Chapter 378: Xun Xian asked, pointing maze

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Seeing the question of Lankinus, Li Mo introduced the various characteristics of the 'power serum'.
Afterwards, the two of them summed up, regardless of the resistance of the test samples, forced to subdue them, and began to over-inject ‘evil factor’. Want to see if you can witness a miracle?
During this process, Lankinus continued to consume ‘magic energy’ to hang his life for several test specimens, trying to increase the survival rate. The final result is gratifying. There is really a reincarnation newcomer who survived and turned on the ability to control the fire. At the same time, his physique increased, with some demonic characteristics, and he can specialize in the abyssal devil magic method.
This result surprised Rankinus. This thing can really transform the bloodline, let the main world creatures obtain the Warlock bloodline, and also comes with a demon physique, the abyss energy is friendly, it is really good!
In the next two days, Lankinus threatened Lee to lure a large group of low-level reincarnations. Send them into Professor Li's "Evil Little Black House" to undergo the experiment of transforming the blood of abilities. While the success rate is getting higher and higher, Li Mo also accumulated a lot of valuable experimental data.
Studies have shown that the demon factor has the peculiar effect of transforming the bloodline and can give ordinary people ‘demon power bloodlines’, but the ‘demon factor’ is not omnipotent. It is more effective for people with weaker strength and lower blood level, and those who are born with special bloodlines, or who have been transplanted with bloodline, cannot integrate the demon factor, and even violently reject it.
The more powerful the demon reformer, the greater the demon factor dose is required, otherwise the demon factor will be easily eliminated by the immune system. Suppose that transforming an ordinary person consumes one demon factor; transforming a level 10 transcendental requires consuming at least ten units. The higher a person's strength level, the more demon factors they need to consume, but the price / performance ratio of abilities continues to decline.
Generally speaking, the ‘Demon Factor’ is a low-end and mid-end consumer product that is most suitable for creating cannon fodder. Unless the power type is extremely cherished. And the "fiend fiber" hidden by Li Mo has the growth potential, and can modify the qualifications, enhance the heritage, and artificial spirit roots.
After confirming the reliability of the 'Demon Factor', Lankinus reached a secret agreement with Li Mo in private.
Later, Professor Li also turned into a super plot NPC and provided three services to the Pioneer League: 1 paid ability lineage transformation, 2 buy-out demon factor multiplication technology, and 3 private designated ability serum customization services.
Once the three major services were launched, many reincarnations went to the crayfish, with both hands offering a ceremonial gift to visit the old Victor, and Xun Xian asked for guidance.
After the consultation, those seniors disregarded the eighteen common abilities provided by Li Mo and placed their targets on the X-Men, preparing for hunting and ordering serums. The low-level reincarnations have contributed a lot of talents, bought out all the ‘demon factors’, and knelt down to be transformed.
As for the ‘buy-out service’, only eighteen demonic factors were launched, and they were sold out by visionary seniors. Seniors do not look down on themselves, but it does not mean they cannot use their own cannon fodder.
Because the drama is too deep, the indigenous doctor played by Li Mo ca n’t understand the ‘cause and effect law’ of the main world, so he has to sign a contract after the reincarnation scammers.
Although his mind is as bright as a mirror, he can only be confused. This leads to the ‘buy-out service’ he provides, which is subject to the supervision of the reincarnation hall, and there is also the certification of Tiandao behind it, so the content is absolutely not mixed with water. Every time a deal is reached, a devil factor stock solution and supporting breeding technology must be completely sold.
The seniors buy comfort and don't worry, and don't give Professor Li any chance to shake his mind. Professor Li is in pain and happy. Simply these 18 kinds of ‘Power Demon Factor’ are not valuable, and he has also received a generous return.
Not to mention, in the contract, there is no mention of ‘demon fiber’. As a true core technology that surpasses the ‘demon factor’, Professor Li is still superior in technology and succeeds in shaking his mind.
After the three major services were completely launched, the veterans could no longer hold back and started to start the X-Men.
The veteran is powerful and has strict requirements for ‘human training’. It is difficult for the idle mutants to see, and only high-level merchandise can be seen. The X-Men are often excellent hunting targets and humanoids.
But in the past, after catching a mutant, the opportunity to 'refine people' once. The X-Men is so powerful that it is difficult for a reincarnation to handle it. If several reincarnations work together to capture, it will lead to uneven distribution of stolen goods. Coupled with the X-Men standing behind the ‘inheritor’, there are differences within the reincarnations and fear of reprisal from the outside, so they choose not to offend each other.
But now Professor Li has developed a new technology. A senior ability can be divided together by several people. Although the quality is discounted, but it can be recovered after the practice, so everyone reached an agreement and began to target the X-Men.
In the following week, an invisible big hand stirred the situation in New York, and the contradictions between the mutants became increasingly fierce. Magneto, like a mouse crossing the street, was tracked and captured by many parties and disappeared without a trace. The fraternity has no heads, and it is unraveling under the bewitching intentions. A war is about to erupt.
At this time, the X-Men, who had received much hostility, was revealed to have an affair with the Brotherhood and secretly promoted the Mutant Uprising. The black head of SHIELD was bewitched by false intelligence, and the Xingshi moved the crowd to lead many virus warriors to come to question. The reincarnations helped, and the two sides started a scuffle.
During this time, Professor Li was not idle.
Elder Victor spreading the ‘Demon Seeds’, while turning the samsara, quietly tried the upgraded version of the ‘Spirit Root Initiation Method,’ transforming the four kings of Pipi shrimp into the four kings of the demon factor.
Two days ago, the Four Heavenly Kings cooperated with Ruth, successfully defeated the enemy samsara squad, and kidnapped Spider-Man.
Early in the morning, Li Mo and Ruth were wearing white coats and were preparing to use Spider-Man's foot in the laboratory to extract the 'demon spider factor'. A samurai who came from Chicago suddenly came Crayfish visited Professor Li and proposed a deal he could not refuse.
After finishing the conversation with the empress, Li Mo turned to look at the Elves, and said happily, "Sister Ruth, your chance is here!"
"What chance?" Asked Ruth, leaning her head slightly and flicking her long hair, charming with all kinds of charm.
Li Mo smiled: "Your baby's chance! This transaction is about you, let's come together."
"Oh?" Ruth looked puzzled, but she followed.
During this time together, Ruth, Tong En, and Li Mo slowly developed some tacit understanding.
"You are Dr. Victor?" After waiting for the reincarnation to see Li Mo coming in, he opened the door and said, "My identity should be clear to me. I don't have much time to stay in this world. There is a business I want to do with you." Do it. I use this thing to buy your five specified 'power serums', which is a complete buyout, would you like to? "
The other party's tone was very heavy, revealing an undoubted attitude, and even some threatening elements. He forced Li Mo to say that he had the meaning of indiscriminate and murderous.
"What is this?" Ruth walked in suddenly, looking at the glass ball in the other person's hand, which was sealed with a mass of black matter.
After discovering that Ruth was also the reincarnation, this person's expression slightly changed, and he slightly converged: "I don't know what it is, anyway, it's a tricky monster, it's hard to get around."
Li Mo looked directly at each other's eyes, and found that the other party's bones revealed a strong outsider. This product should be about to return, with no fear in his heart, thinking that he is a native bully, he took something that he didn't know, and came to the lion to speak and threaten himself. It turned out that there was another reincarnation (Ruth) who was present and immediately counseled.
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