Chapter 906: life and death

Theological colleges.
After Cao Yan left, the breathed a sigh of relief.
"It seems that the lord of the sky didn't care about my nonsense, and gave me a fart."
While he laughed at himself, he was also a little proud, as if it was also a kind of pride to be used as a fart by boss Cao.
Cao Yan left, this guy immediately regained his habit and began to wander around the academy.
With his prodigal nature, he quickly became friends with many students.
"It's hard to imagine that the Lord of the Sky came to teach us in person!"
"Who knows whether the Lord of the Sky is the Lord God or the God King?"
"It's disrespectful to talk about the Lord of the Sky in private, don't talk about it anymore."
"The two amazing-looking women who appeared in the back row of the class, I saw the deputy dean personally pick them up, with a respectful attitude. Does anyone know their true identity?"
Some students gathered together to chat.
Ji Laishi first listened, and then decided to pretend to be forced: "You don't have to guess, I know the origins of those two women."
Everyone turned their heads and looked over.
Jilai said with a light cough, "The woman you are talking about is the woman of the older brother."
"What eldest brother's woman?" several people stunned.
Jilaju: "The eldest brother is the lord of the sky, the two beautiful women, one is named Gyangze and the other is Feriel, and Feriel is the woman of the eldest brother."
After hearing the words, everyone collectively tweeted at him: "You call the Lord of the Sky Big Brother. You are so bold. Offending the Lord of the Sky is a sin of blasphemy! Rubbish! Pooh."
A few people looked angry, turned and left, seeming to disdain to be acquainted with Jilai.
"How can I turn my face?"
The self-familiar who was sprayed into surged with a sense of sadness pretending to be defeated. He caught up with a few people and said, "Didn't you see me and the Lord of the Sky walk into the classroom together? What I am repeating is what he said. "
"That Ferrer is really big brother... the woman of the Lord of the Sky. My dad still knows the Lord of the Sky."
"I made a mistake. I will be called the Lord of the Sky just like you. I dare not call it Big Brother anymore."
Jilailai followed everyone behind, but no one paid any attention to him.
At this time, someone was going to urinate, and Jiao Shu's eyes brightened, and he followed them to the toilet.
A few students stood in a row, all ready to be convenient, and took a peek at the ‘tools’ that the friends used for convenience, and then became very proud. He also untied the belts and took out the tools, making it easy to prepare.
At this moment, his face suddenly changed, and the blood on his face faded in an instant.
How could this be? !
It shouldn't. I have never heard of anyone whose tools can grow backwards, turning from an adult to a small beanie, like a baby.
No wonder I felt empty and a little uncomfortable when I walked just now... I was so panicked when I was familiar.
A student next to him felt something unusual about his familiarity. He turned his head and glanced at his tool, then laughed out loud and said, "Xiongtai, how old are you?"
Others arrived, watched and ate melons, and laughed collectively.
Ji Lai Shu wanted to find a place to sew in, put on his belt, and ran out desperately.
He has foreseen that his reputation as small as a baby, only half an inch long, will spread quickly throughout the college, and then die socially in everyone's hearts.
Jilaishi doesn't want to live anymore.
He stretched out his hand in disbelief and touched it. The result was the same as before, indeed degraded.
what is the problem? !
This kind of change could not be without a reason, and the Lord of the Sky suddenly appeared in the mind of self-familiar.
He suddenly enlightened, but he was relieved. If the Lord of the Sky is really cleaning him up, in the face of his cheap Laozi, there is always a possibility of recovery...
After guessing the reason, he lost half of his mind, feeling a little hungry, and then started looking for something to eat.

When Boss Cao returned home, the eldest brother's woman had just returned from an outing, and she was describing to her sister Baoyue and sister-in-law Wang Li about going to the seminary today.
"After my brother-in-law left, there was actually a student who bowed his head in the direction he was leaving, tears streaming down his face."
"Some people still talk secretly, saying that the brother-in-law is so young. However, some people say that the brother-in-law looks young, but in fact, in his status, he must be an old monster that has been seen for a long time and laughed at me."
In the living room, the eldest brother's women laughed forward and closed together.
Although Feryl became the elder brother's woman, she was still worthy of her brother-in-law.
When she finished speaking, she found that her eldest brother had returned, jumped up, and greeted him with a whisper: "Brother-in-law, after you have gone, the students will rub all the semiotic structural formulas left from your lecture and take them away, including a punctuation mark. No signs are left."
Cao Yan smiled. The family had dinner and began to happily exchange the depth of life and related experiences.
day to day.
Early in the morning in mid-July.
Cao Yan once again came to the chaotic place deep in the jungle to squeeze the wool and breathe the chaotic aura.
The existence in the depths of the chaos has been quiet recently, and seems to have acquiesced to boss Cao's behavior of squeezing wool.
When the practice was over, he quit the land of chaos and returned to the study in the City Lord's Mansion.
At this moment, he noticed the void fluctuations in front of him. The fallen angel clone left by Asazil appeared out of thin air and bowed and said: "Respected Lord of the Sky, I received a ray of divine thought from the main body. ,need your help."
When his words fell, he stretched out his hands to both sides, the gray air between his hands was tumbling, and a picture sent from far away time and space appeared.
Azazel is being besieged by five main gods!
Around the void of their fierce battle, they were blocked by a golden Scripture barrier. With the power of Asazil, they were unable to penetrate this barrier and were trapped in it.
"The matter of the body's escape from the Purgatory of Light has already shocked the God King of Light. Although the God King of Light has deduced eternity in the land of origin, he has landed the Space God Kingdom personally blessed by him, blocking the void and trapping the body. Said the fallen angel clone.
The matter came abruptly and urgently, but Cao Yan was steady, watching the situation in the picture with the old driver's exclusive calmness.
Because of his imprisonment for a long period of time, Asazil’s power is far less than his personal peak state. When he encounters any one of the twelve gods, he can overcome it, but the two gods join forces and have The ability to fight him. If there are more than three, Asazil will be suppressed in turn.
At this moment, he was imprisoned in a space blockade, and was besieged by five main gods, and the situation was quite bad.
After the Titan King escaped from the Purgatory of Light and entered the depths of time and space, there has been no news. The existence of Asazil is extremely important to Boss Cao, so it is certain to support Asazil.
At the beginning, the protective barriers surrounding the Purgatory of Light were also arranged by the King of Light himself. It was Cao Yan who opened it and released the prisoners in the Purgatory.
This is also the reason why Azazli appealed to him for help at the moment.
However, the immediate situation is urgent, and it is clear that Cao Yan is not allowed to study the space seal slowly.
His thoughts flickered, and he made a simple deduction of the rescue steps and the strength of the enemy and the enemy before he got up and notified the Lord of the Starry Sky, the Bull Head Stem, and the undead old man.
The crowd traversed the space and rushed to the time and space where Asazli was trapped.
In his consciousness, Cao Yan asked the fake system: "How long does it take to decipher the spatial seal that binds Asazil?"
"Unknown, but it can be determined that it will be much faster than cracking the defensive structure of Light Purgatory." The fake system responded.
With the experience of deciphering the structure of the Purgatory of Light last time, the fake system has mastered some of the laws of the related structure of the Light God System. At this time, when it encounters the same space seal structure established by the Lord of Light, the speed will naturally be much faster.
time flies!
Cao Yan and the Lord of the Sky, Azazel's clone, Bull Head Terrier and others penetrated layers of time and space and approached the place of engagement.
They were in the vast void, and they did not know how long they had traveled.
When the space wall was broken once again, endless light suddenly appeared in front of him, a huge space like a cage, suspended in the dark void, slowly swirling.
On its surface, there are hundreds of millions of civilizations extinct, deducting infinite changes, as if expounding the ultimate truth of the universe.
And through the intertwined lines of the light wall, Azazel and the five main gods including Hestia can be seen fighting each other in the space.
At the same moment, the voice of the fake system sounded in Cao Yan's consciousness: "The deciphering degree of the space seal barrier has exceeded 70%, and currently a total of 115,000 points are consumed."
When it comes to the seal arranged by the king himself, the points consumed are amazing.
But Cao Yan was too late to feel distressed about the loss of points, and there was a majestic flow of information in his consciousness, which was the way to break the seal of space.
"So complicated?!" Cao Yan frowned.
"Yes, there are only two ways to decipher the space seal in front of you. One is to break it with force and smash it directly, but it requires the power of the king to do it. The other method is to break the space lock one by one. Operating nodes cannot be simplified." Hypothetical system said.
Cao Yan said to the Lord of Starry Sky and others: "Don't let anyone disturb me, I will crack the seal of space."
The Lord of the Starry Sky and the others agreed in unison, holding on to him.
At this time, a woman in a white robe appeared in the void in front of her, who was the Saint Flower Dios of the Light God family.
"You are the blasphemers, but want to rescue the fallen Asazil."
Dio's voice was clear and beautiful, shocking and empty, but his tone was low, full of anger and majesty.
The Lord of the Stars snorted coldly, and a miniature star rolled out of his hand, instantly colliding with Dio.
Cao Yan and others continued to approach the space seal, and another figure appeared in the void, but it was Mercury, one of the twelve lord’s clone angel, bullhead stem, undead old man, etc. Everyone took a breath.
In order to deal with Asazil, the light gods actually had half of the twelve gods here.
The Bull Terriers joined forces to meet Mercury.
Only Cao Yan approached the edge of the space seal smoothly.
Legendary-grade animal trapping with shimmering light appeared outside his body, spinning around his body.
Dan Dan and Old Turtle appeared directly on his shoulders on both sides, and all the power of the familiars blended with him, so that they could barely resist the heavy pressure brought by the seal of the space.
His expression was focused, his hands pulled the elemental power, and he began to destroy the spatial seal structure in front of him.
"There are a total of twelve space nodes, and you need to crack them one by one to unlock the seal..."
Cao Yan cooperated with the fake system in his consciousness, and he quickly cracked the seventh spatial node.
At this time, Asazil inside the seal had discovered Cao Yan's arrival, and his spirit was slightly refreshed.
On the outer wall of the space seal in front of Cao Yan, a scripture symbol suddenly fell off, stretched out, and turned into a spear of God's punishment, piercing Cao Yan directly.
This sudden change was as fast as a flash of lightning, and as soon as Cao Yan reacted, the spear of God's Punishment penetrated his body's defenses and suddenly penetrated Cao Yan's chest.
An irresistible destructive force raged in his body.
Michael's voice sounded out of thin air, as if he was making a sentence: "Here, Cao Yan, you will die today!"
He was retaliating for the last assassination of Cao Yan and Asazil on him. He did not hesitate to attack him with the honor of the Lord God, so as not to give Cao Yan the time to borrow the power of the Dark Kingdom and the Temple of Era.
At the same time, the space seal burst apart, but Cao Yan successively cracked multiple seal structures. The power of the seal was loosened, and Asazil could not be held back, he was flushed out from the inside.
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