Chapter 815: Red Crow Sun Wheel, the old fairy super **** is just around the corner

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This time, Li Mo devoted more energy to the nine "radiation evil dragons". He even smashed into the basic law, just to bet on a perfectly fit deputy foreign minister.
"Nine Dragon Flame Disaster" is built according to his foundation, but if you want to inherit it perfectly, you still need to refine the "Dragon Factor", fine-tune the "Yan Mo Yuan Fetus", and then cultivate a foreign minister. The energy expended is no less than a part-time ‘Holy Field Force Field’, which distracts his practice and is not cost-effective.
The ‘sun’ that was conceived this time is different. It is one side of radiating solar fire. It doesn't need to be rebuilt, just activate the hidden sun attribute of "Yan Mo Yuan Tai".
With the assistance of the red of sentient beings, the "sun concept" in Li Mo's soul was separated, engulfing Krypton's understanding of the sun's laws, and gradually forming a burning dark day. This is a sun rule very different from that of Emperor Krypton. If Emperor Krypton's core is 'disaster', then Li Mo's core is 'destruction'.
After the black sun took shape, Li Mo felt a kind of tranquility before destruction, and a heart-wrenching depression. Inside the sun, a breath of life is quietly bred, and the faint heartbeat grows stronger and louder.
At the core of the sun, Li Mo's blood encapsulates the outer phase of Jinwu and compresses it to a blood egg. Countless pieces of rules about the sun are used as fuel to evolve into a top-level fundamental law, and at the same time breed a fantasy species of the same level as the 'nine-headed dragon'.
Perhaps because the face of the DC universe has just hit the face, Li Mo dogs are bursting into the air. DC Heavenly Road horizontally lowers the mysterious spree, separating a trace of the sun from the deep Heavenly Road, and integrating it into this egg. Tao level of taboos.
This is the demonstration and counterattack of Heavenly Dao against the will of the universe!
The surprise came too suddenly, Li Mo had no choice but to passively accept with joy ... accept the second face-slap of the DC universe! (The birth of the taboo will inevitably lead to a catastrophe)
The DC cosmic will is a high-level existence that can break the wrist with the crystal wall heavenly path, and will naturally fight back against the provocative earth heavenly path. It did not allow a more terrifying taboo to be born, so it showed no mercy, broke the blood eggs in advance, and released a three-legged crow with red radiation and a hoarse voice.
Seeing that the second foreign minister was a complete sunbird, Li Mo sighed with relief after being unexploded. The potential of this three-legged red crow is obviously at the level of ‘nine-headed magic dragon’, which is more perfect than the expected ten small golden wus, and he is very satisfied.
Unlike the nine baby dragons that hover and hover, the three-legged red crow controls the round of the sun, making a harsh cry, fanning its wings to break through the gate of the Scarlet Red Kingdom, and radiating a rainbow of light into Li Mo's body, blending with flesh and blood and starting to absorb the robbery Force sleep.
At this time, a fundamental method called "Red Crow Sun Wheel" appeared in his mind, which complemented with "The Flame Demon Radiation" and could be combined in a perfect combination to practice together. And his proud "Red Crow Cave", the semi-finished red crow cracked, were included in it and optimized.
Different from the foreign minister of the mortal flame demon, the red crow sun wheel has a new function, similar to a piggy bank, which can continuously devour Li Mo's solar power.
Need to know that the body and the road tire have limits, and the power is exhausted and the machine is owed for downtime. And the "Japanese wheel" can provide the equivalent of "death robber" savings. In addition, the dead force that can only enter and exit can be stored indefinitely and used to breed red crows.
When he is in a desperate situation, he can destroy the Japanese wheel, and put all the savings in his dead time into his body. His strength suddenly increases in violation of the rules, ignores the limits of the realm, enjoys the power treatment of the big brother level, and explodes all the Jedi counterattacks. Finally fell back to the normal level, continue to save the piggy bank.
If Li Mo was full of a "Yangshen" death deposit that day, he would be able to face Yangshen's after detonating the Japanese wheel.
"It's a really good ability!"
Li Mo was too satisfied with this. He smiled and thought about a two-hundred-pound husky, issued a barbell-like hahaha, and couldn't close his legs.
Thirty minutes have passed since the two major foreign ministers merged and condensed to perfection (only to the legendary level).
Because of the two consecutive impacts of the DC universe, he obviously felt that the stamina of the red of all beings was starting to be insufficient. Even at this moment, he also cracked the core of the 'Krypton Organizer'.
After the two blood lines of the magic dragon and krypton are fused, they can absorb metal power and secrete a unique gold element. Kryptonite can use this to create unique organelles that can be found all over the body and become fire dragon golden bodies.
This special "life + metal" connection point was named "metal peptide chain" by Li Mo.
Breaking down cells is the basic ‘protein’ of life. It is the amino acids and peptide chains that break down proteins. The ‘peptide chain’ that makes up Krypton ’s organelles incorporates this special metal element, allowing the organelles to be between biology and metal and gaining dual characteristics!
Li Mo used the redness of all beings to see through Krypton's secrets. Of course, understanding is one thing, and doing it is another. He could not replicate this miracle. This kind of metal peptide chain must be prepended with ‘Kryptonite Blood Vessel’, and can only be manufactured after reaching the fetal birth. This is the core rule unique to the Krypton Emperor.
This is also a compound magical reform product that incorporates 'biology, bloodline, magic, and fairy cultivation.'
Li Mo's research was therefore at a dead end, but this theory inspired Li Momo. She was suddenly excited and had a bold and mad idea!
"The deity, are you made? If you continue to decompose amino acids and peptide chains, it is the microscopic molecular and atomic levels, and then decompose and neutron electrons ... Although Hittheim is not a physical universe, these things do not exist, but the elements are It is plausible and can be simulated. The material basis of life, although not a protein, is similar. "
"Your" Abyssal Radiation "is a" heavy core element "created by using the fire element and the abyss energy to" reversely simulate the fission phenomenon. "You have simulated the physical rules with magic, and you have obtained a powerful abyss far beyond other flames Radiation, and is recognized by Heaven. This shows that it is feasible to simulate physics, chemistry, and biology with magical elements! "
"The fission power of the physical universe is derived from metal uranium! It can be said that nuclear fission is the energy of metal! Human power is only low-efficiency chemical energy, but nuclear bombs are more efficient metal energy. One person eats a pound of meat and can How much power does it explode? And how much power does a gram of uranium fission burst? "
Krypton's 'metal peptide chain' opened a door to the big dumplings. She felt mad and thought that a kind of 'metal element' could be used as a bridge connecting organisms and metals to create microscopic 'metal bonds' to build Li Mo. The basis of flesh and blood.
This view is too bold and advanced, and even crazy, but Li Mo's brain is wide open, and it feels promising! The possibility is extremely high!
At this time, Li Momo said: "These metal bonds are more microscopic than Krypton's" metal peptide chain ". Like uranium atoms, they can mount more" heavy nuclear elements ". Magic is not scientific, and uranium can only release 2 to 4 neutrons, but if I am happy, you can make your metal bond carry ten times and hundreds of times heavy nuclide, forming a fierce magical fission, creating an abyss radiation that blasts the sky. "
Seeing Li Momo's poor expression, a crazy smile appeared on his face: "Doing so will undoubtedly lift your flames to an incredible level. In this form, you must be a perfect combination of 'metal and flesh and blood'. It ’s all great and you get the perfect metal flesh! And it ’s a more cruel and stable super compact self-propelled magic fission reactor. "
"Upgrading biochemical energy to metal energy, even if your realm is not improved, your own strength will increase exponentially. With the aid of the red crow sun wheel and the flame demon outside equal means, I am afraid that it cannot be summed up by an invincible of the same rank. "
Then, Li Momo delusionally said: "When you grow strong enough, you can even use your own metal flesh to reverse the magic fission and master the more fierce" Abyssal Fusion Radiation "!"
After listening to Da Tuanzi ’s fantasies, Li Mo was too frightened and shuddered: "Are you crazy? How can this be achieved? There is no scientific basis! This is fantasies! This is pseudo-magic! Pseudoscience!"
"The mechanical side doesn't need science! I'm sure, it's entirely possible!" Li Momo, who is always sullen on the face, is cold and impersonal. When she revealed this virtue last time, she still cultivated the 'Little Sword Spirit'.
"You said."
"You forgot what our bloodline foundation is? Demon fiber! My" mechanical fiber "comes from Steel Lux, which is between life and metal, and your radiant fiber creates flame radiation. If you can find that This kind of metal element will be able to fuse the two together! "Da Tuanzi self-channel.
"This ...? It's very possible! But changing my life structure from the micro, I will blow up!" Li Mo was a little moved, but still firmly opposed, "What you said is feasible, but the step is too big. Still Like Emperor Krypton, make my own 'metal peptide chain' and construct similar organelles to fill with flesh. "
"How can that kind of semi-finished waste? The perfect integration of the mechanical side and the life side is king! This is your capital to surpass the 'radiation flame demon'! Don't worry, the mechanical side will also get life characteristics after crossing the legend. You have no reason not to obtain mechanical characteristics? The mechanical side will be restricted to the 'mechanical system', but you are different. You can have both the advantages of 'mechanical and cultivation' at the same time. Beyond the radiation of the emperor is not a dream. Coronation is king! "
Da Tuanzi tried his best to flick Li Mo, just to let him make his own test product: "The opportunity is not to be missed, this is probably our only chance to get together!"
Li Mo thought about Tuanzi's words seriously: "According to the transformation you said, I'm afraid it's going to explode! I'm afraid I can't control the power!"
"No, I'm sure! The Yin and Yang Gods are two in one, and the metal keys make up your flesh and blood (Yin God), which is controlled by the corresponding rule (Yang Shen)."
The meaning of big dumplings is simple. Use the laws of radiation and the sun to formulate the rules for 'metal bonds and heavy nuclear elements'.
The main world is the magical fairy universe, and Li Mo can use his own rules to restrain his own flesh and blood and act according to his own will.
Therefore, the big group urged Li Mo to take the opportunity of the final joint, and let DC Tiandao perfect the physical exercises for him and develop the corresponding rules. And the crystal wall Tian Dao will also induce the laws of the different degrees of the universe and be included in the Tian Dao. After Li Mo returned to the main world, his bug of flesh metal was established!
"Okay, get out, Bo Yibo!"
Li Mo is also a ruthless person, the big group considers all aspects, this kind of chance to join together is not the second time, must try!
Even if it fails, there will be no loss for itself, and the data of the failure is still full of value. Even if he withdrew from the state of union, he could use this to deduce and reproduce an organelle similar to Krypton's' metal peptide chain.
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