Chapter 887: So exciting

Kingdom Church.
Ether, Douglas, Shu Geer and others have received notification from their subordinates that the Temporal Lighthouse is abnormal.
Several people rushed to where the lighthouse was, and found countless symbols on the surface of the lighthouse flashing on and off. And within the range of the light from the lighthouse, the space is rippling and surging like a tide.
In the past, some symbols flashed in the lighthouse before someone descended from the kingdom of God, but they had never been so intense.
Can make all the symbols flash, indicating that there is a powerful existence far beyond any previous descendants, approaching the lighthouse of time and space!
"The fluctuation of the main god...there is a main coming!" Douglas said suddenly.
Following his voice, a figure appeared in the void at the top of the lighthouse and walked out through the air.
The figure was over ten feet tall, sturdy and majestic, wearing silver armor, thick beard on the chin, and piercing eyes.
This is an old Guangming master god.
Mass Water, one of the deputy commanders of the thirteen main army of the Angels of Light, the right arm of the twelve gods.
The ether and the others were inexplicably surprised, and were about to bow their heads to meet, but found that the fluctuations in the space behind Mass had resumed, and they walked out of three figures one after another, all of them were the main gods.
The four main gods are juxtaposed, and the breath is not concealed.
At this moment, the entire Divine Kingdom Cathedral, and even the entire central domain, had abnormal elemental fluctuations, and Shenghui rushed into the sky.
The four main gods stood in the air, and the many congregants who had witnessed their appearance below all bowed and bowed in unison.
Outside the central temple, the scale of kneeling quickly spread. The Holy City where the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God is located, and the Holy Empire where the Holy City is located, at this moment all intelligent beings feel a throbbing in their hearts and cannot resist. .
Countless people bowed to the ground and bowed in the direction of the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God.
In that direction, the sacred chants resounded through the central domain, and there were groups of angels flying into the air.
At this time, the ether standing in the central temple was keenly aware of something unusual. The four main gods who descended seemed a little nervous.
Their eyes are all looking in a certain direction.
After a while, the four main gods descended from the sky and floated at a height of meters above the ground.
Ether wanted to speak, but issued four main gods in two teams, separated on both sides, leaving the place between them.
"There are still deities with higher status coming..." Ether's heart jumped.
What is the reason that so many main gods come at the same time?
At the moment when his thoughts flickered, another figure walked out of the void, standing with his hand in his hand, wearing a golden armor, gazing sternly, as if he could perceive all the changes in the heavens.
This figure wearing golden armor is the highest commander of the angel army among the twelve lord gods, the deity Mie Michael.
Unlike the powerful auras of the other four main gods, Michael did not have any aura fluctuations, just like ordinary people.
Ether and others became more surprised.
Even Michael came to the Green Jungle World in person. What happened? !
"There has been an accident in the Bright Purgatory. We were searching for a clue to a prisoner. In the process, we found that we were not far from the green jungle world, so we decided to come over temporarily." Michael's majestic voice sounded.
"Are the Lord Gods following the traces of Asazil?"
Ether was a disciple of the King of Light, with a unique position, and directly asked the doubts in his heart.
Michael shook his head slightly, he personally led the team to trace the trace of the Titan King.
Michael turned and said: "We will not stay here. I received a message from you about the heresy Cao Yan. Tell me about his situation."
"Subordinates fought against Cao Yan not long ago, and his power has already approached the main divine realm..."
Douglas stepped forward and beeped Cao Yan and the situation of Sky City.
Michael nodded and said: "Cao Yan's situation is more complicated than you think. He is not only recognized by the Era Temple, but also supported by the power of Dark Remnant.
Everything about him is deceived by a breath of energy, so we often make mistakes in our judgments of him.
There are signs that he opened the Purgatory of Light, freeing many prisoners and Asazil. "
Douglas and others were taken aback: "Cao Yan released Azazel?"
The Lord God Massa beside Michael said coldly: "Release the prisoner of purgatory, the sin is unforgivable. We have come into the green jungle this time to obliterate Cao Yan, and he will die in trial!"
Mass's eyes were compelling, and the killing intent was awe-inspiring: "Tell me the coordinates of the Sky City."
After the sky city returned to the green jungle world, it was suspended in the air in a certain area of ​​the eternal jungle.
When Douglas said the coordinates of the Sky City, Mass extended his hand to the side, and a ray of divine light penetrated the void and pointed directly at the location of the Sky City.
Another scripture in his hand was sacrificed, and the lightning flashes on it interlaced, full of destruction.
"Cao Yan is not in the city, don't release the divine punishment on the sky city yet."
Michael's eyes were full of divine light, and he saw the city of the sky from the air, and then followed the mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, marked the city of the sky, and began to trace Cao Yan.
His gaze spanned an endless distance, and the image of the rugged jungle flashed in his pupils.
Suddenly, a vague figure of Cao Yan appeared in Michael's pupils, but another thing he saw immediately afterwards changed his expression.

Time went back a little bit.
After Cao Yan took back the eggs and waited for the pet, the thought of ‘the time is almost here, I should try again...’
The so-called "opportunity" means that the chaotic aura he absorbed into the body during his last practice has been completely digested and has become his own strength, and it is time to go to heal the wool again.
Through teleportation, Cao Yan entered the chaotic land deep in the eternal jungle.
With the pleasant experience of squeezing the wool last time, this time Boss Cao decided to go further.
He sat on a big tree facing the land of chaos, closed his eyes to adjust the aura in his body, and then opened his mouth to recite the ancient words of chaos, which corresponded to the aura of the universe.
In an instant, a ray of chaos aura rolled over and was swallowed by Cao Yan.
What is different from the past is that this time he separated a part of the chaotic aura he had absorbed and pushed it to Dandan, Big Cudgel, Huan'er and other demons.
Let's gather wool together.
In fact, in the process of the last time Cao Yan was practicing, the familiars have also advanced by leaps and bounds. They have absorbed part of the chaotic aura. They are not unfamiliar with them, and they have absorbed them very smoothly.
Seeing that everything was normal, Cao Yan released the demons directly, and started a gang-style ingestion of Qi in the chaos.
The last time he came to stalk the wool, he had noticed the existence of the chaotic core and opened a gap in his sleep to observe Cao Yan.
This time Boss Cao stepped up and brought his accomplices to commit the crime.
Although the main consciousness of being in the chaos was asleep, there was a strand of differentiated consciousness that was aware of it, opened his eyes again, and looked at Cao Yan's position from the boundless chaos.
It immediately found that it was the same person sitting on the last tree.
The difference is that that person also brought an accomplice.
The sight of the existence in the chaos shifted towards Dandan, big stick and circle.
At this moment, it gave birth to another kind of induction, and the light in its eyes suddenly became sharp, penetrating time and space, and looking away from an infinite distance.
On the contrary, because of tracking Cao Yan, Michael also perceives the land of chaos with the eyes of the gods, just interacting with the existence of Qi in the chaos, looking at each other from the air, and bumping.
In the pupils that opened in the chaos, there seemed to be a trace of mockery.
"It's awake!"
Michael was shocked, "Go!"
Before he let the four main gods come first, but he did not come out, just to test the safety of the green jungle world, and found that there was no abnormality, he entered in his true form with confidence, but still remained vigilant and restrained, just like an ordinary person.
But he never expected to have a face-to-face encounter with the existence in the chaos because of tracking Cao Yan.
The moment Michael shouted to go fast, the world of Green Forest was turned upside down.
The endless eternal jungle, countless vegetation and trees, all reveal a ray of wood element atmosphere, without exception.
When the vegetation of the entire jungle is intertwined, the green jungle world seems to come alive and have its own will.
The endless grass and woods breath evolved into a chain of elements that traversed most of the world, and suddenly entered the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God, involving the four main gods in the chain.
The four had almost no resistance, and their strength could not shake the chain.
Michael's movements are getting old, he has already withdrawn from the Green Jungle World, but he is still chased by the chains.
Michael's vest was hit by a chain, and the flesh and blood splashed, shocking.
His face was pale, but he did not dare to stop, and continued to fly away.
The jungle chain retracted, and the four main gods were moved to the time and space and dragged directly into the chaotic land, becoming a snack.
Outside of Chaos Land Boss Cao was almost scared to pee.
The sudden burst of energy at the chaotic core is beyond description.
Because of Dandan's lawlessness, and because of the huge rank gap, he was shocked and oppressed by that breath, and he couldn't even move a little bit.
The body of the big stick was coiled around a giant tree, trembling likewise.
The hair of the bear all over the circle exploded, and whimpered like a hedgehog.
Including the inside of the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God, Ethereum and others were also shocked.
What was that just now?
They only saw a ray of green light flashing, the four main gods were involved, and Michael evacuated in a hurry.
"My God, the ultimate strength can reach this level. People can't even raise the consciousness of resistance. They just want to kneel on the ground and call Dad." Cao's boss flashed a thought in pain.
It's so exciting to come to the land of chaos to gather wool!
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