Chapter 631: The whole universe is speaking Chinese

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Li Mo only waited for an hour in a single room, and the data terminal in his hand refreshed thousands of lines of information. Various remunerations were listed, just to compete for a place to go to another world, and he was dazzled. These people are enough. Fight.
It's a pity that his vision is getting higher and higher. How can these people who can't even get a ticket have a collection that makes him heart-wound?
"Empress, the screening will be yours. Choose the option that will help me the most, and then select the corresponding five people. If there are special wonders, notify me separately."
Later, he communicated with the mechanical seal, logged on to the local data network, browsed the news of Space Bridge, collected some intelligence, and prepared for this outbound journey.
This invasion is so powerful that every level is intertwined, and groups of demons are thrown into different worlds, launching a round of devastating doomsday harvest. At this time, many bigwigs are still soliciting high-end cannon fodder. Such as the Serpent Legion, Succubus Queen, Red Blood Emperor, Mechanical Heretics, the ‘Fallen King Kong’ who settled in the abyss, the Eye Demon Legion, etc ...
There is very little information about the radioactive amusement park. Radiant Emperor is not interested in this "carnival". Only a team of the third radiation army was sent ten days ago, and then ten low-end cannon ashes were successively invested. No further investment is meant.
Today's Space Bridge has no offices for the Radiation Legion. He wanted to have a relationship with Radiant Flame Mora, and he had to go to the outside world to find traces. Moreover, the Radiation Legion is not strong among the many Abyss Legions. Does this golden thigh seem to be ineffective?
Next, Li Mo focused on the movement of 233 layers of miscellaneous fish. The main purpose of his trip is not to seek adventures in other realms, nor to teach people to live with cause and effect, just to get rid of the bones of the bone-bearing city and remove the roots, and then grab the key to blow up the space channel connecting the underworld.
It is a pity that the cannon fodder level of the 233rd floor is too low. Where are the common ants' gadgets? Their messages are not found in the database at all. In the end, Li Mo paid for the staff in the data center, and learned that they were recruited by an unknown giant bull demon army.
The 'Space Bridge Landing Station' is just a place to perform the functions of 'airport and train station'. The information is not comprehensive, and the specific situation can only be investigated in a different world.
In the end, the empress selected five temporary passengers, and there was nothing worthy of being missed. Only 3,000 high-quality souls were charged, as well as two hundred panacea, and a dozen pieces of magic metal. remuneration.
Half a day later, Li Mo greeted five fellow travellers and set foot on a space bridge to a different world. The two sides have no intention of making deep friendships, they are separated from each other when they enter a different world, so they are not enthusiastic, and there is no communication after a few words.
As a space bridge, it is actually not a bridge, but a huge jujube-shaped space-time shuttle, and a twisted invisible end, similar to a wormhole space-time channel. The entire bottomless abyss provides energy to maintain the stability of the space bridge.
"It's ugly." Coco Millie pouted, very disgusted.
The elf sister's cheeks flushed, showing a pathological excitement, and she began to study the entrance of this complex transcrystalline wall space. To the elf girl, this crystal-wall-level space-time channel is like showing an expert the internal structure of the space shuttle. Just like an open treasure house, how much knowledge can be gained from how deep oneself accumulated.
Li Mo looked at the huge space shuttle a bit stunned. He thought of his "Mechanical Spirit Treasure", which once mentioned a "Devil Shuttle". This huge technological creation contains a rich magic weapon color. He has an intuition that this is another 'mechanical magic weapon' that differs from the principle of the platinum queen.
After staying for five minutes, under the guidance of the staff, ten people stepped into the first-class space shuttle. It took a long time to wait for the Devil Legion to log in. The five temporary passengers sat in the distance with a jealous eye, leaving the most spacious chassis to Li Mo and the others. Camila and the girl with amnesia made a fruit platter for Li Mo, and Nifibito squatted on the side to eat listlessly.
Blanche was excited at this time, wearing a metal device on her wrist, which is the queen's terminal processor, which can assist the elf girl to perceive and record the spatial data of this 'space-time bridge'.
Li Mo is communicating with the flight attendant on the shuttle.
"Sir, these are ten soul crystals, which record some basic information and common sense of the alien world, and the language of that world. Please use and familiarize as soon as possible. When you arrive in the alien world, please speak Chinese as much as possible, followed by the abyss Language, or lingua franca. "A pretty girl with white wings, patiently introduced the spar in her hand.
Li Mo picked up a piece and asked aloud, "Do you charge?"
"Of course not, you are a VIP VIP passenger, everything is free."
Li Mo nodded, smashed and absorbed one piece, and a lot of knowledge poured into his head, basically useless information. He is naturally proficient in modern Chinese, and inscribed abyssal language, celestial language, dragon language, and elven language in the reincarnation hall. As for the small languages ​​of the earth, he also understands many languages ​​such as Japanese, English, Russian, French, and German.
This soul crystal has a limited capacity and is the lowest variety. It includes a "Magic Revised Language" spell, which only records common standard calls, Chinese pinyin, and two thousand commonly used simplified characters in the late 1990s, plus a soul version of "Xinhua Dictionary", which is extremely stingy.
Professor Li is a man who is intensively researching big seals, small seals, and various inscriptions, and a man who is familiar with 300 poems of Tang poetry. This thing is useless to him, and can only enlighten the brainless demons.
Not to mention Coco Millie, who has strengthened the proficiency of Chinese, Japanese and English in the Samsara Temple, even Blanche also taught herself Chinese six years ago. Now her understanding of ancient scripts is even better than that of many Tianchao university monks.
But from various common senses in the crystal, he also learned that this time the destination is a new earth.
At this time Li Mo curiously said: "As far as I know, the most popular language in this invaded world should be called English?"
The flight attendant heard that the secret road was indeed a wealthy brother, and he even knew the intelligence of the invasion. Afterwards, she said with great pride and disdain: "What kind of primitive and savage native language has no meaning? What is the use of learning? It is humiliating! Sir, do you know the latest news? In the space, it has been decided to classify Ancient Chinese as a "higher magical language" equivalent to Abyssal, Dragon, and Celestial languages. In addition, it has extended a series of small languages ​​and a more esoteric rune system. "
Ever since the cataclysm came and the practice system has flowed into the main world, Faye Xiuxian has become an irreversible trend of heaven and earth. Therefore, a series of oracle bone inscriptions and inscriptions headed by ancient Chinese characters, as well as other special symbols and inscriptions in the universe of Xianxia, ​​all have magical powers and become a special language, rising strongly.
Just like you ca n’t learn magic without understanding Dragon, Abyssal and Elven, if you do n’t understand the ancient Chinese character system, you do n’t understand the meridian structure, and you have n’t been influenced by the Xianxia culture system, will you change your sister? Fix your sister's fairy?
In particular, the ancient scriptures of the Heavenly Dynasty are extensive and profound. A word often has 40 or 50 different meanings. Language proficiency can not save the aborigines. You must study hard if you do n’t want to get out of the way.
No one forced to promote it, but practitioners had to study hard, and it was tears when they said too much. Every year, tens of thousands of people go into the magic and explode the corpse, which fully shows that the practice still needs to understand Chinese. Those compiled versions of the magic book always have various defects and lack the original spirit.
Coincidentally, there is always a Chinese-speaking country in all the worlds where the reincarnation hall communicates. Therefore, when the main world communicates with other worlds, any world where there is a civilization of the heavens will inevitably use Chinese as the official language of communication. Communicate in common language internally.
After listening to the explanation of the flight attendant, Li Mo felt emotionally, and the multiverse was all speaking Chinese. He often speaks foreign languages ​​when he reincarnates, but it is a performance that is despised by the main world.
Just like this abyss invasion, human beings can't understand the abyssal language and common language, so the devil only communicates in Chinese and refuses to learn the insulting and worthless native language.
what? No one in America can understand Chinese? Then die! If you don't understand Chinese, you have no human rights. I can't understand you when you call for surrender, and you deserve to be killed.
After chatting with the crew, Li Mo distributed the nine spars. After the five passengers crushed, his face showed a trace of disdain. This enlightenment education did not help them. Coco Millie is a succubus returning from the earth. She knows that common sense is more than that recorded by Spar. She still buys it online.
Only Nifibito and the girl with amnesia did not understand Chinese, and there was joy on his face. After absorbing the common sense of Chinese, Amnesia showed a thoughtful expression on her face, which seemed to stimulate something deep in her soul.
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