Chapter 779: Evolution of ruins, one move and two gains

early morning.

The breeze blew into the room from the window. Cao commander was lying on the bed with his arms crossed, one arm behind his head, and just woke up.

On the log post at the head of the bed is a small dragon with a length of meters, azure scales, and a head like a combination of snakes and crocodiles, but with double horns, raised eyebrows and raised eyes, and cold eyes hidden deep under the eyes, Majesty and scary.

These are two sticks with a reduced size.

On the window sill not far away, the big cat was lying there, his chin resting on his front paws, looking out the window, feeling lonely than the fireworks.

The chubby dog ​​lay in the nest beside the bed, and pulled a pale gold Warcraft bone with his paws to entertain himself.

A house of male creatures, without a mother, the girl named Damei Niu Wang came to Baoyue and called Shang Fengqiwu to form a sister group, occupying the master bedroom on the second floor of the main palace. At this time, still sleeping upstairs and not awake, Commander Cao was rushed downstairs to meet with dogs, big cats and other bachelors.

"Cao Yan, if I were you, I would go upstairs in the middle of the night and arch the three good cabbages together."

The fake system opens its mouth in consciousness.

Cao Yan never held any hope for the fake system's ethics, turned a deaf ear, and got up to wash.

The fake system again said: "According to the spacecraft's calculation, if you touch the stairs in the middle of the night, the girl will push halfway, and the default probability of you going up is more than 60%. Qiwu is no different.

The key is that they can't beat the host, which is not possible. The host can also let the eggs stick them and use the stick to slay the demon. "

"Go to yours. This kind of thing cannot be quantified at all, where is the percentage?"

Cao Yanxiu said: "Sand carving fake system." Then he took cats and dogs out for a lap, and took the initiative to take on the task of making breakfast after returning.

Commander Cao made fried fruit (fat fritters), and ordered tofu brain and steamed dumplings from the spacecraft catering machine, and three or four kinds of cold side dishes.

Miss Wang has been particularly fond of tofu brains and has been eating hard.

Once Cao Yan got the things done, it was already 8:15 in the morning, and the sound of waking up from the floor.

In a moment, the girls came down from the upstairs.

At his home, Wang Li wore a casual white wide T-shirt, slightly longer than shorts, like a small skirt, with straight legs exposed under the T-shirt, small slippers pulled on his feet, and long hair Behind the head, the pretty face is bright, and nothing can be done.

Behind her, Baoyue is still a light armor like a goddess of war. She has a tall figure and a heroic appearance, forming a different style from the girl Wang.

"Just the two of you, Feng Qiwu?" Cao Yan walked out of the kitchen with a saucer.

"She got up early and left, the mercenary has something to do." Wang Li said.

When Feng Qiwu was walking, Cao Yan took cats and dogs to exercise outside, so he didn't meet.

Wang Li came to the dining table and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

The tabletop was filled with crispy golden fried fruits and four dishes of green and light side dishes.

Cao Yansheng put together three bowls of tofu brain, thick and fragrant marinade and white and tender tofu brain, garnished with a handful of green dishes, and looked appetite.

"Cao Yan will still cook?" Bao Yue expressed surprise.

"Well, we whoever gets up early will do it, but he gets up early." Wang Li said with a smile.

Baoyue looked at Cao Yan who returned to the kitchen to pick up chopsticks. He remembered the horrible power of standing in front of the dragon dragon when he raided the church and killed the angel with a spear. It felt difficult to combine two distinct Cao Yan into one in the impression people.

Soak the crispy fritters with tofu brain marinade. When the fritters fully absorb the tofu brain marinade, it is simply delicious on earth.

The three of them sucked and ate each bowl, and it was beautiful.

"Cao Yan, I read some records that after the achievement of the gods, the human body can perform internal circulation for a long time and be self-sufficient. It does not need to rely on food or sleep to supplement physical fitness. Why does your work and rest seem to have no change?" Bao Yue flickered Asked with cold eyes.

"Don't God also change people, do not eat, drink or sleep, life is too boring."

Cao Yan said: "To live is to let two heads and two mouths eat and drink well. When you become a god, you don't eat. It is anti-human behavior. Isn't this justified?"

"What two heads and two mouths?"

The growth environment of Her Royal Highness, no one has ever told her the story of the human body in addition to the upper head, another head and another mouth, so the old stalk in Cao Siling's mouth is very fresh here in Her Royal Highness. Never heard of, looked at Cao Yan with a question mark.

Miss Wang often used the old driver's car, but she knew the existence of another head and another mouth. After all, she had to touch every day. She couldn't help but blush, and extended a small foot under the table to boss Cao.

Breakfast ended in a strange atmosphere.

The three of them spread out to do their own thing.

After Miss Wang and Baoyue left together, Commander Cao came to the study room of the city's main palace, and the young secretary immediately twisted her waist and came in to report from outside.

"President Tinon sent news from here, the angels of the church gathered, did not find our city of sky, and shifted the target to the association of pet masters. It is estimated that if we continue to hide the faceless, they will be petted today or tomorrow Teachers Association launched an offensive. "Dai Xuanyu said.

The city of the sky left from the place where it originally stayed, and began to travel around the world, entering and leaving from the city, mainly relying on the portal between other cities.

"Okay, I know." Cao Yan responded.

The morning sun was gorgeous and the sky was blue and white.

Dai Xuanyu left the study, Cao Yan opened the space and entered the ruins of the kingdom of God.

After mastering the source of darkness, he no longer needs to bypass the burial ground of the misty world to enter the kingdom of God, and can directly enter and exit.

In the midair of the ruins of the Kingdom of God, suspended a gleaming ball, it is the fire of faith.

It was dragged into the ruins, attacked by the law of the kingdom of God, its volume shrank significantly, and its light became dim.

The battle between the magic pets and the servants besieging the angels is long over.

After the defeat of the angels, they were weak and weak, but they were tightly grasped by the dead guards standing in the ruins with their thin, dark, iron-like hands.

Among these angels, there are four female angels, who have been killed by two old men, Leto and Dogarosh.

The remaining male angels no one wants, a total of seventeen, all bound by death guards.

Where the angel was caught by them, the muscles withered, leaving a deep black mark.

Cao Yanxin: These death guards are really evil gates, with no signs of life, but they can exude the power of darkness and darkness ... Looking like this, they seem to be absorbing the blood and soul power of the angel.

After a period of time, the ruins of the Kingdom of God have absorbed a lot of dark source black gas, and the body has become a lot larger. The edge area continues to expand and the area has been growing.

When Cao Yan came in, both Egg and Auch were in the black air churning at the edge of the ruins, absorbing and absorbing the black air.

These two goods are in the wool of God Country.

They all hold the dark elements, and the expansion of the kingdom of God will gather the dark rules of time and space to enhance the power of the kingdom of God.

Egg and Auch took the opportunity to absorb the dark rules, which had great benefits for their own power growth.

Cao Yan soon came to the temple in the middle of the ruins.

The temple has been basically restored to its integrity, majestic and magnificent.

The door of the palace was open, and the interior was dark and dark, and the black air was flowing, obscuring the details inside.

Cao Yan looked up, and the fire of faith hung above the temple.

"Fake system, ruin the fire of faith, how many points do you need?"

"The core of the fire of faith is the result of the divine blessing of the differentiation of the main god. If you want to destroy it, you need at least 20,000 points. So as to accelerate the perfection of the Kingdom of God, you can do two things with one stone. You only need to consume 15,000 points. "Fake system said.

"Well, let's get started." Cao Yan said.

"Ding! Deduction of 15,000 points. The property of the fire of faith is assimilated, ongoing ..."

The fake system immediately started Sao operation, UU reading www. A black spot in the sky was released at, blending into the fire of faith.

The contact of the black spot with the fire of faith is like the thick ink rendering the water, and the light of the fire of faith becomes dimmer.

Above the ruins of the Kingdom of God, when Cao Yan first came in, there was a broken moon, like fine sand, scattered scattered in the sky.

At this time, the broken moon was pushed by the power of the kingdom of God, blending with the breath of the fire of faith, and approaching each other.

Finally, the fire of faith merged into the fragments of the moon, and the flame on the surface turned into a bright and radiant light, hanging above the kingdom of God.

Cao Yan's conscious tone sounded: "Ding! Congratulations to the host, the ruins have spawned the dark moon, the rules are further improved, and the level is increasing ...

This time, the Kingdom of God will have the ability to move in the void and stack space. "

Cao Yan can feel that the source of darkness is also changing, and the law of darkness is more intense.

"Consider combining the ruins of the kingdom of God with the city of the sky ..." said the fake system.

Cao Yan said in surprise: "What form of merger will swallow and absorb?"

"Not, but a coexisting whole."

The fake system was about to explain the fusion form of the Kingdom of God and the City of Sky, and suddenly stopped and turned: "The host should be careful, the spacecraft sensed a powerful divine fluctuation, which traced back to the location of the dark Kingdom, and was going to the host Close. "

The main of the church was killed ... Cao Yan thought.
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