Chapter 970: Finally got something

???? When the light became dim, the Guangming Kingdom of God ushered in the ‘evening’ time of the day.
???? In the glorious shrine floating high in the sky, the twelve gods, the queen Hera, and the godson Geyel and other gods gathered together.
???? "The Titan Continent has entered the Green Jungle World and is merging into the Sky City."
???? Hestia among the twelve gods was speaking.
????He is full of armor and aggressive, as if he has just returned from the battlefield.
???? When the Titan Continent approached the Green Jungle World, in addition to the Lord of Light pushing forces and colliding with the Titan God King through the air, many of the Twelve Lord Gods also set out to fight and stop.
???? The two sides have fought against the Titan Continent in deep space many times over the past few months and suffered heavy damage.
???? Hestia, replica Michael, Rhea and other main gods are all hurt.
???? "The Titans were blocked by us all the way, and the battle damage was far above us. In my opinion, they are no longer a concern."
???? Geyer calmly said: "It's not a bad thing for them to enter the Sky City. The power of my Light God Element is far inferior even if we let them join hands. We can take the opportunity to get rid of them together."
???? "His Royal Highness Godson is so bold!"
???? Artemis sneered: "It is true that we killed a lot of Titans, but the price paid was heavy. Two reorganized angel legions lost their organizational system, and the fallen main gods amounted to more than twenty. Everyone was injured. This kind of injury rate, I don't know where the godson's "not worrying" comes from?
???? Do you want to get rid of the Sky God and Titan Protoss together, what specific and feasible plan? "
???? Ever since the godson Geyel failed to calculate Cao Yan and put Phlodite and Dio in, Artemis looked at him everywhere, and took the opportunity to get a wave.
???? Bitch, wanting to hurt me again... Geyel frowned.
???? But Artemis is respected, not to mention him, even his mother Hera is helpless.
???? He turned his head and stared at Artemis. One day, when he took the position of his own Lao Tzu, he must let the woman in front of him know how good he was.
???? At this time, Hera turned her head and asked a female angel next to her: "We have been fighting with Titan for many days, and we have not returned after going out. What is wrong with everyone under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of God?"
???? "There are several gods in the God Realm who are ready to move, especially the newly emerged gods in the name of time and space. In the past few months, they have continuously annexed many big and small gods, rising rapidly and ambitious. I am bright. The gods issued an decree that they were not allowed to annex the surrounding gods without authorization, but the gods did not respond." The female angel whispered.
???? "Time and Space God System?"
???? Artemis repeated, suddenly remembering that before Dios and Phrodite were arrested, there was a new system in his hunting shrine, called the time and space system.
???? For several months, Artemis has been busy running around and has never returned to the hunting shrine. He did not expect to hear the news of the Space-Time God System again. It has used several months to develop and grow, attracting the attention of the Bright Kingdom. So powerful.
???? Artemis showed a thoughtful look, and his long, white fingers tapped the table top in front of him in a rhythmic manner.
???? The timing, location, and development speed of the Temporal God System at this time gave her a violent rush.
???? The existence of the main level can sense the cause and effect of all things, relying on the operation of rules to deduc the context of all things and all things.
???? When Artemis focused his thoughts on time and space
continue reading! Even if there is an existence of the same level in the system, deliberately concealing the origin of the time and space system and unable to deduce the exact result, she can still give birth to an ominous feeling of vague hostility.
????"what happened?"
???? Hestia noticed her abnormality and asked.
???? "I suddenly had an idea, will the Space-Time God System be related to the Sky God System?" Artemis said.
???? Geyer casually sang the opposite tune: "Impossible, Cao Yan's Sky God System is closely monitored by us. If he is under the strong pressure of my Bright God System, he dared to divide his forces rashly and manage branch God System, he will be free Seeking a dead end. This matter definitely has nothing to do with the Sky God System."
???? Artemis snorted lightly, ignoring the judgment of the pig teammate Geyer.
???? Mercury said: "I want to know if there is a relationship between the two. Just drop the oracle and let the Lord of the Time and Space God System come to the kingdom of God to see him. He will come or not. To evade, we immediately mobilized the angel army to attack and suppress the fortress, which can also act as a deterrent to other gods, and we can do several things in one fell swoop."
???? "Hmm." The Queen Hera nodded.
After a quarter of an hour, a divine oracle was sent out from the Kingdom of Light, shining like a shooting star across the sky, crossing a long distance, and finally entering the outer void of the gods, turning into a divine sound, resounding through the surrounding stars: " The Queen of Heaven oracle summons the Lord of Time and Space God System to go to Guangming Kingdom to meet the gods!"
The Lord of the Starry Sky, who is sitting in the Trumpet Divine Element, reported the relevant news to Boss Cao: "The Bright Divine Element sent an oracle to let us visit Na Jiang."
???? Cao Yan: "Don't pay attention to him. The situation is changing drastically now, and the strategy we have formulated before will also be adjusted accordingly. There is no need to make false claims with them. If you refuse to accept it, you will fight, if you can fight, you will retreat. Avoid the heavy and light."
???? "You are the boss, you have the final say." The Lord of the Sky doesn't matter.
???? At this time, the green jungle world, the sky is late and the starry sky is colorful.
???? Cao Yan got up and walked to the window while communicating with the Lord of the Starry Sky in his consciousness.
On the bed behind him, Wang Li has fallen asleep, with a silver quilt on his body, and his undulating body shows alluring graceful lines through the thin quilt.
???? Cao Yangang and Wang Li had a 404 exchange. They were comfortable and not sleepy. They stood by the window and looked at the night sky.
???? There is still lightning and thunder on the sky, and the weather is amazing.
???? The chaotic atmosphere flows inside and outside the Sky City, the rules and elements blend, the city is evolving, and the time and space rules unique to the Sky City are formed.
???? Elements, rules, order, just like soldiers, officials and emperors in nature, respect order.
???? Generally speaking, elements are the foundation of strength that all professionals need to master and absorb. When a professional accumulates the power of absorbing the elements for his own use, to a certain degree, forming a qualitative change, he will begin to touch the regular power that is higher than the element and inseparable from the element.
???? At this time, the professional will be promoted to become a deity!
???? Continue to practice, after reaching the main god, will begin to transform again, touch the order!
???? Rules are an established and unchanging force. All gods must abide by the rules, and order is the only one that can make or even tamper with the rules.
???? Master and use order, smelt the law of order in the body, you can become a king.
???? Cao Yan and the existence of the twelve main gods are all trying to touch the order and see the king above.
????The universe is vast, planes coexist, and there are thousands of main gods
continue reading! However, with the existence of the God King series, Cao Yan currently only encounters three, the Light God King, the Mother of Life and the Titan God King.
???? In the long epoch years, the gathering of kings from different periods will not exceed the number of twenty.
???? Every king is the existence of the power terminal, speaks the law, can determine the life and death of all beings, and shake the heavens.
???? At this time, above the city of the sky, the auras of the two great kings, the Titan God King and the Mother of Life, blended and were still in the process of practicing.
????Although Cao Yan himself was disturbed by the power of the Lord of Light, he was cut off from the opportunity and unable to stalk the wool with his own hands, but after he stopped practicing, he released the big sticks, hoops, abalones and other demons and changed them. One way to indirectly gather wool.
???? This night’s sky city, big sticks, hoops, abalones, even two sticks, golden crows, old turtles, dark phoenixes and other city-protected beasts, all haunt the night sky, surrounding the Titan continent, absorbing the Titan God The breath of the king and the mother of life.
???? At the moment above the Sky City, the giant dragon stretched its body, the true phoenix flapped its wings, the old turtle cast a huge shadow on the ground, the scene was magnificent, and the beasts emerged one after another.
???? Below, the major races in the city stay awake all night, and their hearts are agitated.
???? In a few days.
???? On this day, the vision around the Sky City and the Titan Continent slowly converged, and the fusion of the two came to an end.
???? And on the sky, the Titan God King opened his eyes, and the mother of life in the chaos quietly disappeared.
???? A few minutes later, the study room of the City Lord's Mansion.
???? Cao Yan, the mother of life with a human face and a snake body, the king of Titan, Azazel, the of darkness, the lord of the stars, the big guys gathered together and muttered.
???? "The Lord of Light will never allow me to continue to regain my strength with the help of the vigorous development of the Sky Divine Element, and he will surely make another move. Before that, we have to deal with it and restrain the Light Divine Element. "Titan kingly.
???? Cao Yan: "I have a group of demonic pet creatures under my command, which can form a strong destructive and spreading ability to the genetic structure of angels. UU reading I have sent them out to the God of Light The angels of the Department attacked."
The mother of life with a human face and a snake body looked sideways and glanced at Cao Yan: "The ant colony that you have raised has the potential to grow into a large destructive creature. You must use it with caution. A catastrophe to the charred creatures."
???? Ant colonies have various activities in the eternal jungle all year round, and it is normal for the mother of life to be aware of them.
???? Others were quite surprised: "You still have a demonic family that can grow into a devastating creature?"
???? The so-called Great Destroyed Creature is a collective term for the monster species of the same rank as the God King.
???? "It's just that there is this potential in theory, but it will be difficult to cultivate in practice."
???? Cao Yan briefly explained, and then said: "I will let them out, and the Bright God Element will have a big surprise, and there will be a good show to watch soon."
???? said again: "I have something that needs your help.
???? I am looking for the core fragment of the demon world that was broken in the ancient times. It fell into the turbulence of space, and the search is not easy. I want you to help me find this fragment as soon as possible. "
???? Boss Cao's face must be given to him, and all the big guys said that there is no problem.
???? With the participation of two great kings, distance is no longer a problem, the mother of life shot straight, instantly turning the world over.
???? Cao Yan felt a flower in front of him, and the rules and order mingled beside him, and he appeared in Auch and the ancestor of the demon
continue reading! Shou looked for the turbulent zone in the depths of time and space for several months.
???? This operation is a real show, Boss Cao thought enviously.
???? After half an hour, the big guys joined forces to search the turbulent flow of time and space... and finally got something.
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