Chapter 573: Awesome planting

"400 points." This time it was a response from the fake system.
Cao Yan cautiously said, "This time it won't be a pit again, will there be additional points behind it?"
Fake system: "No, the host can rest assured. Because the planting target is the World Tree, the host is required to pay points, and subsequent use of the tree planting function at the base will no longer require points."
Cao Yanji first said: "Then pay four hundred points and start planting trees."
"The points have been deducted, and the cultivation of the trunk of the world tree by the elephant base is starting."
The trunk of the world rose from Cao Yan's hands and fell to a position on the base.
The ground was recessed by itself, and a shallow pit appeared, and the branches were placed in it.
At the same moment, the base was deeply underground and connected with the numerous tentacles of a tree's root system, and began to retract.
Soon there was a tentacle, which protruded from the ground near the trunk of the world. At the front of the tentacle, a drop of green juice dropped on the trunk.
Followed by a second tentacle, the same steps were performed.
Then the third, fourth, and more tentacles emerged from the ground, watering the world tree fragments ...
What is the emerald juice dripping from these tentacles?
"It is the essence of the base tentacles extracted from the trees to which they are connected. It is the vitality of those trees. The base's tentacles extract the vitality of thousands of trees. With its watering the world trees, it can stimulate its vitality." The fake system said.
Increasing numbers of bases emerging from the ground.
They come together, sprinkle green juice like rain, and water the world's tree fragments.
But the world tree hasn't changed much.
At this time, the base began another step, soil cultivation.
The tentacles of the base are still functioning. They extract a black soil from the depth of the soil layer and bury the lower end of the world tree in it.
The fake system also said: "The cultivation soil selected by the base must first find the soil layer where the earth vein air machine converges, and then collect the essence of the soil that has been formed by the earth air machine for a long time. This kind of soil is legendary Thick soil, second only to the five-colored soil and the chaotic soil in the beginning of the world, is a good choice for growing plants.
The soil fertility contained in thick soil is 73.4 times more than ordinary soil. "
Cao Yan listened unconsciously.
The tree planting skills at the base are really great. Trees can be planted with so much attention.
However, the branches of the world were still dead and unchanged.
The base has started the third stage of cultivation.
The tentacles of the base are connected to tens of thousands of trees within ten miles. At this time, the branches and leaves of these trees are gently shaking against the sun, and are undergoing photosynthesis countless times more powerful than ordinary trees, quickly absorbing sunlight. Each leaf is like a small solar concentrator.
The sunlight they gathered was passed back to the base by the tentacles.
"Ding! The base gathers sunlight to generate the first solar crystal, which will soon provide solar light to the world's tree trunks for photosynthesis ..."
With the sound of prompts, small bright spots like gravel appear around the trunk of the world, spare it to spin, and sprinkle a scorching sun spot.
This series of operations is the most important watering, light and soil cultivation process for planting.
It's just that the planting methods of the base are quite different. Water, light, and soil all have a lot to offer.
When the base will be watered, soil cultured, and the light is repeated repeatedly, the implementation is repeated.
Cao Yan gradually found that a slight change appeared on the withered trunk of the World Tree.
It withstands the irrigation of the tentacles extracted from the ancient trees by the base, and the dry and cracked branches slowly fill, just like a sponge becomes full and swelled after absorbing water, and the bark is moisturized little by little.
Over time, this change became more apparent.
Suddenly, a light sound came from the top of the withered trunk, and a small crack appeared, and a gleam of green light overflowed from it.
Click ~!
The bottom of the trunk is also cracking, and some tentacle-like young roots are derived.
"Hint to the host: The cultivation of the trunk of the world tree is in line with expectations. Its vitality is recovering and it is about to grow and transform. Will the host be willing to provide points to help it through the first stage of seedling growth? Yes or no?"
"Hosts can choose to refuse to pay points."
The fake system said quietly: "But the natural growth cycle of the world tree is long. At this time, its recovery is dependent on the planting skills of the base and forced irrigation. If the host does not help it grow quickly, it wants to grow it past the seedling stage. , At least a thousand years ... "
Cao Yan swaggered and said, "Say, how many points do you want?"
"One thousand points can be exchanged for the potion of time, watering the tree, helping it to quickly cross the seedling stage ..." said the fake system.
"Pay a thousand points." Cao Yan decisively.
At the beginning of his voice, a screen of medicine emerged from the interface screen and disappeared into the soil beneath the trunk of the world.
The next moment, the world tree changed immediately, and the top was quietly shattered, and a verdant green seedling opened the outer skin of the withered trunk. Then it was like fission evolution of the magic pet, growing fast.
In just a few breaths, it rose to four or five meters in height, its branches were straight, and its scales were carved like jadeite.
Its root system is deeply pierced into the soil, fused with the base and closely connected.
And these changes are just the beginning.
In the following half hour, the seedlings of this world tree developed wildly. With almost every breath, it would grow several inches tall, the branches would become thicker, and the root system would look like a dragon disk, grabbed into the ground and deepened.
Cao Yan was stunned with his little mantra.
The two looked at the seedling and spent half an hour growing incredibly to a height of nearly 100 meters.
The trunk of the tree did not begin to branch until it was eighty meters long, and then a branch of verdant green leaves appeared on the branch, spreading from the curled young leaves, the leaves were round and wide, and swayed gently with the wind.
Then more branches and leaves were born.
Half an hour later, this tree is like a fast-forward camera. For thousands of years, it has grown into a towering tree with a lush crown like a canopy, floating in the wind, and full of vitality.
Both Cao Yan and Mantra were shocked.
This thousand points is really not lost.
He had not expected that the seedling period of the World Tree would grow so large.
Cao Yan walked around the trunk, leaning his neck to pinch the crown of the world tree.
On the canopy, an indescribable ancient air machine is being born. It is a kind of chaotic white gas, which is getting thicker and thicker, lingering among the branches of the trees.
From a distance, the trunk of the world tree is gradually covered with white gas, hazy and very strange.
Deep in the jungle, there is a tribe built on a big tree.
At the core of the tribe, there is also an ancient tree. The tree is as strong as a male peak and stands upright into the clouds. The tree is also ancient transpiration.
But at the moment when the world tree grew, the ancient tree in this tribe suddenly shook violently, and the ancient engine that enveloped the tree even faded and disappeared.
In the middle of the tribe, there is a beautiful palace surrounded by grass and flowers. A beautiful woman wearing silver-white hollow metal light armor has a surprised face. The sacred wood molding beyond the level of the elven ancient tree has plundered the luck of the elven ancient tree? "
Not long ago, this woman was the elven queen who assisted Timon in the fallen twilight and the Lord of Light and Darkness.
The direction she was looking at was the elephant base.
A few minutes later, a small group of elven tribes rode on a canopy with white wings and ran like a flying treetop, leaving the tribe.
This team was ordered by the Queen to investigate the direction of the base.
Elephant base.
The antiquity of transpiration on the trees of the world is getting stronger, like a waterfall flowing between the branches.
At this time, Cao Yan heard a sharp bird song.
He looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a giant bird appear at the end of the sky in the distance.
The bird's pheasant feathers are extremely gorgeous, with blue and blue whole body, fluttering wings, huge body, long beak and long tail, and the wind and clouds follow.
"This is ... Yuegong Boobiao!" Cao Yan muttered.
Moon Palace Starling is a bird of warcraft. Moon Palace Starlings with different feather colors can control different elemental powers. The blue and blue color in front of them can control storms and clouds. This bird inhabits the highest level of clouds and is one of the most amazing bird species known to fly in Warcraft.
There are even legends that once this bird advanced to the monarch level, it could fly out of the sky and onto the moon.
That month, the palace bird appeared, approached the world tree, kept clearing, and the voice was full of joy.
Cao Yan thought: It is said that precious plants and plants can attract the protection of powerful creatures. The more precious plants and plants, the stronger the beasts. This month's palace bird is from the world tree?
At this time, the other direction also changed.
In the distance, there were a large number of trees that were falling down. It seemed that there was a huge Warcraft, rushing forward, and knocked down the trees, which was terrifying.
The creature was so fast that it rushed towards the direction of the World Tree ~ ~ Cao Yan summoned the eggs, released the spider silk, and boarded the World Tree.
He soon came to a high place on the tree, sitting on a stump, looking far into the direction in which the tree fell.
A large black-backed snake appeared in the jungle in that direction, and was rapidly moving, the scales were stretched out, the snakes were swallowing, and the trees blocking the road on which it was walking were all pierced by its holes.
While Cao Yan was watching in that direction, the black-backed snake suddenly raised his neck, and his head protruded from the ancient tree. Then he moved the huge body to the tree crown and approached the world tree at a faster speed.
It walked on the tree, pressing the crowns of many trees into a deep gully, and some ancient trees could not bear its weight and collapsed one after another.
The closer the snake was, the more amazing it was.
At this moment, the moon palace bird screamed loudly, flapping its wings, and then flew towards the serpent aggressively.
"A wave in the waves." Cao Yan sat on a tree branch, took out a bag of seeds, and watched as the two Warcrafts began to tear while eating.
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