Chapter 384: Chaos Dantian, the five people of the heavens

I would like to ask for a recommendation. "Is the country, the widow, the people" as the beginning of this passage. I think that the country, the country, and the nationals are the general subject of this passage, which is equivalent to the subject of a sentence. General discussion... The younger generation will know it. 'Let there be a sin, not a device; let the people die, not migrate.'.... refers to the country, a country must have advanced weapons of the enemy , + Defend your own country, but don't use it easily, so as not to inflict money on the people. 'Although there is a boat, there is no one to take it; although there is a soldier, there is no such thing as it; the people are reconciled, and the rope is used. '... It is the king of the country. A country that is truly a people mainly understands the sympathy of the people and does not want to be arrogant. It is necessary to let its own people fully unite, set the standard for doing things for their own people, give them full freedom, and let the people live a stable life. 'Give it food, beauty in its clothes; settle in its home, enjoy its customs. Neighboring neighbors, chickens and dogs meet: the people die to die, do not interact. '...- Here is the national, the people of a country To live and work in peace and contentment, know to cherish the overall situation of stability and unity To maintain stability and unity of the country, we strive to do that one thing their own their own work, and strive to create wealth, happiness, life is not to worry about food and clothes, in order to achieve the wealthy and strong country.
Later generations must use their heart to understand every word of Tianzun, words such as beads! Tianzun's famous saying: If you want to swear, you will fix it; if you want to be weak, you will be strong; if you want to abolish it, you will be tempered: if you want to take it, you will fix it. It is twilight, weak and strong. Fish can't be taken off the abyss, and the weapon of the country can't show people.

When Li Xuan saw this, he could not help but sink into it. Obviously, Lianshan Yi and Tiantu, among them, are actually a kind of inheritance of the "Lord of the Kingdom of God".
From this point, Li Xuan analyzed that in the view of the universe, Tian Zun (Laozi) is much more great than Copernicus, at least two times ahead of Copernicus. Tianzun not only saw the smallness of the people, the name Change, the path of eternity, and see the long-term nature. This view contains the fact that human beings are small relative to the earth, the earth revolves around the sun, the sun is an eternal star, but the sun is one of the thousands of stars in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is part of many extragalactic galaxies in the universe. Laozi’s understanding of the Tao is like watching the Milky Way from the perspective of the galaxy. The depth of his thoughts is really unmatched. Laozi succinctly puts forward such an argument: there is something mixed, born congenitally, lonely, independent and not changed, Zhou Xing is not jealous; can be the mother of the world, I do not know its name. The day of the strong word ‘dao 7. Strong for the name of the day. Big 7. The day has passed, the day has passed, and the future is reversed. Therefore, the road is big, big, big, and big. There are four big in the domain, and people live in it. Human law, earth law, heaven and law, the Tao is natural.
The hierarchy of Laozi's theory is quite clear. It is natural to say. Therefore, the wind does not end, the showers are not all day. Who is this?
world. Heaven and earth can't be long, but what about people?
Laozi proposed how small is naturally relative to the heavens and the earth. To be imaginary, to keep quiet, and to do everything: I am looking at the complex, the husband and the priest, and returning to the roots; in the roots, the day is quiet, it is the resurrection; the daily life is revived, and the daily life is clear, and I don’t know how often I am guilty. Knowing the common sense, Rong Naigong: The public is the whole, the whole is the heaven; the heaven is the Tao, the Tao is the long; the body is not worthy.
The hierarchical nature of Laozi’s view of the Tao is more clear and clear here. One ring and one ring, there are evidences, interlocking, one circle is bigger than one circle, and it has been chasing the largest universe naturally. . From then on, you can see how great and advanced Laozi’s thoughts are.
Laozi was the first person to make a moral statement. He was also a theorist and practitioner of a firm heart. In Laozi’s thought, Laozi was only convinced of the heart, and regarded everything as a dung, Laozi’s The point is that only the Tao is constant. Apart from this, the purpose of all things is changing. Everything is surrounded by movements, or by the way it becomes beautiful, or by apostasy into evil, in which beauty and evil depend on everything, and The Tao has nothing to do, the nature of the Tao is no, the performance is no movement, the movement is the constantness of the Tao, and the non-transformation reflects the chaos of the Tao. The constantity of the Tao determines that everything must go on its own initiative. Tao, close to the road, looking for the Tao; the chaos of the Tao expresses the selflessness of putting everything in the head and the brain, so that the choice of all things is a useful thing for you, which is not suitable for you. Useless things. The Tao itself will not remind you and will not intervene. Everything is good or bad.
The reason why Jianghai can be the king of Baigu, with its kindness, can be the king of Baigu. It is the sage who wants to go to the people, and it must be said. If you want to be an ancestors, you must be behind you. It is based on the saints and the people are not heavy. It’s based on the world’s music.
Because of its indisputable, the world can not compete with it.
The world is all about me, it seems to be unsightly. The husband is only like a big man. If Xiao, long time! Its fine husband. I have the three treasures to protect and protect: one day, two days, three days do not dare to be the world first. The kindness can be brave, so you can be wide, and you can’t be the leader of the world. Today, I am kind and courageous, and I am reluctant and broad-minded. Fuci, winning by war, is solid with the code. Heaven will save it, and it will be wise.
Good for the scholars is not martial. Good warriors are not angry. Good victory against the enemy does not. Use the people as the best. It is an indisputable virtue. It is the power of employing people. It is said to match the extremes of the sky.
This is the three chapters connected in the morality. Here are a few 'no', no heavy, no harm, no disgust, no dispute, no disobedience, no martial, no anger, no harmony, and so on. These are the broadening of the specific connotation of ‘no’, and they are the first things that the sage advocated by Lao Tzu should pay attention to, and require the ethical person to go before others to do good deeds. This is inconsistent with Lao Tzu’s ‘three days without dare to be the best in the world’. Imagine that 'no weight, no harm, no hate, no dispute, no ugliness, no martial arts, no anger, no peace, etc.'. If a person does not go first, then when will the world have a way?
Li Xuan meditated at this moment, and immediately coincided with some of the ideas of Li Wei’s notes.
"My understanding is that I don't dare to be the first in the world on the 4th and 3rd days." It is not the third treasure advocated by Tianzun. So what is the third treasure? It is very simple, it is 'no'. That is: I have three treasures, and I keep it: one Rici, two days, no, three days, dare to be the first in the world.
The first two treasures of Tianzun are very concise words, but the third treasure is a long sentence, and it is very contradictory in these three paragraphs. It can be seen that the third treasure should not be the third day. For the world first, but 'no'. This word is a keyword that is repeatedly told in the Tianzun moral verse. The younger generation can analyze it carefully. Only this ‘no’ word can be the third baby of Tianzun. Only those who realize this way can make good morals 'not give up', make despicable morals 'not ignorant', and hold the same kindness as Tianzun, oh, no, these three treasures, dare to be the world First, go straight to the world. A savvy person can dare to be the best in the world before he can lead the fascinating avenue. Only in this way can the avenue reproduce the world.
The Seventy-ninth Chapter of the Tao Te Ching says that there must be resentment and resentment, and resentment and morality can be good. It is the sage who holds the left and does not blame others. There is Deschitch, no Deschter. Heaven and pathless, often small with good people.
What is said is that using the avenue to reconcile the big grievances will often leave behind the remaining grievances, and the remaining small grievances will be rewarded with morality, and each other will be able to get good results. Therefore, the saints hold a recognized contract, but they do not intend to blame others. Ethical people do things in accordance with the contract, and unethical people destroy the contract. Heaven is not about family, and the result of giving good people often is very small. It is really a small day for people to be in front of the sky. People can’t work hard to pursue the Tao. It is really impossible.
If the people are not afraid of power, then Dawei will. Innocent of its own, innocent of its birth.
If the people do not fear the majesty of the heavens, they will incur the punishment of the heavenly discipline. Heaven will use the most terrible consequences of 'nothing' to make the road to the homes of the people of the world, with the most terrible consequences of 'no' to abandon the life of the road to create their own life. (Man's life and the home where human beings live are avenues, people enjoy it by humanity, and heaven is destroyed by martyrdom.) The 'no' here is equivalent to 'destroying everything 7', making everything return to the beginnings of heaven and earth. status. ’
Seeing this, Li Xuan subconsciously thought of all kinds of modern society.
Take a look at the ‘512’ earthquake, think about the famine era, and think about how realistic it is to warn the world about Laozi’s words! Christianity believes in a God, and the younger generations do things according to the will of God. The Chinese avenues have not been trusted by the people of the country, so that people use their little cleverness to play with the avenues, and the avenues send heavens in turn, like people playing dogs. To fool 'humans, we also use a ridiculous lie to deceive ourselves. Heaven will never fool people, will not hate people 7, how terrible. Here people cover up the true intentions of Laozi, 'it’s great, and don’t fear the majesty of the avenue. Then the greater threat of heaven will come to the disaster. No one can understand the words of Laozi two or five hundred years ago. It is not the sorrow of Lao Tzu, but the misfortune of the greatness of future generations.
If the people are not afraid of power, then Dawei will. It’s innocent and it’s innocent. I don’t want to be tired of it. It is because the saints know that they are not self-satisfied, and that self-love is not expensive;
What is said is that if the people do not fear the prestige of the heavens, they will incur the punishment of the majesty of the martyrdom. Heaven will use the most terrible consequences of 'destroying everything' to fool the earth created by the avenue, and Heaven will use the most terrible consequences to destroy everything, to despise the creatures created by the avenue. It is only the avenue that can't bear to easily abandon the creatures she created and give humanity to humanity, so that human beings can not be retributed by heaven. Therefore, the saints know that they are not heavens and do not impose their own wishes on the heavens. They care for themselves while not treating themselves as heavens. Therefore, saints do something different, and they all do things according to the road.
"If you dare to dare to kill, you will not dare to live. Is the two profitable or harmful? The evil of the heavens knows what it is. It is difficult for the saints. The way of heaven is not good, but good and good. Don't call for it, but be conscientious. Skynet is restored, not lost.
What this says is: the courage to dare to do is to destroy everything, the courage to dare not do it, will leave room for survival for all things.
Which of the two is beneficial to people and which one is harmful to people? God most hates anyone who can understand the truth of heaven? So the saint is hard to judge at this point. God's way is such a non-disputant, but God is always a general victory, not arguing, but God will always be fulfilled one by one, do not say hello, but God will always come quietly, God seems to be comfortable every day, but he has already put his task Plan it. The big net that God used to calculate is dense, and he will not neglect which thing.
Finally, I will use the words of Tianzun to share with the younger generations:
It is natural to say. Therefore, the wind does not end, the showers are not all day.
Who is this? world. Heaven and earth can't be long, but it's a matter of people - so it's the same as the Taoist, the same as the morality: the German, the same as the German:
Lost, same as lost. Like the Taoist, the Tao is also happy: the same as the German, the German is also happy; the same as the lost, lost in pleasure.
The letter is not enough, there is no trust.
Layer, layer; clear, quiet; black is black, white is white:
Everything in the heavens and the earth, each table is a sex.
Jinmu water and fire soil, east and west, north and south; one word, one thing is dry and one hundred shapes; all kinds of things are all together, and one thing is always infinite:
Mixed chaos, subdivision and peace:
Things are turned into natural layers, and everything depends on their ancestors.
It’s hard to distinguish between Tianwei’s sundries and miscellaneous things. If you want to see clearly, you will not be confused. If you are clear, you will be able to wake up. If you have a miscellaneous right, you will have to pay for it. Things are not things:
At the end of the day, I don’t want to be poor.
Ghosts and gods are self-formed; good and good, evil and evil:
Points, clearly; volume, volume:
Closing Li Wei’s notes, Li Xuan’s real understanding.
This kind of enlightenment is a real horrible realization.
In this process of watching and understanding, the power of faith has all been integrated into the body, the whole body is negative and yang, the real impulse is thought!
Under such circumstances, Li Xuan actually created a chaotic starry sky in Dantian, and truly has the system scale of Dantian's solar system.
The power of faith, all consumption, and even those essences are all consumed. It is actually an understanding and perception of the way of human beings and the way of heaven. Among them, it can only be said that this is a kind of humanity and heaven. Alternate.
The real realization of the martyrdom, in the ‘no’ of the heavens, will there be a monstrous and five declines.
Man is not heaven, man must have only humanity and no heaven. When people enter the realm of heaven, there is a heavenly way, but they cannot change the humanity of human beings.
The road will be fully presented, and the humanity will be presented. Even if it is small, there will still be a decline in nature!
"This is the inheritance of the Lord of the Kingdom of God! It is the true mystery of controlling a country of God! It is also... the best way to kill Erics with the five evils of heaven!"
Li Xuan sighed deep in the bottom of his heart.
Energy has created a chaotic dantian, but it is not too big for the change of the body. The realm of the body only stays in the realm of the sect of the sect, and the will power, after being integrated into the dantian, is still reflected in the five lords of the nine meditations. The soul of the will and the damage is fully restored, but these have nothing to do with Li Xuan’s humanity.
The more you use these, the more the future will be, the more you will be. This is the real specific explanation of the anti-phagosis!
(To be continued)
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