Chapter 411: Intentions and rewards

When Cao Yan walked into a large tent in the temporary camp of the Association, many people were sitting in the tent.
Qiao Zuogang just returned and sat on the main seat in the middle of the tabernacle. He talked with the two middle-aged people at random, and it seemed that the atmosphere was good.
Those two middle-aged people were the visitors of the Warriors Association and the Bishop of Darkness.
In addition, Wei Jicheng, Pei Ye, Leng Yuexiu and others accompanied him in the tent.
The Warriors Association came from Cao Yan's old acquaintance. The president of the Moto Warriors Association, Jiglar, and several of his entourages.
Gigral was persecuted through the chest, surviving from death. Fortunately, the physical fitness of the high-ranking soldiers chased after Warcraft, and his injuries were basically healed now.
When he saw Cao Yan coming in, he laughed and got up and said kindly: "Your boy is such a treasure that he actually opened the dusty metal labyrinth. Hey, I have some doubts. There is a master of semiotics in your boy's head. Old monster. "
Cao Yan grinned, palpitating: I almost got the truth from you. There isn't an old monster, but there is a fake system.
Gigral and Cao Yan had a different relationship. They came to embrace his shoulders and lowered his voice, "I ask you, is your kid planning to get married?"
Cao Yan was quite surprised by Gigral's crooked building. He looked back and looked at Gigral's close face: "Are you going to give me a proposal?"
Giglar actually said, "My family is a Wang family in the Central Region. There are many girls of appropriate age in the family. Some of them look good and you are satisfied. Your boy is a very good person with potential Inestimable. If you intend, I will match you. "
Cao Yan flashed a gorgeous face inexplicably in his mind, and shook his head with a smile: "How old am I? I don't rush to consider personal issues."
Several people regained their seats. Qiao Zuo introduced Cao Yan to another middle-aged man: "This is Archbishop Binsuo of the Archbishop of Darkness, you know Cao Yan. The two of them have something to ask you for help this time."
Binzo is one of the four major bishops of the Dark Bishops. It is second only to the Pope in the sect, and is very prominent.
This body type is fat, it is impressive that his nose is particularly large, and the nose bone is tall and thin, and it seems a bit abrupt on his face.
From the perspective of surgery, people who have this kind of nasal bones are usually tough-hearted, and those who have hidden strategy can hardly intersect.
He is a long black priest robe, only at the bottom of the robe corner near the instep of the foot, there is a gorgeous silver and silver pattern like the morning light, implying that darkness is above the light.
The core doctrine of this religion is that all things were born in darkness. At the beginning of the world, even light was transformed from darkness. Therefore, only the Lord of darkness is the source and master of all things.
"We the Warriors Association found a stone hall deep in a ground-breaking canyon. However, the building was blocked by some unknown force, as if it was located in the depths of time and space. It could be seen but could not be touched, nor could it enter."
Gigral said half of it, and Cao Yan already understood: "President Jig means the power to block the stone hall, which is related to semiotics? So you want me to help, decipher and find out how to enter the stone hall?"
"That's right," Giglar said.
Cao Yan groaned: "Are you sure that the abnormality of the stone hall is related to semiotics?"
Gigral resolutely said: "Our association also has people who are proficient in semiotics. They observe and ponder the Stone Hall, and conclude that the banning system on the periphery of the Stone Hall is similar to the operating system on the outer walls of ancient continents. If you can open the barriers of the ancient continent, the ban on the periphery of the stone palace should not be difficult for you. "
Archbishop Binsuo also spoke:
"Our situation is similar, we also found some in the ancient continent, but we also encountered obstacles that could not be resolved. Semiotic researchers in the sect have watched Mr. Cao open the barriers of the ancient continent. "Mr. Cao's accomplishments in semiotics are amazing, and it is only seen in his life."
After a pause, continued: "If Mr. Cao can help us solve the problem, we will be willing to take part of the internal income of the ruins as your reward."
He couldn't compare the good relationship between Guiglar and Cao Yan, so he first proposed remuneration, saying that Cao Yan would not be allowed to do it for nothing.
Qiao Zuo said in a timely manner: "The two of them have already said hello to Vice President Ji, and President Ji asked them to come."
By saying so, he said that the association supports Cao Yan's help.
Bin Suo also said: "I teach a ward to Warcraft and lay animal eggs not long ago. Since Mr. Cao is a pet teacher, he just happened to give this animal egg as a token of our gratitude."
The "thank you" in his mouth refers to the incident where the Pet Masters Association took the initiative to throw out olive branches and bring them into the ancient continent in advance.
Ji Qianshan wanted to tell them that it was Cao Yan's proposal to bring the sect to the ancient continent, so he was grateful at this time.
When he said it was a gift of thanks to the Warcraft beast eggs, Cao Yan didn't think so. Wei Jicheng, Leng Yuexiu and others were envious.
Qiao Zuo's eyes were slightly bright, including: "I heard that your sect has a kind of dark beast called Rumeng, which is one of the most mysterious dark beasts. ? "
Binsuo responded contentedly: "It was I who taught the sacred beast, Tamogadi, also called Dream or Dark Demon."
Qiao Zuo's words immediately winked Cao Yan, meaning that this thank you gift was quite good, and let Cao Yan continue.
Guiglar urged: "What do you think, Cao Yan, about the purpose of our visit?"
"I personally would like to help, but our association is currently exploring the metal maze, and may encounter the same problems as you at any time. I am afraid it is not appropriate to walk away at this time." Cao Yan said.
Giglar: "I thought about this before I came, and I have my own solution."
When he spoke, a follower stepped forward, took a spar-like thing and put it in his hand, and input mental energy into it.
The crystal stone suddenly shimmered, and the surface of the ancient wall of the ancient stone hall appeared.
"This is the outer wall of the stone hall we printed with magic crystals. Cao Yan, first you look at the scoring structure above. Is it possible to decipher it?"
Giglar said, "You pass this image, which is equivalent to observing the outer wall of the stone temple up close. If even Cao Yan cannot break the barrier of the stone temple, we are not going to waste time on this stone temple. "
Archbishop Binsuo laughed next to him and said, "Everyone's thoughts are similar. We also bring a printed image. I would like to invite Mr. Cao to look at ~ ~ He also has an entourage behind him to come up with one The magic print scroll, similar in function to the magic crystal, can record the image information of the print for viewing.
Cao Yan walked closer to look at the video footage taken by the two. Wei Jicheng, Leng Yuexiu, and others followed suit.
"The structural system in these two images has an ancient origin and is very different from the current application of semiotic structures. It takes a little time to crack. I will take these two images to study and give you the results tomorrow morning."
Cao Yan's meaning is very clear. Obviously, he is sure to crack the structural problems in the picture in one night.
Gigral and Binsuo were happy, and nodded happily.
That night they stayed in the temporary camp of the Pet Master Association, waiting for Cao Yan's deciphering result.
Cao Yan returned to his tent with the images provided by the two.
When no one was around, he was not busy researching the images, first opened the assistant screen to see the progress of the big bugs and Tulsa.
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