Chapter 524: Windfall

The azure stars filled the sky.
The night was already dark, but Cao Yan's residence at the association's headquarters was quite lively and people came and went.
He just sent a wave of people who came to see the abalone, and knocked on the door again. Pandas opened the door. Jiang Zi and Ji Wenxing hurried in from the door. Some people in the association say you awakened the legacy of Warcraft, is that true? "
Minjiang diligently spoke, and immediately saw the abalone floating beside Cao Yan.
呀 "Yeah, so ugly, so small." Gianzi blinked his eyes and looked at the abalone.
At the command of Cao Yan, the abalone completely converged.
At this time, it was only the size of a volleyball. It floated on Cao Yan's shoulders. He found that Jiang Zi was glaring at a pair of peach eyes, staring at himself with the eyes of a small pet. He was immediately furious and shaken his spirit. Although I have become your ... subordinate, I am not a pet to watch, I hope to be able to go back to catching beast balls. "
A similar complaint, the abalone has said more than once in the past few hours.
Cao Yan, Ji Qianshan, and Zhong Ji came out of the secret library. He successfully awakened the news of inheriting Warcraft and spread it to the association immediately.
The entire association was completely blown up from top to bottom.
This afternoon, there are countless people who come to see the inheritance of Warcraft. Even the top leader of the association, Zhong Jikui, the deputy speaker of the core council, came to see Cao Yan personally, or to see the abalone born out of waking.
I want to know the heritage of Warcraft Masters Association, each one represents the cutting-edge force of the Association, the importance is self-evident.
Therefore Cao Yan brought out a legacy of Warcraft, and even Zhong Jikui had to come to see it in person.
Throughout the afternoon, the association was spreading and discussing the news of Cao Yan's awakening the inheritance of Warcraft at a speed of spreading explosive news, which was more sensational than ever.
The night was getting darker.
After Minjiang Zi and Ji Wen saw the abalone, they left happily. Cao Yan took a sigh of relief and waved to Pandas: "At this time, there should be no one coming again, you should go down and rest."
When Pandas left, he moved a chair and sat by the window, while eating peanuts, while looking out at the starry sky and the dark abyss. He was at ease and thought: he awakened the legacy of Warcraft, and immediately became detached from the association. Arise, this is good for many things that follow, at least within the association, the bells will never jump out again. "
"Abalone, tell me your history, did you really fall into the green jungle world from outside?"
"I was awakened by a long sleep, and was brought here by the pet teacher association. The memory of my own origin is vague and I can't remember it."
"I am hungry and want to hunt for food in the abyss."
"Oh, then you go."
The abalone's response was obviously perfunctory, and Cao Yan didn't ask much. Since the abalone fell into his own hands, it was fine to adjust slowly, not in a hurry.
Cao Yan's words fell, and the abalone floated out of the window. His body skyrocketed and became a giant ball with a diameter of more than ten meters. The tentacles around his body stretched out, and they became elongated.
It sank directly into the abyss.
As a legacy of Warcraft that controls the attributes of space, the association and the Society of Mechanics arranged the element wall at the entrance of the abyss. It has no hindrance to it and is easily worn by it.
Cao Yan watched the abalone continue to sink into the abyss, and threw a peanut shell into the abyss. He asked the fake system in his consciousness: "How is my new attendant?
"Now being cultivated, please wait patiently." The tone of the official system of the fake system.
In the evening, Cao Yan took time to enter a spaceship to check the rewards of the native attendants.
The attendant reward this time, the spaceship randomly selects the biological genes suitable for becoming servants in the gene bank, and then cultivates them.
When Cao Yan entered the spacecraft, the reminder of the fake system sounded in his consciousness: "... The native servant is in the process of selection, the candidate species is intelligent creatures, and the combat ability is the main selection basis ... Chaos giant ... Demon ... Bloodline life ... Void Clan ... Nar War Clan ... Winged Angel, Elemental Life ...
Ding! The screening has ended, and the servant creature is selected as the reincarnation cursing heterogeneous life! "
Cao Yan didn't know anything about the life form of the cursed body of the reincarnation, but he looked forward to his new servant.
At this moment in the space of the spaceship, a training cabin appears again.
Cao Yan's new attendant is being cultivated in it, waiting to be born after it takes shape.
Uh ...
After the abalone sank into the abyss, the whole body gradually brightened, and the body surface appeared blue-purple halo, which became brighter and brighter.
It is like a falling meteor, approaching the bottom of the abyss.
It used to be the king of this abyss, and here is its territory. Entering the perilous abyss is as familiar to abalone as returning to his own home.
In the process of sinking, it uses space attributes, as if jumping in the void, fast and incredible.
In this case, abalone is confident that no one can follow itself.
It entered the abyss not just for hunting, but wanted to go back and see the former 'home'.
During its descent, it encountered many abyss or ghost-like creatures along the way, including many powerful species at the lord level.
But these creatures are without exception. Once they are swept by the abalone and have no ability to resist, they will be taken into the mouth, swallowed into the stomach, and become food.
Its mouth is open, containing the terrorist force that can cause space to collapse, almost
No creature can escape it.
The reason why it is called the master of gluttony is because it controls the attributes of space, there is no heaven and earth in the belly, and no amount of food can fill it.
It eats all the way down the abyss, eating more than a hundred creatures along the way, a ferocious batch.
After a while, the abalone came to a very deep place under the abyss, and the void in the surrounding space began to appear.
The gaps are criss-crossed, like a maze.
The abalone was not at all confused by the complexity of the cracks, and passed through several of them. Eventually, in a secret place somewhere in the abyss, it used space attributes to open a hidden space crack into the air.
背后 Behind this crack lies the biggest secret of the abyss.
It also contains the ancient times that abalone fell into the green jungle world with the abalone, which caused the core of this abyss, and some other abalones.
Here is the old nest where abalone stores the treasure.
It is anxious to return here, trying to break Cao Yan's restraint by relying on something in the treasure.
However, the abalone did not know that it had been staring at Commander Cao all the way into the abyss.
As soon as it entered the abyss, Cao Yan expended points, redeemed a new assistant equipment (small plane) for pet assistant, and released it to track abalone.
Cao Yan watched the process of abalone entering the abyss through a small plane like watching a movie.
At this time, when he saw that the abalone spookily opened a crack in the space, Cao Yan blinked his eyes and thought: There is still an unexpected gain.
When the small plane followed the abalone, it entered the space behind the crack.
Cao Yan was quite surprised to see what was stored in that space: "So many star fragments, alas, what is that, so strong energy fluctuations ..."
Uh ...
When the abalone returned to the ground from the abyss, it was already midnight.
In Cao Yan's room, it emerged silently and ‘looking at’ Cao Yan in the dark.
On the bed, Cao Yan's eyes were closed tightly, his breathing was even, and he was already asleep.
The abalone is sure to kill Cao Yan instantly, but it is not without scruples. Just now it returned to its own space to store the treasure. Various attempts to untie the shackles of the spiritual chain failed.
If it kills Cao Yan and restrains his restraint, he may never be able to crack it.
If this prohibition can't be undone because Cao Yan was killed, the abalone will have to be suppressed at the lord level.
It was hesitating whether to kill Cao Yan, and suddenly heard a voice in his consciousness: "If you want to calculate me, you can try it, if you don't dare, just go away and don't float by the bed."
The abalone thought that Cao Yan had fallen asleep, and suddenly he heard his voice, startled. He was hesitant to kill Cao Yan, and disappeared immediately.
Even more scary is still behind.
Cao Yan, who was lying on the bed, did not keep his eyes open. He raised his hand and threw something over. Abalone caught it with his tentacles and found it was an animal trap.
It probes consciousness into the beast-catcher ball, which is filled with a kind of blue-purple stones, emitting strong energy fluctuations.
This is the star fragment in the abyss. (When Cao Yan first came to the headquarters of the association, he obtained the star fragments from the abyss. It is the debris that collapsed after the ancient stars fell. It contains powerful energy. Debris).
The abalone felt that the smell of these fragments seemed familiar, and vaguely had an unpleasant idea, and then listened to Cao Yan saying: "I saw you go into the abyss and opened up a cracked space with star fragments and many other things. These things I confiscated first. If you perform well in the future, I will gradually return these confiscated items. If the performance is not good, the treasure you hid belongs to me. Do you understand? "
Abalone was shocked by Commander Cao's commotion.
The ‘treasure’ in the abyss was not only known to this human, but also confiscated by him ~ ~ How did he do all this?
The abalone's inscrutable feelings about Cao Yan, for the first time, gave birth to a horror of fear. He stared at Cao Yan with a spirited ‘eye’.
"Did you understand?" Cao Yan asked.
"Listen." Abalone responded subconsciously.
"Then go away," Cao Yan said.
"Okay." Sure enough, the abalone shrank to the corner.
For a moment, Cao Yan on the bed sounded a slight snoring sound, while abalone floated for a night in the corner, thinking all the time ... how could all of my babies be his, and I couldn't breathe in pain.
In the morning, after Cao Yan got up, he went out for a morning exercise.
When I came back, I started thinking about what to do next.
At present, the ancient continent and the misty world are not unusual.
As for the church, Ouch and Taohua are trying to understand the city in the mist. They are currently in the normal stage of advancement and have no breakthrough progress.
Dai Daiyongyu has set out from the church headquarters and rushed to the southern region.
The ant colony is divided into multiple teams, each in the depths of the eternal jungle, staring at the thunder king's lair and looking for the fallen twilight place, which is also in the promotion stage and has nothing to gain.
In the next few days, Cao Yan is planning to focus on promoting space delivery technology and formally launched the initial process of covering the green jungle world as a technology colony.
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