Chapter 727: Significant effect

"what is this?"
Cao Yan took over what Dai Huanyu had handed over, a dark yellow crystal, translucent, prismatic or elongated, slightly larger than a coin.
"It is the crystallization of faith."
Dai Huanyu explained: "This crystallization is a precious sacrifice used by the church to sacrifice. It is transformed by the power of faith of countless believers through divine power, and accumulated over time to form a solid substance.
It is said that the absorption of this crystal of faith by the gods also has great benefits, which can enhance the divine power. Peach and I are ready to be incorporated into the code. "
"How many crystals of faith have you got together?" Cao Yan asked.
Dai Huanyu took out a small exquisite black box, which contained the crystals of faith.
"A total of thirty-seven blocks. Unfortunately, the time is too short for us to enter the deepest part of that space. There is a crystal of faith emerging from the sea after the death of the pope. It is a higher-level crystal."
"Nineteen of these crystals belong to the boss, and Taohua and I divided eleven."
The remaining seven pieces Dai Daiyu handed to the goddess of the jungle.
Divided boot ends.
Cao Yan: "This thing is not very useful to me. In my case, Dai Huanyu and Taohua took seven pieces each, and the rest for the goddess of the jungle."
Dai Huanyu and Taohua thanked them without any excuses. After all, they were not ordinary friends with their bosses, and they knew the length of each other.
Five were left, taken by the jungle goddess.
This proud goddess said to Cao Yan, "Thank you."
Why did this chick become so polite and polite?
Cao Yan's mind moved slightly, and she immediately recaptured a series of experiences tonight: "Her change appeared after the use of the city's ability to stagnate ..."
Cao Yan remembers that when the goddess of the jungle saw the dragon corpse in the Temple of the Era, she once bowed down and worshiped with respect and humility. By this reason, this chick is probably because the egg has absorbed a symbol in the dragon's body, so she became jealous of the egg, and she also became polite to the master of Cao Yan.
Cao Yan accurately restored the psychological activity of the jungle goddess, and could not help but smile: "Back to the city."
Dark Source World.
Horse inside traces the receding dark tide and explores its source.
He has been living in the dark source world for several months, and has a deep understanding of the danger here, so he is very careful and keeps a safe distance from the dark tide.
The darkness has always contracted at a constant speed. Eventually, within the horse came to a plain area. The darkness in front of it suddenly accelerated, and all of it disappeared in a blink of an eye.
An abyss-like vertical sag appeared on the ground, dark and dull, and the sight could not see the details in it.
"This deep pit is like a spring eye, where it spits and captures darkness."
After looking inside Ma, it was found that the deep pit became very calm without any fluctuations after capturing the darkness.
He began to approach cautiously: "Contrast with the diameter of the deep pit and the spread of darkness, which swept the entire world. This world, obviously, has more than one such dark spring eye."
The deep pit in front of the horse, about six or seven hundred meters in diameter, is oval in shape, like a mouth to eat everything.
He wanted to find out what was going on inside the pit, reached out and pointed, a feather of an angel fell off his back, and flew towards the pit.
However, as soon as the angel's feathers fell off, a scent of darkness blew out of the pit in the distance, as fast as an electric flash. Within the horse, there was almost no resistance, shrouded in darkness, and he was immediately drawn into a deep pit.
His consciousness and thinking were soaked in darkness, and his entire body was also assimilated and disappeared, and he died directly!
Dark Spring Eye soon recovered silence and calmness, waiting for the next eruption.
The dark source world is a place full of weirdness, danger, and mystery!
Castle in the Sky.
After Dai Huanyu and Taohua returned to the city, they came to the world tree and took out the crystal of faith.
Their code trembled gently, incorporating crystals of faith.
The next moment, the code was shrouded in strong golden yellow light, and the divine power showed signs of rising.
"I heard that the Pope ’s Great Light Scriptures regularly absorb crystals of faith to increase divinity. It seems that the legend is true. The crystals of faith are of great benefit to the Code."
Dai Huanyu said to Taohua in surprise.
"You are wasting the crystal of faith. This crystal is a kind of soul energy formed by believers with the most pure and devoted spiritual thoughts. It can directly improve spiritual power after absorption. It is an important auxiliary item for the rapid growth of divine power. There will be so many gods creating denominations in various worlds to show miracles in order to gather more faith.
You should absorb these crystals yourself, and then introduce them into the code, so that you and the code will both gain strength. "
The goddess of the jungle is talking.
She also appeared on the canopy of the world tree. She was wearing a green armor and a sturdy figure. She confronted Dai Huanyu and Tao Tao: "The number of crystals in your hands, if used correctly, will greatly increase your potential and help you improve. A career level of at least one or two levels. "
"You should be very aware of your potential. If you practice in the normal way, you can only reach the top of the king, but these crystallization of crystals can give you the possibility to enter the totem level."
"Why did you take the initiative to tell us this?"
Dai Huoyumei's cheeks showed a look of doubt and a little alertness.
The performance of the jungle goddess is very different from her past arrogance. She not only took the initiative to talk, but also explained so much patiently.
"I have no other purpose. I just want to make a deal with you. I can teach you how to properly absorb the crystals of your faith. You need to use crystals for compensation and exchange them with me," explained the jungle goddess.
Taohua and Dai Huanyu glanced at each other: "It turns out that you are the crystal of us."
"How many crystals do you want to exchange?"
"You two are three each." Said the jungle goddess.
Dai Huanyu skimmed his lips: "Death to you, three yuan each. Two people will give you a total of one. If you agree, you will trade. If you disagree, you will be pulled down."
"The way to absorb the crystals of faith is the mystery of the gods. Except me, you can't find anyone who knows this mystery, at least two for each person." The jungle goddess frowned.
"Except for the two of us, you can't find others who have the crystals of faith. Two people, one." Dai Huanyu Duding said.
The jungle goddess was silent for a moment, thinking about it, "You two, give me three pieces in total."
"Two people, one."
"One person, no less."
"Two people, one."
"Two people, one."
The green jungle world in midsummer is getting more and more tense for the Church of God Kingdom and several major associations.
Several major associations have allied themselves and launched an offensive against the church because of someone's central lobbying.
This summer, the confrontation between the church and the major associations has become a hot topic for countless people.
In addition, Cao Yan led a raid on the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God, and the sacred city was almost buried by vegetation, which was also the focus of discussion.
For example, in that battle, Cao Yan's mysterious magic pet led to the stagnation of the whole city, as well as the jungle field, covering the whole city, etc., and was repeatedly mentioned in the professional circle.
"It is said that the entire city is stagnant and the vegetation is growing wild. All are the skills possessed by Cao Yan's magic pet. Who knows what Warcraft has such powerful skills?"
"There was a professional who was working in the Sacred City that night, using a magic crystal ball to record the fighting process at that time ... I heard that Cao Yan's magic pet was a mysterious creature that controlled the power of time.
The one who released the field of vegetation was a god. "
"Cao Yan seems to have died with the church in recent years, but he has bullied the church. This time the two giants died in his hands."
Everyone talked about the fighting that night, and it seemed that all the professionals in the world became Cao Yan's dog licking overnight.
In fact, there are discussions everywhere, and most of the people who helped Cao Yan's bragging are the sailors he hired ~ ~ That's right, Cao Commander connected the people in the pet teacher association with a bunch of powerful kings, occupation Help yourself brag and spread the process of attacking the kingdom of God that night.
The purpose of his doing this is to take the opportunity to publicize the professional advantages of pet masters, improve their professional status, and then complete their new tasks.
As waves of topics boasting about how powerful Cao Yan's pet is, the effect is quite remarkable.
By looking at the percentage data provided by the fake system, Cao Yan found that after a round of self-proclaimed operations, the task-related data almost doubled.
Unfortunately, the task completion prompt still does not appear.
The summer heat in the green jungle world has not passed, and the heat is unbearable.
In the study of the main city of the city of the sky, Cao Yan was holding a beast-catching ball and was examining it carefully.
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