Chapter 62: return

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After returning to the reincarnation hall, Li Mo, still holding a small wooden box in his arms, was still at a loss. He looked around in amazement, and found that the surrounding environment had all changed, and he was familiar with it. Then he remembered that it was the Temple of Reincarnation.
The other people beside him were not much better, either nervous or alert. After discovering that there were only five and all of them in the huge palace, they were relieved.
At this time, everyone's face was restored to its original appearance, which made Li Mo, who was used to yellow skin, somewhat uncomfortable.
Especially Ruth, no longer the original flowery beauty, but turned into a black-skinned drow sister. Only the size of the chest is still surging. This made him have to sigh the mystery of ‘human transformation evil’. Perhaps people in this world appreciate black beauties, but Li Mo always thinks of black sisters in Africa.
Hitomi Eun changed from the oriental loli to the western loli, the change of hair color is the most exaggerated, from black to gold. He was also wearing a Tianchao gown and carrying the original animal skin backpack, but the rabbit in his hand was missing and looked nondescript. But it's good enough for Meng, Meng is justice, once Meng covers all ugliness, other disharmony can be ignored.
Andy is handsome, but his temperament has changed a lot. Instead of being arrogant, he was gloomy and indifferent, clutching a long sword in his hand, as if to bring him a sense of security, like a poisonous snake entrenched in the shadows.
The chicken wings changed back to the goblin appearance again. This guy has pale green skin, and it looks like an alien species. The whole body was entangled with a chill, much like that.
"Welcome back, congratulations to everyone for completing the first trial task. The team's comprehensive evaluation: good."
"Now start counting points, please wait."
Soon, a picture appeared on everyone's retina, which continually circulated the three experiences, and the reincarnation hall judged according to the behavior of the reincarnation.
Statistics are carried out simultaneously, and everyone can only see their own situation.
Li Mo found that killing a prey may not be able to get full points. For example, there is a big difference between ‘Fair War I’ and ‘ambush sneak attack’. Teams have a share of killing the target and everyone like Tong En can only get the minimum amount.
He killed the four wicked people, basically relying on group fights, and the final score was a constant trick, so the points were greatly discounted, much lower than expected.
Evaluation: Li Mo, with a total of 1457 points.
Maliciously injuring teammates (half orcs), indirectly causing him to die, deducting 300 points as a warning.
Help teammates (four people) and reward 400 points.
Good performance, unity teammates, personal evaluation: B-.
Contribution: 180.
After the statistics were over, the voice was heard again in the hall without waiting for everyone to speak.
Compared with the previous cold and ruthless stereotypes such as machinery, today's reincarnation hall is a bit more humanized: "Through the trial task, promoted to the official reincarnation, open the corresponding permissions, please inquire yourself, and now start the level assessment."
Li Mo, who used to be one for ordinary people, has also been evaluated by "Two Stars". According to his performance in the mission world, he has stepped into the ranks of first-class masters in rivers and lakes, belonging to the two-star level. When you can break through the innate, you can promote Samsung.
Star upgrade, you can choose to upgrade cleverly, you can also choose to play steadily and lay a solid foundation. Even if you get a powerful weapon prop, you can brush up the evaluation.
After all this, the reincarnation hall returned to silence. Hearing Tong En screaming, he rushed straight to the ground, picked up the ‘grenade’ and ‘pistol’ he exchanged, and said happily:
My devil! My devil!

"Be careful, that thing is dangerous!" Li Mo saw helpless after seeing the dead child holding a bunch of grenade in his arms.
Ruth glanced at Tong En's firearm and opened the relevant exchange catalog. Now after being promoted to the official reincarnation, behind each weapon, a simple explanation is given.
Soon, the drow discovered that the weapons exchanged in the reincarnation hall could not be used directly in the main world, because the laws of the two worlds were different, resulting in different ignition points for gunpowder eruptions, but this does not mean that the firearm itself is worthless.
There are always hand guns in the main world, and their power is not weak. These advanced gun constructions, on the contrary, contain great value, and the elves feel that they have seen business opportunities.
But soon she lost again, because she saw a more high-end magic change pistol in the list. The black hammer dwarf logo was also imprinted on the gun, and the business was obviously preempted by the dwarf. Desert Eagle with Constant Hawkeye, Spiral Accelerated Bullet Enchantment, Space Superimposed Magazine ...
Li Mo also deeply regretted this, why did he not exchange a magically modified sniper rifle? When he fell, he directly killed Tong Guan and the sweeping monk and made a fortune. Well, there was no such redemption project at the beginning, it was only open content, and it was expensive.
Several reincarnations are browsing the exchange list in an attempt to rediscover business opportunities. But first come first served. After fifteen years of development, the reincarnation predecessors did not leave a soup for the younger generation. All fortune-telling ideas that can be thought of are preempted and even monopolized.
At this time, Li Mo took a deep breath and began to call the 'Reincarnation Hall' for inquiries. He asked questions he was confused one by one, some of which were within the scope of authority, and some were not answered even if he paid for it.
In the end, Li Mo clarified the following rules:
Each reincarnation, during the completion of a mission, has a redemption quota corresponding to the level, which can convert any valuable items into points. Including using gold and silver jewelry to buy points, but the amount is limited.
In addition, there is no such thing as a sideline plot in the reincarnation hall, and you can trade any items through points.
Reincarnation Hall provides rebirth trading opportunities for different teams of reincarnations, provides various paid services, you can use points to buy time for training, you can use points for strong guidance ...
Unlike the cruel brainless fight, which treats people as worms, the "master space", the reincarnation of Sitaheim is not just an individual who is competent. Every life with traits has become a ‘beacon’. Their rare number is extremely valuable, and the reincarnation hall cherishes it very much.
Therefore, the Temple of Reincarnation attaches great importance to the cultivation of reincarnations, prohibits killing in the same team, encourages teamwork, and opposes the fighting of different teams. If there are multiple records of killing teammates, they will be marked as "fallen" and placed in a special team.
Li Mo had a deep understanding of this. He pitted a half-orc and deducted 300 points. He paid four teammates for a reward and only awarded 400 points. In retrospect, he was very grateful for his initiative to make good decisions with several others.
The reincarnation mission naturally has a great risk, but it is not to die, nor to simply kill. Therefore, the survival rate is not low, and as long as you have good luck and good strength, you can quickly gain strength. Just look at the waste wood chicken wings and Li Mo.
"Reincarnation Hall, what is this contribution value? What's the use?"
Li Mo asked about the contribution value, and the next answer to the reincarnation hall surprised him.
Reincarnations of any rank, as long as they successfully reach a different world, no matter whether they act, or even stand still, are constantly affecting and changing the trajectory of this world, which can be roughly understood as the 'butterfly effect'.
To be more precise, a gravel fell into the sea, and then a ripple was raised.
These ripples, this behavior that interferes with the ‘mission world’, are themselves processes that generate ‘contribution values’.
The fault tolerance of a world is very powerful. If you do nothing and mix a task, the resulting 'contribution value' is naturally limited. The greater the deviation in the impact on the mission world, the higher the final contribution value.
Stir a vortex, overturn the entire sea, the contribution value will naturally burst the table.
The specific deviation is good or bad, and you can get ‘contribution’ whether positive or negative. However, reincarnations are foreign ‘foreign objects’ to every world, so they tend to cause negative excursions.
Finally, the contribution value is settled after leaving the mission world. The ripples produced by Li Mo in the Tianlong World will set off a terrible storm in the next few hundred years. But the settlement he received was only three months.
Other Li Mo didn't understand it, but there was one thing he kept in mind, as long as he did a lot of damage, he could get a high contribution. In addition, there are other ways to fight for the ‘contribution value’, but it is not currently open to low-level reincarnations.
There are two uses for the contribution value. The first is to increase the authority, open more and more precious exchange qualifications, obtain more information, and open more service items. The second is to accumulate enough contributions, and then completely leave the "Samsara", or carry out additional "self-expense travel outside the world."
Li Mo checked and found that his current redemption value is 2000 contribution value. After each reincarnation mission, the redemption value will increase accordingly.
According to the reincarnation hall's answer, these contribution values ​​are the fare of the ticket to the outside world. The reincarnation hall never trades at a loss, and Li Mo spends money traveling to and from other worlds. One thousand round trips to two thousand trips. If you ca n’t afford the money, you will have to die.
"That is to say, as long as the contribution value is enough, not only can we get rid of the shackles of the reincarnation hall, but we can also 'transform the passive into the active' and carry out a different world transmission?" Andy also noticed the strangeness.
"This should be an incentive measure. After entering the Temple of Reincarnation, the soul is controlled by it and can't help it. Whether to regain freedom or gain more power, the reincarnation can only continue to progress, complete tasks madly, and accumulate contributions. Li Mo analyzed.
"But I think it's more likely that it's deeper and deeper. It's like a loan shark. The more reincarnations, the greater the amount of contribution owed, and there is no possibility of turning over." Ruth frowned a little. They are aboriginal people. They are very clear about the importance of soul independence and freedom. If they have been restrained by the reincarnation hall, they can only be regarded as puppets.
Andy sneered at this moment and disdainfully said: "What does it mean to get deeper and deeper? Isn't it going to be trapped in the main world? Belief in gods is not a betrayal of souls? A contract with the devil is not a betrayal of souls? All gain power and sell to reincarnation. The palace seems to be more cost-effective. I learned a sentence in the mission world, 'People can't help themselves in rivers and lakes.' Putting it anywhere will work. "
"Is it really free in the main world? Don't deceive yourself, and see the mystery here, you will be willing to mediocrity, return to the main world, and continue to struggle? The harvest of completing a task here is far more than the accumulation of the main world for many years, Everything here is at your fingertips, as long as you have points, you can get everything, even God! We think that our own qualities are selected, how sad is it if you do not seize the opportunity? Are you really willing? Moreover, we have no way out! "
Ruth sighed. Of course she understood Andy's meaning, but she was unhappy: "I agree with you, I just don't like this feeling of being manipulated."
Li Mo on the side can only take a look at this. The psychological quality of the aborigines is too strong, and the consciousness is too high. It is estimated that this is related to the perennial licking of blood from the blade, which puts life and death apart. Even if he is not afraid of death, he can face everything calmly.
"By the way, I found a service item, you all take a look." Li Mo said at the time, "The internal power we have gained in the mission world cannot adapt to the rules of the main world, and it must be modified. Or the exchange has been modified. Re-cultivate the past exercises. "
"We all know this." Andy discovered the problem before the mission began.
"In the service started by the promotion of the formal reincarnation, there is an option to simulate the transformation method. It can be tailored to different types of transformation methods based on internal power and the personal data of the reincarnation, but the fee is a bit high. Thousand points. "
In Li Mo's brain, there are methods left behind by the magic bones, but they are very simple and primitive, with poor security and many defects. The services provided by the reincarnation hall are clearly superior. Judging from the memory of Demon Bone, this function is the latest, and his era does not exist.
Subsequently, the people began their respective exchanges.
The first is Andy, who has a strong self-will, is free from outside interference, and always has a clear purpose. It can be said that he is confident or arrogant.
This time, he has two things to do. First of all, he must repair the physical defects, retrieve the missing Tintin, and restore the dignity of the man; '.
The Hitachiheim crystal wall system also has three gods of the Holy Light system, namely, "Morning King of Light", "Ms. Light", and "Newborn Light". But Andy is not a believer in any of them.
He is a member of another denomination ‘Holy Church’, a knight who pursues the ‘primitive essence of light’. To put it bluntly, he does not believe in gods, only in the essence of the power of ‘Holy Light’.
Before the Cataclysm, the knights who mastered the basic ‘Power of Light’ were very popular, and no matter which deity liked this kind of believer. The "Sanctuary" was suppressed by the cooperation of the three gods, and its status is very low. It is more like a professional vocational technical school specializing in training low-level paladins for the gods.
After graduation, the unowned paladin will choose to join the churches (companies) of various gods under the guidance (recruitment) of priests in different churches according to different concepts, and sign life-long contracts (build faith) to obtain advanced and higher occupations. Opportunities (welfare).
You can also continue wandering, loyal to the country, or do it alone. To put it simply, Paladin is a good professional. When he graduates to find a job, he or she joins the church and gets an iron rice bowl for a lifetime. You can also go to the Kingdom of God after death (glorious retirement). Either start a business freely, the prospects are slim ...
Of course, since the cataclysm fifteen years ago, these three "light gods" had no chance of disqualification and were directly bombarded into scum.
Because the location of the rupture of the crystal wall system of Hittarheim is just at the level of the "light", the gods of the three gods were strangled by the overtime space that was rolled up by the multiverse in the first time. Cold.
The Holy Light level is also the most damaged super-large world plate.
At that time, the plane of the Holy Light was completely broken into many places, and even some plane fragments fell into the main world. Eventually, the light power of the main world was revealed, becoming extremely powerful and chaotic.
The successive fall of the Holy Light Department has opened the prelude to the Cataclysm. Since then, the gods have been disqualified, and the world is in chaos. The ‘Holy Church’ took advantage of this opportunity to rise up, embezzling the legacy of several Holy Light spirits without any burden, occupying the ‘Fragment of Divine Light Plane’, and quickly expanded into a monster organization.
Andy was ordained in the 'Temple' ten years ago and became a member of the 'Paladin' reserve.
His growth environment is similar to that of Victor, and they are still the gods of Yu Wei, but they are unable to show the chaotic age of holiness. He did not cultivate a pious belief, nor was he willing to give his soul to the so-called ‘gods’ who were overwhelmed.
What he once pursued was a powerful force, a noble identity, the power of the temple, and then led the family to a new peak. However, after three months of miraculous travel, his mentality has completely changed, and the hidden secrets and hidden values ​​of the reincarnation hall are far more than any large-scale system.
He has never been as full of ambition and desire as he is now. He feels that there is a flame burning in his body, urging himself to agitate himself. Deep in his heart, he even gave birth to an absurd delusion, he felt that he could be a god.
A young man who has not even reached the fifth-level professional level, feels that in this turbulent era, he can use the power of the reincarnation hall to grow step by step and even replace the three gods who were once high.
This is an excellent era with unprecedented opportunities.
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