Chapter 704: Cycle and balance

"God said: Man is the spirit he created, and anyone who disobeys him will commit a felony ..."
With the chanting, the pope's golden verses jumped out one by one, intertwined and twinkled, blooming infinite light.
However, his voice did not fall, Cao Yan sneered, and took the lead to launch an attack.
He is ready to make a quick decision and try his best to separate the victory from the Pope before the sea changes further.
Cao Yan appeared three beast catching in turn, spinning around the body, mysterious track. He blasted out with one punch, and three beast-catchers formed a blessing for him at the same time. The empty space shook his ears loudly, and the boxing man penetrated the void like a sword, and ran into the pope.
Jin Tie crosses.
When Cao Yan's fist post approached, in the void in front of the pope, he suddenly found a finger of Jin Chancan and point it in the center of the fist.
The two collided, the fist exploded, and the streamer shot.
The golden fingers continued to protrude from the void, and a complete 'person' appeared in full view, standing in front of the Pope.
This is a projection of a high angel summoned by the pope through the divine magic, for the seraph.
After its appearance, the body ignited a golden flame, a pair of angel wings spread behind it, and lightning bolted around it.
And the golden light of the pope ’s eyebrows flowed, as if the kingdom of God in the body was opened, and another golden ram ran out, quickly becoming larger, juxtaposed with the projection of the burning angel.
This ram is a huge man, with dazzling rays hanging from his two horns, and the light of punishment in his mouth.
In the creation chapter of the deities spread by the church, the ram is the first creature that God created for the world, and it is one of the seven incarnations of God. He is in charge of justice and punishment.
Right now, this ram is a divine avatar formed by the pope's removal of divine power.
The Seraph suddenly flapped his wings and came to Cao Yan's body like a ghost.
Cao Yan was taken aback, waving his hand across the line, and a magic barrier rose in front of him.
He directly used the magic scroll of absolute defense to gain time for himself.
Absolute defense only resisted the opponent for a moment, and then he was stretched out by his hands to break pressure.
However, this moment of blockage won Cao Yan time to react.
The next moment, the void was distorted, and a verdant war gun was found out. It was the goddess of the jungle summoned by Cao Yan from the air. He held the world gun and walked out of space. offensive.
At the same moment, the ram's double horns had a divine light falling off and attacked, but was also torn and damaged by the puppet's head out of an animal trap thrown by the jungle goddess.
A big snake with six heads contracted its shape, sprang out of the trap ball, came into the room, six heads staggered, and fought with the ram.
This long snake was the big bug Cao Yan had previously given to the jungle goddess.
After being raised and raised by the jungle goddess, the big bug has recovered from the serious injury, and the six heads are juxtaposed, which is more powerful than before.
Big bug VS ram.
The goddess of the jungle VS Seraph, the four figures are like light and electricity, and they start a fierce battle.
The pope frowned slightly. He continuously performed divine magic and summoned Seraph and Ram, because he knew that Cao Yan had many magic pets. He wanted to disperse his power and limit it, but he did not expect that Cao Yan had strong power Unexpectedly, after taking the Seraph and the Ram calmly, there is still much power.
At the same moment, Cao Yan stepped forward and forced the pope.
Outside the city of the sky.
Various tribes are finally pursuing the evacuated members of the church. The belligerent parties suddenly heard a thunderous thunder from the city.
Several figures rose from the center of the city, fighting and fighting all the way to the clouds.
"It is Cao Chengzhu who is at war ...
Who is the old man in a white robe with him? "
"What creature is that, so many heads?"
"The ram, it was His Majesty's own shot to kill heresy!"
"Angels of flames and thunder burning on their bodies ..."
The strong men of the city of the sky and the tightly guarded church legions contracted near the space gate are looking at the fierce battle in the sky.
In the air, Cao Yan stood beside him, and a globular creature appeared, and the abalone revealed its body.
The abalone in Totem Land does not change much in image. It is still a blue-purple spherical body with a smooth body surface, like a body made of spar and metal. Space fluctuations.
A tentacle extends from its body, drawing towards the pope.
"Years, decay!"
A strip of light fell off the pope's fingertips, like a flowing river, as if it had been flowing for thousands of years, eroding the abalone's approaching tentacles in an instant.
Its tentacles disappeared with the wind and turned into decaying dust.
However, the decay of a tentacle did not cause much damage to the abalone and reached the totem level, it was already able to control the body's cell differentiation freely.
It actively took off the tentacles eroded by time, and on the surface of the body, another tentacle was quickly generated, and it was forced back to the pope.
On the side of the pope, the void shattered, and a hidden tentacle suddenly appeared, rolling towards the pope's neck.
This is the abalone's killer, bright and dark, the tentacles on the bright side, but it is a blinding method used to cover the real attack.
Entering the 13th level, abalone's grasp of spatial attributes has reached a deeper level.
Its tentacles burst out into the air, and the secret message quickly caught the pope's neck.
But the pope's body suddenly became unreal, disappearing like a bubble.
He reappeared a few meters away, his face paled, reaching out and touching his lower neck, and he could feel the cold feeling touched by the abalone's tentacle just now.
The confrontation between the two sides is fleeting.
"What kind of Warcraft is that, it seems to have transcended the monarchy!"
"It's a totem-level mythical creature!"
"... Master Cao Cheng owns the Totem Magic Pet ?!"
Below, the two sides of the enemy and us looked at the sky and were shocked.
After the abalone appeared, the powerful force fluctuated and spread, just like the advent of Tianwei, completely crushed the kings of the warring sides and made them react. This is a totem-level creature.
You must know that the creatures or professionals in the totem realm are completely legendary. They have not existed on the continent for thousands of years.
There was a Milo before, and the church declared that it had entered the totem realm, but he barely touched the realm of the totem. The power had not completely broken through, and the abalone was not a level at the moment.
The existence of totem realm for the professionals in the green jungle world has a huge shock that is unimaginable.
In the Sky City, in addition to the enemy and ours at war, there are many neutral professionals.
They neither belong to the church nor the residents of the city. Before the fierce fighting in the city, they have not participated and watched in silence.
But at this time, these neutral professionals were agitated, looking up at the sky, their eyes full of envy.
In the sky, Commander Cao, who was noticed by countless professionals, is suffering.
While fighting with the old pope, he was struggling to suppress the abnormal fluctuations in the sea. By now, there are some coffin boards that can't hold back the symbols of time and space.
Just like last time.
Those symbols echoed the epoch temple again and got in touch.
A force came from the air of the temple and blended into Cao Yan's consciousness.
His eyebrows began to glow, and a gate poured with the force of time and space was projected in front of him, hazy and gradually clear.
The Pope retreated slightly in distant doubt, squinting his eyes and staring at the door of time and space in front of Cao Yan.
The court courtyard quickly consolidated, emitting traction, and dragging and restraining Cao Yan.
"Hey, fake system."
Cao Yan felt that the situation was out of control ~ ~ He wanted to call a fake system and enter the spacecraft to avoid the limelight.
However, the consciousness is quiet, and the fake system is not moving at all.
The gate court projected by the Temple of the Epiphany quickly consolidated, and the powerful force of time and space was released from it. It could not be resisted at all, and Cao Yan was suddenly enveloped in it and dragged in.
"Specially, sooner or later I have to pay it back, this sentence is really a famous saying." Cao Yan passed a thought in his head.
In the past six months, he has greatly improved the speed of spiritual practice by observing the symbols of the space-time temple, but at this time these symbols in turn dragged him into the temple, and a wonderful cycle and balance were reached between gains and losses.
The pope stood on one side and saw Cao Yan fall into the gate of time and space.
He squinted tightly, hesitated, and actually followed Cao Yan, and walked into the door before the door of time and space disappeared.
As for the Seraph and the Goddess of the Jungle, as well as the Divine Ram and the Big Worm, they were recovered by the Pope and Cao Yan, and several figures disappeared in the air one after another.
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