Chapter 272: repercussions

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Not to mention far away in Europe, Andy worried about the next life. At the headquarters of the Brotherhood, the saber-toothed tiger returned with a look of embarrassment, accepting the scolding of the demon.
Encouraged by the caring person (Killian), he discovered the virus experiment of 'Dr. Victor' and understood that the birth of the 'Super Warrior' posed a serious threat to the mutant group.
Nowadays, the friction and conflict between humans and mutants are becoming more and more fierce. The biggest reason why both sides are still in peace is that a small number of fourth-level mutants have powerful superpowers. They are like human-shaped nuclear bombs that can destroy a city and an army. This force has deterred mankind, and the two sides are afraid of each other and are more restrained.
But Dr. Victor's "evil weak chicken experiment" broke the theorem that humans are scum. If a large number of super warriors emerge from the human race, the balanced balance will start to shift, and the threat posed by the mutants will be greatly reduced. At that time, the radicals headed by Stryker will have the upper hand and launch a cleanup campaign against the mutants.
Thinking of the terrible future, Saber-tooth Tiger thinks this is an opportunity. If you kill the threatening Dr. Victor, you can kill the danger in the cradle, and at the same time be recognized by Magneto, be reused, and become a mutant hero.
However, not only did he fail, he died one by one, and he lost his grandma's house.
Magneto, as the leader of many terrorists in the world, has many people who fear him and admire and admire him, but there are not many brain fans who are truly convinced by the charm of others and willing to work for him.
The mutants that the Brotherhood could have trusted were three or two big cats and kittens. Now that he has two fans, Toad and Hedgehog, how can he tell Magneto? The saber-toothed tiger is also uneasy at the moment.
Since the boss of Magneto had been half a year ago, he has become ecstatic. No one knows what he is doing? I only know that he is stronger, and he is still getting stronger. He looks a lot younger, and also more mysterious.
Thinking of the increasingly strange and terrifying Magneto, not only is the Saber-toothed Tiger even more uneasy, but even the magical woman who scolded him aside is also afraid and awed.
In SHIELD, Nick Fury watched the video of Li Mo's battle and his expression became dignified.
He naturally can see Li Mo's powerful strength, which is no worse than Captain America. Such a strong physical quality is by no means mortal, which means Victor has transformed himself.
A scientist must be cautious in his character. He dares to perform ‘virus enhancement surgery’ on himself. What does this mean? This technology has been successful and no longer has any side effects!
Looking at the other two super fighters in the video, whether it is a driver who was seriously injured by the rocket launcher and still dies; or a super bodyguard that releases high temperature heat energy and has the ability to heal, all show strong inhuman strength.
In the past two days, SHIELD spent a lot of effort to capture the "Dali King Kong's Miracle Finger" and "The Great Fallen Monument Opening Palm" from the five queens of Queens, and conducted a secret interrogation. After injection of excessive vomiting agent, they still didn't get much information. While accepting Li Mo's transformation, they also erased related memories.
Nick Fury thought that the cost of manufacturing such a warrior should be high, and the transformation period is extremely long. But Victor made two more in a blink of an eye, and one of them was an enhanced advanced version. Thinking of Li Mo's powerful strength, Nick's heart was full of fiery and longing.
This technology is so important! If the agents of SHIELD have such strength ...
He naturally thought of kidnapping and detaining Li Mo, forcing him to obtain technology. However, the other party is too clever and too cunning. In these days, he has constantly met with the bigwigs in New York to promote the "Eternal Virus" transformation service and introduce the "supervirus bodyguard" business to the major chaebols, military bigwigs, and political giants.
On the one hand, it is the temptation of rejuvenating longevity and longevity, with the private super soldier army; on the other hand, it is stupid and hard to ask for funds every day, and it also monitors their personal privacy.
Due to the heavy pressure, Nick Fury could not move Li Mo, just like he couldn't take Tony Stark.
"Contact Natasha, why hasn't her mission progressed yet? Isn't she claiming to be the first card of SHIELD? Can even the guy show me something? Why hasn't he moved yet?" Nick irritated.
In the laboratory, Li Mo looked at him kindly and was fixed on the test bench after receiving simple treatment. He was undergoing re-education of electrotherapy, and his eyes gradually changed from panic and despair to a dull and numb toad man.
Scientific research is always full of surprises, and can often get the same results.
Li Mo conducted a series of divergent experiments that had been destroyed when he studied the topic of "manually guiding, transforming neural connections and creating unconditioned reflex instincts", and accumulated a lot of experience.
For example, he originally wanted to use electrotherapy to create a spirited perseverance, fearing any torture and torture, and a super soldier with steel will. As a result, unexpectedly developed a magical technique that caused a person's mental breakdown, loss of resistance, complete numbness, and freedom to be manipulated through rapid electrotherapy.
One of them is very interesting. The continuous stimulation of 220V on Tintin can quickly disintegrate a male's sense of resistance and make him weak and bully. Soon, Toad Man was convinced by Professor Li's rich and superb treatment methods, gave up resistance, and told all secrets truthfully.
"Killian, you are fine, and I have tolerated you for a long time. It's okay to do those small actions behind your back, this time actually encouraged the mutants of the Brotherhood to assassinate me. If you are not kind, don't blame me for being unjust!"
After stepping out of the laboratory, Li Mo watched the toad man with a sigh of breath being sent into the treatment, with a sneer on his face.
He currently has eleven mutant guinea pigs on hand, all of which are worthless garbage abilities, and even letting him practice his hands is not enough. This toad is different and somewhat similar to Spider-Man. Although its ability is not calculated, it still has the potential for development and transformation, which is worth playing.
After this attack, Li Mo found that his situation was a bit dangerous, and at the same time he was an enemy of the Jin and Brotherhood, offending the Osborne Group and a potential enemy of the X-Men. The technology he mastered also attracted the covetedness of many hungry wolves. From SHIELD to Hydra, they wanted to take a slice of the soup from him. On his own, there is still a lack of powerful cannon fodder.
"Some are enemies on all sides. It's time to cultivate a group of high-end goods. Your strength must be strengthened quickly!" Li Mo murmured to himself and contacted the Queen to prepare for a large-scale operation.
When he returned to AIM's headquarters and was still treating ‘toad’ in the laboratory, life assistant Natasha received calls from the military. In addition, a group of big bosses have called to express their hope for cooperation. The board of directors sent bonuses to encourage her. SHIELD urged her to go and pick up Professor Li quickly. The Hydra also sent a congratulatory message to say happy new year to Li Mo for his old age.
Knowing all this, Li Mo hadn't had time to respond, and his attention was attracted by the message from the empress.
Little Loli, who had been hiding for a long time, finally took the initiative to bubble. Not only her, but even Zall Fairy Ruth also contacted herself, which made Li Mo very happy.
In his most difficult moment, it was so touching to have two more help suddenly!
It ’s still reliable for the fellow. If I knew that, I went directly to TV and magazines and published a tracing notice.
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