Chapter 896: Audacious【four thousand+】

The Frost and Snow City has been occupied by the Angel Army, but entry and exit are not prohibited, but strict interrogation is required.
Before Cao Yan came, he had prepared a method to deal with the interrogation, and if he wanted to virtualize an identity with his current status, that identity would become real, and he was not afraid of interrogation at all.
Besides, Boss Cao also changed his appearance.
For the deity, even the big magical artifacts can change their length to a certain extent, and adjust their appearance a little.
At this time, Cao Yan's cheeks became much rounder, and he looked harmless to humans and animals, and he was a little fat man.
The old man next to him has a rickety back, like his old housekeeper.
Both of them changed their appearance after disguising.
Teleported into the City of Frost and Snow. After interrogation, they walked on the streets of the city, quietly taking into account the conditions in the city.
Although Frost and Snow City had just experienced war and was occupied by the Angel Army, it was basically intact. There were not many traces of war, but there was no bustling people coming and going. The streets were sluggish, and occasionally a few pedestrians were hurried.
Several angels hovered in the air, with piercing eyes, overlooking the city.
The whole city is under the absolute control of the angel army.
When Cao Yan and the old man walked along a small alley, they saw from a distance in the direction of the center of the city, a sphere as large as a bright moon, lifted by two angels, and lifted into the sky, illuminating the night sky.
In a short while, the sound of scripture chanting sounded throughout the city, the source of which was the ball of light in the sky.
It is a tool used by the Light God to spread faith.
The sound of the scriptures sealed in the light sphere can be spread over hundreds of miles, and have a subtle influence on the consciousness of every listener.
The weaker the mental power is, the easier it is to be affected, and only professionals can resist it.
So before Cao Yan took out his natal ball in the Chamber, the reaction of everyone was so excited. Letting more ordinary people become professionals is the best way to fundamentally resist the spiritual aggression of the church.
"How long will it take for this method of using sound to deceive people's hearts and make people become believers?" Cao Yan asked the old man beside him.
"Ordinary people will be planted seeds of light in their consciousness within three hours and become a shallow believer."
The old man's voice was full of faint air, and he answered slowly.
After a pause, he said: "I heard that you have developed a kind of trapping ball called the natal ball, which can make ordinary people become low-level professionals?"
Cao Yan: "Your news is well-informed."
The old man said: "You deprived me of my ability, but you didn't stop me from walking around in the Sky City. I am not old enough to be deaf, so I naturally know some things. You work in the semiotics studio in the underground space of the Sky City. I knew it when I played my first natal ball.
Your semiotics team, the main task of the past few years is to assist you in researching this kind of natal ball, right? "
Cao Yan didn't say a word, and the old man said to himself: "I can tell you that although the natal ball can play a certain role, it can't solve the problem fundamentally. The research on the belief system of the light is much deeper than you.
They will have the means to cope. "
Cao Yan calmly said calmly: "How do you know that I have no other means? If I say that the natal ball is just my attempt, I am deliberately testing the church's response, do you believe it?"
The old man thought for a while, then slowly nodded: "You can create the city in the sky with your own power, form the situation in front of you, and fight against the light gods. You are indeed a talent. Now that you have said it, I naturally believe it. "
Cao Yan looked at the old man in surprise, obviously he didn't expect him to give himself such a high evaluation.
The old man continued: "During this sensitive period, you personally infiltrated the northern territory occupied by the angel army and brought me with you. What is it for?"
Cao Yan smiled: "You will know."
After more than an hour, the old man and Cao Yan came to the core area of ​​the city.
This is the entire city, the only area where you can see the baptism of war.
A large building group standing in the middle of the city has collapsed. The surrounding ground is cracked and there are arcs jumping on the ruins of some buildings.
A large magical airship seemed to have been shot down from the sky, torn apart and dilapidated.
There was obviously a fierce battle here not long ago.
"The angel army captured this place about six hours ago. The collapsed building in front is the office area of ​​the city’s ruling power. It was thrown from the air by angels and smashed into ruins. The main members of the city’s ruling power and The city army escorting them, a total of more than 13,200 men, was condemned to be heresy and all executed.
Including more than 1,700 minors and 669 children under the age of ten. "
Cao Yan stood at the corner of a secluded alley, looking out at the city center, and said to the old man: "On the square in front, there are the last group of people to be executed."
In the direction that Cao Yan was gazing at, on the square in front of the collapsed building, nearly a hundred torture frames were erected there.
There is a prisoner hanging on each torture frame. There are men and women of all ages. Most of them have died long ago, and their bodies are swaying on the torture frame.
Looking at the night, it was shocking.
Some torture frames were vacant, but underneath the torture frames there was gray-white powder, which was a trace of the body after being executed by church personnel with a holy flame.
"Those seven or eight-year-old children on the torture, are they also the so-called heretics of the church?"
Cao Yan said with some sarcasm, "The exclusivity of the religious system really exterminates humanity."
The old man widened his muddy eyes and tried to watch the direction of the torture frame: "Since you think they have been treated unfairly, why not save them?"
Cao Yanxi said: "Although they are still breathing, they are dead."
The old man was stunned. He didn't fully understand what Cao Yan meant. The few people on the torture stand in the distance were still breathing. Why did Cao Yan say they were dead?
The old man showed a thoughtful look.
At this time, from all directions of the city, many people began to gather in the center of the city, and the number gradually increased.
The common characteristic of these people is that their expressions are full of excitement and longing, and their eyes are staring at the light ball of scripture in the sky.
They are the city residents who have gathered here because of the influence of the chanting of the scriptures.
They want to join the church and become believers.
"In just an hour, some people came to gather under the influence of the scriptures." Cao Yan said solemnly.
Old man: "You brought me here just to see this?"
"Your Majesty, don't be impatient, here comes the topic." Cao Yan sneered.
The old man is Pope Saint Glee.
He became a captive of Cao Yan a few years ago, and then was deprived of the Great Guangming Dian, just like an ordinary old man.
The relationship between him and Cao Yan has become a little strange in the years of imprisonment and mutual contact, and it seems that it is no longer an enemy in a pure sense.
As soon as Cao Yan's words fell, there was a voice not far from the two: "What are you doing here?"
Cao Yan and the Pope looked behind them together.
Not far behind them stood a middle-aged man and two entourages, both of whom were powerful professionals.
Everyone wore pale gold cuffs on their arms, indicating that they were the outer members of the church.
The middle-aged man headed by holding an electric light cord in his hand, looked at Cao Yan and the others, and ordered the two subordinates to say: "These two men are hiding in the dark, looking at the central square, looking suspiciously. Get them up for me. ."
The two attachés responded, and moved towards Cao Yan.
At the same moment, Cao Yanchang held a virtual hand, and in a moment, the space tightened, like a cage.
The middle-aged man and his two thugs were imprisoned in the same place as if they had been put on a holding spell.
The three of them were horrified and wanted to speak out, but found that they could not even make a sound.
The two thugs fell to the ground and died silently. The remaining middle-aged man was frightened.
Cao Yan took out a beast trap and took the corpses of the two thugs in leisurely, destroying the corpses.
Under the chaotic situation that the city has just been occupied, the disappearance of several church members in the periphery will not cause any waves.
After that, Cao Yan took out the Great Illuminati and handed it to the Pope, saying: "Your church has a spiritual sojourn of light, and I need you to use it. Let the two of us sojourn into his body."
Cao Yan pointed to the middle-aged man and continued to the Pope: "You should be aware of my methods, and there are ways to make you do what I say, so I hope you take the initiative to cooperate and we will both save trouble."
The pope frowned, took the Great Illuminati, and stroked the cover of the classic with his wrinkled hand.
He chanted a few sentences in a low voice, and a page of the great luminous classic fell off, stretched out, and wrapped Cao Yan and him in it.
In a short while, the pages of the book shrank suddenly, reversing the dimension of space and becoming a small, almost invisible, faint light spot that fell on the middle-aged man's forehead, blinking several times, and then disappeared.
"You brought me to the Northern Territory, just to use me to urge me to send the Great Illuminati to hide, with the purpose of... sneaking into the Angel Army?" the Pope asked.
After the two of them were wrapped in the pages of the book, after living in the consciousness of the middle-aged man, it was as if they were in a room with radiant rays of light, extremely wonderful.
"That's right, only when you use the Great Illumination Ceremony yourself can you be sure to hide from the investigation of the angels who also control the divine power of the light." Cao Yan confessed.
At this time, under the control of Cao Yan, the middle-aged man was like a string puppet, and his face began to change.
When he walked out of the alley where Cao Yan had hidden before, he was completely different from his previous appearance. In the crowd gathered from all directions on the street, he suddenly became an ordinary citizen gathered from the city under the influence of the scriptures.
And Cao Yan and the Pope hid on the middle-aged man, and walked towards the city square with the crowd.
The pope thought: "Cao Yan spent a lot of time, pretending to be a believer, and sneaking into the angel army...what the is going to do?"

Nearly three hours later, the middle-aged man controlled by Cao Yan, together with many believers in the city, was able to pass through a portal constructed by the angel army and teleported out of the Frost and Snow City after undergoing several inspections. Go to an unknown area beyond the portal.
At this time, the middle-aged people in which the Pope and Cao Yan were hiding were surrounded by believers from the Frost and Snow City, densely packed with no fewer than thousands of people.
Above the place where they are standing, is a dome composed of a light curtain, on which scriptures flow, exuding a strong power of light.
The dome extends for more than a kilometer to the left and right, and then is folded downward.
Hidden in the consciousness of the middle-aged, the pope used the power of the Great Illuminati to explore the outside environment and thought: This seems to be a platform about a kilometer vertically and horizontally...
Cao Yan seemed to be able to see through the pope's mind and spoke through the spirit: "If my judgment is correct, this should be the ship of the main Michael, and the believers who have been transferred are standing on the deck of the bow."
The Pope was taken aback, "This is Michael's boat of light, so what are you doing here?"
As soon as he spoke, he suddenly found that a layer of scripture imprints appeared on the ground in the area where many believers were, slowly swirling, encompassing all believers.
Many believers have strands of gray-black aura on the eyebrows that are drawn out and fall into the scripture brand below.
Soon after, believers one after another fell to the ground, their eyes closed tightly, leaving only a weak breath.
The Pope remembered that Cao Yan had just said in the Frost and Snow City that the heretics on the torture had already died, and the situation of them and the believers in front of them was as if they had withdrawn.
They were drawn with mental power... the Pope thought.
The material extracted from the eyebrows of many believers is their soul power, that is, spiritual power. The mental power is extracted and dried up, and a person is almost dead, no consciousness exists anymore, only a body remains.
At this time, the middle-aged man controlled by the Pope and Cao Yan also fell to the ground.
What no one noticed is that the middle-aged man was among the many believers, and the moment he fell to the ground, an invisible shadow penetrated between his brows and disappeared into the void.
The Pope watched Cao Yan escape from the middle-aged human body and turned into an undercurrent of nothingness. He was bold enough to play tricks under the eyelids of many angels, then took out a tube of medicine clothes, and turned into an angel.
"What the are you doing here?" the pope asked again.
Cao Yan retrieved the Great Guangming Dian casually, UU Reading www. collected the pope into a trapping ball and said:
"The reason those people were drained of their mental power just now was because the two main gods Michael and Mercury were injured. In order to recover as soon as possible, they did not hesitate to kill chickens and collect eggs, extract the spiritual power of these believers, and increase their own recovery. speed.
I received a report from my subordinates that since the Angel Army captured the Northern Territory until now, at least two million people have disappeared inexplicably, so I came to have a look. What we see now is the truth about their disappearance. They were ‘eaten’ by Michael. "
Cao Yan said, "Is this the result of believing in the gods of light?"
The Pope was shocked, the facts were before him, and he could not refute it.
He suddenly came up with a thought and understood the reason why Cao Yan had dived into the Boat of Light: "You sneaked here to assassinate Michael? You are crazy! If Michael is really on this ship, he must already know that you are on board. On the boat of light, you have no chance."
Lao Tzu has more than 500,000 points, and I am afraid that he is a bad old man who is hurt... Cao Yan gave a light slap.
ps: This chapter is more than four thousand, thank you again for the big bowl of green tea, happy reading! !
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