Chapter 560: Thunder's Wrath, Miracle

Cathedral of the Kingdom of God.
He received a report from his subordinates and knew that there was a problem in the kingdom space.
A subordinate followed him, explaining the reason for the anomaly in the kingdom of God: "A church member in charge of the night found that the holy light at the center of the main idol of the central temple was weakened (the brightness of the holy light of the idol , Corresponding to the concentration of elements in the kingdom of God's space on earth), so after reporting the situation, we found that there was a problem in the kingdom of God's space, where the concentration of bright divine power showed signs of decline, but it was not obvious. "
The Lord of Judgment looked dignified.
At this moment he had just entered the central temple and looked up at the towering idol standing in the temple.
At the heart of that idol's eyebrow, the golden light flickered like a star.
The Lord of Judgments reached out his hand, and the light of the idol's eyebrows spread down and fell on the ground to form a door of space. He stepped in first.
国内 In the world of God, the Lord of Judgment appears out of thin air.
As he entered, the space began to change.
The light and mist that filled the entire space slowly sinks into the ground, completely exposing the entire space to his sight.
The Lord of Judgments walked in the space, looked at each location, and soon stopped next to a collapsed idol and looked down.
"The decline of the bright elements first converged here and then disappeared ..." the ruling's Lord was determined.
Here is the place where the beast-catcher ball with the light flame Tianma enters the space of the kingdom of God and is placed there. The judge's insight ability is amazing and he quickly finds the clue.
But finding clues does not mean finding the truth.
Before the ruling master came in to inspect, Cao Yan had taken Tianma back through the delivery system, including the ant colony, and had also been taken away.
Huh, so the space inside the kingdom of God at this time was ‘clean’, and even the ant nests that the ant colony had built here were filled up, leaving no suspicious points.
"Perhaps it is the rise and fall of the tide of bright elements that broke through the elemental walls of space and led to the emergence of leaks. This situation has also occurred before. The power of decaying bright elements usually recovers within two or three days. Talk to the subordinates who are next to the ruling master.
"Your statement doesn't make sense."
The Lord of Judgment said lightly.
He stared at the ground below the statue for a while, and found nothing else. He released his mental strength and thoroughly investigated every place in the space, but still found no problems.
The Lord of the Judgment frowned, and said, "Strictly observe the fluctuations of the elements in the space, and report any abnormalities to me immediately." Then he left the kingdom space.
Soon after he left, the space was rippling and a beast-catcher ball rolled down quietly.
Cao Yan accurately grasped the situation of the Kingdom of God through the picture presented by the assistant system. The arbiter of the ruling just left and immediately returned Tian Ma.
The so-called enemy advances and retreats, the enemy retreats and advances, life is endless, and the operation is endless.
Then Tianma started the second wave of stealing light elements.
The time passed quietly, and two days passed.
With the continuous absorption of Tianma, the signs of the decline of the bright elements in the space of the kingdom of God are becoming more and more obvious, and they are constantly increasing. However, church personnel entered the inspection several times and found no cause for the problem.
The situation worsened and even alarmed Pope Saint Greg.
At this moment, Saint Greg is preparing to enter the kingdom of God on earth in person.
Inside the Kingdom of God space, Tianma's absorption of bright elements has also reached a critical stage, with more and more movement, and it is already a bit overwhelming.
Cao Yan pondered that this time it must be impossible to hide, simply do n’t stop doing it, do n’t keep stealing, then steal it!
He passed a spiritual instruction to Tian Ma, telling it to stop sneaking.
At the same time, a series of beast-catching were sent in the space of God Kingdom, and a team of ants crawled out of the ball and started to rob the incomplete building inside the Kingdom of God space.
Snatching these things is actually useless to Cao Yan, but it will definitely make the church uncomfortable.
The ant colony quickly moved the idols in the space, the buildings that were incomplete, etc. into the trapping ball, and then delivered it to Cao Yan.
Then, Tianma had come out of the trap, opened his mouth, and sprinkled Huan to participate in the robbery.
The light element breath of the Kingdom of God's space collapsed into the horse's mouth.
The broken buildings in the puppet space, the golden pillars of the fallen pillars and the idols also gathered in the horse's mouth.
The amount of bright elements in the entrance of Tianma swallowed up like a tide.
However, Tianma's absorption lasted only a few seconds, and the Pope and the Lord of Judgments appeared in the space.
Cao Yan immediately regretted the change in the space of the kingdom of God.
The pope came too soon. If he can come a few minutes late, Tianma can complete the evolutionary level of light element reserves. The ant colony also carried two fallen stone pillar fragments and a defective idol.
When in the ancient continent, Tian Ma and the Pope fought, knowing his power, at the first sight of the Pope, without Cao Yan's greetings, immediately evacuated by delivery.
Tianma is one of the fastest creatures in the world, and the Pope failed to prevent its departure in time.
In a flash, Tianma disappeared.
The papal saint Greg stretched out a finger, a verse jumped out, chased where Tianma disappeared, and penetrated into the void.
Saint Greg said slowly to the place where the scriptures disappeared: "No matter who you are, entering the holy place to teach theft and stealing is blasphemy. You will die from divine punishment!"
声音 The sound penetrated the space and ignored the distance. Out of the Pope's mouth, it even sounded at Cao Yan's ear at the other end of the space.
"It seems that this time really annoyed the Pope, this old man is also terrific, and he can actually speak from space. If this ability is passed back to the earth, the sale of mobile phones will be finished."
Cao Yan had seen the ability of cursing to release curses through language. He could ignore the distance to the Pope's God of Words and follow a certain mysterious air to find himself.
After a quarter of an hour, the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God.
Central Temple.
In front of the towering idol, Saint Greg was wearing red and gold ornate robes, wearing a crown, and a white cloth covered with script writing on his neck, standing barefoot.
执 He is holding a large bright code, and is reading a chapter in the code.
每 Every time a syllable is spoken, a scripture light is illuminated in the light.
On the idol in the center of the temple, there will also be Scriptures that echo the Scriptures of the Great Guangming.
Behind the Pope, the ruling stood and judged the two giants, as well as a group of archbishops in red.
San Gleet recites the chapter of punishment in the code, and he is calling for divine punishment!
登 Since he became the pope, St. Greg chanted the chapter of punishment himself for the first time, urging divine punishment to come into the world.
"Your Majesty has not shot in public for many years. Everyone has underestimated his fighting ability. It turned out that he has practiced the Great God of Words to a legendary level and has become a of prophecy beyond the rules ..." The ruling master stared, watching the pope The back of Xianyan thought.
The pope's voice lasted nearly two hours, and a total of thirteen verses from the Great Light Code were recited.
The tall idol in the middle of the shrine was surrounded by tens of thousands of scriptures with his recitation, glowing all over the body, shining like the sun, a beam of light emerged from the idol's body and straight into the clouds.
"God said: Everyone who steals must bear the punishment of God, be cast aside by the world, and die of punishment ..." The pope uttered the last word.
When his voice fell, in the sky above the area where the church was located, giant electric poles were moving in the sky, like a large net covering the sky and the earth.
Even more amazing is the sky above the city of the gods, tens of thousands of miles away from the church's headquarters, the fusion of celestial phenomena, the dark clouds, the thunder and lightning.
In the loud noise, there was a golden lightning on the sky, as if piercing a war gun through the world, and slicing towards a building of the Pet Master Association below!
At this moment, inside the Pet Master Association, a powerful breath burst out, and several kings of Warcraft took off in succession, preparing to resist the lightning.
But in the sky, more lightning fell and collided with the elevated Warcraft.
In the beginning, the lightning struck a building below with unstoppable power.
The jade building was covered with electric awns and cracked into broken powder, leaving no tiles.
"Holding the grass, the old man of the pope is really a bad-tempered man, so he agrees with the words when he doesn't agree with each other. It's not too far away to be so far away. This lightning is too special and unscientific ..." Inside the building shattered by lightning, vaguely passed Commander Cao murmured.
Uh ...
Basilica of the Kingdom of God.
The Pope closed the Great Light Code.
"I personally urge divine punishment. The thunderous punishment thunder city will intensify for at least an hour."
Saint Greg turned to the Lord of the Verdict: "You arrange a team to move towards the city of the gods. I guess that the divine punishment is likely to induce the upheaval of the abyss of the stars below the Pet Master Association ~ ~ let you People act by chance. "
At this moment, the light in the eyebrow of the statue of Gao Wei suddenly burst into the temple shrine.
St. Greg was surprised, and turned to look at the statue.
It stands to reason that he has ended the summoning of divine punishment, and the light of the idol should fade away. Why not increase instead?
Under everyone's attention, the rays of light from the idol's eyebrows became more and more intense, and spread outward, turning into a golden halo.
The Pope Saint Greg thoughtfully thought of a possibility, staring at the golden aura with some incredulity.
The aura of halo rapidly expanded, and a majestic force like an overwhelming force, a ghostly shadow of a dazzling in gold, gradually became clear in the halo, and the resident station was extremely powerful.
虚 The ghost of this appeared, and the divine power was permeated. The entire cathedral of the kingdom of God was shrouded in a layer of golden light, and the divine voice rising deep in the void was awe-inspiring.
On the vault of heaven, the shadow of angels flies around and the wings are white.
In the city of the kingdom of God where the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God is located, countless people were shocked, looking up at the direction of the church, watching the standing in the center of the church, overlooking the phantom of the gods.
"God projection is God's projection!"
"Heaven! God comes to life ..."
In the church, the Lord of Verdicts and others were ecstatic, and the Pope recited the chapter of punishment, which actually induced the coming of miracles!
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