Chapter 576: Sandpiper tears B, old fairy gains

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"Let's act, otherwise we will miss the best time." Wei Si saw the team leaving the road soon, and the voice was anxiously reminded.
As one of the eight masterpieces, she has felt that the blood of the other five kinds of serpents in the car is unmistakable, and her heart has become impulsive. Now that the spirits of other serpents are no longer easy to obtain, if these five kinds of blood can be obtained, the arrival of the master will be more certain.
The Qiyongsha, an unprecedented enemy, pointed to the map and said: "This location is the weakest defense and the most vulnerable place to ambush the entire route. If I were an enemy, I would definitely set up a network here. You and I are all in one shot. The sudden attack only throws in the net, so wait! "
"Wait for one ..." Qifan Society, who was stunned by the fan and the towel, finished talking, and suddenly there was a movement on the road.
Then the pavement fired into the sky, Cao Yajing roared and released the serpent, the huge fire burst and the car was overturned to the ground by a strong impact.
Immediately afterwards, the upward-facing car door was blown away by a violent tear, turning into a diagonal line and instantly embedded in the masonry wall not far away. The nuclear warrior Abu jumped out of the cockpit of the truck, just in time with the coming Bashen Temple.
The eight gods that were squeezed into medicinal residues and regained the blaze of blaze, eager to verify whether their new power is strong. Recognizing Abu's identity, he jumped forward indiscriminately and jumped up with a heavy hand.
The nuclear samurai also drives the power of the "nuclear prajna", punching a furious anger and killing them together with the eight gods that control the fire of the demon. Immediately, the two figures were entangled and intertwined, and the action slowly fought.
On the other side, the accompanying convoy stopped and rushed out of a group of guns holding guns. They shouted 666 in morale, then shot at the attackers. The Sisters of Kagura each hold a bronze mirror (courtesy ritual), and both of them use the "Congratulations on Divine Speed" to leave a series of afterimages behind them, launching a counterattack and subduing the cannon fodder one by one.
And Caiyao Jing rescued her sister with an eagerness, punching on the carriage, punching a thick steel plate through a hole. Then his hands burned with gas flames, and the Flame Demon Factor gave him a muscle aesthetic from the abyss. Cao Yajing took a deep breath to sway his strength, his arms squirmed and swelled under the skin, ripped open the carriage with brute force, and rushed into it to find his unconscious girlfriend.
After confirming that it was "Xue" himself, he was relieved, hugged his sister in his arms, and then grabbed the small box containing the blood of the serpent family, which made him uneasy, and then jumped out of the car.
The four people had a plan, a clear division of labor, and a tacit cooperation. Within a few minutes, they completed a beautiful attack, robbery, and retreat. They ran the road with cloned snow and loot. At first glance, they were proficient criminals.
Not far away, Qiqishe, who was hidden on the second floor of a shop, was hit by his face, and he had forgotten the pain. He was staring at the backs of several people in a daze.
He has no choice but to make no mistake. The seven pill clubs are miscalculated! Looking at the few fish that ran through the net, running happily, they were not ambushed? Where is the reason? Do you worry too much? Do not! This is not the point. My master's psychic medium and the blood of the five parts and eight masterpieces were taken away by the three artifacts!
This scene at the moment was also planned by Li Mo, and snipe clams compete for fishermen's gain. As long as one party can't help but start, the two parties will eventually tear together. If you can hold it back, that's fine, people wouldn't want to save it. This is a shameless conspiracy, forcing them to have to start.
"Three Artifacts!" Said the dry land coldly: "We chase, stop them! Kill them all, the spirit medium back."
Lianna heard that she flew out first, she was too fast, and she just left and curled up a frenzy wind around Qisha.
Her legs are muscular, her muscles are tight and her steps are alternated, like a female leopard exploding and accelerating in the same hunt, rushing out of the string and rushing towards Caiyao. But after a few breaths, she evened out the distance between the two sides, leapt into the air under the action of huge acceleration inertia, raised her hand knife to dive down and cut, and drew a huge V in the air.
Bashenan and Qianhe turned back to help one after another, and then changed their face: "Bajieji!"
"Leave the people!" Qi Yaoshe bent across the ground at a distance of ten meters, the invisible force disturbed the pulsation of the earth, and then the catharsis point appeared at the foot of the three artifacts. The internal stress erupts instantaneously, with these points as breakthroughs, the longitudinal eruption forms an energy impact column.
Bashen Temple is struggling with Lianna, and an undetected fly directly flies, thanks to Kagura Wangui's shot, he was rescued. At this time, Wei Si also rushed up like a beast, rushing to the weakest Kagura Wangui.
Afterwards, both Cao Yajing and Bashen Temple broke out with flames and flames to resist, and the conscious mind was instantly replaced by killing intentions, destruction, madness and chaos. Their eyes are crimson, and they look very evil, with a gigantic grin in their mouths, as if the unicorn's arm recurs, and the unicorn demon reappears in the world.
Li Mo admired in the high-rise building in the distance, and saw the lively and energetic Beijing and An, and secretly praised the protagonist in his heart as being tenacious. As long as the operation is done properly, he can be harvested repeatedly, which is also the road of sustainable development!
The three guys Kusanagi Jing, Bashen Temple and K, after they were pumped into medicinal scum for the last time, ignited the flames of fire inside the body and stood up again.
The status of these three people is very special, they are not high in combat power alone, their bodies have not yet recovered to their peak after being squeezed again, and their synthesis is not even as good as that of top fighters, hovering around first-class. However, their soul, martial will, and fighting experience have been polished to an extremely brilliant level under Li Mo's devastation.
Their souls are no longer the original stones of the past, but have been radiated by Professor Li's time and time again, turning into shining gems. Souls of this quality can be sold for a high price in the main world. Not to mention that the three of them have their own protagonist luck, extraordinary life, and the best-selling category, eligible to be sacrificed.
The strong soul and the weak body are similar to the two snake snakes and the third snake. They can play to a certain degree of super level, and make up for the defects and shortcomings with superb skills.
On the other side of the Bajie Concentration, the strongest ‘dry earth’ Qiqi Society had already suffered an internal injury when it was against the Sacred Realm Demon Lao Xian. There is a ‘radiation magic energy’ burning in his body, and the scars on his chest have not yet been extinguished. Like the fire that has not been burned, there is a hot red awn remaining, which constantly ignites his vitality.
When the two sides fought together, Wei Si confronted the best-preserved Qianhe, ran away, Lianna suppressed the Yanmo Bajin Temple, and Cao Yajing went to Qiqisha.
"Can't delay! Quick battle!"
Qiyailshe squinted and found that the security of SNK had fled, and the nuclear warrior was calling his cell phone and reporting something. His heart sank and he immediately felt the pressure double. All of the crippled three artifacts can delay them. Once the behind-the-scenes hand that defeated five eight heroes in a row and left an indelible wound to him ... he dared not continue to think about it. Flame Devil Victor left him a huge shadow.
"Go away!"
Qiqisha manipulated the earth's energy to form a force field. An invisible gravity suddenly came and pressed against the bodies of Kusanagi and Kagura Wangui, making them stiff at the same time. He had no intention of entanglement, and rushed in front of Wan Gui three steps, raised his hand to hit the bronze mirror, and shocked the passing to let Wan Gui move again. The Qibla She grabbed her body and threw it all over for more than 20 meters.
Cao Yajing played a reduced version of the snake serpentine, which only stopped the Seven Pillory Club for a moment, and the flames of the abyss were scattered by his palm, and then laughed and said: "Weak! Hand over the spirit medium!"
Jing Yilian refused, and said seriously: "I will never give Xue to you, I want to take her away and step over my body!"
"Then as you wish!"
Qiqisha just raised her hand to attack, Li Mo was happy to watch the movie in the distance, and did not plan to let Cao Yajing go to the street as early as possible, so she sensed her "radiation magic energy" and made a small plan to detonate it.
The body of Qilsha suddenly shuddered and vomited blood. The scar on his chest burned again in pain. He had previously divided some of his strength to suppress the radiation in his body. At this moment, the full-strength battle must also maintain the suppression of the ‘dry earth’ force field, which caused the wound to lose control again and began to destroy the body and torture him.
After vomiting blood, he found that his condition was very bad, and the three artifacts were entangled with the eight Jieji. Several minutes have passed since the attack on the convoy, and SNK must have reacted. He glanced at the metal suitcase that fell to the ground, and rushed past with a sudden thought.
"Beijing! Stop him, don't let him get that box!" Qian Hezhi had guessed that the box was filled with evil blood, which could be used to summon serpents, quickly reminding him with a voice.
Cao Yajing held the snow in his arms, slowing his movements, and could not catch up. So he lifted his legs and volleyed, kicking a blaze of lightning. The flame demon turned into a meteorite streamer, and the disease was very fast. First, Qiqisha struck one step, causing an explosion to destroy this box.
However, Qiyarshe didn't see any anger in the face, but instead laughed, and then punched with a punch. After the fireball, heavy fists bombarded the deformed box, extinguished the flame, and the five blood bottles in the box exploded, and the blood entangled with each other.
At the next moment, Qiyarshe pulled his hands together, his arm muscles burst, and easily torn the burnt iron box. A blood levitation suspended in his hand, continuously condensing, colliding, boiling, and contracting. This is a fusion of five kinds of serpent blood.
His eyes were extremely fanatical, but his expression was solemn and respectful. Like Gonzitz, he chose to sacrifice the ego to achieve the ego and complete the racial mission.
Then he swallowed without hesitation.
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