Chapter 868: The special "evil" boss Cao

Cathedral of the Kingdom of God.
It was destroyed in multiple attacks, and then the entire church interior, the former pope’s palace, was repaired.
Shu Geer frowned, staring at the ether on the bed.
He returned in the wee hours of the morning. At that time, his robe was bleeding, his waist and ribs were wounded, and one arm was even more weird, sometimes withered like a corpse, sometimes washed by the power of light, and returned to normal. In this case, the two powers competed in his body. .
The most important thing is that soon after the return of the ether, a thick darkness appeared on the eyebrows.
He fell into a coma.
"What happened to Yitai, it seems that the situation is very serious." A leader of the Ninth Angel Legion spoke beside Shu Geer.
"After he came back, he only said the name of Cao Yan, and that Cao Yan was in charge of the Dark Kingdom and was able to control the power of the Era Temple to project the key information, so that I informed the main gods, and then fell into a coma." Shu Ge Erdao.
The leader of the angel army was surprised: "My lord, did Cao Yan defeat Yitai?"
Shu Geer: "It should be so."
The leader said: "Cao Yan has become a in only a few years, and a man who is too big is a god."
Shu Geer groaned: "There are always some exceptions, which cannot be judged by conventional cognition. For example, in the Temple of Era, I have heard the main gods say that the Temple of Era can evolve into the era. If it is blessed by the temple, You can derive an instant and eternal effect on yourself, and you can experience thousands of years in a flash.
With this practice, you can completely get rid of the constraints of the concept of'time' in conventional cognition. "
The commander was stunned: "Era Temple has such a power, no wonder it has caused many world shocks and competition!
The legion commander suspected that Cao Yan was supported by the Era Temple, so he practiced so fast? "
Shu Geer nodded slightly: "I have passed the situation here back to the kingdom of God through the code, and there will be an oracle coming soon. And...the time-space lighthouse has also been completed."

Castle in the Sky.
Cao Yan said: "Since you have made a mistake, you will be punished." After saying that, two groups of divine power lighted up, slowly falling towards the goddess of the jungle and the goddess of the moon.
The two honestly let the light of divine power fall on the center of their eyebrows and melt into their bodies.
"A divine art I have mastered is very effective for people with lower divine power levels than mine. It is used to impose minor punishments on you. If you commit a crime again, you will never be merciless."
What Boss Cao sent into the two of them was the part of his theocracy that contained infinite vitality.
Seeing the light of the two divine powers merged into the bodies of the two women, Cao Yanyan pointed at the goddess of the moon and said: "This woman should be punished, the body (harmonious) hair is strong, and the day grows one foot."
Pointing to the goddess of the jungle again: "This female will incarnate as a big man with feet, vulgar behavior and sudden muscles."
He spoke, but he used the great divine art that he learned from the Pope's Great Illuminati more than two years ago, using words to influence divine power and speak the law, plus the divine power sent into the bodies of the two women.
In an instant, the two women changed.
The goddess of the moon is full of vitality in her body, constantly urging certain substances contained in the human body to double secretion.
The hair on her body grew wildly, and in a blink of an eye, her arms became similar to chimpanzees, and her legs were also full of hair. The shapely calves that were originally white as jade were covered with black hair in an instant, like pig bristles.
Only her face remained unchanged from the top and bottom of her body, and she could be recognized as the goddess of the moon at a glance.
A good goddess, just like this became a patient with hirsutism.
The jungle goddess saw the changes of the moon goddess and almost laughed to the point of paralysis, but before she laughed, she noticed that she had also changed. The muscles inside and outside of the body were convex, and her stature was raised out of thin air, becoming a statue of more than two meters high. The'giant man' has a beard on his chin.
Even the clothes on his body were broken and shattered by the convex muscles, looking tattered, uncut, and showing off the image of a man who pulls his feet.
However, her face remained unchanged, and she could still tell that she was the goddess of the jungle.
The Moon Goddess raised her furry hand and looked at it, then lowered her head to look at the dense hairs on the surface of her skin, crying without tears.
She thought about Boss Cao’s punishment before. It may be very serious. If you want to be beaten and punished, you will recognize it. If Cao Yan wants to submerge (harmonious) rules...
But she never expected that boss Cao's punishment was so brutal and unexpected.
She is a female known for her beauty, who suddenly became a hirsutism patient. How can she meet people? It's worse than disfigurement.
What a shame.
Cao Yan's punishment seemed to be a joke, but he was extremely frightened after careful consideration, and it was aimed at the weakness of the two goddesses. If these are two men, boss Cao’s punishment will be changed to a key position shortened by half a foot, turning into a peas.
The goddess of the jungle is also in a similar state of mind. She is a goddess, always arrogant and conceited. It is more uncomfortable for her to become a stubborn guy than to kill her...Three views collapsed.
"Boss, don't take you to bully people like this. If you let outsiders see this, I can only kill myself!"
"I beg the Lord for mercy, and the servant girl will admit the punishment. Can you ask the Holy Lord to change the punishment method, the servant girl... The servant girl is willing to wait for the bed to report to the Holy Lord." The goddess of the moon was really anxious and directly said that she was willing to accept the potential (Harmony) Rules.
Waiting for bed or something, look at what you are now, who is rare.
Boss Cao had already laughed, but his face was serious: "With the power of both of you, the divine power that I sent into your body will be eliminated in one day and you will restore your original appearance.
Okay, go down. Remember, before you leave the city lord's mansion, you are not allowed to use divine magic to cover your face, and you are not allowed to use any other means to hide your identity. This is a process of punishment for you. "
The two wanted to continue begging. Boss Cao calmly said: "You continue to stay here. Every time you say a word, this punishment will be extended by one day."
The two women hurriedly closed their mouths and walked out of the office crying.
Involuntarily, the goddess of the jungle felt that there was a force in her body that was about to move, dominating her behavior and demeanor, which was the influence of the divine power that Boss Cao sent into her body.
While she was moving forward, she actually gave birth to the desire to pull her feet.
She forcibly resisted the urge in her heart, accelerated her pace, and walked outside the city lord's mansion.
The goddess of the moon also bowed her head and walked quickly, and her behavior and reaction were not much better, walking tigers and tigers, and the long hair outside of her body danced with the wind, like seaweed.
Along the way, I met some people from the City Lord's Mansion, and when they saw them, they all looked dumbfounded.
After the two passed by, they turned into a collective laughter.
The entire City Lord's Mansion quickly became a sea of ​​laughter.
There was a guard on duty in the city lord’s mansion. From a distance, he saw two unknown
coming swaying forward. He was about to step forward and interrogate. When he was close, he discovered that they were the goddess of the jungle and the goddess of the moon. It's indescribable.
The goddess of the moon became irritated and said: "What to look at, and then look to dig out your eyeballs."
Kuku Kuku...The guard had intended to hold back forcibly, not to laugh, and to save some face for the two goddesses, but he really endured hard and his face flushed.
"Idiot, the way you are now, do you want to be seen, is it possible?" The jungle goddess mocked the moon goddess.
"Who are you stupid? You are the stupidest, and your whole family are stupid. If it weren't for you, are we doing this now?" The Moon Goddess was so angry that she had nowhere to vent, and her eyes returned to the jungle goddess like a knife.
"You shout loudly, call everyone over to see what they look like now."
The jungle goddess folded her arms and did not hold back. She reached out and dug her nostrils. Fortunately, she woke up in time and quickly put her hands back.
"Do you want to fight again?" The Moon Goddess said angrily.
"Come on, you can do it if you have the guts. Guess if we two fight again in the city lord's mansion, what means will the boss use to clean up us?" the jungle goddess said.
The goddess of the moon shuddered immediately. Boss Cao’s methods were too cruel, and she had already left a shadow in her heart, and hurriedly said:
I’ll explain first, I’m not afraid of you, but I’m afraid of the Lord’s punishment, so I don’t Common knowledge with you."
After speaking, they turned around and left. The two of them strode out of the city lord's mansion, causing countless crowds of melon-eating people to watch, making the two goddesses embarrassed.
As soon as they left the city lord's mansion and left the scope of punishment requested by Cao Yan, the two of them immediately found a secluded place, used magic skills to cover their faces, and both breathed a sigh of relief.
After covering her face so that people could not recognize who they were, the jungle goddess relaxed slightly. The first thing she did subconsciously was to reach out and pick her feet, and then put her feet under her nose and smell it.
The moon goddess pointed to the jungle goddess: "You, you, you, pick your feet... and smell it."
The jungle goddess blushed and explained: "This is the boss's punishment method. He exerted a spiritual influence on me, and my behavior is not under my control."
The same is true for the Moon Goddess. The first thing she did after covering her face was amazing. She loosened the waistband of her trousers, unfastened her belt, and looked down.
Well, the forest is lush and grows wildly.
The next moment, the two women looked at each other, both disappeared out of thin air, and each returned to their home, thanking the guests behind closed doors, but no one was seen.
It wasn't until the power that Cao Yan sent into them disappeared a day later, and the two of them returned to their original appearances before reappearing. Both of them looked calm and calm. When someone asked them what was going on yesterday, the two of them answered nothing. The same, just as if we had discussed it in advance, saying that there was no such thing as yesterday. It was someone else's misunderstanding or who made the prank. Anyway, the two of us didn't know at all.
Intermittent amnesia.
It's a pity that they can't control everyone's mouth. The two were punished by boss Cao yesterday, and the situation of becoming a man with stubborn feet and a patient with hirsutism went viral in the city.
Anyone who heard it felt funny but also shivered secretly. Boss Cao’s methods were too evil.
Both goddesses were broken by him.
time flies.
A few days later, the new year of Green Forest World, January, the southern coastal area, rainy.
Above the jungle, the Sky City is moving.
In the city, Cao Yan summoned the curse, Aohe, Dai Huanyu, Peach Blossom, Baoyue, and the goddess of the jungle, the Chaos Giant, and the Storm Giant, all cronies, met in the study.
Baoyue is now in charge of the coalition forces of all races in the so she was called over.
"Let's have an internal meeting."
Boss Cao gave a simple opening remark: "The next period of time will be critical for us, and it may be difficult."
Everyone nodded, understanding what he meant.
With the development of the Sky City, the gods of light have paid enough attention to them. And what must be admitted is that the power of the Light Kingdom is much stronger than the Sky City.
As long as a main descends and takes a head-on shot, it can destroy everything the Sky City has now.
"In order to prevent the situation from getting out of control, we must take precautions and do something in front of our opponents."
Cao Yan looked at Xiangshu and Aohe: "Did the things I asked you to investigate have any eyebrows?"
The two replied: "Only a part was found, but the specific situation has not been clarified yet."
Cao Yan: "Then let us hear what we found."
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