Chapter 938: After Michael's death

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Bright Kingdom, the twelve main shrines.
Above Michael's collapsed shrine, the first to arrive was a tall middle-aged deity, dressed in a bright armor, with the holy light lingering outside his body, his eyes solid and piercing.
What came after him was a tall woman, wearing a white robe, her plump figure looming under her robe, enchanting and glamorous, yet majestic, wearing a crown on her head.
The third one arrived was the of war Apollo.
A man and a woman who appeared before Apollo were Hardy Pruto and Sefone Vol. Hera.
Hardy Pluto is also one of the twelve gods, and he is in charge of the belief (spiritual) divine power of the light system. It is rumored that he can reverse life and death and is the most mysterious of the twelve gods.
The graceful and beautiful middle-aged woman, although not the twelve gods, has a bigger background. She is the wife of the Lord of Light, the queen of the Light God system, Vol Hera, one of the heaviest deities in the entire Light God system.
At the moment, among the twelve gods, Frodite, Rhea and Juno went to the Green Jungle World.
Hestia, Mercury and other five main gods are pursuing Azazel, and the remaining Artemis patrols outside. Inside the Kingdom of Light, only Hadi Pruto and Apollo are left, and Vol. · The three big men of Hera.
At the same time, they were alarmed by the vision of the interaction between the world and the earth after Michael's death.
"Michael is dead! The main pillar corresponding to him has been cracked, and there is no hope of resurrection. It is a fall in the true sense." Hardy's voice was low.
At the same time that Michael died, on the border of the Kingdom of Light, there were twelve Optimus pillars arranged in a ring, one of which burst instantly, broke and collapsed! The entire kingdom of God was in turmoil because of the collapse of the sacred pillar.
Because of Michael's death, not only did the corresponding pillars collapsed, but Michael's idols that were worshipped by believers on many planes were also cracking.
With the fall of a pinnacle god, heaven and earth interact with sentient beings, and visions frequently appear.
At this time, in the Twelve Lords Shrine, Vol Hera looked gloomy.
In the long years, the fall of a member of the twelve main gods has occurred for the first time. Even in the ancient gods war period, Michael could pass through safely, but he died in the most prosperous time of the light gods.
Vol Hera looked up at the sky.
The dark cloud layer was slowly pressing down like a curtain, tumbling rhythmically, a wave of lightning containing destructive waves, breaking through the sky, flashing above the kingdom of God, like a roaring dragon.
Vol Hera suddenly said: "I speak of order in the name of the queen of heaven. In the world of heaven, darkness will always be under the light."
A huge beam of light fell from the sky, piercing through the black clouds, dispelling the darkness, and reappearing light.
Vol He stretched his hand and held it empty, and within the ruins of the palace where Michael was buried, a remains suddenly flew up. Its body withered and mutilated, looking more like a corpse.
The so-called goose plucking hair, after Michael died, Cao Yan immediately plundered a wave of spoils.
Not only did Michael's body be searched clean, the blood in his corpse and the elemental energy contained in his flesh were also pulled away by Cao Yan and taken away.
It is a pity that the energy contained in the blood and flesh of a main was wasted.
Cao Yan is going to take back to raise the magic pet.
Before Vol Hera and Hardy arrived, the three of Cao Yan had already escaped.
At this time, above Michael's shrine, more main god-level existences gathered from all over the kingdom of God, and everyone looked shocked and angry.
Being attacked and killed by someone in the kingdom of God is tantamount to a great shame for the Light God Element.
Vol Hera said: "The space in the Kingdom of Light is special, I cannot jump in and out directly, only a few fixed positions can leave. After I sensed the abnormality, I have closed the space inside the Kingdom of God. No matter how I assassinate Mi No one in Caleb can break the space restriction in a short time. The assassin should still be trapped in the kingdom of God to find him."
The gods took their orders awe-inspiringly, dispersed quickly, and launched a search.
Only Hardy and Apollo did not move. Both and Vol Hera were scanning the surrounding void.
With their strength, they can push the time and space against the current to gain insight into the real scene at the moment when Michael was killed.
However, everything related to Michael's death was erased, and they saw nothing but nothing.
Hardy groaned: "There is only one person I can think of who can sneak into my kingdom of light and assassinate Michael."
Hera: "You are talking about that shameful rebel of Asazli!"
Hardy said: "The murderer should be more than him. I heard that in the process of being hunted down by us, Azazel was closely connected with the heresy Cao Yan in the Green Forest World, so he and he sneaked into the kingdom of God and assassinated Michael. Yes, it may be Cao Yan."
Apollo interjected: "We cannot locate the murderer based on speculation. If there is someone else, wouldn't we miss the real murderer."
He and Cao Yan and Asazil are now secretly allied little partners. The purpose of saying this is to confuse the audience, and only if the water is muddled will there be more opportunities to realize other ideas.
In fact, Apollo is full of shock right now.
He never expected that Cao Yan and Asazli would be so fast, and he killed Michael in a blink of an eye, and it was an assassination operation completed by sneaking into the Kingdom of Light.
Michael's death gave Apollo a strong sense of refreshment and joy.
Asazil once told Cao Yan about the origin of Apollo, he was the illegitimate son of the last king.
His mother was originally Michael's concubine, but was dedicated to the last God King of Light, which led to his mother's final death.
Killing Michael is one of Apollo's greatest wishes.
At this time, following Hera’s order, they searched for one of the leading gods of Cao Yan’s trio. He hurriedly returned and said to Hera: "We went to check the forbidden hub inside the kingdom of God and found that a space exit was opened by someone. It should be the assassin’s. Because, they have gotten away."
Vol Hera just said that the assassin could not break the space restriction of the kingdom of God, and was still trapped in the kingdom of God. In a blink of an eye, her subordinates told her that the assassin opened the space exit and had already run away.
Slaps come too fast like a tornado.
Hera was caught off guard: "How could the space restriction of the Kingdom of God be cracked so quickly?"
Hardy Pruto said: "When the turmoil in the Purgatory of Light occurred, it was because Cao Yan broke the ban of Purgatory and released the prisoners. It is said that this person has unusual talents in semiotics. It is not without that he can open the space blockade of the kingdom of God. may."
Excellent semiotics ability, destroying the ban system of Light Purgatory, this is a real hammer!
In connection with the fact that the murderer who assassinated Michael could break the ban of the Kingdom of God, Cao Yan and Asazil were the murderers, and they were already ready to come out.
Even Apollo fell silent, not speaking.
"Present my order and inform the various planes under the jurisdiction of the Light God System. Commander Michael has been victimized by heresy and has returned to the call of the light source. From now on, all members of my Light God System can deal with Asa. Ziller and Cao Yan are on trial. Anyone related to them will be convicted of heresy and can be judged on the spot."
Vol Hera said again: "Notify all the main gods of Michael's death and let them do their best to recover Cao Yan and Azazel."
Beyond time and space.
On Hestia's main ship, five main gods gathered together. They were shocked just when they received the news of Michael's death.
At the same time, outside of the Green Jungle World, Phlodite, Rhea, and Juno also received news of Michael’s death: "The news from the kingdom of God said that the murderer of Michael, one of them was Cao Yan!"
Frodite's beautiful eyes were filled with consternation and shock.
Rhea and Juno also showed similar expressions, Cao Yan actually has the ability to hunt Michael!
The news of Michael's death caused a stormy turbulence in the Light God System!

When Cao Yan left the world of the gods through teleportation and returned to the city of the sky, Asazli had already left, and the Lord of the Starry Sky decided to stay in the city of the sky to avoid the wind.
Michael was killed, what they need to face next is the full revenge of the Light God Element.
However, the Green Jungle World, because of its existence in the depths of chaos, is like a safe haven and is relatively safe.
Cao Yan had always been cautious. After returning, he immediately gave an order to the city core to hide all traces of the Sky City, and decided to run for a while and watch the situation.
In the city lord’s mansion, in the study, Cao Yan and the lord of the starry sky are sitting on the ground to divide the spoils.
The loot is the spoils brought from Michael. UU reading
In addition to Michael's blood, there is also a ring of the Lord God he wore, containing space, and Michael's possessions are placed in it.
His death caused the ring to be closed and unable to be opened.
However, this is obviously not a problem. After a while, Boss Cao opened the ring and took out the contents.
The most stored in the ring is the crystal of faith, and there are so many crystals of faith that use ‘ton’ as the unit of measurement, which stunned Boss Cao and the Lord of Starry Sky.
The accumulation of faith crystals requires how many fanatical congregations and dedication to faith to transform into it is simply unimaginable.
The Lord of the Starry Sky was originally not very interested in dividing the spoils. When Cao Yan pulled her to divide the things, she made it clear that she did not want any items left by Michael.
However, seeing the millions of faith crystallization in the ring, the Lord of the Stars regretted it, and her latest decision was to participate in the sharing of the spoils.
Slap yourself in the face, the life of the deity is fickle.
The pure crystallization of faith without impurities can quickly improve and restore the divine power and nourish the godhead.
Cao Yan estimated that Michael had brought so much faith crystallization to him, it may be that he himself was injured and needed to speed up the recovery of his injuries.
The Lord of the Stars divided a small part of the crystallization of faith. After leaving, Boss Cao continued to check Michael's relics.
"This old ghost, there are so few things, you must give a bad review."
In addition to the crystallization of faith, there is only a seal of Michael in the ring, which is the status symbol of the commander of his angel army, and a code that has completely dimmed.
Cao Yan flipped through his opinion dictum, but found an unexpected gain.
"Grass... what did I find?"
Cao Yan stared at a page in the code, with a shocked expression on his face after eating a giant melon!
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