Chapter 50: Bombardier Gang Gang

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!
The dragons can't be headless for a day. Under the hint of Andy, Quan Guanqing released the news early to secretly hold a beggar meeting in Suzhou branch rudder, and invited all the rudder masters, elders and other elders to choose a highly respected person. , The "elders" who experienced the storms and waves took the post of helper.
The fame and fortune are touching, and every senior elder thinks he can fight back, so beggar leaders from all over the country flock to it, and the six elders, eight major rudder masters, and other verbal leaders in large and small churches also join in the fun, hoping to be in factions. Take a slice of the fight.
The stage has already been set up, and Li Mo and his entourage have been assembled and ready to go.
Before leaving, Li Mo took a good wine, tore off the mud seal, and transferred most of the stimulants, sedatives, and other overdraft drugs he had exchanged from the Samsara Temple into it. After mixing well, he was fed separately. Shiratori helps everyone.
In addition to this, he also specially injected ‘adrenaline’ to every ‘Evil Demon’. Because he was afraid of trouble, he was too lazy to change the needle. He had dozens of shots on this needle, and he was not afraid of any diseases they were infected with. Anyway, he is leaving, who cares about their future situation? If you do n’t know, you may be genetically mutated and become a superhero.
"Brothers, the beggars and beggars deceive people too much, and they will fight against them today! They will be divided into battles, and they will die!" Li Mo took the lead to drink a bowl of white water and then shattered the bowl.
Other unknown truth gangs also drank stimulants + sedatives + overdraft drugs, and then the alcohol was full of courage, holding up the machete in his hand and shouting: "A life and a death! A life and a death!" Although the voice is messy, but the momentum is shocking, Army mind is available.
Seeing that the pupils of the evil spirits turned red, and his breathing began to be rapid, Li Mo knew the time was coming: "Okay, let's go! Cut his mother!"
"Kill kill!" × N
Half an hour later, Li Mo and Andy Bing were divided into two ways. He led a group of large and small evil demon men to raid the beggar gang's branch rudder in Suzhou, preparing to wipe out all the high-level leaders.
Now the members of the gang are divided into two groups. The noble leaders and elders gather together to whisper each other for the ‘lord ’s position’. The middle-level cadres gathered in another restaurant to drink flowers and wine and exchange feelings. As for the disciples? All go to the broken temple to eat , you are so dirty and ugly, so do n’t come out to disappoint your appetite, beggars must look like beggars.
At this moment, in a large mansion in Suzhou City, a group of well-dressed high-end beggars drink and eat meat and exchange feelings in the big house. Either scold Xiao Feng's dog thief and kill a hero, or praise which one of the youths
Lou's girl is particularly moist, or just curse Suzhou Bainiao for smashing their place ...
When I got to Xingtou, suddenly several bamboo tubes bundled with black smoke were smashed in from the window, and the tabletop was knocked down and knocked over many tableware. The group of beggars were eating happily, and were suddenly harassed and provoked.
Few of them have seen the world, and naturally they did not know Li Mo's homemade bomb. Although some people played firecrackers in this era, saltpeter and sulfur were mainly used for alchemy. They were relatively high-level casting materials, and beggars had little contact.
Although a few elders smelled gunpowder, they thought they were pungent and thought they were poisonous gas, but they showed no signs of poisoning. As he opened his mouth to move things away, there was a bang in the room, the bamboo tubes burst, countless fragments of spin lasing, and indiscriminately exploded. Unexpectedly, the house screamed suddenly, and many experts could not escape, and was shot by broken bamboo pieces.
This is the victory of technology! Although it is forbidden to carry firearms in the reincarnation hall, it is impossible to prevent Li Mohua from making big bombs at a large price.
"Vote! Vote again! Give me the bombing!"
Outside the big house, the evil spirit demon under Li Mo's men has already subdued the beggar gang disciples who are in charge of vigilance. All the members of the beggars were tied up, kneeling on the ground in a row, with rags in their mouths, no matter how struggling.
At the moment in the center of the yard, Li Mo squinted and sat on a chair, with Tong En standing behind him and pounding hard. There are many demon around, and there are people who specially hold oil paper umbrella to shield him from the sun. In front of Li Mo, a lot of stimulants attacked, and the gang of pupils faintly red, waiting for the command with a machete and axe. Other miscellaneous fish kept throwing firecrackers.
If it were n’t for the ‘soft tendons’ and the ‘sorrowful breeze’ that had already been exhausted, he would not be bothered to personally oversee the war. Hearing a panic and screaming in the house at the moment, he understood that his goal had been achieved.
"Simalin, throw the smoke bombs in, force them out, and prepare them! Hitomi, with a little effort, you beat too lightly." Li Mo said while manicuring.
The big demon on the side heard the words and made a wink at the little demon. The little demon took out the fire fold, lit a homemade smoke bomb and threw it in. The pungent smoke began to spread in the house. The panicked gangsters finally couldn't bear it. Someone said, "Brothers, rush out, we have more people!"
Then one good hand after another jumped out of the window, and then saw Li Mo and others who had been ambushing for a long time. Everyone is drifting up and down, and has been attacked by a knife, so no one was intimidated by Li Mo's position. Don't look at the other party's complete swords and axes, they are usually used as scary goods.
The most important thing in walking rivers and lakes is harmony and wealth, followed by momentum. This kind of large-scale fire is the most taboo to kill people, and it doesn't matter if you hurt or kill people. Once you move a real guy, it will kill the mansion and the government will be killed. Therefore, the beggars are popular in hitting dog sticks, and injuring and disabling is not killing.
Everyone came out to make a fortune, not to seek death, so these weapons are usually just used to pretend, fill the facade, just follow the ruthless words, lose people and not lose. Isn't it true to hold axe negotiations in hand? Do you have a face? !
Therefore, the elder who led the beggars stood up without fear of Li Mo. I think that all the rudder masters behind me are there. Which one is not Wu Yigao's strength to dominate? This force is gathered together, enough to sweep the Jiangnan Wulin!
With this in mind, he was more confident, and said with curse: "A big dog gall, dare to attack my beggar to help rudder, you ..."
Seeing a lot of people jump out, Li Mo glanced at the other person impatiently, and did not wait for the others to finish talking, very uncooperative opening: "Vote!"
With a single order, those gangs with blue ribs protruding from the front and blood vessels crawling like earthworms could no longer bear it, and they threw out the flying axe in their hands.
At this moment, the stimulant attacks and adrenaline madly stimulates the whole body. They feel that the body is full of power, but the brain is blank, just want to vent. Dozens of axes whizzed and screamed, slashing through doors, windows and walls, the handle trembling and buzzing. There were also a lot of successful beheadings of beggars, which were suddenly shot with blood and set off a violent storm.
The man on the opposite side hadn't finished speaking yet, and he was frightened, and immediately shook his head and shrunk into a ball. It was like listening to Lei's bowed head, and he was dangerously avoiding two flying axes.
After a round of flying axe, the crowd easily killed three or four people, and the severely injured were seven, seven, eight, eight.
"Brothers, be careful, the other party is real! There are flying axes."
A member of the beggar yelled, but unfortunately the smoke filled the house and it was difficult to breathe. How could it be tolerated? So many people couldn't help jumping out.
"Reinvest!" Li Mo urged impatiently.
咻咻 咻 ......
After a few rounds of flying axe, the ground was full of so-called beggar masters. Those with bad luck and bad luck were hacked to death on the spot. The survivors also suffered injuries, varying in severity. No matter how high the martial arts are, I am afraid of kitchen knives.
At the moment, the beggars, the six elders, the eight rudder masters, and the other masters looked down and out. They were armed and alert with one hand, and dragged a dead disciple with one hand. When they were shields in front of them, they successfully escaped.
When Li Mofei axe wounded just now, this group of the most powerful and experienced guys dragged these young disciples into the water for the first time, pulled them back, and easily escaped the attack of the flying axe. Do n’t look at Li Mo ’s glorious results, but all the killers are weak chickens, and they are not eligible for redeeming points.
"Boy, who the are you? You and I have no injustice, why did you attack my beggar? My beggar is the next big gang, aren't you afraid of being retaliated ?!"
"Elder Wang, don't talk nonsense with him. This kid is Suzhou Li Mo, and there is a big conflict with our beggars."
"It's all the trouble you caused, hey, you were miserable this time!"
"Don't panic, the other party is only for the benefit of the sword soldiers. Taking advantage of the opportunity, let's join forces to kill them, catch this kid, and slowly torture."
"So much nonsense, kill me!" Li Mo said again.
Those stimulants were attacked, and the cannon fodder of the bloodline and tent, after the round of flying axe just now, was stimulated by the picture of blood splashing in front of him, and became more bloodthirsty and excited. If he had some reason, even Li Mo could not control them.
At this moment, Li Mo ordered an attack, and these guys couldn't hold back anymore, and rushed up with their choppers, unafraid of death or pain.
"Ahhhhhhhh ...", "Ohhhhh ..."
The cannon fodder are like a group of beasts, with red eyes rushing to the elders. They are now swollen with muscles, hard like iron, with strong movements and dull eyes, but their thinking is very clear. Not afraid of pain.
The elders on the opposite side also noticed the enemy's anomaly and cheered up and greeted them. The short soldiers of the two sides meet, and the swords and swords immediately fight together. The elders are all martial arts superiors and well-tested generations. All they see in their eyes are flaws, so they wield their swords and cut them out.
This move is naturally correct in the past, but the cannon fodder at this moment have lost their minds and don't care about injuries at all. Not only did he not be afraid, but he was irritated by the pain and became more violent and brutal.
A cannon fossil chest was scratched by a sword, and the wound followed the ribs all the way to the lower abdomen, completely ripped open. The other party just covered the wound with his left hand, the beast generally howled, his muscles swelled, and he swung the tiger's head with his backhand and cut it without any rules. The elder snorted coldly, and the Hengjian resisted. As a result, the opponent's strength was unexpectedly unexpected. With a bang, the sword was severed with great force, and half of his arm was chopped off by the opponent. However, the cannon fodder was also uncomfortable, and the entire arm was completely abolished by the anti-shock force.
The other cannon fodder was even worse. Regardless of the previous master who used a large axe, he easily hit the muzzle and was cut off the arm holding the weapon. However, the cannon fodder suddenly went crazy, rushing up regardless of life and death, his legs sandwiched the waist of the other party, his hands were wrapped around the other party's neck, like a couple in love, biting the other party's neck and biting. A group of zombies.
Where has this master seen this shameless play? In anxiety, he continued to wave his ax to the guy who was wrapped around him, and eventually he was bitten off one ear and broke his neck.
Two fists are invincible, not to mention a group of cannon fodder that are no better than zombies? The gang of masters were caught off guard and were injured in succession. One was shoved from behind during the battle, and was directly cut into pieces by the knife. In addition, several unlucky eggs were seriously injured and lost their fighting power completely. Several other people still maintain their fighting power.
The batch of cannon fodders of Li Mo's men were of average quality, and were quickly killed by more than half. Other cannon fodders were consumed too much just now, and the medicinal effects in the body gradually became ineffective, and fell a bit down.
After the repeated baptism of cannon fodder, there are not many people who can still move and maintain their fighting power in the field. They are the elite gangsters after the big waves, but these people are not too young. Although the body was not injured, the mental and physical energy had been consumed by half, breathing began to be rapid, and the frequency of wielding weapons also decreased.
So Li Mo continued to make up his troops, and finally it was the turn of the evil spirits. This group of goblins only injected 'adrenaline' and each took 'A grade cough cough cough'. They are currently at their peak. Their thoughts are sedated, not the brainless death type, plus the speed brought by the evil spirit sword spectrum The bonus is more threatening.
They paired up with the elders and rudder masters in groups of two, and the fast sword came out to fight with you.
"The opponent's speed is very fast, everyone will form a self-protection!"
This group of elders has rich experience in group battering. In the face of fewer enemies and more enemies, they quickly formed a large group of beggars to fight dogs, sharing pressure with each other and fighting against foreign enemies.
At this time, Li Mo found that he overestimated the 'little demon'. The quality of the fast-growing bargains was average. There was no fighting consciousness or team consciousness. The improvement after multiple enhancements was also limited. And these elders were forced to explode their potentials at the end of their desperate journey, and each of them was bathed in blood and became more and more courageous.
So Li Mo once again sent the evil evil spirits at the bottom of the box to bully the small.
"You go together, remember to keep alive, I have great use."
"Yes, sir!" Simalin nodded when he heard Li Mo's words, and then quickly rushed into the battlefield. The long sword repeatedly hit the same point several times, hitting the opponent's weapon, and then spilled a silver needle. , Secretly hurt someone, successfully stabbed a person ’s acupuncture point, making his movements too stiff to resist, then he was thrown away with a sword, and quickly and quickly popped up and immediately withdrew, just like a twitching whip, it broke in a flash. The other party's eyebrows make him half-dead coma.
The entrance of the evil demons immediately reversed the occupation, a few breathing kung fu, and the three elders were subdued in the field of hacking and chaos.
Because Li Mo and his teammates need internal experience to practice, so this group of masters can not kill. Every evil spirit demon is easy to kill, but it is difficult to subdue the opponent, so he can't help other teammates.
Seeing the situation is not good, an elder goatee madly urged the internal force, kicked the little demon in front of him, kicked him spitting blood and flying. Then he strode forward and went straight to Li Mo, wanting to capture the thief and capture the king first. He looked at Li Mo's young age, pure white, and distinguished status, thinking he had found a way out.
At this time, a evil spirit demon flashed out, blocking Li Mo in front of him. There was a trace of disdain in the elder's eyes, and he jumped high and raised his hand to slap him under the dive. The evil spirit demon didn't hesitate to fight back.
"Flying Dragon!"
The palms intersect, and the evil evil demon has limited internal power, and it is not a tough and overbearing opponent. Under the palm of his hand, he couldn't bear his legs and knelt directly on the ground. His knees were broken and his arms were broken. His mouth vomited blood and became depressed.
With one blow, the elder also consumed most of his internal energy. But his strong spirit, as if seeing the hope of life, went straight to the weak Li Mo, urged the final internal force, and once again made the most powerful shock of a hundred miles.
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