Chapter 520: No. 1 secret library

"Our association has two core secretaries, both of which are important to the association."
Ji Qianshan and Cao Yan walked through the corridor of the association's headquarters and said, "We are going to the No. 1 Treasury."
The two secretaries of the Association's No. 1 and No. 2 are the lifeblood of the Association. Each time it is opened, it must be voted by the leaders of the core council, and then the president or the three deputy speakers of the core council sign the warrant. Before they can officially enter.
Being able to enter the secret library and try to awaken the sleepy inherited Warcraft is the supreme glory within the Pet Master Association.
At this time, the guards behind Cao Yan and Ji Qianshan looked at Cao Yan with unabashed envy.
Pandas whispered to Yude around him, "Yan Shao is the youngest of those who can enter the secret bank of the association for generations?"
Yude shook his head: "No, the ninth and thirteenth generation presidents of our association are inexperienced wizards. One entered the secret library at the age of fourteen to try to awaken Warcraft, and the other entered at the age of sixteen. Waking up successfully, Yan Shao, like the contemporary president, entered before the age of eighteen and tied for third. "
Pandas was full of interest: "Yan Yan must be the first person to join the association for the shortest time, but he can enter the secret library."
This time Yude agreed: "It is indeed a unique exception to delay joining the Association for less than a year and to enter the secret library."
Pandas proudly said: "To extend the talents of the younger ones, first open the ancient continent barriers in advance, the world is famous, and now the space transmission technology has been created, which has created huge benefits for the association. It is normal for the association to open this special case."
Yu De nodded and glanced at Cao Yan, who was standing side by side with Ji Qianshan.
Under the leadership of Ji Qianshan, Cao Yan is marching to the ground floor of the association building.
"We need to go to the ground floor first, and then enter the abyss below." Ji Qianshan said.
"Is the secretory of the association in the abyss below the headquarters?" Cao Yan said in surprise.
Ji Qianshan Road: "You know our association headquarters, why should it be built above this abyss?"
Seeing Cao Yan shaking his head, Ji Qianshan continued: "In the archaic period, an extraterrestrial star fell and hit the ground to form this abyss. This is the formation process of the abyss that everyone knows, but few people know that the extraterrestrial star carries With mysterious energy matter. This abyss is so deep that it is impossible to form such a deep abyss by impact alone. The real reason is that after the star fell, it emitted a kind of energy, and the erosion penetrated the surface. Causes the ground to sink into an abyss.
And the energy scattered by that star has the property of eroding the void. "
Cao Yan immediately responded: "So what's wrong with the space below this abyss?"
Ji Qianshan nodded approvingly: "The first president of our association surveyed the abyss and found a lot of space cracks below the abyss. These cracks are connected by space cracks, large or small, which are larger. It is almost comparable to a small world, others are very narrow. The common point is that the elemental atmosphere in each crack space is very strong, which is especially suitable for the survival and evolution of Warcraft. It was then used by the first president to build our association's headquarters in the abyss. Up.
The cracked spaces below have been developed into the secret ranch of our association, and many precious Warcrafts have been bred and are the foundation of our association. "
That's it.
When Cao Yan and Ji Qianshan talked, they came to a room on the ground floor of the association's headquarters. The two guards stopped outside the room and were not allowed to follow up.
Cao Yan and Ji Qianshan walked into the room and found that the room was empty. There was only a space portal in the center.
Ji Qianshan laughed: "This space door was laid out yesterday. Thanks to your space transmission technology, we used to want to enter the secret library by riding the abyss and splitting the empty bats into the abyss ... the process is tedious. Needless to say, sometimes there are attacks from abyssal creatures.
Now it is good. Through space transmission, it can be transmitted directly to the door of the secret library, saving a lot of manpower and material resources. "
The two immediately stepped into the space door.
Before the eyes darkened, and opened his eyes again, Cao Yan and Ji Qianshan had reached some place under the abyss.
Cao Yan looked around and felt like a corridor cut out of the interior of the mountain. The walls were all stone, with a faint blue-purple halo.
On both sides of the stone corridor, there are many strong guards standing guarded.
There is a stone door at the end of the corridor, and there is a person waiting in front of the door, which is actually Vice Chairman Zhong Jing.
"This time in and out of the secret library, the parliament arranged for me and Vice President Ji to supervise each other and go in together."
Zhong Ji first talked to Ji Qianshan, then turned his eyes to Cao Yan, with a look of calmness: "Cao Yan, you can enter the secret library so quickly. We have held a meeting to discuss it. I also voted for it. I hope you will There is gain in entering the Vault. "
Zhong Ji and Ji Qianshan have a factional dispute. He wanted to suppress Ji Qianshan by suppressing Cao Yan, but Cao Yan is now a cooperative partner through space transmission technology and two major associations, plus the sea tribe. . Zhong Ji realized that it was impossible to suppress Cao Yan, and immediately changed his attitude. His words were very straightforward, and he made no concealment of his intention to make peace.
"By Vice President Ji Yan." Cao Yan said indifferently.
Ji Qianshan and Zhong Ji stepped forward, while scouting on the left and right sides of Shimen.
The door shone with elemental shimmers at once, and a series of symbolic patterns appeared, interwoven to form an ancient symbolic structure lock.
Ji Qianshan and the two touched the opening node of the structural lock. The stone door can only be opened if the method is correct.
In the slight noise, the side slip of Shimen disappeared, revealing the misty scene behind the door.
"This is the barrier to the cracks in the space, you can enter the secret library through it." Ji Qianshan Road.
The secret library of the Pet Master Association is hidden. In a sense, the location of the secret library is no longer in the scope of the green jungle world. It is built in the gap between the spaces. There is no other way to enter it except from this way. Safety factor Lao Gao.
The three stepped into the space crack barrier in turn and walked into the secret library of the association.
The so-called secret library No. 1 is very different from Cao Yan's imagination, which is too ... rude.
The entire secret library is less than 20 square meters, with a square space, and the top wall is about three meters above the ground, just like a slightly larger bedroom.
Such a narrow space turned out to be the No. 1 secret library of the Dignified Pet Association.
"Why is this secret bank so narrow?"
Zhong Ji took a glance at Cao Yan and explained actively: "Although it is small here, it has a special feature. The first president of our association found this place to be a treasure, because the space and time here are static. The World of Warcraft sleeping in this secret library will not be affected by the passage of time from the outside world.
"We have been researched here by the association for generations. It is generally believed that this place should be a blind spot in space and time. The reason for its formation is unknown, but it must be unique and unique, and it is the best place to build a secret library."
There is actually such a place, Cao Yan thought unexpectedly: I said that the inheritance of the World of Warcraft cannot sleep for hundreds or thousands of years. It turns out that sleeping here, how to sleep is a momentary effort. Time is still, falling asleep here, but I can avoid falling asleep halfway to the toilet, I am not afraid to sleep for long ...
"let's start."
In the middle of the finger library of Ji Qianshan: "Cao Yan, go and see there. Don't rush to make a choice. Observe and experience carefully. You have a special sense of which animal catcher ball is placed there. You can try to release your spiritual power. Of Warcraft to wake up. Ask me if you have questions. "
In the middle of the secret library, there is a tower-shaped cabinet divided into three floors.
The base is square and corresponds to four directions, each of which has a groove, and an animal trap ball is placed in the groove. The four grooves correspond to four directions, and a total of four beast-catching of various shapes are placed.
On the second floor of the cabinet, there are three grooves. Two of the grooves also contain animal traps, and the other is empty.
The third floor at the very top of the tower has only one groove, and there is a cold silver, like a moonlight that emits a weird and shiny strange trapping ball.
In the entire tower-shaped cabinet, there are a total of seven beast-catcher balls, and there is still a vacancy.
In other words, ~ ~ With the wealthy family of the Pet Master Association, only seven inherited Warcraft have been passed down for a long time.
"The Warcraft in this secret library is the king of Warcraft in different historical periods of our association. At different points in time, they chose to enter the secret library to sleep and wait to be awakened. For a long time, they have been guarding Association. Cao Yan, you come here to choose Warcraft, with piety. "
Ji Qianshan looked serious and slowly said:
"The Tower of Gods in front of you, among the four beast catchers on the first floor, are sleeping king-level Warcraft, and the three Warcraft on the second floor are also king-level, but their attributes are rare and their combat power is unmatched. The groove of the beast-catcher ball was empty, and the World of Warcraft in that beast-catcher ball was chosen by the contemporary president of our association, so it was vacant.
Cao Yan, if you can get the inheritance of Warcraft here, you can only sign a special partnership contract with it. In the future, you will return it to the association and still worship it here. "
Ji Qianshan yelled: "The beast-catcher ball on the top of the God Tower is called Shenyue, which is the most special. It contains one of our association's strongest pets, a totem-level beast. The form is a secret. No one, including me, knows what form and attributes the sleeping totems in the ball are. "
With the introduction of Ji Qianshan, Cao Yan has come to the tower where the beast catcher is placed and looks at the nearest scarlet beast catcher.
There is a nameplate next to the beast-catcher ball, which makes relevant records of the beast-catcher ball and the sleeping World of Warcraft.
The nameplate reads: "Monarch-level Tier 12 Warcraft, Duraka Ars, alien creature ... Rare, it is likely to be the only alien Warcraft in our world ..."
While watching, Cao Yan cheated, and quietly touched the pet assistant on his wrist, scanning the beast ball ...
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