Chapter 765: The Kingdom of God

Baoyue's small face was white and then red, and her eyes turned red even in a blink of an eye. She got out of bed a little, stepped on her slippers, trot out, looked from behind, swayed, and her waist and hips were slim and round.
Regardless of what you think in your heart, restraint must be there at this time, and Baoyue left the bedroom in the blink of an eye.
It is rarely the case of this cold-hearted princess, such a gaffe, that the boss Cao watched straightforwardly, took off the rest of the coat comfortably, and lay down, beautiful.
Suddenly Le Ji was sad, and Wang Li next to him reached over and pinched him.
Wang Li woke up when the two were talking, but immediately after Boss Cao jumped onto the bed, she worried that Baoyue would be more embarrassed if she woke up, so she did n’t dare to move.
Boss Cao grinned at the pinched teeth and hurried to fight back, reaching for pinch 404.
The sunshine in the morning is warm and soft, just like a teenage girl, with some subtlety, it will not be arrogant to pour out its heat.
Cao Yan woke up under the girlish morning light.
Despite the achievement of the gods, this product still maintains the habit of running in the morning. Waking up quietly, Wang Li next to him looked at her hair, her hair was scattered, Begonia was sleeping in spring, her skin was white, Xue Xue, she still had a strange ruddy face on her face ... well, she was very fulfilled.
Around eight o'clock, Wang Li got up.
Cao Yan came back after a round of exercise, and had a good breakfast from the spacecraft's catering machine.
On the dining table, Wang Wang ate Xiao Xiao Bao and white porridge bit by bit.
Boss Cao sat opposite, also chewing at the desk, eating two steamed buns at once.
The big cat was lying at his feet, wagging its tail like a dog, and the cat's eyes grunted at his owner.
Since the last time Cao Yan went to the magic, he helped Director Xiao heal the disabled arm, and the big cat also followed the whole process at the time, and then the goods revived again. In recent days, Cao Yan often puts his feet up in the air, his belly up, and exposes his little fellow in shame.
The purpose is very clear. From the process of Cao Yanneng's treatment of Director Xiao's injury, he saw the gospel of his reply to the "Xiongfeng", and wanted Dr. Cao to help him cure it.
Unfortunately, Cao Yan ignored it.
On the chair on the other side, the unlucky bear looked at the big cat who was flattering at Cao Yan's feet with a look of contempt.
The chubby dog ​​squatted across from the big cat, raised his dog's face and stared at the dining table, his tongue sticking out from the elder and his mouth drooling.
"What are your plans today?" Cao Yan asked.
"We have to touch on the cooperation matters with Fang Nan's owner and Bao Yue during this time."
Wang Li's cheeks help: "If you're in trouble, just go busy, don't need to accompany me." Then just pick up the tray with two small buns left, and sway and get up and go out: "I'll make an appointment with Fang Nan Time is running, let's go first. "
A week passed quickly.
In a studio in the city's main palace, Cao Commander is digging into the elemental energy wall at the entrance to the ruins of the Kingdom of God.
Before he tried, the element wall didn't respond. Later, Boss Cao went the other way, making an elemental hedge structure. He walked in and out of the channel many times a week, tried out the energy wall of that element, and explored its changing rules a little bit.
During the period, the boss Cao also consumed more than 30,000 points for intermittent opening and closing.
The so-called intermittent opening and closing is to engage in technical breakthroughs by paying points and decipher some of the mysteries of key points when research difficulties are encountered.
The advantage of this is that it does not need to consume too many points, and it is assisted by opening, which increases the speed of deciphering the energy wall of the element.
The result is now a week later, with the points consumed and Cao Yan ’s own research, he has mastered the entry method of the entrance to the ruins of the kingdom of God, which is more than half the savings of directly consuming 100,000 points.
Misty world.
The channel at the bottom of the abyss.
Cao Yan stood at the moment outside the entrance to the ruins of the kingdom of God, and placed an element matrix structure in the center of the entrance energy wall.
The element matrix structure immediately releases energy, forms a hedge with the energy wall of the entrance, and then cancels each other out.
Soon, the elemental ability wall became as thin as paper, and finally a part of the area collapsed, exposing the entrance to the kingdom of God.
A strong space storm immediately rushed into the passage.
The cracks in the void are extremely dangerous.
Fortunately, there is no weaker on Cao Yan's side, and each has its own means of coping.
"This entrance energy wall will be restored to its own integrity in about an hour. We try to use this hour to complete the exploration of the ruins of the kingdom of God. Everyone goes in at the same time and each is responsible for one direction." Cao Yandao.
Auch and others agreed in unison and immediately entered the kingdom of God.
Just as boss Cao was about to follow up, the pet assistant's assistant suddenly shook, but a warning message came from the ant colony that he left outside the channel to let the wind out.
Cao Yan was a little surprised to see the pictures pushed to the assistant system.
He let Auch and others continue to explore the ruins of the Kingdom of God, and withdrew himself back to the entrance of the passageway, looking up with a probe, his eyes penetrated the darkness in the abyss, but he saw a group of people sinking into the abyss from top to bottom, very fast .
The leader is the pope, followed by more than ten angels.
Because of the great distance and the black air filled the abyss, Cao Yan was hidden in the entrance of the passageway, but he would not be discovered by the Pope and others.
"The old Yin Yu was afraid that the last time I asked him to come down to explore this abyss aroused his suspicion. At that time, he remained quiet and endured for so long before secretly leading the crowd to investigate."
Cao Yan thought: It's a pity that he came a little late, and it would be a hassle if he came a few days early.
A few days earlier, Cao Yan was not able to open the entrance to the Kingdom of God, but now it is different.
Cracking the blockade structure at the entrance to the Kingdom of God is equivalent to mastering the operating system of this space channel and controlling it to a certain extent.
Cao Yan immediately aroused the spiritual power and merged into the surrounding channel wall.
The entrance to the passage where he was located slowly closed, disappearing without a trace.
The Pope and his party came to the bottom of the abyss, and the angels quickly spread out and searched around.
Inside the passage, boss Cao returned to the ruins of the kingdom of God.
The Pope made a difference this time and came one step late, destined not to gain anything.
Auch and others have completed the preliminary exploration of the ruins, after all, the area is not large.
The area they had observed through the entrance was the core area left after the kingdom of God was destroyed.
"Boss, there is no life in this deserted kingdom of God. Do we evacuate everything here, and then let the kingdom of God collapse, or try to repair its broken location and keep it?" Auch asked.
In Cao Yan's consciousness, the fake system suddenly pushed a new task:
Mission to repair the broken kingdom of God
It shows that although the kingdom of gods of the dark system is severely damaged, the core of the kingdom of gods is still there, and it has the possibility of being restored. Please host to do its best to repair this kingdom of God, it will become a weapon against the gods of light
Reward task is completed, reward 20,000 points; a skill book to upgrade the level of the kingdom of God
Before the time of the dark kingdom of God completely collapsed (if the kingdom of God collapsed and disappeared, it was deemed that the mission failed, and the equivalent points were deducted)
Optional task attributes
As Cao Yan's host level continues to increase, most of the tasks given by the fake system have the attribute of 'optional', and there has been no mandatory task to take over for a long time.
After Cao Yan saw the mission, his thoughts changed sharply. There are two ways to restore the Kingdom of God.
One is to eliminate the huge cracks broken above the Kingdom of God, then the collapse of the Kingdom of God will naturally stop.
The second method is to push the Kingdom of God back into operation and provide a lot of energy to allow it to absorb and repair the cracks above it.
The first method does not cure the symptoms, so the second method is the best policy.
The question now is how to promote the recovery and operation of the Kingdom of God.
Cao Yan faced the raging space storm, walking between the collapsed temple and the idol in the ruins, and then said to the jungle goddess: "Clear out this middle area."
The jungle goddess has a seed-like olive green light falling off the fingertips and falling into the ground.
At the next moment, green vines appeared on the ground, entangled the ruins of the collapsed building, as if thousands of arms were protruding underground, and an area was evacuated in an instant.
Cao Yan took out the labyrinth box again.
Tens of millions of ants swarmed in, and the surroundings were surveyed like mercury.
On the ground, the area cleared by the jungle goddess shows a broken texture structure, intertwined and interspersed, it should be the structural texture of part of the operating system when the kingdom of God is intact.
It's a pity that the cracks are now overwhelmed.
If the collapsed idols are intact, they should be placed on the nodes of these structural lines to form an inseparable whole, transmitting divine power and maintaining the operation of the kingdom of God.
Cao Yansi: The damage is so serious that it takes a lot of baby to repair it, mommy, this time I am afraid that I will lose a lot of money ... Well, the task just released by the fake system says that the core of the Kingdom of God is still there. If you can find it, you can save some things. ...
He was pondering, there was an arch on the ground, and the ants pushed a black bead out of the ground.
"The core of the kingdom of God, the source of darkness." The voice of the fake system.
"This bead is called the source of darkness?"
Cao Yan held the beads in his hand, actually half the size of a person, and it turned to a pure to dark atmosphere.
However, the beads also had dense cracks and were broken.
Boss Cao threw the beads to Auch, and took out the ancient continent that was miniature like a beast ball. UU reading also threw it to Auch: "The few of you stay and use the ancient continent as an energy source and gradually divide Put the power in it into the core of the kingdom of God, which is this bead, and see to what extent this kingdom of God can be restored. "
Boss Cao waved a wave, and the thief swiftly took the shopkeeper and turned and walked away: "You guys, come on and do it. I hope that next time I come over, this place will have a new look."
After that, he stretched out his hand, opened the void, and disappeared.
When he returned to the bottom of the abyss outside, the Pope and others searched to no avail and had already withdrawn.
Boss Cao returned to the city of the sky, and asked Wang girl to have a relationship and fell in love. After dinner, there was a dinner. After becoming a god, the forces of all parties took the initiative to come together and always showed up to give others a chance to kneel and lick.
After Cao Yan left, the ruins of the Kingdom of God are undergoing earth-shaking changes.
Auch twitched, and his body was so long that he manifested the body of an ancient demon, with a height of hundreds of feet, holding his hands to the sky, supporting the huge crack in the sky.
He breathed out a dark breath like a long river running, and suddenly blocked the space storm pouring in the crack ...
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