Chapter 566: True beastmaster

"Baoyue, please be careful. This succubus is not the Beastmaster. The real Beastmaster is still in the dark." Cao Yanyang said.
"Huh?" Baoyue was quite surprised.
分析 From all aspects, the succubus meets the requirements of the Beastmaster. Why not?
She was puzzled, but her offensive was not slow. The trident dazzled with blue light. The attack on the succubus was like a move, and it was pressing.
However, the huge sarcoma of the succubus's neck suddenly changed.
A gap was opened in the sarcoma, emitting blue-violet cold light, shining in the void, and the inexplicable pressure seemed to hold the space.
The movement of Wu Baoyue and Tianma was delayed at the same time.
There were also several tentacles growing on the sarcoma, and one of them was pulled out. Baoyue could not escape, the light armor on her shoulders almost shattered, and the powerful destructive power contained in the tentacles penetrated the armor and rushed into her body.
Wu Baoyue's mouth was covered with blood.
At the same moment, Pegasus was also hit by a tentacle of a sarcoma, and the skin of the neck was fleshy.
The change of this sarcoma is unexpected, and the speed of power displayed is above that of the tenth-order succubus, so it can continue to hurt Baoyue and Tianma. Fortunately, they have a certain evasive response when they are attacked, and they are injured It's not serious.
On the surface of the sarcoma, seven or eight tentacles were quickly detected, just like the tentacles, and separated from the succubus neck, moved to its head, and the tentacles moved, giving people an indescribable evil feeling.
The face of the serpent-shaped succubus sneered, as if mocking Baoyue and Tianma.
Huo Huo's heart that Cao Yan saw was beating, not because of the change of sarcoma, but the appearance of sarcoma at this time, and he was almost a brother to abalone.
The tentacles are stretched out, and the globular body has blue dark lines appearing in the purplish purple. There is a gap in the middle to open the gap, which can emit the power of condensing space.
It looks like another abalone.
Cao Yan moved his heart and released the abalone: ​​"Abalone, what kind of creature is this?"
之前 This sarcoma was disguised on the neck of the succubus, as if living in a sojourn. Cao Yan wanted to come at this time, the succubus is probably a puppet controlled by sarcoma.
In other words, this sarcoma is true-the Beastmaster.
"It's actually here ... It's another part of me."
After the abalone came out, it sent a spiritual voice in Cao Yan's consciousness.
Continued: "The reason why I slept for a long time in the inheritance of the Pet Masters Association is because the soul is incomplete. When I fell into this world with the star meteorite, there was an accident, and the body and soul were divided into two parts. One part is me, the other is it ... I remember, I have a special mission to come to this world ... I need to devour it to restore integrity.
It launched the beast tide to enter the abyss and rob the meteorites of the stars ... "
Cao Yan can sense the abrupt pulsation of the abalone's spirit, and the message sent by him is incoherent and lacks coherence.
And its body is growing up quickly, rising in the air, and quickly becoming a giant sphere with a diameter of 100 meters.
On the opposite side, the 'fake abalone' on the head of the succubus obviously also encountered a real abalone here, dancing tentacles, and making a sharp tweet on the spiritual level.
It reacted exactly like the abalone, with a larger body, abandoning the succubus and rising into the air.
True and fake abalones confront each other. The tentacles become thicker and thicker, and they move and contract, like a legendary demon.
The abalone brothers unanimously released their power, the surrounding space contracted and collapsed, and a black hole-like space appeared to attract power.
They both seem to want to swallow each other.
"Boss, give me back my banned power. If I lose, we all have to be eaten by it ..."
In Cao Yan's consciousness, the abalone made a hysterical cry for help.
"Fake system, unlock the 11th-order power of King Abalone." At this time, Cao Yan didn't hesitate much.
叮 "Ding! The king's power of abalone has been lifted and the relevant points have been deducted."
Cao Yan pouted. Not only did he not make a profit this time, he also lost money and posted points.
In the sky, the shape of real and fake abalones continued to expand, and their momentum and strength rose steadily.
Their tentacles retract and try to entangle and bind each other.
I temporarily stopped Bao Yue, who stopped fighting, stared at the two abalones above, and suddenly asked Cao Yan: "What's going on?"
Wu Caoyan shared his hand: "I didn't know that there would be such an accident. The fake abalone ... er, it was the sarcoma on the neck of the succubus before, and it was similar to my magic pet. If you run into it, you will have to live and die."
At this time, Tianma and Succubus also resumed their confrontation.
Xi Baoyue joined the battle before asking any more.
"Prompt the host, the abalone king's 11th-order power has 30 seconds left to ban. If the power needs to be continuously banned, ask the host to give a hint. Yes or no?" The voice of the fake system.
The abalone 11th-order king's power can be unlocked for only one hundred seconds at a time, but it has to pay thousands of points, which consumes the boss.
Commander Cao Cao sighed distressed, "Continue to lift the 11th-order power of abalone."
"The host's choice was received and the points have been deducted."
"Mmp ..."
Cao Yan looked up at high altitude, the true and false abalones had expanded to an amazing diameter of more than 300 meters, as if two islands were floating in the air, covering the stars and the moon.
Their power is fluctuating and rising.
压力 High air pressure rushes, forming waves of space, raging like a storm. Under the pressure radiated by the two, the ground cracked.
内 In some rift abyss, the cliff walls are broken, boulders roll down, and there are signs of collapse.
This is the power of monarch creatures. Their confrontation is as if nature is angry.
其他 At this moment, other positions are also fighting.
Xi Baoyue and Tianma joined forces to siege the succubus, and those powerful abyss creatures that emerged from the rift with the succubus were besieging the stick, circle and Cao Yan.
When Cao Yan looked up, there was a Shadowwing bird and a Feiyuan, swooping down from left to right and attacking him.
Cao Yan stopped the behavior that the circle was preparing to take over the two attacks. The strength of martial arts in his body rushed out of his fist like a mountain dump.
When the air column emerging from the fist collided with the incoming two abyssal creatures, Cao Yan again ran a black line and a ring on his wrist.
When the black line flashed, it pierced the Shadowwing bird's neck and severed its head.
黑 This black line was the dark thorns that had been killed before killing the god-given apostle Galo. It was taken by Cao Yan to kill the enemy, breaking the defense attributes and easily piercing the defense of the shadow wing bird.
Another ring floating on Cao Yan's wrist suddenly spread out, and landed head-on on the approaching Feiyuan face gate. It was actually an ant colony around Cao Yan's wrist, and suddenly broke away like a hidden weapon and flew towards Feiyuan.
The ant colony attached to Feiyabuchi's head, and the screams were extremely loud.
The flesh and blood on his head melted quickly, exposing the bones, and the screaming came to an abrupt halt. It has been killed by ants.
Converting a part of the ant into a bracelet and wearing it on the wrist is a self-defense method that Cao Yanxin devised, which is specially used to pit people in melee.
Cao Yan killed two abyss creatures in a row, and then looked up again.
At another place on the battlefield, a lord-level abyss was attacking the two pillars, but was stuck by a cobweb popped up in the void, and then loaded by a beast-catcher ball.
That is the egg is helping Cao Yan to catch Warcraft and complete the amount of tasks.
At high altitude, after the tentacles of real and fake abalones are intertwined, a spirit-level battle is launched, motionless, and the situation is weird.
Their breath continued to rise and strengthen, and soon approached the critical point of the 11th order of the king.
Cao Yan frowned, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable.
He controls the spiritual chain of the abalone, because the rising of his breath, the binding force on it is becoming weaker and weaker. If this continues, the abalone is likely to get out of control.
However, during the battle between the two abalones, the surface of the body was densely cracked, and blue-purple blood leaked out of them. The ant colony was collecting them secretly and returning them to Cao Yan.
Cao Yan immediately proposed to hand over the blood of the fake abalone to the spacecraft. This time, he immediately received a mission prompt: "Ding! Received the mission target provided by the host-the blood of the beast king, the genes have been extracted. The relevant reward will be in the host's departure. After that, make statistics. "
The false abalone really is the originator of the beast tide, that is, the beast king of the task target.
I collected its blood and met the mission requirements.
At this time, Cao Yan who was watching the abalone confrontation, Yu Guang found that at the end of the sky in the distance, there was a flash of light.
He stared in that direction and was taken aback immediately.
In that direction, a figure was shrouded in bright light, burning brightly.
With such a showy appearance, Cao Yan immediately thought of the Lord of Light and Darkness.
This time when the Lord of Light and Dark went in and out of the wreckage of a multi-person spacecraft in the deep jungle.
Since God's punishment for lightning splits up and triggers an abyss beast, Cao Yan knows that the old man of the Pope hasn't farted well, so it is not surprising to see the Lord of Light and Darkness here. This is obviously related to the arrangement of the church. The presence of the Lord of Light and Darkness here is definitely intended to be detrimental to the Favorite Association.
I just don't know the crack under the abyss ~ ~ It didn't take long for the cleavage to be split. What means did the Lord of Light and Dark enter into this space so quickly?
However, Cao Yan didn't know that there was a coming from the church, and the direction of many things can no longer be estimated by common sense.
From a distance, the Lord of Light and Dark is fighting with people, but the distance is too far to see clearly.
The appearance of the Lord of Light and Darkness made Cao Yan a little alert. At this point, the task was almost completed, and he was ready to withdraw first to ensure his own safety before making other plans.
He turned to look at Baoyue. The snake-shaped succubus, under the siege of Baoyue and Tianma, was losing ground.
The woman's face on Viper's head showed a distorted and venomous expression, and leaped swiftly under the rift valley to escape.
However, Baoyue's trident extended a stream of water, like a rope that tied it around it. Three sharp rays of light were differentiated on the halberd, which penetrated into the succubus' neck. In the scream of the succubus, a thunder light burst from Tianma's one-horned horn.
The succubus was hit hard. Cao Yan took the opportunity to throw a beast-catcher ball, and successfully included it, Tianma followed in.
"Baoyue, let's withdraw here first," Cao Yan said.
At the same moment, a voice of a fake system sounded in his consciousness: "The spiritual chain will break after 20 seconds, and the host will soon lose control of the abalone. May I consume points, upgrade the spiritual chain to mental prison, and continue to control the abalone? Yes or no ? Ask the host to make a choice! "
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