Vol 2 Chapter 1392: The power of sword energy

However, for a girl, the sword energy can be easily condensed at any time.
For the martial artists of the entire martial arts world, it is a rare scene in a century.
Because in the entire martial arts world, there has been close to a hundred years, and no real kendo supreme has appeared.
Therefore, this kind of existence that can condense sword energy has become a legend in the martial arts world.
Although many people have heard of it, they never saw it with their own eyes.
And this time, the martial arts sword energy released by the girl was the first time everyone present saw real sword energy in their lives.
Therefore, the sword energy released by the girl instantly caused a great shock in everyone's hearts.
Even at this time, as the girl's opponent, he was almost dazzled by anger and condensed all the martial arts to attack the girl. At this time, after this sword aura appeared, he instantly woke up.
Afterwards, thinking of the legendary record of the Supreme Swordsman who can condense martial arts and sword energy, Dahan couldn't help feeling very regretful in his heart.
If you say that what you provoke at this time is just an ordinary warrior, even if the opponent has a higher realm than himself.
Then even if you lose to the opponent, you still have a chance to escape.
But facing the swordsman supreme who only existed in the legend, at this time he had no intention to fight in his heart.
Being able to release sword energy, the strength gap between himself and the opponent is already very obvious.
Although Dahan had been dazzled by anger before, he did not realize the gap between them.
But at the moment the girl condensed sword energy, he instantly realized the difference in strength between the two sides.
Because even though the opponent's sword aura had just condensed, he had already felt an unrivaled aura of destruction at close range.
It seemed that as long as he came into contact with this sword qi, he would be completely destroyed in an instant.
Moreover, as a martial artist in the realm of the martial arts master, he can also feel the powerful aura that the girl releases at that moment when she releases her sword aura.
If you say that the martial arts master's momentum he just condensed is a turbulent tide.
So the moment the girl condensed her sword energy just now, the aura that she showed was the surging sea.
Just a momentary leak of breath made the big man seem to have experienced the shadow of death once.
At this moment, he can only disregard everything and gather all his martial arts qi on his arms.
But he did this not to continue attacking the girl in front of him, but to use all his martial arts qi to resist the martial arts sword qi that the girl just released with a single sword.
Although he has used all his own martial arts true energy to condense the martial arts qi, ready to resist the opponent's attack.
But the big man still couldn't feel the slightest sense of security.
Because the moment the opponent had just condensed his sword energy, he still felt a little frightened by the destructive aura that he released.
And now, even though he had gathered all his martial arts qi, he still didn't have the confidence to be able to resist the condensed sword qi of the opponent.
But under the rush of time at this time, he has no other way.
Moreover, he was originally a martial arts master who was known for his physical tyranny. If even his existence could not stop this sword aura at this time, then I am afraid that in the entire martial arts world, it would be difficult for anyone to stop this sword aura. .
So at this moment, the big man can only choose to resign himself to his fate.
If the other party really wants his own life, then judging from the destructive aura that the other party has just released, there is absolutely no chance that he will survive.
However, between this life and death, the big man was not completely panicked.
His own martial arts comprehension has even made some progress at this moment, as if he is one step closer to the legendary martial arts master realm.
If you find a quiet place to retreat at this time, you may soon be able to break through to the realm of the martial arts master.
However, the situation at this time naturally did not support him to find a place to retreat.
He can only pray that he can block the girl's sword energy, otherwise, let alone breaking through the realm of the great master in the future, I am afraid that this time he will be lucky to leave alive.
It is said that there will be great horror between life and death.
But correspondingly, wandering between life and death, the perception of one's own martial arts has a tremendous increase.
Some people, just between this kind of life and death, suddenly break through their original realm.
However, even though the big man had more insights into his martial arts at this time, he still regretted it very much, and did not want to face such a life and death crisis again.
After all, as long as you are still alive, there are many possibilities.
But once you die, there is nothing left.
Under the shock of everyone, there are times when the big man regrets.
The girl has completely condensed a radiant sword energy.
Sword Qi gushed out, instantly spanning a distance of more than ten meters, and came directly in front of the big man.
Let it have no time to evade at all.
At this moment, facing the brilliant sword energy that came to him in an instant, the big man only felt that he was instantly enveloped by a huge shadow of death.
It seemed that in front of him, there was not a sword aura, but a sickle wielded by the of death.
Of course, in this world, they naturally didn't know that there was a of death holding a sickle.
However, at this time, he felt as if he was completely covered by death, but he couldn't be faked at all.
The sword energy didn't hesitate at all, it slashed directly on the body of the big man!
The martial arts gang qi that the big man gathered his body's martial qi into, was instantly cut directly, as if it could not stop the sword qi's edge.
At this moment, the big man could even really feel that his sword energy pierced his hard skin, and then his body was instantly cut in half.
Death seemed to be so close to him for the first time.
However, the big man felt that he was about to die, and his consciousness at this time was only the last moment of dying.
A powerful impact force spewed out from the sword energy in an instant.
However, although this impact was so great that he could not resist it at all, it didn't seem to cut his skin directly.
He was pushed back by this impact.
In the eyes of outsiders, ~EbookFREE.me~, a bright sword energy instantly rushed to the big man who was still in the air.
After that, the big man's body was not directly cut in half, but was pushed back continuously by the brilliant sword energy.
However, during this period, the sword energy that was originally less than one meter has been constantly growing.
In a short moment, it has risen to more than ten meters.
The half-moon-shaped sword energy, the lower part has even touched the ground at this moment.
Sword Qi continued to move forward, leaving a deep gully above the ground.
The whole process lasted for nearly ten seconds, and Jian Qi directly left a huge gully tens of meters deep and nearly ten meters wide on the ground.
The length of the gully stretches almost hundreds of feet away, making it almost impossible to see the end.

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