Chapter 695: The correct posture for getting rich [4000+]

"Don't go?" Cao Yan's refusal made Baoyue stunned.
On the left hand side, a middle-aged man with dark blue pupils was standing and watching Cao Yan said: "It's better to meet Cao Yan than to be famous. I can't think of Cao Yan who is famous all over the world, so cautious!"
The tone of this man was somewhat ironic. The so-called 'cautiousness' alludes to Cao Yan's timidity, and said: "Cao Chengzhu could not say, is it because he is worried about danger, and dare not participate in the process of the birth of the Epoch Temple?"
Cao Yan actually responded: "We are really scared about the birth of the temple, so we don't plan to visit this muddy water."
The speaking middle-aged man is a grand duke of the Naga Empire in the deep sea and has a prominent position.
He spoke against Cao Yan, not wanting to stand up to pull hatred, but saved the thought that he might as well be excited, want to be responsible for singing the black face, and arouse Cao Yan's winning heart. The real purpose is still to make Cao Yan Promise to go deep into the jungle with the sea people.
However, he never expected that Commander Cao had always been unruly, and admitting that he was afraid of losing face, etc., did not exist at all in him.
Cao Yan said that he did not dare to go, but made the middle-aged man in Naga Hai Kingdom a little hesitant.
Cao Yan didn't follow his calculated script at all.
The atmosphere in the room was quite awkward and very quiet.
Baoyue came out and rounded the field and said, "Cao Yan doesn't want to go. We can find someone else."
Then he was ready to take the Hai people first to leave, Cao Yan didn't leave much. He sent the crowd to the gate of the city's main house for a few weeks and learned that they would rest in the city of the sky for a day, and arranged a suitable place for them.
As soon as the Hai people left, Cao Yan returned to the study in three steps and two steps, and immediately opened the assistant system.
In the depths of the endless sea, there is a sea area called the Eye of the Devil.
If you put your eyes under the sea, you will find a huge deep pit at the bottom of the sea. The shape of the ellipse is like an eye pupil. It is vast and dark and has no bottom hole.
This is one of the sea eyes of the endless sea. The interior is unfathomable, and the darkness is like the sky outside.
The bottom of the sea eye is connected to the groundwater system of the Green Jungle World, extending in all directions, so the water is never exhausted and the pressure is heavy, even a king-level professional can hardly penetrate into it.
Since ancient times, anyone passing through this area of ​​the sea, ships, and even sea beasts, will be dragged by the force in the eyes of the sea and dragged in to kill Huangquan.
Therefore, this area of ​​the sea has always been inaccessible, birds are extinct, and it is a quiet sea of ​​death.
However, at this time, the depth of the giant sea eye, which was thousands of miles wide, suddenly caused a surge of water. As a result, the sea surface within dozens of miles was bulging upward, like a fountain. Suddenly, the waves roared, and the swollen sea water tumbling apart, a Warcraft rushed out from the depths of the sea and skyrocketed for nine days.
The roar sounded like thunder, shaking the sky.
Out of the water, the World of Warcraft has a blue back and white belly, a majestic image, and is over a kilometer long.
As soon as it appeared, there was a majestic overwhelming world. There were sea beasts trembling and trembling with trembling and trembling.
This monster has double horns similar to the stag. It has a bright moon and a huge moon. The body is somewhat like a python, covered with blue scales all over the body, stretching and undulating.
This is a mythical legend, an extremely outstanding creature-the dragon!
Its image is almost the same as the dragon in the ancient Chinese legend. Antlers and ox ears, carp scales and belly, snake-necked eagle claws sound like a roar of a cow and a beard near the mouth. There are eighty-one scales on its back, and the mystery is closed.
After it rose into the sky, lightning flashed in the void, rain and thunder staggered, pouring down.
This dragon growled and shook his head, his huge eyes stared into the distance, and then moved quickly, moving away in one direction, his body gradually drifting away in the clouds, and the thunderstorm followed.
Cao Yan watched the screen very carefully.
Net Red is on the sea behind, following the real dragon far behind.
[Name] True Dragon (14 steps Totem Warcraft)
[Species] Chordal phylum, Trinidad, Dragon order, True dragon suborder, Claws, Dragon (water, flying dual-type true dragon)
[Habit] It has the ability to change in nine ways. Ascend to the sky in spring, to dive in the fall, to be good at raining clouds and controlling thunder, is the master of wind and rain, is also the legendary four spirit beast, the representative species in Warcraft ...
Cao Yan had read the message pushed by the pet assistant, and his face groaned. "This dragon is a totem, and it is unlikely to capture it under normal circumstances ..."
At this moment, a tuk-knock came suddenly outside the door, and Cao Yan calmly said, "It's Baoyue, please come in."
The door opened, and it turned out to be an aquamarine armor, with undulating physique, and the cold temperament Baoyue went back and came in.
"You guessed I would come back?"
No one else was on the side, and Baoyue didn't need Cao Yan to greet him. He sat on the chair by himself. As a result of sitting down, a pair of long legs were exposed from the underside of the armor's skirt.
"You just wanted to ask why I didn't cooperate with your sea tribe to go deep into the jungle. Because of the large number of people, I didn't ask, so naturally you should come to me in private." Cao Yan said.
Bao Yue laughed: "No one else now, don't you confess?"
Cao Yan raised his hand and threw a magical crystal ball.
Baoyue took it, sent in the spiritual force to touch the crystal ball, and suddenly appeared a picture on the surface, all because of the era of the temple, all the strong men marching toward the jungle.
The mysterious figure with the ability to teleport appeared first, and it broke through and disappeared again.
The next thing is to ride the chariot of nine horses and turn it into a stream of angels.
There are many other strong and Warcraft, which have also appeared in the crystal ball picture.
Finally, an old turtle appeared, looking through the clouds, overlooking the city in the sky.
This old tortoise has the size of a city in the sky just by heading out of the clouds. It is hard to imagine how big its body is.
Bao Yue was surprised: "This old turtle is the giant tortoise that appeared in the southern frontier of our underwater world. We suspect it came from an unknown sea in the endless sea. It has also come to the city of the sky. ? "
The magic crystal ball images that Cao Yan showed to Baoyue were scattered throughout the jungle, and the ant colony formation that formed a secret monitoring network was automatically recorded by the assistant system.
"The people in these pictures are approaching deep into the jungle, preparing to enter the era temple, and there are many totem-level strong ones. The church alone can use more than 20 fighting angels."
Cao Yansu Rong said: "The Era Temple may be very valuable, but if you want to participate in the process of its birth, depending on the strength of your Hai people now, even self-protection is a problem. So not only I will not go, I also want to persuade Don't go, Baoyue. "
Bao Yue exclaimed: "Going to the depths of the jungle is a decision made by our sea nations after joint discussions. I not only have no power to terminate, and I cannot even quit midway.
This is not my business after all. "
Cao Yan spread his hand: "Then there is no way, let's discuss it and see how to integrate resources and cooperate in secret."
Baoyue raised his corner of the mouth: "So you can't say it on the surface, in fact, there are other plans in secret, right?"
Cao Yan laughed absurdly, and the two immediately began discussions, decided to form a cooperative relationship secretly, acted with opportunity, and secretly performed small actions.
After Baoyue left, Cao Yan opened the assistant screen again.
The outflowing dragon was still flying in the clouds, approaching toward the land.
Cao Yan observed it for a while, and said to himself, "This dragon should also go to the depths of the eternal jungle, which is related to the birth of the epoch temple. Even the creatures at this level have also shown traces. It seems that the temple is not far from birth. "
Time flicked, and more than a month passed.
During this month, the epoch temple shone in many places in the jungle.
With the passage of time, these rays gradually grow and expand, and they are gradually linked together.
One month later, in the depths of the eternal jungle, it seems that there is an extra round of sun, with great light.
There is a magnificent and imposing building shadow, located in the center of the light, undulating and clearer.
In the meantime, more powerful men or other creatures have entered the jungle, waiting for the emergence of temples.
February 16.
In the morning, there were new changes in the deep jungle.
The void seemed to melt under the dazzling light, and a huge hollow appeared slowly ...
And deep in the dark spacetime, there is a golden light, jumping forward in the void, constantly approaching the green jungle world.
"The Epoch Temple is finally here!"
The process of the golden light traveling in the void was presented on the interface screen by the fake system. Cao Yan's eyes were so bright that he looked across the screen. Unfortunately, the sight could not penetrate the light, and the temple itself could not be seen at all.
Cao Yan found a strange phenomenon.
In the dark and dark space in front of the Era Temple, several other lights appeared one after another, as if by a cord of light, trying to approach the winding temple.
"What are those rays?"
"It's some gods beyond their control. They captured the trajectory of the Epoch Temple in space and time, released their power, and wanted to restrain and block the temple, as they own it." The false system said.
In the dark and dark space, those who want to approach the temple cannot really approach it.
Occasionally, light can approach the temple slightly, and it will immediately be crushed by the symbols falling off the surface of the temple.
"The shrines that emit these rays are self-defeating, and will be attacked by the temple's shaking of space and time. Their power will greatly decline, and they will soon faint in the toilet." The fake system asserted .
Cao Yan thought of a question: "Except for some fighting angels that came down from the church, why didn't other gods enter the green jungle world?"
"Crossing the barriers of the world is a very complicated thing. The door of time and space constructed by the church at this stage cannot withstand the entry of stronger gods."
Fake system: "And ... the deepest part of the green jungle world, there are certain things, the presence of high-level gods also dare to exist, they dare not come over easily."
At this time, the era temple in the void avoided the approach of the light of divine power. It seemed to be just a moment. The temple outside Wudi time and space came to the green jungle world.
A corner of the temple reveals its true features in the damaged space barriers deep in the jungle.
At this moment, the elemental atmosphere of the entire green jungle world is boiling, and the strong people gathered by countless parties are gazing excitedly.
Cao Yan's shoulders, the eggs appeared spontaneously, a pair of spider eyes gloomy evil spirits, also watching the temple appearing in the air!
Church of the Kingdom of God.
Inside the Pope's palace, he looked into the distance, and the sun's rays fell on his face, reflecting deep wrinkles.
"It's started," the Pope whispered, "God's prophecy will finally be fulfilled, and the epoch will cycle through the beginning and the end ..."
He stretched out his hand, and the great light code beside him gave a strong light. The void separated from the sides. The pope stepped into it, and went further and further in the dark void, gradually disappearing into the depths of the void ...
In the picture projected by the fake system, the light around the epoch temple suddenly released countless symbolic ghosts, like the stars, floating over the jungle.
The people who watched this scene were thrilled. Someone shot directly, threw space objects, and began to pick up the symbolic ghosts released by the temple.
"The Era Temple carries the power of time and space. Every gleam of light and every symbol around it carries a faint time and space power. It is quite precious, so some people take it." The fake system said.
The first person to carry the symbol was a tall person with a body shrouded in silver light.
As soon as he took the shot, others followed, each exhibiting means to obtain the ghost image of the symbol released by the temple.
Some Warcraft are also trying to pull the symbols around the temple.
The situation quickly turned into chaos, and some Warcraft began to compete for the symbol of the temple.
Soon, the confrontation between Warcraft has evolved into a melee involving many Warcraft and various powerful players.
"The temple appears, and these people seem to lose their minds too!" Cao Yan frowned.
"The Epoch Temple can affect the force of time and space, causing the tide of elements, leading to disturbances in the strength of many professionals. As long as the mind is slightly weak, the emotions will get out of control and trigger the battle is normal.
Cao Yan snorted, and the jungle was chaotic, and his thoughts suddenly flooded.
Some arrangements made by Cao Yan before, including the flame purgatory demon captured by the city of the sky, the captives of the safari, and the sea tribe Baoyueyigan, etc., are also located around the site where the temple was born .
They were some distance away from the location where the temple appeared, but at the moment they did not take part in the melee.
In addition, Cao Yan also secretly arranged ant colonies and void hyenas, all also dormant on the periphery of the area where the temple appeared, watching remotely, waiting for opportunities.
If Cao Yan wants to act, these will be his help.
Cao Yanren was in the city of the sky, but through the help of the helper system and the fake system, the situation of the birth of the temple was grasped clearly. UU Kanshu
The current situation is too ideal, Cao Yan thought.
You should know that most of the people who can go into the jungle and prepare to participate in the era of the Temple of the Era are king-level professionals or Warcraft. At this time, these creatures had a melee in the beginning stage of the temple, and there were injuries to the creatures, blood fell on the ground, everywhere.
The blood of the monarchs of these creatures is just like Bai picked up. If submitted to the spacecraft, Cao Yan will immediately get a lot of points income.
So he feels that the situation is ideal and he can earn points while lying down.
In the jungle, the ants have moved.
Many melees involving Warcraft and the strong were full of wounds and blood. Ants shuttled the battlefield, collected blood skillfully, and turned it into the spacecraft. Cao Yan easily found the correct posture to make money.
"Ding! Prompt the host, the ant colony picked up the blood of a pet dark tiger, this creature is the tenth level of the king, the relevant blood genes have been stored, reward the host's points: 600; please the host pay attention to check!" Extreme.
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