Chapter 503: Step by step, mysterious world

Ancient continents, drizzle.
The head of the bright army Saladin was watching not far away, the ancient barriers to the ancient continent gradually disappearing.
With the disappearance of the barriers, the strange world entered by the ancient continent is presented to Saladin and the tens of thousands of bright legions behind him.
Unfortunately, the world outside the ancient continent's barriers is full of heavy fog, like a sea of ​​fog.
With Saladin's blessed vision, Saladin can only see a distance of more than a hundred meters.
Different from the original birth of the ancient continent in the green jungle world, all parties heard the news, waiting early outside the mainland. At this time, the ancient continent was quiet and there were no intelligent creatures waiting to enter.
Is this a wild and uncultivated world? Otherwise, how could the ancient continent enter the world with such a big movement that no one came to check it?
Saladin frowned habitually.
"Head, this new world entered by the ancient continent does not seem to be good."
By Saladin's side, a sublime, solid, thirty-something subordinate watched the thick fog.
The outside world, quiet, silent, and hidden murderous, does not look like good land.
"Release scouts and start a preliminary exploration of the world outside," Saladin ordered.
Soon after, a group of soldiers of the Bright Army chanted in unison: "May God be with us!" Soon they stepped out of the ancient continent and broke into the dense fog outside.
In another place on the ancient continent, when the barriers receded, he was awakened by the fake system in the middle of the night, and yawned into Cao Yan, who entered the ancient continent. While observing the world outside the barriers, he peeled off peanuts and sent them to his mouth.
Before going to bed last night, ‘talk about a better life’ with Wang Li, the consumption was not small, and in the middle of the night, it was unavoidable. Hungry, Cao Yan took the peanuts as supper, and they ate a grain and a grain.
Peanut alias heaven fruit, originally was just ordinary food, but the peanuts that Commander Cao eats are very high. They are special peanuts, provided by the spacecraft catering machine, and the origin is Longjing Town, Yixian County, Earth.
You know, the peanuts of Longjing Town were tribute as early as the Qing Dynasty.
This place has a humid subtropical climate in a small basin. The sand content of the land is over 90%, weakly acidic, low base saturation, and high mineral nutrient content. It is most suitable for planting peanuts.
The spacecraft selected the peanut seeds in the area, optimized and improved them, and finally cultivated the cautious peanuts sent by Commander Cao.
"Do you eat peach blossoms?"
Cao Yan eats with interest, but never forgets to ask the waitresses around her.
Taohua, who hasn't seen much recently, is wearing a robe of death, and her temperament is getting colder. The battle and tempering on the ancient continent for a long time gave her a very dangerous feeling, like a female leopard that may be turned by static at any time to attack the prey, full of the unique flexibility and beauty of women.
Cao Yan's words fell away, and Taohua's cold face instantly thawed, worrying: "Dai Huanyu said that I was fat two days ago and mocked me. I had decided to lose weight to be thinner than her. The boss should not seduce me to eat. "
Except for Taohua, members of the evil gang under Cao Yan's only Dai Daiyu could not rush over because they practiced in the kingdom of God in the church, and the rest gathered here.
The egg (harmony) egg lay flat on the circle's head, and the circle sat next to Cao Yan's body, and stretched out a large fan-like paw scratching his ear, and the fat body covered with trembling followed.
The big stick is swaying in the sky, and while it is raining, the thunder and lightning that is extinguished in the clouds of throughput, the old man is overbearing.
The big cat squatted a little farther with its tail in it. It was very taboo about the demon spiders. When the demon spiders were there, it was determined not to move forward.
Auch stared gloomily at the thick fog outside, standing silently.
The ogre's two pillars pinched an umbrella, pinched the umbrella, stood behind Cao Yan short, and supported the big man with an umbrella.
The rain crackled on the umbrella.
Cao Yan looked at the pet assistant's assistant's screen on his wrist while eating peanuts.
Although the outside world is blocked by dense fog, at this moment there are more than 200,000 amazing ant colonies. They are exploring the world in dense fog and reporting the detected situation to the assistant screen in time.
As the ant colony explored, the world in the dense fog slowly opened in front of Cao Yan and others.
The ancient continent broke through the space wall from the air of the dense fog world, entered the world, and finally landed on a high ground in this world.
The ant colony used the location of Cao Yan as the starting point to explore the advent of the ancient land and spread it in all directions.
Their advancement speed was quite fast, and the situation was passed to Cao Yan by mercury.
The world covered by dense fog, the ground is dead gray, hard like diamonds and other materials.
After entering the world, the ant colony has explored a distance of more than a thousand meters, but has never seen any signs of life.
"This world ... is weird," Cao Yansi said.
At this time, the ant colony found a canyon. Because of the dense fog, the canyon meandered to the sides, and it was impossible to see how big it was.
In order to facilitate exploration, the ant colony evolved various types of flying insects. When they reached the canyon, they immediately changed the combination form. Some of the ant evolved insects sunk directly into the canyon, and some changed their form and became small geckos. Creature, clinging to the rock wall of the gorge, crawled into the gorge in unison, and carried out all-pervasive exploration.
In the assistant screen on Cao Yan's wrist, the scene inside the canyon quickly appeared.
The canyon was densely packed with bones.
Because the bones were broken, it was impossible to tell which creatures were from.
However, Cao Yan's eyes found that there was a slightly more complete humanoid bone, and its spine had two diagonally spread bone wings.
What kind of creature is this?
Man with wings?
This gorge looked like a burial pit, and I don't know where so many biological bones were piled here.
The ant colony moved along the canyon and began to advance on both sides.
More and more areas in the canyon are appearing in front of Cao Yan and others, making the scalp numb.
The canyon stretched indefinitely on both sides, and the interior was still filled with dead bones, countless, layer upon layer.
How similar is this scene to the bone mountain you saw on the ancient continent ... Cao Yan couldn't help wondering. Is there an internal connection between the ancient continent and the dense fog world?
"Fake system, the origin of the dense fog world, do you know?"
"This requires the host to investigate on its own."
Cao Yandao: "As soon as you ask the key things, you respond to this parallel imports, do you not order anything?"
"Dry goods actually have ..."
The fake system lingered for a long time and spit out a sentence: "This is an incomplete world after the collision of forces in the early cosmic era. The structure of the world is strange, and there are rare creatures."
"Ding ~" is soft and sweet in the consciousness.
The so-called dry goods of the fake system are refreshing an old task.
Continuing capture missions for rare Warcraft that were previously released have reappeared.
[Mission description] Rare creatures exist in the dense fog world. Please ask the host to explore the world, find rare creatures, capture or collect their genes, and provide them to the spacecraft.
[Time limit] When the ancient continent leaves the world, the mission ends.
[Reward] There are more than one rare creatures in the world. Depending on the creatures captured by the host, different points or items are provided as rewards (hint: a rare creature in the world may trigger a special reward item. Please take the host seriously task)
Cao Yanxin: This task is similar to the case of the special case. The special reward item prompted at the end is triggered. There is no specific message at all. I feel the difficulty is abnormal and it is good that the points are not deducted for failure.
"How long will the ancient continent stay in the dense fog world?" Cao Yan asked.
"According to the time flow rate of the Green Jungle World, at least half a year or more, there is uncertainty about the specific time, and it is impossible to give an accurate value," said the fake system.
At this time, one of the ant-evolving creatures exploring in the canyon was suddenly attacked, and a black shadow flashed on the assistant screen.
It seemed to be a creature similar to the devil, with dark complexion, crawling on four feet, and a head like a lizard, but with human hands, feet and body, fierce as evil spirits.
The creature swallowed an ant-evolving flying insect into its mouth.
But then the ants spread out in their mouths, and their tongues and throats were usually bitten by mercury. There were more ants pounced around. This creature stole the chicken without eclipsing the rice. It rushed to the street and was eaten by the ants.
However, the ants who participated in the engulfment of this weird creature also kicked their legs and all died.
"This creature is very toxic, and even the ants can't stand it ..."
The world is indeed dangerous.
"Boss, I have the inherited memories of this kind of awakening after advanced. It is a kind of enchanter of the branch of the higher demonic group. It is a enslaved creature. It is dark.
Auch groaned: "There are enchantments in this world, maybe there will be demons. I want to go in and see."
The exploration of the dense fog world has just begun, and it is by no means a short time to find out the true face of this world.
Cao Yan was not prepared to stay too much, and then he said: "Next, you will divide your troops in two ways, one part will remain on the ancient continent, and the other will enter this new world. Who wants to enter the new world with Auch?
Everyone conveyed a thought to Cao Yan, who was going to go to the New World.
The second one who stood out was the two pillars that were twitching. After coming out, they pointed at the orchids and pointed at the dense fog world. The man who acted 'Jiao Qiao' was disgusting and died.
Cao Yan spent an hour in the ancient continent ~ ~ and returned to the Haiya Beyond.
In the bedroom, the moonlight is soft.
According to the time flow rate of the green jungle world, Cao Yan didn't leave for a long time, so he went to the toilet.
When he came back to the bed, Wang Li felt a little waking and whispered, "Where have you been?"
Cao Yan said casually: "I woke up in the middle of the night to find something to fill my belly."
Wang Li means hesitantly unknown. He should be laughing at Cao Yan in the middle of the night to eat, then stumbled and said, "I will have soup in the morning ..."
Cao Yan agreed, and she twisted her body, adjusted her comfortable posture, and slept again. Eyes were closed, thick eyelashes were raised, and the plain white face was exquisitely beautiful under the moonlight.
In the next few days, Cao Yan was still doing his own thing step by step, grasping pets, raising dragons, and working hard.
With regard to the dense fog world, with the entry of servants and magic pets, the mystery is gradually being unveiled.
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