Chapter 421: Solve the Tintin problem

"What happened?"
Arthur's tent was next to Modra, and there was a fight here.
Entering the tabernacle, Arthur was a little aggressive when he saw that Kam Mo had fallen to the ground.
Modra's face was gloomy: "Kanmo didn't know what was wrong, and came to attack me suddenly."
Arthur: "You killed him."
Modra snorted coldly: "With the strength of my shot, he shouldn't have been damned, but he was furious as soon as he fell to the ground, and the matter was weird everywhere.
Arthur walked closer, looked at Gan Mo's body, opened his eyes and mouth, and looked very carefully.
There are many kinds of life in the green jungle world, there are all kinds of Warcraft, there are all kinds of wonders, but there are few creatures that can invade the dream like a big cat.
For a moment, Arthur did not expect that Kam Mo had been invaded by dreams, so inspecting the body yielded nothing.
"Gan Mo's attack on you is obviously an aberration. This situation is somewhat like the result of being affected by some kind of evil soul control." Arthur tried to analyze.
"Soul control ..."
Modra's brow frowned, and the words didn't fall. Suddenly, there was a voice from outside the tent calling and drinking.
He and Arthur threw themselves out of the tent and looked in the direction of the sound.
The sound was caused by a shattered tent at the edge of the camp, and two figures rushing out of it formed a fierce confrontation.
"Gona, you're crazy. You actually killed Sonar ... and want to kill me!"
Of the two men who fought, one kept screaming and the other furiously attacked without saying a word.
The two fought like enemies, trying to kill.
Modra looked at the condition of the two and immediately reacted. One of the two was likely to have the same problem as Gan Mo.
The big cat's dream invasion skill can cast on two targets at the same time, but the person being cast cannot be much higher than its own mental power. That is to say, even if the target falls asleep and is unprepared, the big cat can only invade the professionals below the sixth level, and cannot start against the lord class professionals. Otherwise, the big cat just entered the camp and went straight to deal with Arthur and Modra.
In addition to invading Gan Mo's dream, the big cat also invaded another church ministry.
Gummo attacked Modra, while another assassinated other members of the camp while in sleep.
At this time, Arthur and Modra saw two of the opponents, one of whom was invaded by a big cat and fell into a nightmare and could not wake up.
The movements of the warring parties alarmed the entire camp, and many church members stepped out of their tents.
As Arthur and Modra approached the battlefield, the two men at the battle had already split. One was directly hit by the opponent's neck and his bones broke and died.
The winner was counterattacked by his opponent, and his blood was stained on his chest.
"Why are you doing this?" Modra asked, looking gloomy, staring fiercely at the winner.
"I woke up from my sleep and just saw that Sokir, who was with me, was stabbed to death ..."
The chest wounded pointed at the murderer who died on the ground: "It was Na Yan who killed Sogir, and he wanted to kill me ... I don't know what happened."
While Modra was talking to his subordinates, Arthur was looking at the church member who had just died.
He opened the code and dragged two scripture characters into a streamer, rushing into his pupils.
There was a faint golden light spot in the depths of his pupils.
Outside the camp, the big cat squatted ghostly in the darkness, motionless.
Soon, a faint black scent drifted from the night.
This black gas was the second target of death. The power of dream invasion plundered the spiritual power. The big cat inhaled the black gas happily and pinched his tongue beautifully. This strike camp has easily completed the task of master and son accountability and achieved double killing achievements.
The big cat has always been timid and is not greedy for merit, so he is ready to withdraw and invite the master to invite merit.
However, at this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared in the direction of the camp.
It was a spear of judgment burning with pale golden flames, approaching the big cat.
The spear of judgment was issued by Arthur. He used the code to bless his eyes with divine power. He learned the whereabouts of the black gas from the dead tribe, traced the position of the big cat, and launched an offensive.
In the flash of light, the spear of judgment pierced the big cat's eyebrows.
The big cat frightened the small heart, and his body became instantly blurred, ready to evade.
It was at this moment that an invisible assistant screen popped up in the void, in which a trap ball appeared, releasing the power of space capture, dragged the big cat into the screen, and avoided the trial by a slight difference Spear.
The Spear of Judgment did not hit the target and hovered in midair.
Arthur stepped out of the darkness in the direction of the camp, raised his hand, and the spear of judgment disintegrated into a scripture character and fell back into his code.
Modra appeared behind Arthur, blinking sharply in his eyes, glancing around: "Do you see what it is?"
"It's like a Warcraft, but I can't see it clearly, I can't be sure." Arthur was also glancing around.
"How did it disappear?"
Modra opened the code in his hand. The code in the code shined outside and shone around, but there were no abnormalities around it. It can be determined that the Warcraft had left.
"It seems to be hidden from nothing, and there are no other traces to follow." Arthur said.
Modra: "Do you think this Warcraft is a native species of the ancient continent? Or is it somebody's favorite pet that deliberately attacks us?"
Arthur pondered for a moment and shook his head: "It is difficult to judge with the current clues."
"How many people have we lost?"
"A total of four people were assassinated in their sleep. Fortunately, they were found in time, otherwise the consequences would be much more serious." Modra resentfully said.
Great Dragon, cabin.
The big cat raised his face and was waving its paws dancing.
The cat's encounter just scared the cat, and the big cat expressed panic.
Arthur is an eighth-order priest. He just gave the blow of the spear of judgment, so that the big cat clearly felt the threat of death.
To really be pierced by that spear, the big cat must immediately kick his legs and die.
The big cat is very fortunate that the master has brought himself back in time.
At this time, it made a gesture to Cao Yan with a claw of arms and teeth ~ ~, trying to express his fear of almost dying, and never want to go out to perform such a dangerous task in the future, staying with the master, nothing to sell. Looking at the door or something, the big cat feels that he can still be happy and competent.
Cao Yan Renjun smiled. Counseling is to encourage goods. Even if it evolves into a new species, the ability to advance suddenly, a group of people still counseling, and they are afraid to urinate when they are in danger.
"Big cat, you did a good job in the attack camp. How about I reward you? What reward do you want?" Cao Yan comforted his cat.
The big cat's eyes lighted up immediately, his tail tilted upwards, his paws waved cheerfully, pointed at his tinsel, and pointed to the distance under the moonlight outside the window.
Cao Yan thought for a while, guessing, "You want to go back to the magic city, find that little female cat to solve Tintin's problem?"
The big cat nodded shamelessly.
"Every time you go back to the magic, you can do it ..." Cao Yan said outside the window.
The big cat hurriedly lifted the fat claws up, indicating that he would go to the waves with the returning magic.
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