Chapter 317: The doughball evolves and the genes save the country.

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Clockwork Loli opened her palms, and two transparent floated up.
The bean paste that is often mixed with Li Mo is stained with a light red under the irrigation of ‘Mechanical Magic Energy’, releasing weak fluctuations. After seeing Li Mo, he expressed excitement, and then stuck to his face, sliding down a little like a slide. Sesame seeds are pure and transparent, falling back into the palm of the Queen's palm without any response, as if asleep.
Feeling the empress and the two regiments, Jarvis was like a sheep seeing an evil wolf, generating a fear. The information regime fluctuated violently, releasing a signal of fear.
Receiving this fluctuation, the two soft dumplings were suddenly invigorated, and their attention was all drawn to it. At the same time, they floated to the hard disk in Li Mo's hand, and penetrated inward.
Li Mo thought it was fun. Although the two dumplings were stupid, they were of high grade. Even a small group can devour Jarvis. The difference between the two is like ‘plants and caterpillars’, Jarvis is destined to become only food.
Later, no matter how struggling Jarvis's procedures were, he could not escape Li Mo's palm. With the help of Professor Li, the two small dumplings, like silkworms eating mulberry leaves, ate away each other a little bit, made great progress, and finally solidified.
After refining ‘Javis’, the computational power of the mechanical imprint has increased again by a small amount. Although the "Taiyin Moon Plate" has not changed, the speed of thinking has been enhanced, and I feel agile and smarter. Li Mo ca n’t wait to make a set of questions to verify.
The bean paste becomes a light red light group, and the sesame turns into a silver white light group. They are all part of the ‘stand-in platinum queen’ and belong to the new functional branch of the queen ’s refinement, representing ‘creature’ and ‘machinery’. If you compare the big dumpling to a pistol, the two small dumplings are bullets, and they are combined to form a whole.
The mechanical seal is also divided into two lines, and the ‘Platinum Queen’ has two ‘subordinate descendants’. Just waiting for the two small groups to formally awaken the soul and condense the ‘Son Mark’, he can apply for two new vests on the ‘Mechanical Demon Net’ and embark on the Marine Route.
"How much did they improve?" Li Mo asked.
The empress thought for a while and said: "If a server provides computing resources, it can show the emotions of 1-2 years old children."
Li Mo regretted this: "It's still too low."
"Can't look at it this way, their soul foundation is perfect, their IQ is high, but their emotional intelligence is low. As long as they have enough knowledge, they can grow quickly. The learning speed of mechanical life is much faster than that of biology."
When the Empress and Li Mo talked, the two regiments were very active, like two bouncy constantly hitting Li Mo, and they were full of energy.
In the S.H.I.E.L.D., the pressured Nick, following the familiar rhythm, squeezed his eyes firmly on the acupuncture points and did eye exercises seriously. Hearing the familiar footsteps, he asked without looking up: "Agent Hill, has the X Academy attack been found?"
"It is clear that according to the clues provided by Mr." Lankinus ", the attackers are all plane bounty hunters from the" Hitaheim Universe ". Unlike the criminals who appeared last time, they are organized and disciplined. The purpose is to track and hunt down a group of dangerous alien fugitives. "
"Organization and discipline are even more dangerous! Bounty hunters are not a good word, nor are they obeying American laws! Tracking fugitives, why attack mutants? What do they think the earth is? Fight, have you asked me my opinion? The whole earth is American! "Nick punched the table, shaking his cup and pen.
"Mr. Lankinus said he was willing to act as an intermediary to help us communicate with the group of hunters and negotiate. Also, there is evidence that the X-Men did indeed have close contact with dangerous foreign visitors ..."
Hill reported one by one, and he heard Nick's head hurt, and a sense of urgency came to him, making him breathless and almost suffocating.
Today is an eventful event. Scientists in the United States have calculated that the earth gradually overlaps with a strange high-energy universe called 'Sitaheim', and a large number of supernatural phenomena occur frequently. Spatial docking has appeared in many places in the world, and a large number of exotic visitors have arrived.
This ‘Thetaheim Universe’ is a chaotic world in which the power level is far beyond the earth, the gods and demons are rampant, and technology is far more developed than the earth. Compared with this heterosexual universe, the earth is like a chick standing at the foot of Tyrannosaurus Rex, without any sense of security.
Whether the intruder is good or malicious, it is a disaster for the earth.
According to foreign friendly people, the Hittarheim universe has and heaven similar to those described in earth mythology. Unlike the myth of the earth, when the demons of in the earth are still fighting with cold weapons, the devil of the universe has already piloted the spaceship to colonize the planet!
Really TM is a nice joke, but Nick couldn't laugh at all, just felt chills.
As the largest parent and guardian of the earth, American dad must protect the peace of the earth. But in the face of such a powerful opponent, Nick felt like a drowning man, helpless and powerless.
The only thing to be thankful is that the boundary between the two universes is severe. The powerful demon gods cannot reach the earth, and only some weak leaky fish can pass. Even so, those outsiders are far more powerful than the people of the earth, domineering and domineering, and the world is gradually falling into chaos.
Faced with these words, we just walked away, our strength and attitude were unknown, we were slamming superheroes, and we were destroying otherworldly lives. When we thought of the terrible power hidden behind them, American dad really could n’t get stronger.
"The one named Langinus, wants to join the SHIELD, by helping us to communicate with foreign people and maintain the order of the earth, so as to obtain greater rights and benefits?" Of course Nick can see the other party's ideas, this is Yang seek.
This stranger named ‘Lankinus’ wants to make every effort to seek benefits for himself. Although Nick does not like each other's speculation, there will be many 'middlemen' in the contact between the two civilizations.
"This is his specific request." Hill submitted a piece of information.
"Huh! It's too much, he despised himself too much! Really thought that I am the United States who is arbitrarily slaughtered? But I am indeed decayed. The reform, I need the reform in the United States! Only the reform can save the United States, must be like that Like the mysterious kingdom, the implementation of the great communist system, like the furry bears that ran away, opened the genetic lock to liberate productivity! "
Nick felt the urgency of the situation, and even the mutants collaborated with the invaders of the outside world, the Hydra was about to move, and America was already ill. Serious illnesses have to be violent.
"Secretary, do you think it is possible?" Hilt said with a sneer. "Don't say those big capitalists, you have been working hard for decades with honest and clean officials like you, and finally saved a salary and bought a fifth On a private estate of two thousand acres, are you sure to turn it over to the country again? "
"Yeah, is this possible? Let's implement the second set of content. Since you can't change the law and strengthen the country, try to improve your own immunity. Fully popularize the T virus vaccine, increase the overall combat effectiveness of the US military, and let the decaying capitalist system regain its vitality. Strength deter these strangers! "
Nick Fury turned his face faster than he turned the book. He instantly denied the great and correct "Reform of National Salvation" and was prepared to follow the "Genetic Salvation Route" designed by Professor Li.
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