Chapter 499: Angry

The thin and tall men both shuddered at the same time, and the voice actually came out of the black hole, and it was two steps back. . . This retreat just happened to make the tip of the bush behind it slip through the skin.
Just scared, at this time they all did not know the pain of their bodies, just face each other, panic and stunned this strange black hole!
Suddenly, a pale hand stretched out of the black hole, and then another black shadow came out. The bright moonlight shone on the shadows, and it was immediately swallowed as in the case.
The thin and tall men fluttered at the same time, and their hearts fluttered.
The chunky man was so scared that he yelled: "My mother, ghost! Run!" I don't care about the thin man, one person fled first.
The mountains at night were very quiet, and the call went very far.
At this point, how can a thin man be more than a person to stay for a while, did not see the black shadow is something? Is it human? Still a ghost? The lame man fled, and the pudgy man was far away.
It took only a moment of effort to get into the mountains, and they ran faster than when they came.
That black shadow is Li Xuan.
It turned out that he was sucked into a very mysterious space by a powerful gravity.
This space is like a vast universe. It is stepping on the void, and it is dark in front of it. The stars in the distance are flashing. From time to time, some meteors cut through the sky, giving off brilliant colors, and then disappearing in the boundless darkness.
Li Xuan was shocked and thought: "Where is this?"
How can I get here?

With this in mind, I suddenly saw a dazzling white light in the void in front of me. Through the other side of the white light, it turned out to be a scene of violence.

Is this a space ramp, connecting the space between the house and the bushes!

Seeing the thin man was about to take off the girl's apron, Li Xuan was too late to surprise, and the heart was in a hurry, immediately screamed.
Suddenly seeing each other's anger, remembering that the thin and tall men are martial arts, if they venture into it, they can not save people, but they lose their lives. The situation was urgent, and Li Xuan couldn’t think of it. At this time, I couldn’t help but sneak up on myself and rashly, and immediately pretend to be an old-fashioned like to kill them.
I expected them to do such a devastating thing, most of them look nervous, suspicious, or they will not want to let go. It is a good idea to fully exploit this advantage and intimidate them.
Unexpectedly, using this meter, they really scared them down and stunned.
Li Xuan’s heart was overjoyed, and immediately he got out of the alien space and ran to the girl. Picking up the women's outerwear that was thrown on the ground, walked quickly to the woman's side and leaned over to put the coat on her.
The black hole behind him disappeared automatically as he walked out.
I saw that the girl was closed and lying on the ground, the red apron had been taken off her chest, revealing the white ski skin and cleavage. The apron was half-opened to cover the towering breasts. Under the soft moonlight, it was faintly visible, making her look beautiful.
At this moment, a cold wind blew, and the apron opened to the right for more than half, revealing the entire breast on the left. The girl who is still fainting seems to feel a little cold and trembles slightly.
Seeing this fascinating scene, Li Xuan’s heart slammed and suddenly the blood was pouring up, but the hands holding the clothes stopped moving, thinking:
This person is no worse than his former girlfriend? People have a beautiful and touching feeling."
The eyes stayed on her for a moment, and Li Xuan thought in his heart: "This girl is so full, it is no wonder that the two individuals are going to kidnap this person. Hey, I’m just afraid that they are also feeling cool enough? Hey, no one is right now. ,I….."
This thought has just started, Li Xuanzhen secretly said: "The husband should be in the top of the earth, how can you do this kind of mean villain. How do you do this with the two of them? How can you be guilty? Do you want to chase and go to the bubble?"
Seeing the fainting girl lying down in the ground, she didn’t tremble, knowing that she was cold, and now she was dispelling distracting thoughts. She wanted to put her clothes on her body and sighed, just wanting to get up.
Suddenly, a message of threat to life, an inexplicable fear, filled with Li Xuan’s brain.
Li Xuan’s heart trembled and his face changed. The subconscious is telling yourself that you must hurry to dodge, otherwise you will have a life worry.
Li Xuan no longer hesitated, immediately rolled on the ground, rolled out two feet, panic, heard a woman's contempt not far from the ear, then heard another whisper, what kind of object Call yourself.
I saw a cold light passing by myself, Li Xuan scared a big jump, screaming "good insurance!" Suddenly, the right leg was sore, and the pain in the moment spread throughout the body, could not help but "ah" A scream, another cold light stabbed his right leg.
It turned out that Li Xuan did not escape the first road in time, but the second cold light seems to have counted Li Xuan's back road, and this cold light is a quick one. When Li Xuangang avoided the first road, the second cold light was like lightning, and he stabbed his right leg directly.
Li Xuan had a distorted face, and the cold sweat of the bean was straight. He only felt the whole body numb, dizziness, heavy eyelids, and a big shock in his heart. One thought couldn’t help but shouted: "Poisonous! This is poisonous!! Is it... .. Are you dead like this?
The person who used to use the hidden weapon was not someone else. It was the purple girl who was swimming in the river by the cliff during the day.
Tonight, she just meditated on the treetops in the middle of the tree. I heard someone in the distance shouting "My mom? Ghost?"
I was very curious in my heart. When I jumped up and swayed my toes between the branches, I leaped to the sound source.
Standing in the treetops, I saw a man in a clothed coat, holding a woman's coat, and looking at the half-naked girl lying in the ground. Looking at it, the man seemed to be squatting.
The girl in purple immediately became furious, and the murder machine rose sharply. She touched the hidden weapon in the waist box and raised her hand. The two cold lights went up one by one, one left and one right, and quickly rushed to Li Xuan.
The two cold light is the soul of the martial arts people who are frightened by the wind. It is also one of the most sinister and most overbearing hidden weapons in the world.
Soul Soul Silver Needle is made of silver iron. It has a special material. It is seven inches long and has a poisonous body. The Chinese are killed on the spot and will instantly become black water. It is not only that there is no medicine to save, but also that it cannot be rescued.
Imagine that when a person turns into concentrated water in an instant, even if there is a miracle medicine, it cannot be healed.
Soothe silver needle is usually hidden in the concealed sleeve of her waist seal. If it is not a life-threatening situation, the purple girl will never take it out. However, she was the one who most hated the women of the drama. At this time, she saw Li Xuanzheng's implementation of "猥亵", and immediately angered the smoke, and did not think much, and immediately gave him two souls of silver.
She has always liked nostalgia. At this time, I saw the man screaming after the needle. I expected that this person would be killed on the spot, too lazy to take care of this matter, and slightly left, and left.
I know that the girl in purple has not yet walked a dozen steps, and suddenly I heard someone roaring there.
What do you say about Wang Ba Lazi, so mean, dark arrows hurt people?
The big heart shocked, and it fell from the branches. Fortunately, she worked hard, and her right hand shot on the trunk, and then she stopped and stopped.
The purple girl holding the sword of the sword was tight and surprised. She thought, "Is he, he is still alive? No, this is impossible. Can anyone who has a soul in the soul never live in the world?"
I am afraid that this moment has already become a black water! Is it hidden in the dark? I didn’t find it myself? Seeing that you are gone, you will scream?

When the purple girl was hesitating to guess, she heard that a man was roaring again, saying that the despicable villain who hurts the dark arrow, rolled him out, he still did not die? The heart was shocked, and I didn’t expect a person who had a silver needle in the soul to survive.
Soul Soul Silver Needle is the most sinister hidden weapon in the world, and the Chinese will be killed on the spot!
For the soul of the soul of the soul, the purple girl is very clear.
At this point, he was shocked, and when the memories of the powerful characters in the rivers and lakes were repeated, how could anyone guess that this was so powerful? In the middle of the soul of the silver needle like nothing, still can scream loudly?
Even the most top peers in the martial arts today smashed the soul of the soul, they had to take the opportunity to take drugs immediately, and they still have to talk, although they can slightly delay the onset of toxicity, but in the end it is a death.
I can't think of breaking my head, but when I am in the martial arts today, who can stop this "Suo Soul Silver Needle"?
She clearly remembers that when she used the soul of the soul to kill a notorious thief Yang Liu, he saw his body instantly become a black water. First, the muscles, then the bones are all corroded into black water.
Looking back, I still make her vomit.
This is one of the reasons why Li Xuanzhong did not want to stay there and immediately left after the hidden weapon.
The girl in purple thought with a glimpse of her mind, remembering one thing: "Master once said that there seems to be something in the world that can break the soul of silver needles. It is said to be the inner ice of the Millennium Hall of the 'Hail Palace'. Hail Fu's has not appeared in the rivers and lakes for at least a hundred years. The millennium hail is a rare thing in the world. How can it happen to a very low-ranking farmer casually? Let's say 'Hail Palace' It’s a woman, and it’s even more impossible to hand over the hail’s Nei Dan to a man? Isn’t there a middle arrow at all?

Immediately thought of the purpose of this trip, the purple girl turned and thought: "Does the enemy know that I am going to seek revenge? Deliberately set this trap so that I can get in. - I think I am careful, let me observe for a while." "I just want to jump back to the original and observe around the bushes."
At this moment, the purple girl heard the other person roaring, her face was blue, and thought: "Like him, such a thief, everyone is stunned." Now the light work, rushing to the bushes.
After the poisoning device, Li Xuan only felt that life seems to be losing quickly, the eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and the consciousness is gradually blurred.
At this point, his life is in danger!
"It seems that I really have to die here this time."
Li Xuan thought that he would die in the future. Suddenly he felt a warm current in the depths of his brain, and he quickly flowed to the body. The whole body became warm in a moment, and the numbness disappeared in a blink of an eye. Without a trace, the lost life energy seems to have come back again, and like a new force, the whole body is full of activities, and the consciousness is suddenly clear.
Li Xuan hurriedly bowed his head to the lap, only to see a small silver needle stuck in his leg, only revealing an inch or so of the needle, immediately clenched the root of the tooth, extended to take the needle and pull it up.
"Zizi!" A black blood rushed out and splashed around the grass.
As soon as the grass was stained with black blood, it was withered and withered. "Ah!" Li Xuan screamed again.
Heartbreaking pain!
The lips were also bitten by him, and the sweat of the beans appeared on the forehead, but Li Xuanqiang endured the pain. Waiting for the black blood to run out, only hold the wound by hand to stop bleeding, the other hand picks up the silver needle and sees the object in his hand. It is actually a seven-inch-long poison.
Immediately, he was scared and trembled, and his heart was tumbling. He thought: "So long poisons, if you hit an important part of your body, you have a life-saving reason? Who is so poisonous? Take my life?"
Thinking of this, a group of raging anger rose, immediately burned his eyes, could not help but swear: "Fuck! Which Wang Ba Lazi, so mean, even a dark arrow hurts! There is a kind of you give Laozi rolled out!" He said, he threw the silver needle out.
Li Xuan’s anger was so loud that he passed very far in the silent night.
After a while, Li Xuan still did not see someone coming out, could not help but screamed: "Only the despicable villain who hurts the dark arrow, get out quickly, the old man has not died yet!"
After a while, the people hiding in the dark still did not come out.
The anger of Li Xuan’s heart is even more powerful. When he was saving people, he was subjected to other people’s calculations. He almost died in this way. He even had a male or female counterpart. He was always young and didn’t know. ! Immediately shouted: "The dog wolf raises, fucking, not afraid to come out is the dog wolf!"
I suddenly heard a woman's cold voice: "Oh, let's take a good look. You won't have this chance in the future! Don't think that I have escaped my silver needle. I think my life is very tough. I have to wash my neck and wait for me to take your dog!"
Listening to the voice of a woman, Li Xuan first stunned, and then heard the voice of the person is very contemptuous, not taking his life seriously, want to take the time to take it, immediately anger: "you This vicious woman, as long as you dare to come out, I will take off your clothes, first j..."
When I said this, I didn’t know when I suddenly saw a figure in front of me. When Li Xuan saw the people coming, I was scared to face all the time. I was swallowed up by the words
first kill and then kill
. .
(To be continued)
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