Chapter 809: New servant

Inside the source of darkness like a giant orb, there are vortices in life and death, pulling the black gas on the boat of death, causing Cao Yan to successfully approach the of darkness.
Today, Cao Yan has been able to withstand the coercive pressure of the God of Darkness. After all, he is in a very weak state.
The death boat was only over ten meters long, and the God of Darkness was lying on his back under the canopy in the middle. His body and face were covered by thick darkness.
But as Cao Yan approached, the darkness dissipated, and the appearance of the God of Darkness slowly became clear.
From a distance, the God of Darkness lay there lying on his back, mysteriously unpredictable, and even the size of the body changed, and he could not be sure. Only by boarding the boat of death can he see his true face.
His body is almost three meters high. His muscle lines and body ratio are flawless. His face is like a knife and axe, giving a cold and jade-like texture. It is like the king of the gods in the sculpture has become real Life is in a long slumber.
He was dressed in black gas, and his hair was black and scattered, not dusty, like a god.
The black turbulence beside him continually spawned dark black small storms or black vortices and lightning. These violent forces interweave and collide, and then burst into symbols of the origin of power. The body of the God of Darkness vanishes and disappears.
The agitated power is protecting his sleeping body against all materials that are trying to come close.
Cao Yan has seen five animal trapping outside his body, rotating around the body with a mysterious trajectory.
His power is converging with the demon pets, blessing himself.
At this time, Cao Yan was unprecedentedly powerful, but even so, he was still unstable, almost to be absorbed by the power domain outside the Dark God, dragged into it, crushed and crushed.
Cao Yan said in his consciousness: "The fake system consumes 50,000 points and releases the divinity..."
This is not the first time he has approached the of darkness. The last time he came was ten months ago.
At that time, he tried to approach the God of Darkness, and the situation encountered was more dangerous. Half of his body was affected by the field of divine power outside the God of Darkness, and his flesh and blood were blurred.
Boss Cao was almost scared and paralyzed. His little brother was crushed by the strength of the field. Wang Li and Bao Yue almost became two pretty widows.
Fortunately, he has the power of life and the ability to heal and recover is unparalleled.
In addition, after taking the treatment medicine, the injured half of the body was soon intact.
This time again, the situation is much better than last time. Cao Yan's voice fell, and the fake system was launched.
A little shimmer appeared in the void, and it quickly grew, but it was a deep and infinite diamond-shaped crystal.
This crystal was the purpose of Cao Yan's approach to the God of Darkness last time. It also consumed 50,000 points. The fake system ingested the Dark Godhead from the body of the Sleepless Dark God.
This deity was taken away by Cao Yan, and secretly sacrificed and cultivated for ten months.
This time again, Cao Yan wanted to return to his original owner and put the divine form back into the body of the deep-sleeping God of Darkness. After two operations, he consumed 100,000 points.
This is also the suggestion of the fake system, the purpose is to turn the Darkest God into Cao Yan's new servant.
At this time, there was one more catcher ball beside him, and six small world-class legendary catcher surrounded the body.
Eggs, sticks, two sticks, abalone, jungle goddess, old turtle, all in the beast catching ball, combined with Cao Yan's power, resisting the field of divine power outside the of darkness.
A dark vortex is appearing at the eyebrow of the Darkest God, slowly stretched out, the Godhead is finally placed in the center of the vortex, disappears instantly, and hides into the Sea of ​​the Darkest God’s consciousness. There is also a stream of light.
That was Cao Yan's auxiliary of 50,000 points, a fake system operation.
The streamer will merge with the divine personality and turn into a spiritual contract, connecting Cao Yan's soul with the divine god's divine personality and helping him to conclude a contract with the divine god.
The dignity disappeared, and Cao Yan immediately withdrew and backed away until he was beyond the boat of death, and then he took a long breath.
According to the false system, although the God of Darkness was damaged and weakened by the ancient wars of the gods, he still wanted to sign it as a servant, and there was still a risk of failure.
More than a year ago, Cao Yan asked about the fake system and the success rate of the contract with the Darkest God. The fake system's response was half.
Today, Cao Yan's power continues to grow, and with the blessings of magic pets, the success rate has only increased to 60%.
This is a huge gamble. Once lost, Cao Yan will return to the time before liberation. The consumption of 100,000 points will make him cry in the toilet.
Put the Godhead back to the dark God's eyebrows, and the rest is to wait patiently. After more than ten months of Cao Yan's warm cultivation and the movement of hands and feet in a fake system, the Divine Spirit contains special energy, and the God of Darkness should wake up in a few days.
Cao Yanxuan left the Dark Kingdom.
Time passed, and a week passed.
At night, Cao Yan stood at the top of a minaret like the tallest building in the city's main palace, looking up at the stars on the dome.
The stars have different meanings in the eyes of different people. The operation and existence of the stars carry countless lives and ever-changing plane civilizations.
Cao Yan's eyes were hidden, staring at the stars in the sky, silent.
At the moment, outside the city of sky, a war is taking place!
This is a huge plane different from the green jungle world, but also inhabited by countless humans and other life.
Looking from the air, this plane's main continent shines with a cold gray light, cold, silent, and mysterious.
A total of five gigantic stars exuding silver glory float on the sky. On different nights, humans in this plane can see at least two of the five stars, spreading a bright light. That is the moon of this world, corresponding to the law of the magic tide of the world, and the starting point and cornerstone of the supernatural power of the entire plane.
The continent is meandering, with mountains, seas and forests coexisting, as well as huge mountain ranges with magnificent clouds spreading across the vast ground.
And this continent is also scattered with thousands of human settlements and cities, and one of the most magnificent cities is located on the highest peak of the continent!
The whole city is based on multiple peaks, overlooking the mainland like a miracle.
The ruler of the world lives in this city of the mountain.
There are many magnificent and magnificent buildings standing in the city. They pierce the sky straight, and continue the magic tide released by the moon.
Then the power of the tide turned into a wave of energy, spitting out a huge dark blue symbol, interweaving to form a protective wall, covering the whole city, flowing back and forth.
At this moment, the protective wall above the city has been fully opened, and it is colliding with another flying in the sky, a more magnificent city.
The city flying in the sky is an aggressor, and countless legendary races rushed out of the city to launch an attack on the city of Shenshan.
Powerful energy fluctuations stir up these legendary races.
And inside the city of Shenshan, a team of armored soldiers in armor also sprang up. The fierce battle between the two sides has been for several days.
Their collision spattered the tide of elemental waves like the ocean tide. On the ground, the mountains, the earth, the surrounding peaks collapsed into pieces, and even the magic moon on the sky was also impacted and rippled.
On the whole, the guards coming out of the city of Shenshan are obviously at a disadvantage. They are attacked by legendary races rushing out of the city flying in the sky and are losing ground.
The fierce cries of killing sounded as if the entire continent could be heard, and Chongxiao's pillar of fire was burning.
Unexpectedly, there are a lot of indigenous people in the world outside the city of Shenshan. They have far avoided the scope of the fierce battle and looked up to watch the battle between the two sides. Some people also whispered with excitement and anticipation: "The evil race that rules and oppresses us is finally invaded. May the gods bless the invaders to win and help us free from the evil rule..."
"Where did the city in the sky come from?"
"Abruptly appeared in the air three days ago, and then launched an attack on the city of Shenshan, with no signs."
"On the day these invaders appeared, the guards of the city of Shenshan were defeated by shocks, and a corps of soldiers was killed and wounded. In the past three days, the city of the mountain has mobilized soldiers from all over the world and sent them to participate in the battle of the city, but they were all broken up. I don’t think they’ll be able to hold it anymore."
"The strangest thing is that as soon as these invaders appeared, the most loyal companions of the Shenshan War Clan, those Void Evil Dogs all rebelled, and began to attack the members of the Shenshan War Clan, and the city immediately became chaotic.
The rebellion of the Nether Vicious Dog is afraid that at least half of the strength of the War Clan will be damaged. "
"The war tribes have just settled the rebellion and were at their weakest in thousands of years. At this moment of the invasion, they seem to be over."
"The monster that was released in the city that day was like the legendary deep sea dragon Migas... and the flame bird that swallowed six rounds of the sun, I don't know what kind of creature?"
There was a whisper from the aboriginal crowd watching the battle.
Listening to what they said, it was strange to hope that the aggressor would win.
In fact, these Indigenous peoples have been suffering from the persecution of the ruling race for many years, which is what they call the Shenshan War Clan.
The ruling races in this world are keen on aggression, and there have been countless other races that have slaughtered and invaded. Most of these aborigines outside the city are ethnic slaves they have captured, and they have genocide against them.
The vicious dog mentioned by the aborigines is the void hyena.
The city floating in the air and coming to the aggression is naturally the city of the sky!
More than a year ago, the abalone suggested that boss Cao invade the world where it came from.
At that time, Cao Yan felt that the timing was immature and did not want to engage in aggression.
But this year, they continued to expand the scale of trapping the void hyena, until more than a month ago, Cao Yan consumed 20,000 points and exchanged for a special biological spore, so as to secretly invade the king who lived in the hyena group, so as to eat The entire hyena group was dropped.
Now more than a month later After the civil war, the race that ruled this plane has suffered serious damage to the forces, and the time has become mature.
Cao Yan launched the offensive decisively.
Today's Sky City, after continuous evolution, has long been able to reduce space mobility.
This ability is the same as the original ancient continent. It can superimpose space, change the spatial dimension of the city, reduce it to a null origin, and move in time and space.
So the scene of the sky city, the whole city struck, and invaded the city of God Mountain.
"The boss, the Storm Giant and the Chaos Giant led the congregation. Under the leadership of the abalone, they have already entered the war temple in the center of the city, and this battle is about to end."
Wearing a uniform, Dai Xuanyu walked in from the outside to report to Cao Yan.
She carried a cold silver, delicately shaped war spear in her hand: "This is the weapon enshrined on the altar of the Temple of War, called Spear of Nurbis, which is said to be one of the three most powerful artifacts in the world. Look at the boss."
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