Chapter 547: Still boss smart

"In the beginning, God created light and darkness, separated them, and let the light travel on the darkness, so day and night were born, the world appeared for the first day, and the law of time began to work ..."
The Lord of Light and Dark chanted the Scriptures of the Kingdom of God in the battle, sounded loud and clear in the void:
"God said: In this era, he wants to take back what he created ..."
出口 Exit with chanting.
The sun's rays from that day converged into chains, hanging down, and bound to the metal objects below.
A ray of divine power derived from light, dazzling and dazzling.
"The light and darkness master's control of light has reached the level of material transformation, and he can use all light sources to perform divine magic." Dai Zhaoyu said.
The scripture chain was wrapped around a metal object, tightened suddenly, and dragged it out of the ground more.
The Lord of Light and Darkness wants to use light cables that have evolved with divine power to ban metal objects and put them into his code.
"Boss, that archery man appeared." Taohua watched the situation on the battlefield.
I do not know when, at the edge of the battlefield, a silvery figure appeared, with a crown on his head and a silver long bow in his hand.
The light on the bow's body burned like a burning flame.
Every time he stretched his long bow, the light would stretch into an arrow, break through the void, and shoot at the Lord of Light and Darkness.
"This seems to be the legendary lunar bow of the ancient elven king court ..."
Tao Taohua is also an archer. She has researched bow artifacts and murmured with blinking eyes.
At this time, on the battlefield, a croak sounded loudly, shook through the clouds, and the cold blue halo masterpiece.
The president of the Puppet Masters Association released his second magic pet, an ice-sculpted light blue bird.
一 As soon as this bird came out, the surrounding temperature plummeted, as if it were suddenly reached in winter.
It spreads its wings, spit out a cold current, and rolls towards the Lord of Light and Darkness. The realm power unique to the monarch creature spread out, and the fallen trees on the ground were instantly covered by a layer of ice.
"Sure enough, big brother, both main pets have extremely strong fighting power." Cao Yanxing watched vigorously.
Even if other factors are left aside, Cao Yan will benefit from the fact that only the president of the Pet Division Association commands the battle of the magic pet.
名称 [Name] Extreme ice phoenix bird, Phoenix bird of Finisos (Monarch 11)
物种 [Species] Chordalis, Phoenix bird, passerine, songbird suborder Warcraft
[Habit] The first record of the extremely ice-phoenix bird appeared during the ancient war of gods and demons. Some ancestors found a huge ice nest in the depths of the northern mountains and the mountains, including a bird with a thin round head and a tail. With the butterfly, the sound penetrates through the clouds and cracks the ground ... The unique blessed field blessing allows it to play a powerful 12th order combat power in a short time.
Uh ...
The assistant of Wu Chongshi pushed out the message of Divine Bird in time.
Extremely ice phoenix bird, is a kind of phoenix.
一 As soon as the divine bird came out, the Lord of Light and Dark screamed, "Tinnon, you must fight against me, and I will have a return in the future."
Timon, president of the Pet Masters Association: "It was your Church of God ’s Kingdom that first listed our Association as heresy. The two of us have been at war for a long time. Whatever your church wants to do, I will destroy it. Lord of light and dark, you pinch your ass, I You know what you want to pull. No matter what this metal object is, you can't stop thinking about it. Hehe. "
The Lord of Light and Dark was furious, and waved a finger, and a lightning flash of punishment descended in the sky, splitting to Timon.
"Ice axe, hammer, get him!" Tinon tit-for-tat, ordered his magic pet.
The fighting between the two sides has intensified.
The light and dark light alternated to cover the sky, while the hammer and the bird of Finisos came out to fight the light and dark without showing weakness.
In the air that day, the ripples of space were almost shattered by the shock of powerful forces.
树木 On the ground, trees are broken hundreds of miles away because of the aftermath of the war between the two sides.
In the fierce battle between the two sides, there are still arrows that penetrate the void and attack the Lord of Light and Dark.
The sky was fierce in battle, and no one noticed the three extra people at the core of the metal object below. Or someone noticed it, but had no time to ignore it.
At this time, three unlucky eggs have come to the gate in the middle of the metal object.
The door was round and smooth, like a closed metal hatch.
One of the unlucky eggs, the summoner who robbed Cao Yan at the beginning, is now the head of three unlucky eggs, and he said to the other unlucky accomplice beside him: "You can try to open the door."
"I do not."
His companion was horrified: "This door has a terrible atmosphere. Touch it, maybe it will kill you."
The unlucky leader said angrily, "This door has a terrible atmosphere, which can be more terrible than you and me. If you don't open the door, the two-headed ogre will take one of us to sleep at night, and we won't have to Lottery, let you go. "
Another companion nodded quickly: "Yes, if you don't go, you'll sleep with that two-headed monster at night."
He was instructed to change the look of the unlucky egg to open the door, weighed it, bit his teeth, stepped forward, and tried to reach out to touch the metal door.
乎 Unexpectedly, there was no danger on the door.
Under the touch of him, with a buzz, a glimmer of element shone on the surface of the door.
The guy who opened the door saw a change in the door. He stepped back in two steps and immediately panicked. He immediately found that there was only an additional layer of light on the door. I can urinate and urinate, I can't take it. "
The other two felt the same, but now it was not the time to discuss these, and they urged in unison: "Hurry up and try to open the door again."
The unlucky egg touched the layer of elemental light that appeared outside the door again.
This contact made the element symbol nodes appear on the light wall on the surface of the door.
In the spaceship, Cao Yan raised his eyebrows, stared at the element symbol node on the door, and trembled: The door of this metal object also has an element structure lock ...
At this moment, the Lord of Light and Darkness abruptly withdrew from the battle, fell from above, hanging the scripture sun over his head, and was so bright that he rushed towards the door in the center of the metal object.
变 This sudden change is unexpected, not only the three unlucky eggs have no protection, Cao Yan and others are also very surprised.
The unlucky eggs 1,2 and 3 standing in front of the door were shrouded in the light of the divine power released by the Lord of Light and Darkness. There was no room for resistance, and he died instantly.
Under the impact of the Lord of Light and Darkness, the light of the element disintegrated and broke.
An elementary beam of light rushed out of the yamen, and a scripture popped up by the Lord of Light and Darkness to offset it.
The Lord of Light and Darkness broke into the door and stormed into the metal object behind the door.
"He knows that with our interference, it is impossible to take this metal object away, change the strategy, and want to enter the interior and take away the most valuable things."
"Tinnon said to those who fired arrows in the distance," I follow up and see, you cover me. "
"it is good."
The body shape dangled in the silver light, and the strong man holding the bow and arrow responded, but it was a low woman's voice.
When Tinnon reached out, the bird diminished in size and landed on his shoulder, while the chameleon hammer was taken into a blue-cyan trap ball.
Tong Tinon fell from the air and rushed into the metal object.
"Prompt the host, if you need to urge the auxiliary equipment of the assistant system to enter the metal object and continue to monitor the whereabouts of the Lord of Light and Darkness, you need to pay extra points, which will consume 100 points per minute, please host to make a choice, yes or no? "The voice of the fake system sounded in consciousness.
Cao Yan: "Continue to monitor internal changes in metal objects."
"Accept the host's choice, the relevant points are being deducted ..."
In a metal object, the Lord of Light and Dark made a rampage all the way. Many organs and protective measures were pushed by him with great force, and quickly penetrated into the inner core area of ​​the metal object.
"If this metal object is broken by ourselves, it will be a life of death and difficult. The boss is savvy, and the Lord of Light and Darkness will be the pathfinder for us."
Dai Daiyuu observed the progress of the Lord of Light and Darkness in the metal object, and patted the fart by the way.
"This metal object showed much lower attack power than I expected. Maybe it was damaged in the process of falling into the green jungle world and many defense facilities were unavailable, which made the Lord of Light so easy. Go deep. "Cao Yan said.
The interior of the jade metal object is also an all-metal structure, extending in all directions and densely channeled.
As the Lord of Light and Darkness advances, you can also see various metal-built building spaces and facilities such as squares.
At this time, another metal door appeared in front of the Lord of Darkness.
伸 He reached out and pushed forward, the code glowed, and the sun was imprinted on the door.
However, a glimmer of element appeared on the door, and the symbol node flickered, but it resisted his attack, and the metal door remained motionless.
The Lord of Light and Darkness stopped solemnly.
With his power, this deepening of the road is also hindered by many obstacles and consumes a lot.
He is also suspicious of this metal object. What is this place?
The door in front of his eyes was difficult to open, making him realize that the back of the door is likely to be the true core area of ​​this metal object, which must contain some secrets or precious things, so this door is exceptionally strong and cannot be easily opened.
Before the Lord of Light and Darkness had time to try to open the door again, Timon chased after him, and the extreme ice-phoenix bird on his shoulder opened his mouth and spit out a cold light.
The two of them fought again.
When they entered the metal object, a group of ants followed in, followed by them.
When the Lord of Light and Darkness and Tinon confronted again ~ ~ the small group of ants also came outside their space.
In the spaceship, Cao Yanzheng observes the metal door blocking the forward of the Lord of Light and Dark through the picture presented by the assistant of pet master, and examines the element structure on the door.
以 He is supported by the spiritual power of the lord class. In his mind, he virtually constructs a three-dimensional symbol structure, which can quickly decipher the mystery of the symbol structure on the door at a speed far faster than ordinary people. Every second passed, there were thousands of symbols in his consciousness interweaving, looking for the right way to analyze the symbol structure on the door.
In a hurry, Cao Yan couldn't open the door quickly, but with his semiotic ability, he quickly found the laws of the movement of the symbol structure on the surface of the door.
Destroying this law, weakening the door's protective ability, or even ineffective, is much simpler than finding the right way to open the door.
At this time, the confrontation between the Lord of Darkness and Tinon broke the structural wall inside the multi-metal object. The two were getting farther and farther from the door, and a small group of ants crawled near the door. According to the order of Boss Cao, bite the element nodes diffused on the surface of the door body, destroy the operating system in it ...

The Lord of Light and Darkness in the fierce battle inadvertently glanced at the obstructing door and suddenly stunned.
The symbol structure on the surface of Jaina Gate is slowly weakening ...
Ps: There is a chapter in front of me that misses the time. Cao Yan entered the jungle to meet with the curse at night, not evening, adjusted.
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