Chapter 362: Dry a dragon

"A new achievement?" Cao Yan asked.
The fake system continued: "The strong catch ball designed by the host has reached 160,000 cumulative sales in the Pet Associations of the Green Jungle World, and more than 50,000 professionals have purchased it.
These buyers will increase the success rate of catching pets due to the strong catch of the host.
Congratulations to the host for new achievements that have a potential impact on the pet master's career. Occupational influence is assessed as: elementary. Reward points are 300, and the function of the element shard gathering ball is two. Relevant rewards have been issued and the host can view them at any time. "
Cao Yan felt like he was hit in the head by the luck that fell from the sky. I was short of points for a while. What do I think!
After exchanging the blood of the Thunder Beast to absorb the punishment of the big stick, the remaining points on his hand are 500, plus the three hundred rewards in front of him.
In fact, similar achievements have been achieved before.
It is also because of the number of strong catch sales that have reached a preliminary impact on the green jungle world pet master career.
However, the number of sales last time is far less than this time, so the reward is not as large as this time.
"I remember the last achievement, which also had a preliminary impact on the profession. The number of trapped sold this time has increased several times, and the number of affected professionals has also increased. Why is it a primary impact assessment?"
Fake system: "The impact on the middle and higher levels of a profession cannot be achieved by just one trap. Therefore, no matter how many strong catches are sold, it is only a junior profession that affects achievements."
Cao Yan nodded slightly and immediately generated more associations.
The further impact on the profession is not what a trapping ball can do, does that mean that multiple trapping can be used? Or are there other ways to achieve a mid-level or higher impact on your career and get rewards for related achievements? !!
When Cao Yan and the fake system answered each other, on the screen of the pet assistant's assistant, the clash of the green dragon was in full swing.
Dai Huanyu and Peach Blossom, including the sticks behind the eggs and the ant colony, all watched with interest, but no one thought about helping the eggs to fight the green dragon.
The magic pet with the highest combat effectiveness under Cao Yan's seat is undoubtedly the egg.
As long as the egg appears, other magic pets will relax and enter the state of watching melon, which shows that they have confidence in the fighting enthusiasts of the egg.
On the battlefield, the two sides have been fighting for a while.
The previous green dragon spit out the blazing green flames and covered the sky, but they were all offset by the thick black body that seemed to devour the light.
The thick black was in contact with the flames, and the power of the dark attributes erupted, as if there was no light in the darkness. The pure dark power eroded and extinguished the flames in an instant.
The scarlet halo placed outside the egg is intertwined into a cobweb and imprinted on the ground, and the viscosity in the surrounding space is constantly increasing.
That Green Dragon has never encountered such a powerful trapping aura, and responded to weakness, and then spit out another corrosive liquid, which is the unique acid attack of Green Dragon.
The void seemed to be corroded by acid, and white smoke was emitted.
The Green Dragon Lord's halo is highly toxic. Within its range, the poisonous green air pervades.
However, its venom was vomited, and it was still blocked by the black gas outside the eggs, eroding each other, and did not harm the eggs.
And the aura of Douya continues to expand, 30 meters, 50 meters, the envelope has expanded, and its power has also increased.
On the ground, a huge cobweb-like halo is looming, forming a strong traction sticking force that affects the movement of the green dragon.
After the battle, the green dragon's venom and fire attacks were successively offset by the dark attributes of the eggs, which meant that its attacks could not threaten the eggs. Capturing the halo effectively limits its movement, and the green dragon can rely on it, leaving only the strong physical talent of the dragons.
It showed staggered sharp teeth in the roar, the upper fingers of its claws stretched, the muscles of its body tightened, and it suddenly swooped towards the egg.
It would tear the abominable spider into pieces and throw it into the rotten stink in the darkest ditch in the swamp. Green Dragon thought fiercely.
It is a pity that the closer it approaches, the greater the influence of the sticky trap aura, the slower the speed.
Everyone spit out a little white light.
Bai Guang immediately stretched out and turned into a cobweb with a thunderbolt, covering his head with a green dragon.
The second white light, the third white light, and the fourth white light were successively spit out by eggs and turned into cobwebs, sticking to the green dragon's neck, claws and wings.
These cobwebs cooperate with the sticky halo on the ground. One end sticks to the green dragon, and the other end falls on the halo on the ground. It blends with the halo to form a net that binds the green dragon, which completely limits its ability to move.
The green dragon was frightened, spit out flames in succession, burned the spider web, and grabbed the spider silk with its claws to tear it apart.
Its flames have poisonous properties. In fact, their flames are very amazing. Once they are attached, they will keep burning and difficult to extinguish.
However, the cobweb has both stickiness and toughness. Often, before the Green Dragon tries its best to tear it apart or burn it to break, the next cobweb has been covered, and the more it is bound, the tighter it becomes.
On the ground, the halo of the egg is scary, and its range has exceeded 60 meters. The green dragon was gradually dragged into the aura of the ground in a wailing sound, and the demise was already there.
At the other end of the screen, Dai Yaoyu, who was watching the game, blinked, "This dragon is so wasteful."
Before she finished eating a bag of potato chips, the battle was nearing completion.
Taohua also sent a message to the attendant assistant: "What kind of egg is the egg? As soon as it entered the lord level, the halo's envelope exceeded 60 meters?"
Generally speaking, the aura that has just been promoted to Lord Level has an aura diameter of 30 meters, which is rare, and 40 meters, which is unusually rare. The egg egg has been directly dried for 60 meters and is not among eighth-level Lord creatures See more.
The range of the Lord's Aura directly determines the power of a Lord creature.
The lord-level creatures are all kings and have their own territories. After being promoted to Lord Level, the aura reaches about 30 meters, and the occupied territory will be relatively barren, with a range not exceeding three hundred miles.
When the power of its lord halo expanded ~ ~ the strength also increased, and the occupied land naturally expanded.
The halo radiation range of the egg is more than 60 meters. In terms of range, it is more than 20 meters longer than the green dragon. It is no wonder that the green dragon has been suppressed since the beginning of the battle and looks very wasteful. The might of the dragon.
At this moment, the egg suddenly used the shadow property and disappeared in place.
The green dragon was shrouded by a spider web, and in front of the skull, which was inconvenient to move, stabbed a limb, such as a gun, like a sword, and clicked into the eye of the green dragon with a click.
The picture displayed on the screen stopped for a while.
Cao Yan sighed. He actually wanted to get the green dragon to grab this green dragon, don't kill it.
A dragon, after all, is a rarity. If it works properly, it will have to cause a small sensation when it is auctioned by the auction house that has just started.
I just didn't expect that the egg would kill the dragon so quickly, and it started to kill the dragon.
It's a pity.
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