Chapter 138: Papa, comfortable

"Mr. Cao, I want to ask the basic sequence characters of semiotics ..."
"I want to ask the first-order mental strength thickness. How many symbols can be used at most?"
"Mr. Xiao Cao ... Can you demonstrate the double-symbol hooking method?"
"Mr. Cao ..."
The atmosphere in the classroom is active, and many students ask questions.
With the experience of the last lesson, the students 'questions were clearly prepared long ago, and the questions were very smooth. Cao Yan also answered smoothly. Often, the students' questions were exported, and his response followed.
These problems staying in the student's learning stage are not difficult for Cao Yan, who has mastered semiotic knowledge, to deal with easily.
The atmosphere in the classroom was smooth and orderly but still lively, and the inquiries one after another.
Tong Weizi was eager to see below, and asked Yu Hui and her 30s around, and said, "I also have questions to ask, what do you think?"
Yu Hui quickly stopped and said, "Don't ask casually, you can't ask here if you want to ask."
"Why?" Wei Zi puzzled.
Yu Hui looked at Wei Zi with the eyes of the silly girl: "If you think about it, you are a teacher of the Master's Department. If you ask, they can answer it. Where do we put the face of the Master's Department? Where is the face of the pet teacher in this open class? "
Tong Weizi is a little bit embarrassed, and thinks that Hui Hui is right.
Twenty-something countered: "You listen to him talking nonsense, the problem is the problem, nothing else, if you want to ask Wei Zi, you can ask, why are there so many scruples?"
Yu Hui coughed lightly: "On this occasion, you ca n’t just ask questions casually. Look at those who ask questions. If I am right, half of them are arranged in advance by Sichuan and Chongqing, all simple questions. Such I can easily answer the questions. "
Wu Weizi was speechless.
At this moment, the leader Xu, who was wide and fat next to them, suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Ask if you want to ask, but remember that the question must be deep."
Thirty years old, Yu Hui, Wei Zi, the three of them together for a while.
What does it mean?
Yu Hui immediately turned his head to analyze it. The meaning of Team Leader Xu was not difficult to understand. He was encouraging them to ask three questions, and the question had a deep meaning, which was to let them pick difficult questions.
What is the inner intention of Mr. Xu Xu?
Demolition of the department in public?
More than that ...
Wu Yuhui suddenly remembered a rumor circulating in the school that Mu Xiaoyuan, the dean of their mage branch, and Wu Jingcheng, who was a pet division, were interested in competing for the throne of the next dean.
Analysis here is thorough, this is school politics.
The purpose of Team Leader Xu Xu was to make a stumbling block and let the public class led by Wu Jingcheng be dismal. The fundamental reason was to please the leader of his own branch, Mu Xiaoyuan.
Through this analysis of Wu Yuhui, he immediately understood the intention of Team Leader Xu to ask them three questions.
Wei Zi and thirty-somethings around Yu Huihui were not as clear as Yu Hui thought, but they also guessed what Team Leader Xu intended.
Yu Hui, who was the first to understand the leadership's intentions, stood up, rushed to the front, and raised his voice, "I have a question to ask."
Ji Wen assisted Cao Yan on the stage. When she saw the front row of Su Hui suddenly standing up, she frowned subconsciously, because Yu Hui's momentum was not like asking a question, but like a fighting chicken, she wanted to talk to Cao Yan. Fight.
Ji Jiwen didn't want to answer Yu Hui's cockfighting problem, and she was going to skip it, and turned her attention to other students.
Chuan Yu from the stage also realized that it was not right. When he turned around, he stared sharply at Yu Hui, full of warning, and swept the leader Xu beside Yu Hui.
Yu Hui has already spoken directly, asked by name:
"Mr. Xiao Cao, right, I want to ask a question about the structural stability of multiple symbols. Everyone knows that there is a symbol structure formed by the connection of multiple fire elements ... What method can I use without changing the structure, With its stability guaranteed, double the element concentration of this symbol structure? "
Yu Hui's question is a typical semiotic structure, the traction of element concentration.
The difficulty is very high. It is true that Yu Hui had no idea of ​​the answer when she thought of the explosion. It was a coincidence that she asked a deputy dean who was devoted to studying semiotics and had a high standard in their master department to know the answer.
副 And the dean also thought about it all morning and gave an explanation, saying that this is a master-level semiotic structural problem.
Yu Hui is fully confident that this level of problem, not to mention Cao Yan, is that the director of semiotics authority of their association, Xiao, is here, and it may not be able to solve it.
Yu Hui gave a glance at Team Leader Xu, and Team Leader Xu shook his head slightly, not very satisfied, and felt that it was too difficult to ask this question.
If the other party cannot answer the question on the spot, it is a normal situation. It does not fit the purpose of making the trip to bankrupt the public class.
Yu Hui asked this question, Ji Wen, Chuan Yu were all heartbeat, looking at Cao Yan together.
And Cao Yan they saw was holding a pen, writing something on the podium surface, and writing while saying: "The solution to this problem is actually not difficult. Usually, it is easy to fall into a misunderstanding when answering such a problem;
I thought that the symbolic structure of fire element ~ ~ would be confined to the category of fire element and think of the answer.
The correct method is to add the same number of wooden element traction symbols to the structure of the fire element hook symbol, and cooperate with it. Using the principle of complementary attributes, nourishing firepower with wooden elements, you can achieve an increase in element concentration without The purpose of changing the original structure. "
"..." The classroom seemed to be quiet.
Beacon element symbol structure, can you add wood attribute symbols to boost concentration?
As Cao Yan said, he gave a demonstration on the blackboard, so the answer was clear and unquestionable.
Cao Yan put down his pen and looked at Yu Hui: "This problem has more than one solution. The second solution is to use the heaviest earth element in the main element to pull the symbol as the foundation, laying under the fire element, and superimposing the symbol. The same purpose can be achieved by improving the stability of the structure and then increasing the number of characterizations of the fire attribute symbol. "
Yu Hui was stunned.
是 What is this operation?
Is there any two solutions?
Cao Yan can give a solution, Yu Hui feels incredible, there is a second? !!
Chu and Yu Hui are completely different from Chuanyu, Ji Wen, and many students in the audience, everyone is excited.
Apple's face and the mage girl and Jiangzi's little faces flushed, and they almost got up and applauded.
Yu Hui sat back to his position in a daze, feeling dizzy, his eyes empty.
It's really hard for ordinary people to understand.
Crackling ~~ Popping!
In the silent classroom, I suddenly remembered the sound of applause. Chuanyu smiled, clapped her hands alone, and clicked, clicked, clicked, clicked, and the rhythm was very good: "Mr. Xiao Cao's The answer is really wonderful, it makes people feel comfortable when they hear it. "
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