Chapter 706: This wave of operations can have

After the door was pushed open, a bleak and deadly breath blew across his face.
Cao Yan looked behind the door and saw what he saw-dead bones like mountains.
Previously, he had seen bones everywhere in the ancient continent. But what I see now is not the same as the ancient continent.
The bones on the ancient continent are a large atmosphere, and few of them can see complete bones.
The scene he saw at this time was even more shocking and complicated. Cao Yan first saw the remains of a mythical creature!
The space behind the door is vast and dark, and I do n’t know how big it is. The ground is flat and extends towards the end of the line of sight, and the margins are invisible.
Just under Cao Yan's gaze, in the space behind the door stood the remains of a giant creature. Cao Yan's visual acuity can only see a part of the skeleton, the upper half of his body penetrated into the space and was shrouded in darkness.
What is even more amazing is that the space behind the door has more than one similar giant dead bone, which are arranged in a meandering line and extend far away, seemingly endless.
The bones of so many giant creatures are piled together, filled with the desolation of death and an ancient atmosphere.
Cao Yan was deeply shocked. He looked at the bones far away, but saw that its shape was slightly similar to humans, and it was an erect chordal creature, but its lower half of the skeleton was more like a snake, with limbs and coils.
The shape and shape of the skeleton are very similar to a legendary creature known to Cao Yan.
However, because of the distance, it is not completely certain.
As soon as the door opened, the ants crawled in and approached one of the bones.
They soon came near the bone and bit the bone.
However, as soon as the skeleton was contacted by the ants, it immediately turned into fly ash and slowly drifted away. Then half of the bones began to collapse, just like dominoes, the ants touched a small part, but caused a large area of ​​change, and a large piece was dissipated into dust in silence.
How could this be?
"This is the dusty place of time. It's too old. The remains of the living creatures are already decaying. The host pushed the door open, and the vibrations and airflow generated were enough to make most of the surrounding area become dust."
Cao Yan froze.
I saw this place full of white bones. Although I was thrilled, I was very grateful. I thought that I could submit these bones to the spaceship, and in addition to the points, I could also store food for the ant colony, which was cheap.
It seems that this idea is obviously not true.
The bones became dust and could not be reused at all.
At this time, the void hyena also entered the door and cooperated with the ant colony to investigate the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters. After determining the safety, Boss Cao entered the door.
There was a loud noise behind him. In the silence, Cao Yan was startled, but the circle was behind him. He suspected that the door was too narrow. He squeezed it twice, and the temper broke out, and pushed the door completely. He drove away and ran to Cao Yan, twisting his fat buttocks.
A few minutes later, Cao Yan walked under the huge remains.
As the distance got closer, Cao Yan saw a large and amazing black chain behind the bone, one end wrapped around the bone and one end buried in the ground.
"Are these giant creatures imprisoned here?"
Cao Yan looked up. The upper half of the skeleton stood in the dark, dim, and its height was at least six or seven hundred meters.
Ant colonies are flying upwards along the bones.
"It really is the giant monster of the North Sea!" Cao Yan thought.
When the ant colony flew up, Cao Yan followed the shape of the upper half of the skeleton.
It has no arms, but a strange structure resembling wings. The head bones are flat and long, somewhat like a python.
These characteristics are the same as those of the Beihai Giant Demon known to Cao Yan.
In ancient books, the Beihai Giant Demon is a mysterious creature from ancient times. Some biologists say that it is a deep-sea giant, and some people say that it is a giant python, non-human and non-beast, so it is called a demon!
According to legend, the Beihai Giant Demon is a totem-level creature, powerful and evil, extremely rare.
"There are at least hundreds of bones here. Are they all Beihai giant demon?"
Cao Yan was shocked to look at the bones that lined up.
The ant colony tried to touch other locations of the giant demon bone, and similarly, it collapsed with a touch, and the whole bone was completely decayed.
Cao Yan began to deepen in this space.
There is a dead silence in the space, everything is static, only the impenetrable dome above, overflowing with a faint halo.
Cao Yan walked a long distance, getting more and more horrified. What I saw along the way was all the remains of the Beihai giant demon, an arrangement of respect, far more than hundreds of previously judged, all entangled by thick chains, decayed Long.
However, the chains that bound them were intact, apparently forged by special materials and of great value.
But Cao Yan didn't touch the chains.
He observed from a distance, feeling a terrible breath from these chains.
Cao Yan suspected that if he approached hurriedly, he might be entangled by these chains and become a prisoner under their shackles.
He remembered the warning of the fake system. The epoch temple is where the king and the main are also dying, and they need to be vigilant here, otherwise they may cause the disaster.
Cao Yan remained cautious and continued to penetrate this space under the aegis of the ant colony and hyena.
Soon, he made another discovery and saw the remains of another creature.
It was a bone that was also huge and shaped like a dog, but it had three heads, with dead gray, blue, and fiery red lines on the skull.
"This is the legendary Guardian of Hell, a three-headed dog, a totem of Warcraft that controls death, water, and hellfire, respectively!" Cao Yan stared at his eyes, examining the remains in front of him.
It is a pity that under the attack of time, the bones of this ghost dog have decayed and turned into dust with a slight touch.
Cao Yan moved on, going deeper into the space.
After entering the temple, not only was he unable to communicate with the outside world, including Baoyue, who was also in the temple, nor was he able to observe and understand through the assistant system.
Fortunately, they can still pass the queen and sense the ant colony in the same area as Baoyue and others, so they can also grasp the situation of Baoyue and others.
The joint team of Baoyue and Dogaroshi, like Cao Yan, is exploring in the temple and seems to have gained something.
The "傀儡" arranged by several other teams Cao Yan was scattered around the temple, but there were casualties.
You should know that the inner space of the temple is different on each floor, like individual planes. Some areas are extremely dangerous.
One of the puppets arranged by Cao Yan, a warrior-born warrior, has died while exploring the temple.
In the temple space on the other floor, the area where the Glacial Giant is located.
When Cao Yan passed the ant colony, he sensed the status of the real dragon that went out to sea, the huge giant tortoise, and the suspected three-legged Jinwu, and found that these warcraft had left the temple space where they were before and entered other Area, still looking for something!
"Please note to the host that the spacecraft has created a terrain module for the temple area that the host has entered and passed. Based on this, a data deduction and simulation analysis is performed to provide the host with a space drawing of the interior of the temple.
This drawing is obtained through simulation and deduction, and the result is generated according to the maximum probability. It is not absolutely accurate, but it has reference value. "
The false system says in consciousness.
"This wave of operations can be done," Cao Yan said arrogantly.
He was inside the temple, and the spacecraft could not push things through the air, but the interface screen was nothing, and it was not limited. It immediately appeared in front of Cao Yan's eyes, showing the space simulation map of the temple.
Cao Yan stopped and looked around, and said in tongues, "This space where I am is so huge?"
In the map pushed by the fake system, the area where Cao Yan is located is a square hall.
His position, marked with a red dot, is in a corner of the hall.
The area he hasn't reached yet has huge white space and a very large area.
On the map, it is also marked that no fluctuations in living space and similar restrictions have been detected in this space.
In other words, Cao Yan's space is currently not found to be dangerous.
"As a result of the spacecraft's release of invisible wavebands and the generation of space rebound, the host's space should be an area for sacrifice, and there is an altar in the center of the space. These remains seen by the host may be used as sacrifices in a long time ago. Some time ago, people were sacrificed and sent to the temple, where they were imprisoned until they died. "
Fake system: "In addition to the entrance of the clip channel where the host comes in, there are two other entrances in this space. It is recommended that the host go forward fifteen degrees to the left and diagonally to the left and choose the exit at the end. The area behind the exit is More than 71% of the possibilities are more important core areas inside the temple.
The host is more likely to gain something in it than to choose another exit in this space. "
When the system gives an opinion, a red line is generated on the interface screen to indicate the route forward.
Cao Yan found that walking along the red line, halfway through the central area of ​​the space, marked with an altar figure.
Go through the altar to reach the exit on the other side.
After looking at the topographic map, Cao Yan speeded up.
Three days passed by.
Cao Yan traversed this space, and finally came to the exit position suggested by the fake system, and another door appeared in front of him.
Three days to come ~ ~ He has seen countless bones in this space, including not only the Beihai giant demon and three headed dogs, but also other mysterious creatures that Cao Yan knows or does not know.
What these bones have in common is that they are imprisoned by chains and have long been decayed.
About a day and a half ago, Cao Yan passed through the center of the space, where there was indeed an altar, standing like a giant sword, not high.
He passed under the altar and saw that there was a golden ram above the altar, but he did not stop to look at it. Only part of the ant colony and two hyenas were left, and he was climbing and exploring the altar.
At this moment, the gate in front of Cao Yan was more grand and huge than the one opened before the circle. It was like the legendary gate of the gods.
This time, when the circle came forward and pushed the door, it failed to open it smoothly, until it broke out of the power field, the door trembled slightly, slowly opening a gap.
The strange thing was that the door was so heavy that when it opened, there was no sound.
Just as the door opened, Cao Yanhan's hair stood upside down, and he found a shadow flashing outside the door ...
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