Chapter 320: Magic armor, four metals

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After returning to the office, Li Mo took a sip of the drinking glass and then asked, "Queen, what do you think of this technology?"
"Chicken ribs, only suitable for low-level creatures."
There are two mechanical routes in the main world: after the warlock creates the "mechanical lifebox" and uploads the "data soul", he controls the mechanical puppet through the "data soul network", and does not need this superfluous iron skin. can.
The pilots are pursuing invincible power. The mecha is completely another style. It needs to be powerful, and it will only be shot by the anti-Hulk armed forces. This kind of pocket toothpick goods like steel armor is completely against the mainstream.
This set of "steel armor" is more like a transitional product of the magic reformer at the lower level, and will be eliminated sooner or later. Too much reliance will drag itself down. The final evaluation of the empress is: It is recommended to strengthen the cannon fodder and enhance the strength of the legion.
"Iron Man is the" cannon fodder "configuration in your eyes ?!" Li Mo was a little reluctant. How could he say that it was a stolen technology, so it was denied?
"Iron Man is the cannon fodder in Seatheim." The Queen retorted coldly.
"Uh ..." Da Tuanzi made good sense. Li Mo thought about it carefully, and it was really speechless, but this thing was a bit tasteless.
"What if the magic reform? Is there a future?"
In the Queen ’s database, the exchange list of the reincarnation hall was recorded, and it was quickly retrieved. He replied: "Portable armor does not conform to the rules of the mechanical side. There is a similar item on the cultivation side-the holy cloth, which is far superior to the steel armor."
The "Saint Cloth" has a high status in the main world. The few remaining sets have evolved into "quasi-artifacts", which are the top treasures in the martial arts system. They belong to the category of "mythological armament", and "steel armor" is not a system at all. .
Saint cloth is expensive and scarce in quantity. It only needs one piece that is bound to itself, has growth, and is nurtured with magic energy. This is a luxury that Gao Fushuai can afford. Compared with the "Saint Cloth", Iron Man became a junk.
In addition to the rare "Saint Cloth", the low-end version also has "Magic Armor", the prototype is from "Headless Knight". The specific principle is to imprint a magic array on the armor, and then drive the alchemy armor with magic power, in disguise to become the "Magic Iron Man", but this is completely different from the "mechanical side", which is the "traditional alchemy" and "refining technique". crystallization.
The "Magic Armor" inspired Li Mo. The "Steel Suit" is an excellent embryo of armor. After taking the main world, he transformed it into the direction of "Magic Armor" and imprinted a magic circle on the armor. Use the technique of forging ‘magic equipment’ to create a combat suit, ‘sci-tech system’ merges with ‘magic system’, and then use ‘mechanical radiation’ to improve resonance and combine science and magic.
You have science, I have magic! You have magic, I have science!
Think about Iron Man's future "Anti-Thunder Armor", "Sword in Stone Armor", and "Odin Blessing Armor", all going further and further on the road of combining science and magic, this is the "magic reform concept" of the main world. This road is reliable!
However, Li Mo has never been involved in alchemy, magic circle, or magic mechanics. These things can only be done after returning to the main world.
"Forget it, let's do it like this first. Queen, according to my physical limit, customize a set of armor and then perform 'mechanical radiation'."
"I try my best."
The actual level of the ‘substitute big dumplings’ is actually not high, and the quality of the mechanical imprint is average. She seems powerful, and she feels the threshold of the field. In fact, she relies on ‘winning the house’, which is not her true strength. Therefore, the synchronization rate with the two bodies is very low, and I am not sure to change the ordinary "steel armor" into "mechanical side magic modification equipment".
At this moment, Li Mo suddenly remembered something, saying: "I learned from Nitro that Edman alloy is an extremely precious rare metal element in the main world, and it has no bad properties. It is said to be the most suitable for refining. Metal materials for making flying swords and magic soldiers. They are also excellent materials for cultivating supernatural powers. Can this be the case? "
The old driver Panga's "Edman immortal gold body" still has a fresh memory of Li Mo. It is said that it can harden the anti-inflammatory demon radiation fist, which is really not bad. Then use it together with ‘Edman Vajra ’s Great Enchantment’, and the effect of forbidden world is better.
The empress nodded: "It is indeed the case. Because the place of production is in the reincarnation of the world, the production is limited, so the price of the" Edman alloy "in the main world is more expensive than that of" adaptive gold and mitre silver ". "Mechanical gods" take turns to sweep the goods, there is no price and no market, ordinary practitioners have no chance to contact, it is a mysterious metal that only exists in the legend. "
"Sure enough! Your" three-generation clockwork body "should also be upgraded, right? You need to use more advanced magic materials and metal materials to create a new body. And my" indestructible gold body "will soon enter the legend It also requires the refining properties of this metal. I have good news for you. This world is the origin of 'Edman alloy'. Not only that, there are three other rare metals. "
Clockwork Loli heard her eyes light up, and she really needed these precious metals to improve herself: "Does this really matter?"
"You can contact the military to see if you can give me some Edelman alloys or raw materials for vibration gold. In addition to the military, you can find a way to hoard a batch of rare metals through the black market and don't be afraid to spend money." .
The path of cultivation, whether on the mechanical side or the cultivation side, consumes huge resources. For Li Mo, to develop the mechanical side, it is inevitable to deal with precious metals. And his immortal gold body, flame demon gold body, and queen's upgrade also consume rare metals.
Therefore, the origin of Marvel's four major metals here: Edman alloy, vibration gold, Ulu magic metal, and Cabernet radiant metal, is very precious.
They are scarce and precious top-level resources in the main world. They can even be used to forge artifacts and refine top-level magic weapons. Li Mo, an ordinary person with no foundation, can't get in touch at all and can't afford it.
Now that he comes to this world, how can he miss it? It must be plundered. Whether you use it yourself or sell it to ‘Sword Repair School’, ‘Mechanism’, and ‘Cybertan’ are excellent choices.
The empress said eagerly: "I'm going to get the news!"
After finishing the work at hand, Li Mo is preparing to communicate with Ivan and learn about the progress of the ‘Shinghai Ark Reactor’. As a result, he suddenly received a notice from ‘sesame’, and a group of reincarnations came to the crayfish headquarters, wanting to see the great ‘Elder Victor’.
"Leave them dry for the first time, and say that I am doing experiments, and do not allow outsiders to disturb. If you are unhappy, please turn left and walk slowly."
Li Mo recently sent more than one group of reincarnations. As a top-level geneticist on earth, he owns his own company, has a close relationship with the military, and has strong forces in the underground world.
This kind of identity is converted to the main world. How can it also have an independent mage tower, master the core magic technology, and have a first-class national magister with private armed forces.
He is handsome, talented, and talented, so he is extremely stern and impersonal. These reincarnations have relied on him, and even if there are one hundred unhappy and one thousand dissatisfied, they have to hold back, not only offering gifts with both hands, but also waiting patiently.
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