Chapter 406: Please stay here!

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There were not many people who were not forcibly invited by Master Yimei at this time, nor were they unconscious.
All the low-level cannon fodder went to the street, and those with some strength were invited to the group chat. Except for the American team and the Green Widow who did not have the X gene and the determined aborigines formed a line to protect themselves, there were only reincarnations of Ruth and Hitomi who had become small practitioners. The unqualified reincarnation newcomers like Blood Fang, who had passed the test, had already fallen down, and Iron Man was lying on the ground without moving.
Hitomi felt the strange atmosphere at the scene and kept drumming. The change of style was too sudden, which made her a little caught off guard. She was simply equipped with blood thorns and quickly positioned Li Mo to run over to meet him and wanted to enhance her sense of security.
Li Mo saw that Xiao Loli was walking in the battlefield as if he had entered the unmanned land, but did not cause any changes. Others who kept their consciousness, daring not to leave or dare to act, chose a conservative wait-and-see approach. At this moment, he could not help but shift his mind.
"Girl, you are waiting here!" Li Mo knocked on Xiao Loli's head, and quickly moved quickly.
He first stood up and went straight to the position of Dr. Octopus, recovered the spinal cord samples of Steel Lux, and received them in the platinum apartment. His behavior did not cause any surprises, so the courage gradually grew larger, and then turned to the ice man.
This time, Li Mo's actions attracted everyone's attention, and several strange samsaras watched coldly. He breathed a sigh of relief and squatted to the iceman whose mind was blinded to resist. Without a word, he quickly took out the syringe device, punctured it at the position of the spine, and began to take a spinal cord sample on site.
In this way, Professor Ai Gang Jingye Li went back and forth while staring at the other reincarnations in a stunned manner, continuously changing out the syringe and diligently taking genetic samples. In such a tense environment where enemies and friends are difficult to discern, he dare to pull his teeth out of his mouth.
Other reincarnations were equally moved, but they had no tools and no skill in collecting spinal cords, so Lin Yuan was envious. They used to be violent kidnappings for cultivation, where did they understand the advanced concept of 'sustainable blood collection'?
After Li Mo successively 'attacked' the four X-Men who were unable to resist, a high-energy response broke out again at the scene, interrupting his cheap pick-up operation.
The violent energy spread, blowing all the dust and flames nearby. Then a reincarnation took the lead in awakening, he snorted, mentioned a Li mutant, turned and walked away. Later, other samsaras came to their minds and chose to stand by.
Just now they had a confrontation in the spiritual world, and realized that this newly awakened bald man was one of the inheritors of the main world, and his status was not ordinary. The veteran knows the tricky of inheriting power, so he does not want to cause trouble.
But just like this white mutant who missed the top line of blood, they were reluctant. Many seniors pay the price of huge amounts of causal debt, risking their lives through time and space, in order to continue to become stronger, how can they miss the opportunity to become stronger?
So some people jumped out fearlessly, looting mutants wanted to escape, while others chose to wait and see. The inheritance force is certainly strong, but if the bald professor is not as good as people and does not have the strength to deter everyone from keeping these X-Men, then it is no wonder that others.
‘Yimei Zen Master’ Charles has just awakened, and his powerful spirit has surpassed the ‘legendary level’, but his strength is limited to the mortal body, and he ca n’t play one out of ten.
Now he has failed to condense the dowry. Although his soul has transformed, his body is weak and old, and his comprehensive strength is greatly reduced. Although the psionic power exploded in full force, barely reaching the edge of the legend, it could not shake the Holy Spirit defense of the Holy Land level.
Even after the distance of Li Mo's road tires is widened, they can resist hard to ignore. Therefore, the veteran ignored Charles' warning and waited for the opportunity to vote.
Seeing that the reincarnation took action, Charles watched with cold eyes, the pupil of the blue devil on the side dilated, revealing a confused expression, and his body was controlled.
He got up from the ground, grabbed the professor's wheelchair with one hand, and then exploded into a cloud of blue smoke and disappeared. At the same moment, two people appeared in the 'brain wave strengthening machine' underground of X Academy.
Professor Charles ’s psychic powers are already terrifying enough, coupled with the increase of the
brain wave strengthening machine
, the professor can instantly invade the Alaya consciousness of the earth, brainwash the brains of the primates of the world, and properly use
to reach the
'The point.
Charles reached out his hands and, with the help of the Blue Devils, put the helmet on his bare head, then slowly closed his eyes. At the next moment, the horror weapon deep in the deep underground finally worked, and the brain wave strengthening machine was lit up a little bit.
On this day, mankind finally recalled the fear once controlled by professors once, and the humiliation of the heart being snooped, played, and tampered with!
A terrifying brainstorm storm swept through the battlefield in an instant. Charles' mind was divided infinitely. Under the reinforcement of the machine, he forcibly invaded everyone's mind and calmed down negative thoughts such as battle, killing, plunder, and greed.
At this moment, the world is in harmony!
Only the veteran who stepped into the legend and the reincarnation of Li Mo, who specializes in soul, barely resisted Charles' spiritual attack.
The American team, Ruth, and other samsaras all felt empty in their hearts, were not interested in anything, and felt that their bodies were hollowed out to start the sage mode. Later, these people who lost their fighting spirit couldn't help but fall into deep thought: Why fight? Why kill? Why do humans hurt each other? What is the point of doing this?
With just a wave of brain waves, Charles ended the battle. It's not that I don't want to fight, but I can't fight. All but a few people lost their fighting spirit.
"You guys, do you want to continue?" Blue Devils and Professor teleported back to the field again, and Charles asked.
"Remember what you said before!" Said a senior.
"Relax, you won't let everyone go for a trip," the professor replied.
"Humph, let's go!" In words, the samsara turned into a sword light and disappeared into the sky. Then other seniors opened their mouths and left the battlefield with their respective vassals.
The SHIELD had suffered heavy losses in this battle. One sky mothership had no bones in the sky explosion, and the other two were seriously damaged. At this point, the US team had brought the unconscious Iron Man back, and Director Nick returned to his sleep, staring at the wreckage.
Li Mo is not clear about the professor who just awakened, and what agreement was reached with the seniors? But he knew that he had no part of it, so he gave Hitomi a glance and prepared to withdraw.
No matter what benefits the reincarnations get, they have to come to themselves if they are related to the mutants. And this time he obtained the genetic samples of the X-Men, such as Iceman, Gang Lux, etc., which also achieved the goal. The advertisement of the Flame Demon Warrior ’s repairing the Immortal Police was also recorded. Although he failed to make a fortune, he did gain a lot, but he did not lose.
As Li Mo was about to leave, Charles' voice suddenly sounded in his heart.
What makes Li Mo hair the most is that this guy is actually communicating with him in Chinese: "Children Victor, please stay here, the poor monk has something to discuss."
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