Chapter 640: "Six Lines and Five Elements"

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Li Mo took a seat at random, closed his eyes and recalled the method of reckoning in heaven.
This "Liu Yao Wu Xing Fang Xing Shou" sounds like a peerless martial art that kills and savagely dominates, which reminds him of the advanced martial arts of "Wu Lei Hua Shou Shou". But this is not the case. It is a method of using five fingers on the left hand, combined with the calculation of six lines and five elements, to pinch the fingers to deduce misfortune.
The meaning of "Hand of Life" is: to count the life of the hand with the palm of the hand, and the fate of the fate of the heaven and earth changes, but it can't escape this land of palm!
This is a pure auxiliary occult technique. The attack power is zero, the content is difficult and obscure, and it is full of huge calculation formulas. The five elements interact with each other to evolve infinitely, and then use the method of six lines to calculate the heavens. It is a comprehensive manifestation of metaphysics and arithmetic. Cultivating to the highest depths, not only can recognize the number of days to distinguish the misfortune, but also can predict the enemy's opportunities, and gain the upper hand in the battle.
Li Mo suddenly came to inspiration at this time, he saw four sisters are changing clothes enthusiastically, the short time will not end. Under the guidance of a strong impulse to study, he couldn't control his count, took the initiative to sink into meditation, borrowed from the super-assisted learning function of the big group, and fell into a state of enchantment that he couldn't extricate himself from learning, and began to develop this practice.
The path of the predecessors is by no means an authority. The magic reform is to constantly innovate and surpass ourselves. With a deeper understanding, he feels that there is a huge appreciation space in this "Fighting Hand", he can make a blueprint and make new ideas!
Huh? The way to break through!
Li Mofu's heart is in a special state. He had a hunch that if he used the original content of "The Hand of Death" as the skeleton foundation, he used his own ability to replace the simple "method of arithmetic" with a more comprehensive and advanced "algebraic knowledge", and transformed it into "linear algebra" and "polynomial". The essence of algebra can evolve two stronger and more fierce "Sky Machine Skills": "Liu Yao Wu Xing Linear Fate" and "Liu Yao Wu Xing Polynomial Fate"!
Deduced here, his heart beat violently and contracted, and there was an illusion that the heartbeat was peeping in the sky!
He felt vaguely aware of two different heavenly avenues! Even at the moment, the new 27 battlefields in the deep DC universe still caused a little attention from heaven and earth. Peeped!
"Linear Fate" is based on the fact that "the fate of the fate changes, there is only one line", import the concept of "sky machine vector", evolve the sky machine, infer the change of the number of lives, and even develop a more complex matrix battle Law. On the basis of "Fate of Impermanence, Full of Unknown Variables, All Unknown", "Multiple Fate" is based on the possibility of solving the equation of destiny by means of metaphysics. Developed to a high depth, it can appear 'geometrical fate'.
The more he thought about it, the more he felt that these two had a head start. This is the avenue of the unity of science and magic. It is perfectly compatible with the "Taiyin Moon Plate" and "Mechanical Mark". To derive the trajectory of destiny from various aspects and get a more realistic and objective answer.
It ’s just that the innovation of ‘high numbers’ life is full of ups and downs, not overnight success. His foundation in this respect is too shallow, and he must practice a lot and absorb the essence of various schools as nutrients in order to get out of his own way.
Although the prospects are very good, the castle in the sky is too far away. Li Mo took a deep breath, suppressed all kinds of unrealistic ideas, and began to concentrate on the most original content of "The Six Elements of Five Elements".
The basic calculation formula is not difficult with the pinch finger algorithm, but it comes with a huge database, which is compared with various hexagrams. If the five lines are used as the base and the six lines are used for calculation, it will become endless.
This "secret technique" is indeed like an introduction. It can transform a palm into an infinitely complex data world, which fits the heaven and earth, and thus calculates the first line of heaven in heaven.
Forecasting can also be complicated. If it is simple, it is foreseeable that Kyrgyzstan is a scourge, and the overall situation is trending. If it is complicated, you can get a definite answer through obscure changes and infinite deduction.
This ‘inference algorithm’ can only be practiced if it reaches at least the level of road tires. It is divided into two steps: gather strength and then do divination.
First of all, it is necessary to practice the left hand into a "hexagram plate" with a special maneuver to give a layer of abstract meaning and become a tool for deriving the celestial machine. The word dog's notebook and Guanxi's SLR are all meals!
Those magical reformers who have cultivated the 'Tianji' skill and built the foundation from an early age will surpass the ordinary 'hand disk' tools, and have the opportunity to condense the 'Guan Pan Dao' in extraordinary times. Since then, fortune-telling has become a bounden duty and embarked on the road of stick.
Every "Tianji Dao tire" is jealous of the heavens and involves the road of destiny. But once it is completed, it is mysteriously powerful. One of the three masters of the Goblin family's revival, the "Goddy Goblin" is the most mysterious goblin tire, and its strength is not under the Taiyi Goblin. If Xiaoqiqi's 'Ziwei Destiny' takes shape, it can also develop a part of the 'Sky Machine' effect.
After practicing the "hand disk", practitioners will simultaneously consume magic energy, soul power, and their own limited energy, and use the "hand disk" to condense a kind of energy-forming "calculation". This step is to distort the power attribute of the ‘tri-core system’ and develop a brand new force that carries the ‘attribute of destiny’, called ‘funding’.
Only by consuming scarce ‘raising power’ can the left hand hexagram be pushed forward. If you infuse lunar magic power, radiation power, and mechanical magic power into the left-hand disk, then your left hand can only play a five-element calculator with a quintuple.
The process of condensing ‘funding’ is very fascinating, and it is related to one ’s own fortune. If it is in good condition, it may condense ‘full chip’. If it is interrupted while condensing its funds, or if it is not in good condition, it will only produce ‘cut chip’. Regardless of whether it is fully funded or not, as long as such fuel is available, the second step can be carried out.
Consuming 'off-chip' divination, known as Sui Yuan Zhan, Sui Yuan Zhan, whim, just like a turntable gambling, starts his own game, and then randomly cuts a hand in the hand, and interprets it with the method of 'six lines and five elements', passively calculating various inexplicable information .
Only by consuming the full amount of chips, or burning off the five cuts in one go, can you voluntarily calculate the conclusion you want according to your own intentions, which is also called ‘positive occupation’, or ‘five elements cut off your life’.
Regardless of whether it is occupied or occupied, it contains complex and desperate calculations, that is the essence of Liu Yao, which can be studied for a lifetime. If Li Mo had no big blessings to protect himself, he would not dare to dare to venture into this desperate field of terror.
Throughout reading the complete set of exercises, he found that the first step in condensing the handspan was to collect the essence of the power of the five elements, extract the positive and negative yin and yang, and then separate the five fingers in the palm to form a circular back and forth base.
After the base disk is formed, it is calculated by a quinary algorithm. Each of the five elements has two forms of positive and negative yin and yang, and then randomly combined to produce different results. During the calculation, the simplest capture of a group of six times is carried out by the method of six lines, and then analyzed.
If you are well-funded, you can capture multiple groups in succession to acquire huge data sets through complex formulas with deep algebraic knowledge. You can also change the ‘handspan’ through special techniques so that the ‘five elements can act in the world and view the world with your palms. ’Ideal.
Without leaving the house, with just one palm, you can know the world's major events and change fate.
In the end, a secret was added to this mystery technique. If one or more five-element celestial treasures are cultivated in the left hand, the potential of the "hand set" can be greatly improved and the fit with the heavenly path can be enhanced. , And even surpassed the 'Tianji Road Tire'.
If anyone cultivates five kinds of congenital five-element spirit treasures in his left hand, such as the ‘congenital five-square flag’ in the Fengshen Bang, then the quality of the hand set will break the table, not only condensing the quality of the first-class quality of the fundraising force, but also the accuracy of every trigram.
Li Mo scolded after reading it: Nima's secret found that people's brains are pitted!
If labor and capital put the innate Wufangqi into their hands, wouldn't it be a thousand times that of Wuzhishan? Nima's life? I've been destined for a long time, and I changed my destiny! Starting with the innate five-square flag, this is also called an auxiliary fortune-telling hand with no attack power? This is the innate treasure of the world. Whoever dares to beep will slap to death!
Shepen to the end, sheben to the end!
After calming down the excitement in his heart, he took out a piece of ‘Cabanna Radiant Metal’ from the apartment to easily extract the first five elements of golden power into his hands by the method of extracting gold.
Then they intercepted the radiant fire separately, turned out the five elements produced by the abyss, and hurriedly practiced the left hand into a simple 'hand disk', then extracted magic energy and soul energy, and grasped their own with the soul level of the sanctuary. A trace of fortune puts energy and soul power into it, condenses a piece of 'cut off' and hangs it in the palm of your hand.
Seeing the translucent broken stick, Li Mo was not very satisfied and concealed it. He has a feeling that he can still consolidate a few funds, hoping to reach the full level, otherwise the three interception cannot support a positive occupation.
Seen in this light, you can't make a gossip at the slowest two days.
It is a pity that he was not lucky today. After obtaining two consecutive cuts, he finally felt a kind of "dryness" and could not continue anymore, so he chose to close.
Two and a half hours have passed since he dropped out of study. The four dressing madmen are still happy, and he opened his left hand and turned his handwheel to absorb the fundraising. Random random account.
The "cutting chip" in the hand gradually disappeared, and the weak five-element forces constantly changed their composition, and they were captured and branded again and again, leaving a line of traces. And he also intercepted a glimpse of the heavens of the new 27 Earth, and interpreted it in a special way to get a series of broken pieces of information, from which some information can be inferred.
‘William Jagade, heading southeast, his wife is happy, big green is unlucky, happy to be a dad, and avoid traveling ...’
"My second Olympics, what the is this Nima ?!"
Li Mo was shocked by the information he had calculated for the first time. Coach, I request a new algorithm!
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