Vol 2 Chapter 224: Angry Tyrant

Li Yue's common move, but the power carried in it is very arrogant. Even under the first confrontation between the two, Li Yueguang attacked with pure power and seriously damaged the ground under the two's feet!
However, although Li Yue's strength is strong at this time, it is still unrealistic to want to defeat the hegemony by one move! After all, the power to destroy the bully is also not weak!
At this point, the bully's legs have been deeply buried in the ground under his feet! But he has recovered now!
He was just caught off guard by Li Yue at such a fast speed, and could only passively defend passively! Greet Li Yue's fierce attack! However, the tyrant's body is very powerful in resisting attack. Although the ground underneath is shocked by Li Yueqiang's force, the tyrant's body has not suffered any damage!
He held a double-sided broad knife in his right and lifted it horizontally. Because Li Yue's power was so great, he couldn't hold the big knife in his hand with one hand, and he couldn't resist Li Yue's move!
Feeling the majestic power from the opponent's weapon, the Bully hurriedly stretched out his empty left hand, resisting the back of the knife that was slowly declining because it couldn't bear the opponent's power! For a time, the two actually stalemate, but the strength of the two sides can not immediately win or lose!
At this time, Li Yue floated in the air, holding the knife handle in his hands one after the other, where the blade was in contact with the weapon of the tyrant, and even sparked a spark due to the powerful forces of both parties fighting against each other!
"Oh, see how long you can last!"
Li Yue didn't use his full strength at this time, but he also used 80% of his strength, but even so, he can also stabilize the hegemony in power! Even if the Bully has resisted with two hands at this time, his big knife is still pressed down by Li Yue's three-pointed two-edged knife slowly!
Seeing that the blade of Li Yue's weapon is about to touch the position of the neck of the bully! In that position, there is no protection from the golden armor!
Seeing that Li Yue's weapons can fight against the broad knife in his own hands without any signs of curling up, hegemony knows that even if he can resist most of the weapons of the body, I am afraid that he cannot resist the other's weapons. !
Seeing that he was about to be defeated by the opponent, he might even be injured. The tyrant's heart was extremely angry. After a loud roar, he suddenly burst out his strongest power!
Push Li Yue back a distance!
Seeing that hegemony seems to be desperately striving, Li Yue will no longer be in power with him! Instead, by the strength of the other party, backing away for a while, it landed smoothly on the ground!
"How is it? Is it enough for me to compete against you?"
Li Yue, who fell to the ground, did not continue to attack, but said to the opposite bully with a relaxed expression!
After retreating from Li Yue, the bully pulled his legs out of the ground and looked at Li Yue in front of him again, but now, the expression on his face is no longer that unusually calm look!
Instead, Li Yue's eyes were full of dignity!
"I admit I just underestimated you, but the battle has just begun!"
After he said a word to Li Yue, he did not continue to talk nonsense. Instead, he rushed straight to Li Yue, but this time he wanted to take the initiative to attack!
On the way forward, the right hand of the bully waved hard and threw the big knife out of his hand!
The sword was spinning fast and flying towards Li Yue, the speed of rotation was even comparable to the propeller of a helicopter. Where we passed, weeds and dust on the ground were swept up!
Form a momentum like a tornado, and form a deep gully wherever it passes! Straight forward to Li Yue with the momentum of going straight!
The figure of tyrant also followed, rushing to Li Yue together!
When the flying sword is not far from Li Yue, of course, Li Yue will not sit still. Although he can easily escape the attacked sword with super powers, he did not do so!
He pointed directly at the flying sword, and lifted the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand.
Dadao deviated from the original trajectory and screamed past Li Yue from the side! But the figure of tyrants followed, he clenched his right fist, a huge fist went straight to Li Yue’s head, and brought up a lingering punch!
As if to punch Li Yue with a punch!
Li Yue's eyes narrowed, without any thought of avoidance, but also clenched his empty left hand, and greeted the huge fist of the tyrant!
A muffled sound burst, and a large and a small fist met, creating a huge momentum! It seems that the piece of space must be shattered by the extremely powerful forces exploded by the two!
An invisible impact wave, with the speed visible to the naked eye, is convoluted with rubble and swept quickly around!
The same figure that retreated with the shock wave, but it is the extremely huge tyrant!
His duel with Li Yue ended in a blast! The ground was plowed by his legs with a deep gully!
In contrast, Li Yue, but always stood in the same place, body motionless!
The thin figure of Li Yue is in sharp contrast with the huge figure of the bully opposite him! As if the ants shake the elephant! It makes people very shocked!
There was also a trace of disbelief in the eyes of the tyrant who was slammed back dozens of meters! Even though he knew that Li Yue was powerful, he never thought that even if he attacked with all his strength, he would be forced to retreat by the opponent!
But the shock was shocked, but the tyrant's offensive did not stop at all, and continued to rush towards Li Yue!
The sound like the rotation of the propeller came from behind Li Yue, but it was the sword of the bully. It really flew back like a boomerang!
It's just that the flight path of the sword has already deviated too much, flying over a few meters from Li Yue's side, drawing a beautiful arc, and did not pose any threat to Li Yue!
But Tyrant directly extended his hand and grabbed the big sword that was flying towards him!
"Lying trough, you can bear it? It's too against common sense of physics!"
Li Yue looked at the fast-rotating big knife, just like Ruyan throwing her arms, she was caught in the hands of the tyrant with great precision, and she couldn't help vomiting for a while!
But did not know what Li Yue thought at this time, after his sword returned to his hands~EbookFREE.me~His huge body suddenly jumped and rushed forward to Li Yue!
Use the same force as Li Yue just to split Huashan's moves, raise the sword in his hand, and slash Li Yue's body fiercely!
"Oh, you come here too!"
Li Yue saw a funny laugh in his heart, but he also learned to exterminate the bully. He raised his three-pointed two-edged sword in his hands in preparation for resisting the attack of the bully!
A loud bang was heard, and the sword of tyrant slammed Li Yue!
However, under such an angry and full-strength attack, the Bully has no remarkable results except for destroying the surrounding environment and the ground into a mess like Li Yue just now!
After watching Li Yue seem to be able to resist his own attack as easily as possible, the tyrant's eyes contained incomparable anger. Then he raised his sword and used his full strength to cut it again!
Clang, clang, clang...
The ultimate angry tyrant, chopped hundreds of swords at Li Yue! Dao Dao contains the power of his whole body! The loud noise of intersecting metal sounded one after another! Seems to form a sound wave sweeping around!
Although Li Yue does not understand any moves that use weapons, it seems that hegemony also does not understand any moves!
Although he killed countless enemies on the battlefield, his moves have always been straight, without any fancy! Defeat the enemy with the powerful power contained in it!
Anyway, he slashed all over Li Yue's body for a while, and sometimes didn't even change the hacking track!
In short, just like Li Yue, cut a few blindly!
"Lying trough, endless yet! You are my Captain America!" Li Yue felt this familiar scene after all, and he was speechless for a while! You really cut me down like a Captain America! I don't have a Zhenjin shield in your hand, your sword can't be cut!
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