Chapter 543: Top match

Deep in the jungle, giant trees are like buildings.
Presented in front of Cao Yanhe's curse, Yan is a towering, erect object, hundreds of meters high, connecting the moon and the sky, and adjoining the surrounding ancient trees.
Its surface is dark silver, reflecting the dim moonlight, like a metal material.
The whole object has a wonderful arc, like a big banana standing up, and like a skyscraper with a strange shape.
Deep in the reckless jungle, how could such a metal artifact appear?
There are many vines and trees entangled in that object, showing only a little mottled nature, apparently there has been a long time in the jungle.
Cao Yan and Manchu were preparing to approach some objects to observe, and suddenly saw the upper part of the object, a figure in the dim moonlight, rising voluminously around the object, seems to be examining it.
The figure walking in the sky is the master of light and darkness.
Fortunately, Cao Yanxin was fortunate that there was still some distance from that thing, otherwise he had to be discovered by the Lord of Light and Darkness.
立即 He immediately turned on the cloaking function of the colony. The surface color of the colony changed, and it blended with the environment around him. Even the texture on the leaves under his feet was exactly the same as the colony simulation.
He is still standing where he is, but people blend with the environment and disappear visually.
Strangely, his breath was also covered by the cloak, and it also disappeared in the feeling.
Hidden curse is more thorough than Cao Yan.
He once told Cao Yan that he had the ability to gasify his body.
At this point his body dissipates and dissipates into a gray-black gas, crouching in the void, if not.
After the two hide, they continue to observe sneakily.
The Lord of Light and Darkness had reached the top of the object, stood on it, looked at it for a moment, and shook his head in disappointment.
"Come out." The Lord of Light and Darkness gave out a cold drink, his eyes glanced like electricity.
Cao Yan made a sudden heart.
He followed to prepare for a sap, or pick a bargain, but he did not want to be tough with a giant such as the Lord of Light and Darkness.
However, he did not immediately find out the words of the Lord of Light and Dark.
"There are others ..."
At this time, a warm laughter sounded, and some people responded to the light and dark master saying, "Last time before I attacked you, you suddenly made a sound, but this time you were discovered again. You are really the light and dark master. I have a pair of dog ears and I have good hearing. "
With the voice, a figure emerged in the jungle.
It was standing on the head of a huge chameleon, and after the chameleon was discovered by the Lord of Light and Darkness, the ability of discoloration was released, and the body was exposed above the crown of a tree.
Hold the grass!
Cao Yan whispered in his heart that the chameleon actually has such a big one. I saw a big frog in the foggy world two days ago, and today I saw a super chameleon again.
The chameleon that emerged was at least three hundred meters in length, and the whole body was colorful and gorgeous.
It has hexapods, strong legs, and shows strong running ability.
两侧 The chameleon was surrounded by thunder and cyan storms on both sides of the body. After revealing its shape, the momentum was released. The entire jungle became extremely quiet because of the appearance of this giant chameleon father.
At this moment, far away, dozens of miles away, Warcraft had induction, trembling.
This is the terror of the monarch creature alone.
And this chameleon is also the best among the kings, it is the real chameleon-the dragon.
Elemental Chameleon, Dragon of Dogonal (Double attribute of Storm and Thunder, Tier 12 King, Dragon Warcraft)
Sphynx chords, reptiles, dipodia, lizard dragons, elemental evasion Warcraft
Uh ...
Uh ...
The assistant of pet master pushed out the message of this perverted chameleon.
"As the president of the Pet Masters Association, you have attacked me several times on this road, but you don't think it will be a trick ..."
The Lord of Light and Darkness stood above the metal object, staring at the figure standing on the head of the chameleon, sarcastically.
When Cao Yan listened, he thought to himself that the old man above the chameleon was the handle of his own association, and the head of the dragon was invisible.
On the head of the chameleon, an old man was standing, wearing a gorgeous petite robe with black and gold trimmings. He stood on the chameleon's head and was sarcastically questioned by the Lord of Light and Darkness, disapprovingly saying "Since he is an opponent, with the purpose of killing each other, do I want to say hello to you in advance?"
His voice did not fall, the chameleon under him took out his tongue and attacked the Lord of Light and Dark while the Master and the Lord of Light and Dark talked.
You must know that chameleons have tongues in their mouths. Once they spit out, they are longer than the entire body.
In the sky, a lightning-like exercise, like a python, is incredibly fast, almost above the rules of space, and the moment that spit out from the chameleon's mouth appeared in front of the light and darkness master five hundred or six hundred meters away.
The Lord of Light and Darkness seemed to have been guarded, and waved a hand knife.
A light and dark alternating arc of light swept across the chameleon's tongue.
The chameleon's python-like tongue was cut off by the front end.
With this blow, the chameleon's attack was swift and violent, and the Lord of Light and Dark reacted quickly, and the power of the counterattack was particularly amazing.
"Stupid, the last time I attacked me in this way. This time I still use it, I'm looking for bitterness." The Lord of Light and Dark cried.
But the chameleon's broken tongue was swallowed back into his mouth.
For a moment, its severed tongue quickly grew again.
"You're a fool. My magic pet has the ability to regenerate with broken limbs."
The puppet masters' association carried the handle lightly, "Hammer, come up and lick him!"
The chameleon, called a hammer, rushed away from the canopy immediately, a quick batch.
It walked along the canopy all the way to the metal object of the Lord of Light and Darkness, and launched a close attack on it.
The formal confrontation between the two parties led to lightning and thunder in the entire jungle, and the storm raged.
There is a group of light and dark breaths alternately, spreading out, covering the sky. When it lights up, the night fades under its light, and the jungle almost becomes daylight. When it turns dark, the surrounding jungle is covered by darkness, and it is hard to see five fingers.
It is the power of the Lord of Light that seems to change the sky and reverse the day and night.
No matter how the light and darkness change, there is always a huge figure in the sky. It is the giant chameleon hammer that rides in the light and the darkness.
The two sides moved in battle, and soon disappeared into the sight of Cao Yan and Mantra, and penetrated deeper into the jungle.
This is the first time that Cao Yan has witnessed the confrontation between the top players in the green jungle world and the ranks of the top ranks.
At the core of the confrontation between the two just now, it seems that the void has been missed by them, and the stars on the sky are dim under the power of the two.
The level of the King of Kings is really great!
Cao Yan smashed his mouth and lifted the hidden function of the colonial costume, walking side by side with the curse to the standing strange metal object.
Because of the confrontation between the Lord of Light and Darkness, nearby creatures scrambled, and the surrounding area is quite safe at the moment, so there is no need to worry about the hidden danger.
Cao Yan and the two came near the thing.
In the immediate vicinity, I can especially feel its huge towering.
Cao Cao extended his hand and touched the part of it that was exposed outside the vines. The tentacles were cold and lightly struck, and a dull tuk-tuk sound should be made of metal.
Who is He who erected such a large metal pillar in the deep jungle?
What is the purpose?
Cao Yan looked down at the ground, how deep is this thing underground?
He gave an order to the ant colony to start the investigation.
A part of the ants immediately started digging into the ground to investigate this special-shaped metal column.
Cao Yan and Mantra stayed in the area of ​​the metal pillar for a period of time, and tracked the direction in which the Lord of Light and Dark were fighting.
Unfortunately, the two big brothers moved too fast, and Cao Yan followed up and gave up.
If he wants to catch up with the two big brothers, unless he releases the flame (Tianma), but that will expose himself.
So Cao Yan only stayed in the jungle for a while, then let the curse continue to search for the fallen twilight, and continued to be traced by some ant colonies in the direction where the two big brothers disappeared, and he returned to the headquarters of the association.
The night faded away and the sun rose.
几天 Nothing has changed in the jungle or the misty world in the following days.
I saw the Lord of Light and Dark and the President of the Pet Master Association fighting that night, and they disappeared into the jungle. A few days later, the ant colony traced their lives, but they could not find the trace of the two.
The ants colony's exploration of the underground part of the mysterious object is still in progress.
I was surprised by Cao Yan that the ant colony had already gone down that distance for a long distance, and it was still missing.
This thing is buried deeper than the ground, and I do n’t know where it leads?
Time enters the end of July.
The following evening, Cao Yan was holding a book and reading at the home of the association's headquarters.
The title of the book is "Encyclopedia of Wisdom and Life in the Fog World", which is one of the books that Taohua bought after entering the City of Fog.
In addition, there are several books such as "Mist World Geography" and "History of the Mist World" ~ ~ Since Taohua entered the city of the mist, some secrets about the mist world have been clarified by Cao Yan's group.
Mist World was a battle-frequent plane in ancient times.
Many worlds meet here.
Today, there are countless battle trails in the misty world.
According to the news from Peach Blossoms, these traces are all left in the ancient times when the war of gods and demons occurred in the foggy world.
The biggest secret in the rumored world of fog is also attracting people from many worlds. The reason for this is the news about the ancient gods and transcendent totem-level creatures falling in the world of fog.
Countless people are looking for the burial place of ancient gods.
After Peach Blossom entered the city, she also learned about the area where the ancient continent stayed in the misty world.
People in Yuncheng said that the area where the ancient continent was located was a famous and ferocious land in the misty world, with evil forces spreading, and no one dared to approach.
This is also the reason why Cao Yan and others have not found any traces of people since the ancient continent came to the misty world.
The night was getting darker.
Cao Yan learns various languages ​​while reading a book.
Near midnight, the curse sent a message through the pet assistant, "Boss, the ant colony has found the end of the underground part of the thing ... In addition, there are some other findings."
:。 :
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