. Self-discipline calculator "is installed as a server of the" Taiyin Devil's Devil's Road ", and the data / Xiandao dual support. For all users who have established business contact with the "Shared Lingbao Projector", install the Flayer client for free. "
"When the functions of the Twelve Lingbao are officially launched, your" Taiyin Avenue "will officially begin. At that time, they will be thrown into the Crystal Wall Heavenly Dao to receive the Lingbao Enclosure. It is not an ordinary third-rate artifact enhancement, and the source of the fight is more More, the benefits of feeding you back will also increase. "
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