Chapter 490: Caught up

Ji Jiwen and others left from the Devil Auction House and discussed all the news today, whether it is the branches of the world or the remains of the Pope, including several other items that appeared during the auction.
A few people walked and talked, and a young man who paralleled Ji Wen suddenly said:
"The people who came before the auction today not only include the presidents of the two professional associations of the magic city, but also members of the ancient family of the Central Region. In my opinion, the arrival of these people is more important than the auction itself. People open their eyes. "
Wu added: "In total, Cao Yan joined our association for less than a year, but has such influence. I feel sad when I think about it. He doesn't seem to be as big as me."
Ji Wen yelled: "You want to open, but there is nothing sad about it. If you can open the outer barriers of the ancient continent, you also have this influence. In turn, not only you can't open, but for thousands of years, it has Dao Cao can open it, so you have nothing to be sad about. "
The young man glanced at Ji Wen and said with emotion: "Of course you won't feel sad.
You are Cao Yan's assistant now. Follow him in and out of the association's headquarters. You are in contact with the senior management of the association. Your recent semiotics has grown so fast that we are desperate. Although I was weaker than you before, I still hope that I can catch up with you someday, but now I dare not think so.
This morning, the symbol structure column you used ... hey, I didn't even understand it. "
Speaking of young people later, his tone became depressed.
Several others nodded, apparently all feeling the same.
"Ji Wen, can you tell us, how far is your current level of semiotics compared to Cao Yan?" Asked the youth.
The longer Ji Xiwen spent with Cao Yan, the more he learned about Cao Yan's semiotic technology, and the stronger the worship of technology that followed, he has gone further and further on the road of Cao Bianjiao's chief propaganda ambassador.
When I heard my colleagues asked about Cao Yan's semiotics, I thought I would blow it:
"The structure of the symbolic energy column I painted in the morning was learned from Cao Dashao, and I can't compare it with him. You haven't seen his in-depth application of semiotics, which is really impossible to describe. Let me tell you, Cao Dasao can use structural columns to superimpose structural columns. The complexity is not what you can see with your eyes.
After listening to it, all the people in Ganyiquan were energized, and they were all engaged in technology. When they talked about semiotics, they became very talkative:
"Structural columns can still be superimposed on structural columns? How did you do that, Ji Wen, tell us about it?"
"Hey, Ji Wen, can you help us ask if Cao Yan's semiotics team at the headquarters still needs someone?"
Gan Yigan was talking vigorously, and suddenly heard a direction in the city, there was a loud noise.
"What's wrong?" Ji Wen and others turned their heads at the same time.
"It seems like someone is fighting in the city."
In the distant sky, there was a group of sun-like dazzling rays of light rising suddenly, breaking the night, and leaving like a meteor.
Following it, a giant tiger with more than ten meters and red markings also lifted off from below.
The giant tiger was burning with flames all over his body. It seemed that the group of light before chasing, but also broke away in an instant.
"It really seems to be fighting, isn't that burning giant Korat the flaming tiger?"
"It looks pretty, let's go and see."
变 The place where the accident happened is not far away. Ji Wen and others hurriedly rushed to the place where they were at war. They were surprised by the purpose.
The form around the chaos was chaotic, and many members of the Association Action Team surrounded the surrounding groups.
At the core of their siege, a medium-sized building completely collapsed, rubble scattered, and a fiery flame wave remained in the void.
Obviously, there has just been a fierce battle here.
There are still many dead bodies lying on the ground, as well as some wounded who were arrested by members of the Association's Operations Department.
"What happened here?" Ji Wen and others saw the action team members they knew and asked.
"We and the Bishop of the Darkness have jointly besieged the lurkers of the church in the city, and something went wrong. The guy headed by him is quite powerful. You just saw that the light of the mission was not lifted, that is, the other party urged the Kingdom of God to break through the encirclement and escape. Triggered from time to time. He used the scriptures in the Codex to evolve a magical meteor, wrapping himself up, and breaking out instantly. A archbishop of Changtou and the Dark Bishops ’sect has taken people to chase him. Now. "
The responding action team member vomited:
"The people in these churches are really endless. We have organized several large-scale sieges in the past few months. There are still people lurking in the city ... oh, some are busy tonight."
"How can we act in concert with the Dark Bishops?" Ji Wen asked.
"I don't know, but I heard that it seems that these lurkers want to stab long delays, and they often pay great attention to it ... just don't expect that the other party is so powerful, and Changtou shots himself without leaving anyone."
Ji Jiwen was startled: "The people in the church are going to assassinate Dao Cao, where is Dao Cao?"
The members of the action team spread their hands. "How do I know this? I haven't seen Yan Shao come to the scene."
Uh ...
After Peter broke through the siege, he converged on the bible blessing light on his body, and finally fell into an alley in the magic capital. Then he reapplied the old tricks again, using the great rebirth magic to change the shape and become a Short men.
改变 After changing his appearance, he quickly came to a main street in the city and was mixed with people.
In this way, even if Binsuo and Tsuneki joined forces, he did not want to find him in a short time.
Pipeter walked leisurely along the streets and streets of the city, heading south all the way, and finally passed the tightly inspected city guard of Modu, leaving the city from the south gate of Modu.
He came out of the city from the south gate, not to evacuate and escape, but to complete the goals set previously and to kill heresy Cao Yan.
This is the terrible place of the clergy. They have no fear of the current dangerous situation, and are extremely firm in their beliefs. They have not given up to kill Cao Yan even after they have been exposed and faced hunting.
After Papier went out of the city, he entered the jungle outside the city with a cold and confident expression on his face.
Uh ...
In the dark of night, the tree-shadow mother-in-law.
The light of Xing Xingyue was faint.
Cao Yan and his party went out of the city from the south gate and walked along the coastline outside the city in one direction.
Ji Kang Qingyue is telling the purpose of pursuing Cao Yan.
提出 He proposed that the Dragon Beast Museum and the film company should reach a deep cooperation relationship. In the future, the fine arts of Warcraft in the Dragon Beast Museum will be regularly auctioned for auction.
In the final analysis, he wanted to hold on to Cao Yan's thighs and pursue his own interests.
Promote the cooperation between Pai Xing and Dragon Beast Museum, then if the shoot is developed, his Dragon Beast Museum will naturally rise with the water.
Of course, in turn, this is also good for shooting.
Cao Yan did not refuse, nodded, "You don't have to tell me about such a trivial matter. Go to Jiao Muqi tomorrow and talk about the specific details."
"Yes, yes ... I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it's right or not. I won't be able to do it until I agree with it."
Kang Qingyue's dogs are full of legs. He just doesn't have a tail, otherwise he can shake immediately. He was about to open his mouth to show loyalty, but when Cao Yan stopped suddenly, his brows frowned, and he said coldly, "Pandas, someone came Strike, retreat and prepare for battle. "
When in the ancient continent, both Pandas and Yude had seen someone attacking the camp ~ ~, but Cao Yan's ability was discovered first, so when he heard Cao Yan's voice, he began to shrink back without hesitation.
I need to know that after being attacked by Cao Yan several times, Cao Yan is now travelling very cautiously. The ants who are secretly following him are no less than tens of thousands of people. They are scattered and scattered, with Cao Yan as the center to form a protective net without dead ends.
Therefore, it is impossible to succeed in attacking Cao Yan.
However, the attacker was also quite powerful. When the ant colony just found anomalies, Cao Yan shouted and told Pandas and others to return to defense.
金 A little bit of golden light emerged from the distant space a little far away, just like the jumping space, appearing from time to time, approaching Cao Yan.
At this moment, with the advent of golden light, the cold and icy killings covered the surrounding area.
温度 The temperature in the empty sky plummeted and the pressure was like a mountain.
Ji Kang Qingyue trembled and shivered, his face was scared green.
Holding the grass, the assassin from there actually made me catch up with ... Kang Qingyue was bitter in heart, and looked at Cao Yan with his small eyes.
Ps: I just found out that the chapters in the front of the book were closed today with nearly 100,000 words. Today, only the first ten chapters, six chapters have disappeared ... I recommend that you follow along ~ I do n’t know how long it will take Time can be modified and unblocked, worrying ...
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