Chapter 218: Crimson saint body terminal, goddess warm bed?

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When Li Mo embraced the warm body in his arms and enjoyed the unprecedented experience of a ginseng winner, the brain was also dual-purpose, and with the help of the ‘Queen of Platinum’, he slowly browsed the strange news.
The entire 488 level is occupied by the mechanical realm, and the entire plane port is built by the mechanical realm. This hotel is still operated by Skynet, so here is the base of the mechanical side in the abyss.
The moment the dark red clockwork enters the hotel, it easily finds its own free mechanical magic energy and starts charging. Multiple signals are also connected. In just one day, the empress retrieved a lot of information with the help of ‘deep red clockwork’. After Li Mo browsed them one by one, he could not help crying and laughing, and began to delete them one by one.
These messages are roughly divided into two categories. Most of them are 'surface information', and there are a few 'inside information'.
The surface news is mainly for tourists wearing 'mechanical side devices', such as:' Welcome to the 488th floor of the abyss, Cybertan-Skynet-Plane Space Colonial Port, I wish you a smooth journey.
,‘ Inferno Wildhammer Equipment Shop opened a big bargain from the call of the ancient Wildhammer Dwarf.
,‘ Tianqi Kill Matt modeling shop special offer, one-stop service of washing, cutting and blowing. ’, ‘50% discount for the whole abyss local product, group purchase, cross-plane delivery, free shipping. ’,‘ Ten Alien Abyss Travel Packages, including Alice ’s Wonderland ’. ’,‘ Coward Buster, fitness team, regain male dignity! Concealing life and death. '……and many more.
In addition to these business news, there are some internal transaction information for mechanics and mecha divisions. Non-professionals cannot obtain this information. Li Mo is also considered to be sloppy, accidentally becoming an alternative mechanic, only to be exposed to these, it is really gratifying.
The mechanical side of this world is divided into two categories. In addition to the mechanical life outside the mechanical realm, those professional mechanics and mech divisions are also true members of the mechanical side.
In addition, there are ordinary people who use mechanical products, such as those who wear mechanical products, demons, or strong men who use mechanical weapons. They are not real mechanical sides, but mechanical consumers. It was sad that Li Mo had a part-time job as a ‘mechanist’ who was playing tickets.
The true mechanical side will awaken the special "mechanical origin" that belongs only to you, forming a "mechanical mark", which will mutually reflect the ubiquitous "mechanical spirit" of the main world, in the "crystal wall system pan-mechanical rules" Awaken the real name and become a member of the mechanical side.
This thing cannot be obtained by cheating. It is unique, similar to talent, account number, real name of the demon, root mark, whatever you call it, in short, it is that thing.
In the cultivation system, the magic reformer can master the ‘supernatural power’, use martial arts, and use spells; while on the mechanical side, there is also a ‘mechanical mark’ to condense the mechanical magic energy to drive various mechanical battles.
Anyone who awakens the 'mechanical mark' and obtains the corresponding equipment for the mechanic and mech division. You can receive a special ‘inner signal’ and enter another strange world.
After Li Mo returned to the bedroom, taking advantage of the absence of outsiders, he touched the inside and the outside carefully and carefully ... Bah! For a clerical error, he did an in-depth inspection of his 'deep red loli'.
Do n’t think about it, Li Mo is not the kind of person who does n’t even let himself stand in, but he is a young and handsome ginseng prostitute (fog) who is handsome and handsome and has elf ethnic ocean horses as girlfriends. He simply checked the various functions of the clockwork loli, and found that the configuration of the substitute body was very complete.
A large amount of information about the Crimson Devil Palace is recorded in the database of Clockwork.
Li Mo was idle and bored, embracing Loli's pillow, and slowly read:
The master of the "Deep Red Devil Palace" is his umbrella artificial intelligence "Red Queen" who has long been admired by his name. Red Queen was originally sold to cybernetic machinery by a reincarnation for special reasons, and finally the mechanical awakening was reborn and became a member of cybertan.
Afterwards, this big boss shrouded in aura of a villain went all the way. It only took hundreds of years to perfect the clockwork race, accumulate mechanical beliefs, and grew up to the point of being a god. Mechanical seal.
The clockwork database has clear records. It has been a for at least fifty years after the Red Emperor. It is a ‘electronic god’ in the mechanical realm. It condenses the divine personality and is a weak divine power.
Cybertron is not in harmony, and the mechanical realm is also divided into races. According to the structure, working principle, and the original code, it is divided into: Clockwork, Constructor, Transformers, Terminator, Beast King Kong, Mini King Kong ... and so on. Just like humans, elves, demons, goblins.
Red Queen finally created the "Deep Red Devil Palace", taking the family members to take root in the old astral realm, which belongs to the `` Cybertan Mechanical Realm '' to expand outward. The Crimson Devil Palace is also divided into two systems.
One or two or three generations of crimson springs bearing the clockwork mark, and crimson believers bearing the "protection umbrella sign".
There are a large number of believers, including clockwork life, other mechanical life after belief in red, and many astral creatures, main world creatures.
As a small number of gods that did not fall, the Red Queen relied on the beautiful appearance and powdered in the mechanical circle of the material plane to become the goddess in the hearts of countless mechanics, and exploded the inexplicable civilian electronic elf such as "Hatsune Miku.
As for the ‘deep red clockwork’ branded with the ‘clockwork mark’, they are the extensions after the red, and they have become: the child terminal, the crimson saint, the clockwork saint, and the body carrying her projection. Yes, you read that right, that's what it means!
The main world does not allow the birth of gods, and the gods of the mechanical realm cannot enter the main world, unless they sleep like Gaeta. Therefore, if you want to go for a ride in outer space or on the material plane, you can only play the drop.
The red queen is a god, and she can naturally lower the projection, so she created a lot of ‘extensions’ for herself to carry her ‘electronic will’. All the "deep red clockwork" are spare tires after the red.
Seeing this, Li Mo was horrified, almost scared to pee!
"My second Olympics, I actually became a crimson maiden! I actually gave the red god's body to the bed, this is blasphemy! But it's exciting! No wonder the crimson clockwork is so complete! It ’s Xiaohong! Hurry to hug my little clockwork to suppress the shock and scare the baby! "Li Mo quickly hugged the clockwork loli and began to surprise herself. It's scary!
But when he thought about it carefully, something was wrong. This lady is too valuable, too weak chicken, right? You can explode three if you want to kill a pseudo-legend like a corpse.
Read on, Li Mo was relieved.
The biggest difference between a mechanical body and a biological one is that it can be mass-produced and mass-produced. All ‘three-generation clockwork’ is just a prototype of a virgin, the embryo of a crimson virgin.
They are full-featured and weak, with complete saint templates and various devices, but they have no self-soul and only basic low-level intelligence.
Three generations of clockwork have been tens of millions, widely cast by the Crimson Devil Palace, sent to various parts of the main world to perform missions, and self-destruct.
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