Chapter 702: Broken leg and fairy operation [2 in 1

The door of space in four directions is surrounded by the light of divine power, the spatial fluctuations are rapidly increasing, and the area is also expanding.
Within its shrouded space, the ripples are pulsating and getting denser and denser. There seems to be something urgently rushing behind the door.
Cao Yan's mental strength is now strong and keen, faintly feeling the violent atmosphere behind the door, as if there were many powerful creatures waiting behind the door, ready to come and launch an attack on the city of the sky.
"Is it a beast tide!" Cao Yan flashed.
The time passed slightly, and when we looked through the four doors of space suspended outside the city of the sky, we could see the other side of the space.
Connected behind these four sky gates is a prairie west of the central area of ​​the Green Jungle World.
At this moment, all kinds of Warcraft on this grassland converge, just like the ocean.
On top of many World of Warcraft, the Lord of Judgment and the Lord of Light and Dark stood in the clouds, with a glittering scripture page suspended beside them, and a verse character jumped out from it, and a three male lions fell below the page. Forehead.
The three lions are nearly ten meters long, with black bodies and fluttering mane, which is a king of Warcraft.
However, under the light of the Scriptures floating above, the neck was bound by a light cord formed by the scriptures, and it had lost its resistance.
The three lions roared, their voices spread from the clouds, and huge sound waves covered the grassland.
The herd gathered below suddenly became restless.
The mouth of the Lord of Light and Darkness rises: "Your Majesty let us come from the chapter of blessings with great divine power to control this prairie king. It is indeed a coup."
The head of the verdict: "The city of the sky must suffer heavy losses under the impact of a large-scale beast tide. Do n’t hesitate that we spend time looking for the Salar Lion, the king of the steppe, to promote the beast tide. Unfortunately, this king beast The soul was burned by the light of the Great Light Scripture. After today, the power will greatly decline, otherwise it will be an excellent help to conquer it. "
The Lord of Light and Dark nodded and looked down from the clouds to see that the gate of space generated in front of the beast tide had been formed.
Some Warcrafts are not far from the door of space, and have long been unable to hold back their irritability, rushing into the door one after another.
"It's started. Let's go and make some preparations," said the judge.
Castle in the Sky.
When Cao Yan sensed that the atmosphere at the other end of the void was mixed, and guessed that the church might want to use the tide of the beast to impact the city of the sky, Warcraft rushed out of the four space doors outside the city.
It was a magnificent creature with a tan-brown glow all over its body. It looked a bit like a buffalo, with thick horizontal and oblique angles pointing to the sky. It ran out from the other end of the door of space. The huge hoof trampled on the void. The eyes were all crazy Tyrannical color.
This is a group of demon cattle common in the western grassland, and there are few Warcraft with wild blood.
Once they are irritated or frightened, their IQ will return to zero, and they will become intimidating and crazy.
Right now, this demon cow is in this state. It is driven by the roar of the Beastmaster. Fright and anger are intertwined, and it has become insane. Immediately behind the first demon cow, a tide-like herd rushed out of the door of space and ran into the city of the sky.
In the other door of space, there is also Warcraft, a kind of prairie wolf, strong and flexible, with cyan wind blades, coiled around their bodies.
After that, more kinds of Prairie Warcrafts emerged from the door of space.
These World of Warcraft were driven by the three-headed Salar and gathered into a tide of beasts. After they appeared, they all launched an impact on the city of the sky.
At the same moment, the defense system of the city of sky emerged, and a layer of water-like light walls enveloped the city.
Bang ~ Bang ~!
The light-proof wall of the city was impacted by the beast tide, the muffled sound was dense, and the ripples on the light-wall were rippling, but the thin layer of light-wall was indestructible.
The tide of beasts poured into it, as if the ants shook the mountain, and the light wall showed no signs of breaking.
Inside the city of sky, eighty-one energy towers are emitting strong light (the city's energy towers have grown from the original thirty-six to eighty-one today).
The city's defensive wall of light, driven by the energy tower, released numerous electric mansions, each one corresponding to a Warcraft, and instantly broke through the head of Warcraft.
The light wall only launched one attack, and the first wave of hundreds of Warcraft that hit the city of the sky wiped out the entire army.
"Let me go. The defense of the city of the sky is so great!"
The floating man was also in the city at this time, watching the situation where many Warcraft were chopped to death by electric mans.
The Fengqi mercenary group opened a branch in the city of the sky. He and Fengqiwu often walked around the city.
Just now I encountered an angel siege, and then a beast tide appeared. The floating man's face was scared green at that time.
However, when I saw the Warcraft that rushed to the city, a large piece of it was instantly cut to death by the city defense system.
Outside the city, inside the gate of space, more Warcraft swarmed out, one after another was poked to death by the electric mang released by the city's light-proof wall, leaving a big thumb hole in the center of the eyebrow. Marks, light smoke.
The dead Warcraft corpse slid down the city's light-proof wall, crackling from a high level and falling into a blur.
Cao Yan stood at the window with a negative hand, his face was slightly gloomy.
The church pushed the tide of beasts to impact the city of the sky. They did not consume anything, saved a lot of manpower, but could cause huge damage to the city of the sky.
"It's a good abacus."
Cao Yan said, "It's a pity that I miscalculated."
The impact of the beast tide is extremely dangerous for any city, except the city of the sky is an exception.
Not to mention the urban defense system is formed by the evolution of the black technology provided by the fake system. The defensive power is thirsty. With the impact strength of the beast tide, even if it lasts for one or two months, it is not necessary to shake the urban defense.
Even aside from the city defense system, the beast tide does not pose much threat to the city in the sky.
At this time, Cao Yan conveyed the order to the core of the city.
At the next moment, the huge city of sky is like a helicopter, which rises flexibly, freed from the surrounding range of the four space gates, and goes to a higher sky.
The beast tide rushed out from the door of space, and it was just facing the city of the sky, and a straight line would impact the city of the sky.
But the city of the sky suddenly ran away, and the beast tide immediately lost its goal.
The city of such a big sky just walked away. Not only were the four angels stunned, but even the residents in the city were stunned.
The city of the sky was able to move at first, and some of the residents in the city have seen it, but after the volume of the city keeps growing, it has been suspended above the jungle and has never moved. The size of cities has been growing and getting bigger.
The two contrasts have created a blind spot of inertia-because the city of the sky is too large, it has no ability to move flexibly.
This is a normal inference and a question considered by the church.
According to normal thinking, such a large city in the sky, even if it can still move, will be very slow and requires sufficient preparation time.
However, no one knows that the city of the sky is a black technology creature with a broken leg. He said that we should leave.
The city is gone, how can we attack the city next?
The angel who released the gate of space looked at it ascending to a higher place, and then came to a huge city with a beautiful tail-flicking movement, and floated hundreds of meters away with a flexible and heinous 'pose'. Niuba Literature Network
The air flow in the sky was whizzing like a thunderous thunder due to the movement of the city of the sky.
The original plan of the church was to kill the masters of the city of the sky with four angels, and then use the beast tide to rush the city, consuming the power of the city of the sky, and then there are third and even fourth step arrangements, under a series of means, Destroy the city of the sky completely.
But these plans have been stumped because of the city of the sky.
The next plan is not to use it, how to use it is obviously a problem.
Of the four angels, the only angel who did not participate in the battle was slightly aggressive.
He turned and glanced at his three companions. The two angels who were fighting Ouch and Mantra could not see the outcome, but Vernus, who was fighting the jungle goddess, was about to be killed.
The angel had no choice but to join the battle, and joined Vernus to start a confrontation with the jungle goddess.
Cao Yanyao watched the war and smiled.
The reason why he didn't send anyone to meet this fourth angel was to make the current situation.
When the two angels join forces, it is difficult for the jungle goddess to continue to hide its strength.
Cao Yan dug with his opponent to push out the foundation of his proud goddess.
At this time, Dai Huanyu knocked on the door and came in from the outside: "Boss, we found the spy of the church in the city. They want to open the space door in the city and put in the church members. We were found in time and the person was arrested. There are fourteen. "
"Battle angels, beast tides, spies who sneak into the city, three-pronged approach ... Well, let's watch it change, you go and tell the tribes in the city, don't relax and see what the church can do." Cao Yan said.
Dai Huanyu answered, walked briskly, turned around and walked out.
Cao Yan's gaze fell back on the screen of the assistant system, ready to see what's new in the temple.
But just when Dai Huanyu just went out, and Cao Yan looked down at the assistant's screen, the warning signs appeared in his heart, and a strong sense of crisis covered the whole body.
At one corner of Cao Yan's room, there was a faint ripple of space. A figure came across the void, slowly emerging, old man, barefooted white robe, and it was ... Pope Saint Greg.
The defensive light wall of the city of the sky is powerful, and as long as Cao Yanren is in the city, the core of the city will hide his breath, making it impossible to determine his position in the city.
But these obviously could not stop Pope Saint Greg.
He held a bright light in his hand, calmed his face with age spots, and stared at Cao Yan when he appeared: "Your growth rate makes me have to kill you personally."
"I'm honored." Cao Yan was quite calm.
The pope bowed his head and opened the pages of a book of great light.
At the same moment, outside the city of the sky, there is a space of intersections, which echoes the Great Guangming Code, including some locations in the city, and there are also spatial fluctuations. One door of space emerges one by one and re-forms.
Cao Yan stood by and looked at a salty fish that had nothing to do with himself, pondering in his heart: The old man of the pope is using the code in his hand as a coordinate to stimulate the atmosphere of space, forming the door of space inside and outside the city of the sky. Launch a new wave of attacks.
At this moment, in the great light scripture of Saint Gregory's hand, a scripture suddenly jumped out, like a shooting star, and rushed to Cao Yan.
Outside the city of the sky, the door of space is rapidly formed, and it spreads out of the city in an endless belt with an increasing area.
There was a cricket head with a golden armour, which suddenly protruded out of the space door, and then his entire body came out of the space door.
This is a giant horse, with a knight in the same golden armor on his back, holding a holy cross gun and holding his gun high.
When this knight appeared, more knights followed, and the atmosphere smashed out.
Church of the Knights of the Holy Light!
This knight and the Light Corps, the Dark Legion of Light, and the Heretic Judgment Corps, which entered the ancient continent a few years ago, are the trump cards of the top ten legions of the church.
Appearing with the Knights of the Light, there is also the Dark Legion of Light.
It was a ministry all dressed in black robes, riding rhinoceros-like horses.
These two teams of cavalry appeared not only outside the city, but also the gates of space generated inside the city.
At this time, the gates of space outside the city created a light bridge, like hooks, which were connected to the light walls of the city of sky, which prevented the city of sky from breaking into the air again and getting rid of the space surrounded by the door of space. may.
The chiefs of the two knights waved the cross spear in their hands and shouted, "Kill heretics and destroy the city of the sky!"
Countless soldiers under their command responded at the same time, with imposing momentum and high cross guns, they were immediately ready to launch an assault.
But at the same time, the twelve magical war ancient trees growing on the edge of the light wall outside the city of the sky (the continuous evolution of the world tree, and the careful cultivation of the herdsman family, the ancient war trees have grown from the first four to twelve Strains), while emitting the green light of wood magic.
Fruits from the tree, one thorn ball, were thrown out like a rain, and they attacked the two major church legions outside the city!
Bang Bang!
The thorn ball began to explode in the air, and the thorn-like thorns scattered from the blast and directly penetrated the armor of the church soldier.
The thorn magic is the tip of the wood attack magic, and its power is quite amazing, no less than a bomb of the same size.
The twelve war trees projected the thorns of the wood, the scene was spectacular, and the thorns were like rain. After two rounds of projection, the church legion failed to succeed, but the casualties were heavy.
At the same time, the major tribes in the city received orders to fight.
A hill giant stepped on the ground, leaped from the city, rushed up like a cannonball, crossed a parabola, and fell out of the city.
More strong men in the city followed, and rushed out.
Fighting has also begun in various parts of the city.
In the room of the city's main government house, the scripture released by Saint Greg was approaching Cao Yan, and suddenly was strangely settled in the air, unable to get closer.
Saint Gregory's eyes narrowed, "You have really become the darling of totem realm, the leader of heresy today."
Cao Yan: "Your old man has won a prize."
In a sense, he is now a totem-level pet master without any problems.
An important criterion for measuring the pet master's level is his magic pet, not just his professional level.
At this stage, Cao Yanzhang's next five contracted magic pets, and the fourth jungle goddess signed by Cao Yan have entered the totem level ~ ~ but she has hidden herself through some oracle technique the power of.
In addition, not long ago, after a long evolution, the abalone has awakened to become a 13-tier totem-level big brother.
Because of the abalone's awakening, Cao Yan could calmly face the pope, otherwise, with his character, he saw that the pope withdrew early. After all, compared with security, it is not important to pretend to force the pope.
It was determined that Cao Yan was a totem-level pet master, and the pope suddenly sighed softly, bringing together the Great Light Code.
The light canon was broken down into hundreds of streamers, and each streamer was a character of the scriptures, integrated into the pope.
The majestic breath of spirits surging in the pope's body, and some power within him seemed to be awakening.
His face was majestic, and he said slowly: "The countercurrent of light, the magic of time!"
The sound exited, a startling change appeared to him.
"What kind of fairy operation is this?" Cao Yan stared at the Pope slightly aggressively.
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