Chapter 200: Strange beast

Ji Wen and Chuan Yu came out of the magic pet's house, separated at the shop entrance and did their own thing.
Ji Wen quickly returned to the Association.
Chuan Yu returned to Modu College. One thing the two have in common is that after returning to their respective places, the first thing is to find their superior.
Modu College, Faculty Academy.
Chuanyu knocked on the door and entered Dean Wu Jingcheng's office. "Dean, I have something to report to you."
Wu Jingcheng was sitting behind his desk, a pair of glasses was placed on the bridge of his nose, his head was slightly lowered, and Chuanyu was seen through the gap above the glasses.
Before Chuan Yu came, he was reading a book. The attitude of his opponents to report positively when something happened was still encouraged. Wu Jingcheng put down his book and said, "Sit down, what's the matter, you say."
"I just came back from Cao Yan's shop with Ji Wen of the Pet Master Association. Do you guess what I found?"
Chuan Yu asked and answered, "Cao Yan designed a new type of trapping ball. In a nutshell, the symbolic chain structure is drawn into the trapping ball, which can restrain Warcraft and increase the success rate of capture. From a technical perspective, the calculation Not a major breakthrough, but I think if this kind of trapping ball is produced, it will have great sales prospects. "
Wu Jingcheng gave a bang, and tapped his finger gently on the table, thinking.
After a while, he asked without hesitation: "You've seen it with your own eyes, what's the effect?"
Chuan Yu: "The effect should be good. Although it has not been actually tested, the elemental chain can be extended inside and outside the ball. The user's control can restrain the captured Warcraft, which can improve the success rate of pet capture. .
How much can be improved, you need to catch some Warcraft in the field, and do some calculations to determine. "
Wu Jingcheng groaned: "Many people have studied the chain structure into the trapping ball in the past few years, but it was suddenly made by Cao Yan."
Chuan Yu nodded: "Well, Cao Yan's ability in semiotics is really good. It is not surprising that he can come up with this innovative technology."
"I came to the Dean, mainly to say this technology. The market prospects are obviously good. Should we participate in the Faculty Academy? If it can, the earnings of the Academy may be improved accordingly."
Wu Jingcheng also thought of this.
The meaning of Chuanyu is not just to generate income for the pet college. Need to know that Wu Jingcheng is a person who wants to compete for the throne of Dean of the Metropolis. The financial status of the faculty he manages is undoubtedly an important auxiliary indicator for the position of the competition dean.
In this way, the importance of this matter will be increased.
The head of Wu Jingcheng's next college president candidate pondered for a moment and said, "What do you think of this matter?"
Chuan Yudao: "After these contacts, I think that Cao Yan is still a serious person. At least he has given sufficient respect to the director Xiao of the association. So I think we must first talk about Director Xiao, otherwise we are not too May have won the Pet Masters Association. "
Wu Jingcheng felt right. He gave a slight nod of approval, and patted his head with a little headache. "Lao Xiao, that old guy, it's overcast, and it's hard to talk about ..."
Ji Wen's side is similar to Chuan Yu's. He returned to the association and reported the situation to Director Xiao.
Their level of familiarity with Cao Yan is not the same. Supervisor Xiao smiled after listening to it, calmly said, "Cao Yan's boy innovated the method of making animal traps ... We are not in a hurry, waiting for the people from the Magic City Academy to come Just find us. "
Ji Wen followed and nodded.
House of Magic Pets.
The second floor.
After Ji Wen and Chuan Yu left.
Cao Yan opened the pet assistant's screen, and a red dot appeared on the screen. At the same time, the current position of the egg and the stick was marked, and the distance between the red dot and them.
Obviously, the red dot is the hint given by the mission, which is the position of the rare Warcraft.
There was nothing to hesitate about, Cao Yan immediately sent a spiritual message, asking Eggs and Sticks to take the ant colony to the task target location.
At this point, the egg and the stick are very far away from the demon.
In the screen picture, the ancient trees are continuous and towering, the old vines are coiled on the ground, and the standard jungle no-man's land scene.
At noon, the jungle was dimly lit. Cao Yan opened the screen and looked at it for only a short while, and saw a lot of amazing scenes, including half-foot-long blood-sucking giant mosquitoes, and creeping creatures lying on the tree, moving like lightning, with horns on his head, coiled around the tree The multi-colored python on it ... all kinds of strange creatures emerge endlessly.
Upon receiving Cao Yan's order, Doudou had just joined hands with a big stick and an ant colony to kill a violent giant ape with fangs.
At this moment, Douyu waved her lower limbs and brought the stick and the flying snake that evolved from the ant colony to the area where the mission target was located.
The babies' eight feet rotate like flying, like a phantom of black smoke, scraping the ground deep in the jungle.
The ant flying snake followed by flapping its wings, and the stick was faster, flying forward.
The three menacing, the speed is like electricity.
The distance of about thirty miles will not take long for them.
Not knowing what kind and level of the target Warcraft, Cao Yan ordered the eggs to ask them to be more careful, and the eggs themselves are the best jungle hunters, keen sense of crisis.
After it approached the target area, it seemed to sense something, and suddenly stopped moving to signal that the stick was also falling.
The next moment, Douyu transformed her dark power into a black gas, and shrouded the big stick in it. Under the cover of the jungle light which is not bright at all, they are transformed into the shadow of the jungle ~ ~ Then they proceeded very carefully.
The ants stopped flying, turned into an ant ball, rolled against the ground, and followed the eggs.
That target, World of Warcraft, didn't stay there all the time. Cao Yan marked it with a red dot on the task prompt and found that it was always moving and was very fast.
When DouYan entered the area near the target, the red dot on the pet assistant disappeared.
This shows that the task prompt is only responsible for providing the approximate scope, which is specific to Warcraft, you need to judge and find it yourself.
However, it seems that the target Warcraft does not need to be found at all, because it is very conspicuous.
After the egg is close to the target area, the angle of view of the screen moves accordingly, showing a figure of Warcraft.
That Warcraft is so special, its body is so huge that it is a kind of real mountain-like huge Warcraft.
It was now walking through a large rift in a jungle, where black-green jungle rivers flowed.
The image of Warcraft was stingy, two thick legs were submerged under the river, and the cliffs up to 100 meters on both sides were less than its waist.
Cao Yan sighed and said to himself: "It's been so long since I came to the green jungle world that I have seen‘ old man ’... what a special Godzilla-like monster. What level is this guy?

It was indeed a giant Warcraft like the Godzilla thief in the movie that Cao Yan had seen, but it had a pair of giant wings on its back, and some looked like dragons in Western legends.
Cao Yan stared at the screen in a daze. Next to him, the big cat blinked the cat's eyes and looked at Cao Yan.
On the back of the big cat, the little milk dog licked his tongue, barked, and was hungry.
Cao Yan looked for a moment, and suddenly found out: "There is another Warcraft on his shoulder ..."
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