Chapter 545: Robbery

Among the dark clouds, the electric light is one after another. It can be seen in the dark clouds. Many of the clouds like the strange animals and the dragon birds and pavilions change and disappear in a flash. It is very beautiful.
Li Xuan was amazed at this sudden change in the weather. When I looked back at the Jinwei Yuxi, I saw that it was still a beautiful poisonous worm that was arrogant and arrogant. At this time, it suddenly shook and shook, and in both eyes, Yuhua continued to flow. On the other end of the head, the lower the pressure, the darkness of the sky, the sound of the "beep" of expectation and fear.
Seeing the performance of Yuxi at this time, Li Xuan’s heart was puzzled.
Why was it just so arrogant, but now it has become such a shrinking look, he is puzzling, doubts, and could not help but look up to the day.
I saw that the ever-collecting ink clouds rolled over, as if they were summoned, and quickly moved closer to the valley from all directions. The coin-sized raindrops would be like a cannon. The surrounding woods were blown by the wind and rain, and they rang into a sound of waves. Like the galloping horses, the sound of thunder and lightning was deafening. Looking around, all the rain is pouring down, the mud splashing, and the muddy water splashing around, Li Xuan disappeared, only one hand raised, waving a purple light to cover his body shape. At this time, I will look at the golden-tailed jade, which is also fragrant and vomiting. I exchanged a condensed fluorescent mist to cover myself. I was screaming on the 1st. Look at the jade, and then look at the sky wrath, Li Xuan heart suddenly flashed a flash of light, a smile on his face, a secret smile: "I did not expect that I am really open today, after seeing the ancient relics, then It’s this demon repairing thunder, it’s interesting!
Thinking about it, he retreated to the top of the woods not far away, and shook his body, and the purple light disappeared. He was condescending and focused on the jade in the middle of the valley.
Because of the peaks around the valley, it was born to be steep and exuberant, and it increased the rain. In a short time, the rain on the top of the four sides was gathered into dozens of hanging waterfalls from the heights, like a galaxy falling down. For a time, the mist was filled, and beyond ten feet, it was a smog of smoke.
While watching the jade, Li Xuan also looked at the raindrops around the valley from time to time. As a result, it seemed to be a bit of fun, and even the deafening sound was not so bothering.
This white jade gold-tailed pheasant is an ancient god. Since the day of its birth, it has been a big inspiration. It is a natural way to spit, so it can change the size of the body without a thousand years. Out of the earth's crust, enjoy the bright and boundless life of this world. Even so, but because of his own internal Dan, can not be transformed into human form, can not get involved in the red dust: Therefore, in this 100,000 mountains to find two poisonous insects, some help to strengthen their day and night, until today You're done, you can get yin and yang, reversing your own strength, and completing the third transformation.
That knowledge has just become a reality, and the ontology and the inner Dan have not yet fully integrated, and the thunder robbery can no longer wait to come, how to prevent it from panicking.
The rain is getting bigger and bigger, just in time for this meeting, the dark clouds above the mouth of the valley have become thicker than the tides. The clouds on all sides are like a galloping horse on the 1st, endlessly going to Jinweiyu. The sky on the is gathering. But seeing the darkness of the sky, the dense raindrops burst into a tidal wave of noise, and the whole world seems to be awkward.
The cloud seems to have reached a tipping point. Daddy, the electric light in the dark clouds, like a golden snake, smashed, only flashed, rumbling... A big bang, like a dragon in the sky, breaking through the dark sky, hitting the valley The corner. The water mist that enveloped the valley, after the thunder and lightning, all turned into a faint silk, scattered with the wind, and the white jade powder group wrapped with jade was also trembling in this thunder.
After the first thunder, the sky was flashing and the thunder was loud. The big bangs followed for a while, the sound of the bang and the sound of the empty valley echoed like a landslide, and it was shocking. Only the mountains and rocks on the peaks of the four peaks were splashed, and the storms began to rise. At the same time, the raindrops became as big as a wine glass, as if the hail was covered with a slap in the face.
But what makes Li Xuan strange is that although the thunder and lightning of the sky is ringing, it only ignites within the range of three or four feet around the Jinwei jade. Although it is a mess of the ground, it goes there. The jade in the trembling fell.
So about the scene of a cup of tea, the thunder gradually became dense, and the electric light in the valley slowly approached the jade that was next to it. When it was close to Jinwei Yuxi and Zhang Xuyuan, suddenly From the general mist of the white jade powder group, a white red light with a dark red color is mixed with it. It is like a long rainbow, like a fat like milk. Inside it, a white crystal pearl with a fist size is revealed. Meteor, rushing straight into the sky, must be in the meantime, and the valley is bright, it seems to be brighter than the electric light.
At this time, there was a lightning bolt with a bowl of mouth that hit the jade, but in the middle of the white rainbow, it was invisible in midair. The thunder was higher and higher, and after the white light was scattered, the crystal beads wrapped around it fell to the jade. However, it seems that I don't want to let the jade rest in general. I didn't wait for the white light to completely engulf the jade, and I heard a loud bang, and there was another lightning in the air. Then Bai Hong revived and shattered the thunder. It seems like this three times and three behind, until the thunder stops, but the white light wrapped in Nedan is weak, it seems that the robbery is not so easy to deal with.
Seeing this jade's Nei Dan has such power only by one photo, Li Xuan can not help but be a little surprised, and then look at the past.
However, this time, Yuxi did not take back the Nedan, but still hung in the sky above his head. Although the golden light is bright and bright, it is not as dazzling as before. At this time, look at the top of the jade, I saw that the sky robbery can not be compressed to the center, layered, as if brewing a more powerful attack.
The thunder rumbled, the clouds continued to pile up, and there were always silver snakes moving in the meantime. In a short time, it was not far from the peaks around the valley. After a long while, the cloud seemed to reach a critical point again, only to hear a bang, and suddenly the cloud peak collapsed and the ground moved. The lightning that fell this time seems to be somewhat different from the previous one. I saw that in the darkness, I took out a pale blue giant electric dragon, turning seven turns and eight bends, and hitting the golden tailed jade in the valley.
In the moment when the blue lightning appeared, I saw only the suspended jade, the inner spur of the Guanghua earthquake, like a silky jade, like a round of moon, directly shining through the valley. In the middle of the day, I saw the inner rainbow, and Baihong rushed into the sky. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, which made a small valley crumbling. Countless rocks and trees fell from the cliffs around it, accompanied by wine glasses. Raindrops, splashing a lot of muddy water, the momentum is not stunned: Look at that half-empty, Baihong did not complete the mission as it did last time, only see the white light in the sky, the blue electric dragon defeated Baihong, just one Pause, the momentum is not reduced, still on the 1st to come to the jade.
Seeing that the white rainbow was broken, the jade seemed to be a little panicked, and suddenly a horrified '嘬呜' sounded, and the white mist around it was slamming inward, and the inner end of the head turned into a white light. Into the fog, just inside, it is like a kind of aura, the thick white fog tumbling up and spreading around, the effort of blinking, the whole valley is already white mist, can not be objectified, even with Li Xuan’s eyesight could not penetrate.
In the valley filled with white mist, the raging wind of rvl rolled up the boundless white waves, like the sea rushing, and like the brocade flying, people can not help but produce a tragic and beautiful feeling.
After the blue lightning defeated the white rainbow, it fell from the fog to the thickest and thickest part of the fog. In the moment of hitting, there was no huge sound in the imagination. I saw that the white mist was like cotton, and it was undulating. A wave of peaks has electricity, and only blink of an eye, the blue lightning has disappeared invisible. In addition to the rolling sea of ​​fog, only the thunder of the top is roaring.
At the moment when the electric dragon dissipated, the robbery cloud in the sky seemed to be angry. In the strong hurricane, it slowly turned and gradually formed a huge black vortex with the center of the valley as the center. Thunder and lightning, staggered and danced, more and more dense, dazzling, it seems like a black cloud, a huge grid, demon and intriguing; under the vortex, you can feel the kind of suffocation A strong sense of oppression.
"Oh..." Under the infinite pressure of the black vortex, the white misty sea in the valley was surprisingly calm, as if it was accumulating strength, smooth white fog surface, milky light, letting the wind scream, Just condensed, looking from afar, it looks like a piece of gelatin cheese.
Looking at the changes in the valley, Li Xuan could not help but sigh, and said: "I didn't expect that a golden-tailed jade scorpion with such a temperament would have such a sturdy force. If this thing is a good thing, then it will be enough. He had previously forced the reversal of yin and yang, and Wei’s move to Inner Dan was undoubtedly a bit of a suspicion of destructiveness. It was actually more harmful than self-improvement. Moreover, the internalization of Nei Dan has not yet fully integrated with the ontology, and its strength can play up to four out of five! Looking at the situation at hand, the last three thunders are not easy to pass through..." I thought that I could not help but regret the fate of this ancient legacy.
At this moment, suddenly, a big bang blew up in Li Xuan’s ear. He hurriedly lifted the limit and saw that the center of the vortex suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, just a flash of light. Without a fancy squat, its speed is not a grade compared to the previous one.
Probably just a blink of an eye, when Li Xuan was sorrowful, he heard a scream of "squeaky" sound from the white misty sea. The next moment, he felt a white light in front of him, and a huge impact sound followed. Along with the strong and unparalleled enthusiasm, the muddy water of the sky was rolled up, and the valley was swept away from the center of the valley. Wherever it went, the fog dissipated, the crust was lifted, and numerous huge rock cracks were cracked and exposed on the surface. Outside... In the sky, the whirlpool of the robbery cloud rotates on the 1st, and is still brewing for the next round of attack.
When the white light disappeared, Li Xuan was shocked by the scene in front of him; I saw that there was a clearness in the valley, and there was still a shadow of white fog. A piece of cracked rock was exposed on the surface, and those trees that were still lush in the early days were left with only a pile of trees that were still smoking blue smoke. Looking around, there is a rainy column, a slap in the face, but I don’t see the figure of the jade... "Oh! Unfortunately, it’s a dry practice, but it was destroyed under Tianwei!" Li Xuan said to himself, It seems to be hurt, just waiting to leave, but I heard a slight "squeaky" sounding at my feet, my heart was shocked, I looked down and saw that a large jade was half-sized at this time. Submerged in the rising rain, the white jade carving body is now green, purple, a pair of agate eyes like this time dim light, is fixed to look at Li Xuan standing, full of unwilling.
"The gods are the gods, and even the stealth technique can be discovered by it!" At the moment, Li Xuan withdrew the stealth technique and walked to the front of the white jade gold tail. He said: "It’s a pity that the bones and the earth have given you a good bone. However, it must be turned into nothing under this thunder! You can sigh d net! But it is also your own self-sufficiency, if it is not your yin and yang harmonization, greed, and your talents, just temper yourself, how Can you not be able to resist the few thunders in this area? It is always unstable, and there is no place to take the work." After that, especially since he shook his head, he looked sorry.
Li Xuan’s voice just fell, and he saw the two giant tongs in the jade, a basin-sized head slammed into Li Xuan’s head, and his mouth was humming, and it looked like he was pleading. .
Looking at the appearance of the jade, Li Xuan couldn't help but smile and said: "Well! I didn't expect you to be a poisonous insect. You also know how to judge the situation... well! And it is not easy to learn in your thousands of years of practice, but also understand the path of benevolence. The poor road will take care of you today! Help you!"
That Yuxi listened to Li Xuan's words, but also put a jade head like the rattle, and there was a faint mist in the eyes of the agate.
Seeing that Yuxi actually understands humanity, Li Xuan is waiting for a few words, and he hears thunderous rumbling from the top of his head. From far and near, he knows that he can’t be mistaken at this moment of emergency. He doesn’t talk at the moment, only one hand is flying. The ground rotation changed, and it was necessary to see a lavender halo centered on him, swaying outwards, one after another, layered together, interlocking: no more breathing time, one The powerful ban of the circle superimposed by the thirty-six defensive arrays has formed over the sky of Li Xuan and Yuxi. Due to the large number of arrays, at this time, Li Xuan’s top ten feet of air, Jing Xuan Xuan Ming presents a dark purple cloud of about acre, the five elements of aura that are automatically absorbed, no need for external traction, Come back and forth, faintly bursting into a crisp explosion.
Li Xuan knows that this thunderbolt will only be stronger than one, plus the relationship of time, so he will not retain it when he is deployed. At this time, his understanding of the five-line array method is no longer a practice in the practice circle. If he can give him a little more time, he believes that he can superimpose a more perfect and powerful prohibition.
Li Xuan’s defense ban was just completed. Sure enough, he heard a loud bang from the top of the head. In the dark vortex center, he slammed out an electric dragon with a claw and a claw, and the silver snake danced and rushed down. Xuan was banned; suddenly, the wind and the wind between the heavens and the earth, under the strong pressure, Li Xuan stood quietly, his brows deep lock, he could feel the powerful power of this thunder. In the meantime, there was a loud bang, and the electric dragon plunged to the acre of the size of the purple cloud. It seemed to be ruined, and the strong ban on one layer was broken in front of this natural force, but the power of lightning was also Slowly weakened, when the last ban was broken, only a thin flash of thumb was left, and under the wave of Li Xuanxin, it disappeared.
"The power of the array is really different!" Li Xuan is very satisfied with the prohibition of his own, who does not want to do things that he does not want to contribute? In fact, if Li Xuan is also like Yu Yu, using the body and himself to cultivate hard, I am afraid that his end will be worse than the jade.
Human cultivation is uniquely endowed. Not only is there a large number of martial arts schools, but it can be arbitrarily selected among them, and the various bans of the law, the magic of the medicinal herbs, and so on, are not comparable to the demon repair. But naturally, the martyrdom, the creation of the gods, there is no care and superiority, there must be a loss, always find a proper intersection between the gains and losses; but those who are born with tyranny, they must have a fatal weakness, or congenital The shortcomings are always not perfect, and the deep meaning, the willingness of the people, the voices of the teachers, and the different opinions are always different.
Li Xuanzheng was gratified. Suddenly, he found that the world seemed to be quiet all the time. Even if it was like a downpour, I didn’t know when it stopped. In an instant, everything was still, and it seemed that even the world stopped. Turn. In the suspicion, Li Xuan could not help but look up. I saw that Tianyu was completely dark at this time. During the time, the stars were a little bit, but only the sky above the valley was rolling in the dark clouds. I don’t know how thick it is, dazzling, like It is a cloud-mountain in the sky, and it is not a bit interesting under the stars of the surrounding electricity.
However, Li Xuan did not dare to use this leisurely to examine the robbery cloud hanging over his head. He knows that there is still the last Tianlei brewing, and its power must be greater than any of the previous ones. Read this, just want to arrange, you see that Yu Yu suddenly put a body up, the voice of "squeaky" in his mouth is rushing, the eyes seem to have a sense of panic, a big tongs pointing to the top . At the same time, "哧拉拉..." The sound of the landslide, the cloud mountain collapsed, the thick clouds, such as the ink poured, and rolled in all directions, suddenly the wind rags, and the starry sky is also submerged. .
(To be continued)
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