Chapter 859: Pick the natal artifact

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Before leaving, Hong Hou once again urged: "To remind you, don't be greedy for the power of artifacts when choosing, you must understand that what suits you is the best."
"Huh?" Li Mo gave her a puzzled look, waiting for the following.
In this world, is there a treasure that this fairy can't surrender?
The red queen naturally didn't know what Li Mo was thinking: "The basic attributes of the practitioners were determined during the road tires, and the front road could not be changed. The fundamental road of fine practice is certainly powerful, but the defects are often obvious and easy to be targeted. A magic weapon is one that rarely circumvents the foundations of its own attributes, additionally masters new rules, and has a means of growth. Therefore, in addition to psychic, the magic weapon of life is either in line with its own ability or to make up for its defects. "
The path of practitioners originates from Daoji. For example, Li Mo can hardly make great achievements outside of 'Flame Demon Radiation, Taiyin Demon'. But if he chooses a banana fan as his life magic weapon, he can use the magic weapon as the second foundation and master the "law of the wind", which is not weaker than the achievement of the small diamond wind.
"Thank you for your advice." Li Mo nodded to Hong Hou and walked in with the big ball.
Into the metal castle, the space folding technology is used, and the scale is very large.
The mess is full of all kinds of things, everything. He didn't see the artifact, but saw all kinds of mechanical side materials, a large number of space warships, mech wreckage, or complete loot.
Especially on the two sides of the hall passage, there are standing rows of up to a row of Zaku, they have a solemn look (does the robot have a face?), At a height of 20 meters, holding a variety of strange door cutting swords, just like the ancient Titan gives a huge Oppression.
If he had not remembered that he was here to find the artifact, he all had the urge to drive a ride to the void of the astral world and take Branch to fly together.

While loitering in the castle, he recognized a lot of mechanical side trophies, Transformers, Terminators, various mechas of different styles, and magical structures ... In addition, all kinds of weapons contain Fabao's similar rules fluctuate. This is the magic soldier on the mechanical side. Once Li Momo is 'mechanical parasitic', he can use it directly.
Going further back, Li Mo also found a large number of "fire sources" unique to Cybertron Machinery, which were neatly placed on the shelf and the quality was generally not too high. This is the product of mechanical refining (human refining) after Red Queen killed Transformers, which has been purified and washed. Once used, a pseudo-mechanical soul can be baptized and directly become the life of the mechanical side.
For example, those springs that have just been shipped from the factory, Terminator fashions used by Li Momo to parasitize, and steel suit fashions can all be catalyzed into independent mechanical life. If this is done, half of the power of the activated clockwork or terminator will be transferred to the mechanical realm, allowing them to lose absolute control.
Only individuals with mechanical souls such as today's big dumplings and second-generation clockwork can absorb the source of fire without hidden dangers, just like human refining, gaining advantages and eliminating disadvantages. This is also a prize that rewards a generation of clockwork after the Red Emperor, so that their foundation is more stable and huge.
"I'm hungry!" The big ball saw the energy flashes of blue light, and a signal of hunger came.
"I didn't expect Honghou to still hide this kind of thing, and asked her a few days later." Li Moan finished the big dumpling and continued to go deeper.
Although the fire seed source is good, it is the best for the first time when it is weak when it is weak like human cultivation. If oneself is strong, absorbing weak fires will instead absorb impurities, which will destroy and pollute oneself. If Li Momo wants to eat, he must pick a top quality tinder with matching attributes, and he cannot waste his first great opportunity.
Along the way, he saw many exciting treasures, but did not start the idea of ​​apartment theft. Just kidding, here is the red queen's nest, will there be no monitoring system? !
Leaving the huge mechanical area, enter the side hall where the spiritual resources are stored. There are a large number of mythological creatures. There are not only many slain radiation demon fellows, but also various kinds of terrifying demonic spirit lords, devil lords, Archangel, besides, he also saw a deadly twisted hunting monster, exuding a vigorous star power!
Yes, it is the dragon of the fairy universe, the species of the Four Seas Dragon Palace. However, this has only obviously changed, showing a strong twisted astral breath in the body, which is estimated to be alien species that have been involved in the space-time storm and survive and adapt. Gene mutation in the astral world, no longer playing with water, the attribute mutation became ‘star’.
"Very good, suitable for Xiao Qiqi to make up, write it down, ask for the red afterwards, take it for the chipmunk soup." Li Mo murmured.
As he went deeper, he saw giants, all kinds of strange monsters and monsters, and also had a lot of magic weapons of different qualities. Although the red queen is the worst in the mechanical realm, the background of an authentic mechanical must not be underestimated. She has spent countless years in Xingjie and has accumulated a fortune.
Li Mo guessed that Hong Hou allowed himself to come in to choose artifacts, and he also wanted to show his strength through abundant financial resources to achieve the purpose of invisible B to deter himself. After all, it is straightforward to say that God is rich and powerful, this kind of thing is too lowB and too shameful, and only the old Victor who claims to be handsome B can do it.
To be honest, Li Mo was shocked and strengthened his belief of holding his thighs. He believes that the countless years of accumulation of the Red Queen in the Permian belt are no less than the falling old gods like the goddess of wealth.
After all, after the gods are disqualified, the fallen old can only carry part of his wealth and enter the main material plane protected by the will of the old crystal wall. And their kingdom, and the accumulation of tens of thousands of years in the old era, were confiscated and confiscated by the current crystal wall heaven. After reversal, this new god, which established the "machine kingdom", has more advantages.
After several rounds of work, I came to the core area where artifacts were stored, and the number of loot plummeted, leaving only a few dozens. One of them, a 50-meter-long mechanical side field sword that cuts the ship's sword, almost blinded Li Mo's dog.
This slightly curved super knife is really too windy, too gorgeous and too domineering, such exaggerated rules fluctuate, and I can still hear the screams of the resentment of the seal in the ship-cutting knife, which scared Li Momo to retake the apartment directly in.
This proper mechanical side artifact! It is a pity that it is a little big, fifty meters! He is only 1.8 meters tall. The cross section of the knife handle is more burly than his personal body. Even if the foreign demon hatches, he can't afford this mechanical side sword.
In addition to a few rare mechanical side artifacts (cutting swords, giant cannons ...), there are magic artifacts from the old era and magic weapons from the fairyland universe, but they have all been magically modified and can be used directly.
Dayin, tripod, lamp, giant hammer, broad sword, staff ... it's everything. Among them, he saw a jade pipa marked with words. The words ‘East King of the Kingdom of the East, Mo Lihai’ are marked below the pipa, and Li Mohu ’s body is shocked and cannot be calmed down for a long time.
Who will explain it to me, how did you get this pipa in your hands after Hong Hou? Is the mechanical environment turned "Fengshenbang"? Or did you wear "Journey to the West" every day? This is not scientific at all! Why doesn't the big brother I know appear on the cultivation side? Is it all hidden and lurking? ! The depth of the water on the mechanical side, the Xiandao Tiandao, which is the prototype of the crystal wall Tiandao, must be deeper.
Forcibly suppressing the stormy waves in his heart, Li Mo's heart was already chaotic. After browsing through all the artifacts, his mind was deeply attracted by another B weapon that was very familiar.
Ears seemed to be calling from the soul.
"This, this ... this is impossible! How could it appear in the Crimson Devil's Palace? I'm going to go, is this the rhythm that makes me an idol!"
Li Mo has repeatedly studied and compared various artifacts collected by the Red Queen, including spoils on the mechanical side, gods artifacts from the old crystal wall era, high-level treasures flowing into the outside world, the magic weapon of the of the fairy road, and after the disaster Reforged artifact.
In the end he made up his mind to grab the one that attracted his soul the most!
There are three reasons for choosing this artifact:
First of all, the flame demon side is offensive and defensive, which is more comprehensive; on the contrary, the Taiyin side specializes in soul magic, and the physical attack is insufficient. Choosing this weapon can greatly increase the lethality of the lunar side and make up for the shortcomings of its own weak attacks. (Li Mo: I would n’t say it ’s to pretend to be B.)
Secondly, after the demon refining and refining of the main world, this murder weapon comes with the ‘Star Rule’, and the thirty-six Tiangang prohibition is already at the level of Yang Shen, which is also the most suitable additional attribute for him at the moment.
Personally, it doesn't matter what you choose. However, he has a fiancee who is ‘Ziwei Emperor ’s Life’, so investing in ‘star stocks’ yields the most and earns no loss! (Li Mo: I would n’t say it was to please the chipmunk, pretend to be B in front of her.)
Thirdly, if the ritual weapon of the sacrifice can be matched, not only the difficulty is reduced and the consumption is reduced during warming, but also the power and efficiency are increased. This thing is a perfect match with the root attribute of the big ball, Avalon. . (Li Mo: I would n’t say that it was to be lazy and let Momo warm up the artifact for himself.)
Two and a half hours later, Li Mo Shen walked out, and Red Queen had long seen the scene of his selection of artifacts, and he was also satisfied with his choice.
"Let's go, take you to the forging room, reproduce the forging sickle that you were refining. After refining these two artifacts, you should go back to the abyss."
"I look forward to it too!" Li Mo said with confidence. The artifact is in hand, I have it all.
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