Chapter 19: These two groups are amazing

There are several avenues opened in the jungle outside the city of Demon Capital, leading to other cities.
There are many narrower roads around the for people to enter and leave the jungle.
Cao Yan hid behind the tree and looked out, and saw what was happening on a jungle road.
地 The terrain around the road is empty, the moon is shining like water, and there are not many trees.
At this moment, two groups are fighting against each other.
There are more than ten people on both sides. There is no verbal contact, and they are suffocated. Only occasionally some people yell, curse, and curse, each of them is a hot character with few words.
One of the parties in the battle was dominated. Eight or nine people covered their faces with black cloth and did not show their true faces.
On the other side, there are only five people in a disadvantaged situation.
曹 According to Cao Yan's observation, it should be that the masked party wanted to work in the dark, robbed the road, and the like, and the other side resisted, which led to a battle between the two sides.
"Everyone said that the use of martial arts was forbidden, and it was true. There was good law and order in the magic city. These days, I have never seen any lawbreaking, but the jungle outside the city is obviously not the same ... The two groups are fighting fiercely. "
Cao Yan hid behind the tree and saw two small sheds parked on the roadside. They were tightly sealed and could not see anything inside.
If this is a robbery, it will undoubtedly be around these two frames.
When it comes to the frame, it is necessary to do a wave analysis.
没有 There is no car in this world. At least Cao Yan has been here for a few days, and I haven't seen it in the magic city. Not because the technical ability is not enough to create a car, but because the green jungle world is so vast and there are too many uninhabited areas. Road-bound vehicles such as cars have too little space in this world and are not practical.
More importantly, there are better alternatives in this world than cars, and that is a variety of Warcraft.
Riding Warcraft, not to mention zero pollution, especially the advantages of environmental protection, high-end Warcraft alone has supernatural capabilities such as storms, lightning, etc., and is much faster than cars.
Also, Warcraft is also flexible in deepening in the wilderness. It can go in and out anywhere without picking the road.
It is said that the highest-end frame in the green jungle world is a flying pupa with a nine-winged dragon, which can cross the jungle and is very flowing.
At this time, Cao Yan saw the two cars parked on the roadside, which was a first-order Warcraft with excellent endurance and explosive power, called the frame pulled by the wind beast.
This kind of World of Warcraft is a common beast. It is shaped like a giant horse and has six legs. It is up to two meters away. The muscles around the body are knotted like iron and running like a wind.
It is said that the king of the wild wind-pull beast group can break through the sub-class Warcraft 桎梏, reach the elite level, control the storm when running, travel by the wind, and there are legends that travel thousands of miles a day.
Cao Yan's attention was not too much on the two frames, but instead he watched the game with his whole mind. This was the first time he had seen a supernatural power professional battle, a rare opportunity.
The leader of the looted party in the battle was an old man, with bare hands and fists, with extreme force.
Xun Qi punched out, and his fist seemed to be accompanied by a rolling thunder. An old tree surrounded by several people was touched by the fist wind, and Shengsheng was interrupted. Not to mention, the tree was actually covered with a layer of crystal blue frost and frozen.
It really is an anti-scientific world. This combat power is incredible. Cao Yan hid in the dark and narrowed his neck.
等级 The supernatural power professionals in this world have common ranks, and like pet masters, there are a total of fifteen small orders. Observing with the eyesight of Cao Yan after becoming a pet teacher, the old man obviously surpassed the first-order category.
However, he is still in a disadvantage in the battle, losing to the leader of the masked side.
The Jain man is covered with single-armed auxiliary sturdy colonial armor, which is another representative profession in this world-mechanical warrior.
The old man and his rivalry were restricted everywhere. An inadvertently was hit by the opponent's large hand with boxing gloves in his chest, he vomited blood, and his figure flew like a doll.
"Oh, this is awesome. The original so-called mechanical department is a perfect combination of body and machinery to add assistance. Individual individual auxiliary equipment is like a super weapon tailored for them, which is equivalent to wearing a plug and People tear. "
Cao Yan summed up his experience while watching, his eyes were glorious: "According to the memory of the original body, the masters of the mechanical department in this world are actually more like scientists. They are not the main occupations in combat. It is said that they can also make the city of machinery ..."
At this time, the war situation has been taken over by the masked side, and some people have been killed and wounded on the old side.
Including the old man himself was not badly injured. After being hit by his opponent, he turned to escape into the jungle and wanted to leave.
The leader of the mechanical department, taking advantage of the old man's escape, suddenly looked in the direction of Cao Yan and instructed a subordinate who had just killed his opponent: "The action tonight cannot be leaked. I feel that there is something wrong there, if you check it. If Someone, find out and kill me. "
He stopped talking to chase the old man, and his subordinates were sneered, hurricane rushing towards Cao Yanzang's body.
"These people are just killing their homes and killing their houses. The murders with closed mouths ~ ~ are really ruthless. In this world, it seems that kindness can't be left without trying to survive well."
Cao Yan didn't panic when he saw that the other party was about to find himself.
He came over to see the two sides fighting and dared to hide in the dark and watch without leaving because he was at least able to retreat.
The current situation, if the brave generation encounters, most will rush out and fight with opponents. But this is not suitable for Cao Yan. He came to this world for a few days, and the novice village has not yet come out. It is silly to go out and die with his opponents. It is too precious to cherish life.
Another method is to escape and escape from the enemy.
However, running away from Cao Yan didn't exist. Seeing his opponent's fierce pressure, he touched his eyebrow with one hand, pulling his own mental power, and used the skill of the Spirit Bridge again. , The volley projected on one of the two frames on the roadside.
The wind-crushing beast imprinted in the eyebrows of the Spirit Bridge widened his eyes, opened his throat, and started running with his hoof raised.
Xiu Miao was very good in Cao Yan's timing of the shot. The masked man who killed him was passing not far from the frame. The wind beast suddenly surged, and the other companion in the same car ran with him. In a hurry, the person who ran to Cao Yan was not ready. Although the response was quickly evaded, the frame dragged by the beast struck him horizontally and drew a bit. He was almost injured and fell to the ground.
The car's frame didn't stop, whistling away as the two beasts of the wind drove.
Cao Yan came out from behind the tree, jumped into the outer frame of the frame, and took the car with him. He was dragged away by the wind beast, and flew dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye.
This time, Cao Yan used his strengths to not only easily resolve the crisis, but also taught his opponent a lesson. The key is to get away with a frame ...
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