Chapter 108: Madeline's response

   Li Yue is now in a house where the nerd bought the identity information of others, and the tracking chip installed by the Water Company on Li Yue has already been directly smashed into pieces by Li Yue. Therefore, no one knows that Li Yue is still alive except Starlight!
   And Li Yue is not worried about the outsider's verbal abuse. If he expects it to be good, things should be reversed immediately.
   But Madeleine, as the vice president of Water Corporation, could not help but pay attention to these things. Since the media spread this incident, most of the people who eat melons have chosen to stand on the side of the superhero. After all, Guardian Superman is a superhero called a spiritual leader!
   And their Water Company is also faced with a choice. The first choice is to follow the voice of the vast majority of the public and publicly support the protection of Superman and condemn Thunder’s illegal behavior.
   The advantage of this choice is that it is consistent with the public opinion and can get the support of most people. After this incident, Water Company will also suffer as little as possible from the economic losses.
   But the disadvantage is that if you publicly support the Superman, it is likely to anger the Thunder. If the Thunder really defeated and killed the Superman as shown in the video, then this choice is undoubtedly establishing a strong enemy for the Water Group! An enemy more powerful than Superman!
   The second option is to publicly support the Thunder, but this offends the public and does not necessarily win the Thunder's favor. However, there is still an opportunity for Thunder to have a good impression on Water, and will no longer fight against Water in the future!
   But Madeleine can clearly feel in Thunder's conversation with himself, he has no respect for himself, and should not have a good impression of Water Company! So the situation where he does not fight against his own side is almost insignificant!
   In this case, supporting Superman is undoubtedly the best choice, but Madeleine had to consider the consequences of Thunder's anger. If the Thunder and the Water Company are enemies, there is no way they can resist, a superhuman who can kill Superman!
   Therefore, Madeleine was caught in a dilemma! She could not make up her mind, but as the vice president of Water Corporation, she must make this decision without the intervention of the president and other senior personnel!
   Of course, she can also choose to be silent, not to support either of Superman and Thunder, but this method will not lead to the worst result, but it will also not lead to a good result.
  After this kind of thing happened, when they did not stand up for Water Company, no doubt, many people would point the finger at Water Company, accusing them of inaction!
   Madeleine's head is about to explode. Not only did she receive countless inquiries today, but many of the other's identities are people who can't offend themselves. After all, those who comforted them with words and words, now face this dilemma!
   thought about it, and finally Madeleine still had a decision, she called her assistant directly!
   "Go ahead and arrange for a press conference to be held in an hour, and make sure that all major media are present! Also, be sure to strengthen the security measures on site and avoid any unexpected situations!"
   Madeleine instructed the assistant who came in, thinking about it and then asking.
   "Right, did the person who posted the video find it?"
"The vice president, after the efforts of the technical staff, has found the information of the person who posted the video. It is a Chinese person. But when our people rushed to his residence, they found that the room was empty, there was no silhouette, and it was OK. Seeing that he is in a hurry!"
   "Later we found out that he suddenly bought an airline ticket and hurried back to Huaxia. It should have been found that we were looking for him, so he hurried away. Vice President, shall we continue to chase him?"
  The female assistant told the story originally, and did not forget to ask Madeleine what to do next!
   "Well... Since I'm back in China, let's forget it. We are not suitable for big movements in China, let alone such a big thing now!"
   "Well, you go down to prepare for the press conference!"
   Madeleine listened to the female assistant's words, and didn't have much entanglement. She gave up the idea of ​​looking for the Chinese man again. Originally, this command was issued when the event just happened, the purpose is to find the video publisher as soon as possible, control it, and not let things spread quickly.
   However, it doesn’t make much sense even if the video publisher is caught!
The time passed quickly, and the hour was fleeting, and the news that the Water Company was about to officially hold a press conference quickly reached the ears of various news media. Countless large and small media and newspapers sent their own The reporter quickly rushed to Water.
   is now overwhelming with all kinds of speculations about the cause of the battle between Superman and Thunder, but more is still on the side of Superman, accusing Thunder.
   "And at this time, Water Company is going to hold a press conference, is there a result?"
  Almost all the reporters who came to the press conference carried this idea. And after an hour, the release was held as scheduled!
  This press conference is different from usual, there are no other superheroes to attend, and the only vice president of the company is Madeleine.
  Like the normal press conference, Madeleine first came up with a brief introduction of the purpose of holding the press conference, and then the time for the following media reporters to ask questions!
   "Ms. Madeleine, how do you explain the battle between the superheroes of your company, Huguoman and Thunder that happened today? For what reason did they fight each other out?"
   A female reporter took the lead to stand up, ask questions, and go straight to the topic without any nonsense!
   "For what happened today, between Guoguo Superman and Thunder, when I first heard the news, I was just as disbelief as is also very confused."
"But Guoguo Superman and Thunder are both superheroes under our company. We have to blame for such a thing. So I'm sorry to everyone here! It's a shame that this incident has brought you so much Big trouble!"
   "At the same time, we are also working hard to investigate the cause of the matter. I believe that we will give you a perfect answer soon. Please give us a little time and patience."
   Madeleine was already prepared. She first expressed her apology for the situation this time, and said that she was also unaware of the matter between Hu Guoman and Thunder, but the company was working hard to investigate the whole story.
"Now the vast majority of the people on the Internet are supporting Huoguoren as the righteous party, condemning Thunder as the evil party, and Huoguoman is only trying to stop the Thunder from committing crimes! I don’t know which side your company supports is just? ?"
   Another reporter stood up and asked the question that almost all reporters on the scene wanted to know the answer!
"I'm sorry, I'm inconvenient to answer this question for the time being, because no one can know what happened exactly before the matter has been investigated, but I can guarantee that we will definitely stand on the side of justice and will not shield criminals and criminals! "
   Madeleine's answer is full of justice, sincere and firm tone
   At this serious conference, everyone's mobile phones are almost silent. However, when everyone's mobile phones vibrate at the same time, the sound can be clearly heard!
   "Shock! The talents of protecting Guochao are real villains? Netizens are furious! After reading you, you will understand what you have to say between Superman and Thunder!"
   A big headline appears on the mobile phones of all reporters on the scene!
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